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1、,Unit 1 Women of achievements Reading II,Why not carry on her work?,A doctor who became a specialist in womens illnesses. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors.,Lin Qiaozhi (1901-1983) China,林巧稚,Hard work,Kindn

2、ess,Determination,Can you guess what made her famous?,Consideration,Good nature,Fast reading,1. Who is Lin Qiaozhi?,3. Did she married during her life?,2. What made her famous?,She is a specialist in womens diseases.,It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients.,No,she ha

3、d chosen not to have a family of her own.,Three achievements of Lin Qiaozhi,She became a specialist in womens diseases.,She got a medical training for her career.,She made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.,Detailed reading,1. For whom and for what purpose did Lin

4、Qiaozhi write a small book about how to look after babies? She wrote a small book for mothers in the countryside who were not able to get to a hospital easily. It was to help them look after their babies properly.,Post reading,2. Which period did Lin Qiaozhi live in? She lived in the early 20th cent

5、ury. 3. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? It was not easy for women to get medical education at that time, particularly medical care that was concerned with women and children. Education was for men first and women second.,4. Why do you think the writer chose to study at

6、 medical college? She chose to study at medical college because she wanted to help other women. / She chose to study at medical college because she wanted to carry on Lin Qiaozhis work.,5. What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have? I think a good doctor should be kind,

7、determined, devoted, careful, considerate and patient.,Main idea of the passage:,This reading is about _and _ of a famous Chinese doctor- _. She was important for women in China because she was the first woman doctor to specialize in _ and the problems of _.,the life,career,Lin Qiaozhi,womens illnes

8、ses,having babies,作研究,引起某人的注意,为准备,预订,和,也,又,接生,找出,献出某人的一生,进行,继续进行,太而不能,do research,catch ones eye,be intended for,as well as,deliver a baby,find out,devote ones whole life to,carry on,tooto,1. was to change,属于“be+不定式”的结构,此处表示“不可避免的,命中注定的事”,We were sure then that he was to become a very important pers

9、on.,还可以表示计划,打算,We are to go downtown this afternoon.,还可以表示命令,意为“必须,不得不”,You are to do your homework before you watch TV.,Language points,In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they_. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive,在条件状语从句中,要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,are

10、to survive 刚好是一般现在时,表示假设.在如此干燥的天气里,如果要让花存活,就必须给他们浇水.,2. It was a small book explaining how to . explain后接名词、代词、从句、wh-+to do作宾语。 He explained to us how to use the computer.,explain不能跟双宾语结构, 不能说explain sb. sth. 而只能说 explain sth. to sb.或 explain to sb. sth.,care for (1) 喜欢 I dont care for tea. 我不喜欢喝茶。

11、(2) 照顾;照料;抚养 Uncle Dick is very good at caring for sick animals. 狄克大叔照管生病的动物,很在行。,3. I looked carefully at the text and realised that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside. be intended for 解释“为而准备, 预定” e.g The chair was intended for you but she took it away.,4. It struck me like lig

12、htning how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when womens education was always placed second to mens. 第一个it 在此处作为形式主语, 真正的主语为how引导的从句。第二个it作形式主语代替动词不定式to get a medical training。,5. Further reading made me realise that it was hard work and determination as w

13、ell as her good nature that had got her into medical school. further和farther都有远的意思,farther 指距离; 但further多指抽象的,表示时间,程度和数量等概念 如:further study学习上的进一步深 We walked on without further conversation. 我们继续走而没有进一步交谈。,This time I will go _ because I want to have some _ education. A. farther , farther B. further

14、 , farther C. further , further D. farther , further,6. deliver vt. (1)递送;递交;呈递;交付 一些新书已被送到学校。 Some new books have been delivered to the school. 把罪犯交给警察 deliver the criminal to the police (2)分娩: 今天早晨她生了个小男孩 She delivered a baby boy this morning. She was delivered of a baby boy this morning. (3)接生(婴儿

15、); Which doctor delivered the baby? 哪位医生接生了这个婴儿?,4)使分娩:给(产妇)接生: The doctor delivered her of twins. 这个医生为她接生了一对双胞胎 (5)发言;陈述 deliver a lecture 发表演讲,7. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work? Why not do sth 用来提出意见,解释为“为什么不” e.g Why not ask her?,carry on (with) sth. carry on doing sth. “进行, 继续进行” Carry on with your work while Im away. Carry on working while Im away.,


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