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1、九年级(上) Module912 教材分析,九十八中 谢芳 2007年11月,Module 9 Cartoon stories 本模块重点,重点单词:16个 重点词组:27个 重点句型:引导词可省略的定语从句。 eg: The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. 重点语法:定语从句(3)引导词的省略 重点任务:Making a cartoon story,Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.,重点任务: Activity 3, 4 and 5 重点单词: flash, word 单词拓

2、展与辨析: 1.ending (n.) end (v.) opening (n.)开场白;开始 2.laughing(adj.) laugh (v.)嘲笑laughable (adj.)荒唐可笑的laughingly (adv.)笑着 3.deep 与 deeply deep常作adj. eg: in deep trouble deep又可作adv. deep与 deeply 均含有“由上到下或从外到里距离大”的意思。 deep只含此义,而且比deeply 更通用,其后通常接into或below. eg: We decided to go deeper into the jungle. 而de

3、eply常含“非常”之意。eg: Hearing the bad news, we were all deeply shocked.,重点词组: 1.over there 2. have a word with sb. word的基本含义: (指用声音或用书面形式表达的)词。 (指人说出的)话;语言。 拓: have words with sb. 同某人吵架 have a word in sb.s ear 和某人说悄悄话 have a good word to say for sb./ sth. 说的好话 break ones word 失信,食言 eat ones words 收回前言,承认

4、说错话 3.be in deep trouble 拓:make trouble引起麻烦 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 take trouble over sth. 在某事上费心思 4.take a photo / photos,5.make you laugh make sb. do sth.,拓: make构成的词组:,make a telephone, make faces, make a living, make a mistake/mistakes, make a contribution to, make noise, make a plan, make a mess,

5、make a speech, make a journey, make room for, make sure, make up ones mind, make fun of, be made of / from, be made up of,一些动词要掌握,have、let和make, 此三动词是使役,注意(watch)、观察(observe) 、 发现(find)、听到(hear)、see, 使用它们要仔细, 后接“宾补”省去“to”,此点千万要牢记,重难点句子: P72.,1.The cartoon I like have lots of jokes. 2. But its no lau

6、ghing matter. This is serious. 这可不是什么好笑的事情。这很严肃。 注意no laughing matter表示的否定强度比not a laughing matter强得多,表示不仅不是好笑的 事情,并且是十分严肃的问题。,交际用语: 见 Activity 9,基本技能:听句子时,要注意从句前后的停顿。,Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin,重点任务: Activity 3, 4 and 5 重点单词: heaven, mess

7、, private, heart, handbag, everywhere, favourite, lead, rule, peach, common, boss, surface, experience 单词拓展与辨析 1.heaven(n.) heavenly (adj.) Heavens!(Good Heavens!) (口语)“天哪!”表惊讶或气恼。 heavenly 天国的;天堂的,只能作定语。eg: the kingdom of heaven the heavenly kingdom 天国 2. lovable (adj.) cute (adj.) love (v.) lovely

8、 (adj.) 3. private (adj.) privatize (v.)使私有化public (adj.) 4. cartoon (n.) cartoonist (n.) 5.creator(n.) create (v.) creative ( adj.) creation (n.),重点词组: 1.win the heart of 2.tell the story of 3.a group of 4. against the rule 5. in heaven 6.make a mess 7. play a joke on sb.开某人玩笑 拓:1). v. joke with sb

9、. 与某人开玩笑 2). n.笑话;过于容易的事 eg: She said this in a joke. The test was a joke to the whole class. 8. return to 9.translate into 10.hold a birthday party 11.the whole series 12.experienced life有生活经验的 13. leave sb. on ones own leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下 拓:leave sth. for sb.把某物留给某人,重点词组: 14. be likely to

10、 do sth. It is likely that 从句。“很可能” eg: Im hardly likely to finish it within a week. It is very likely that he will not agree. 15. ever since 从开始,自以后,后接时间状语从句。eg: She had been working ever since she received the letter from her mother. 拓: ever since 也表示“从此以后”,副词短语,在句 中作状语。 eg:I was bitten by a dog o

11、nce and Ive been afraid of them ever since. 归纳: since作为连词时,也表示“自以来;从以后”,相当于ever since 。 eg: It is twenty years since Ive seen her.,重难点句子: P74,Nemo, a cute orange-and-white fish, and Shrek,a huge green monster have won the hearts of young people in China and all over the world.,讲解:该句中有两个and, 第一个and连接

12、两个同位 主语,第二个and连接两个介词短语。,前置形容词的排列顺序: 限定词(包括冠词、物主、指示、不定代词等) 数词描绘形容词表特征的形容词(包括大小、 形状、新旧、年龄等)表颜色的形容词表类属 的形容词(包括专有形容词和表材料质地的形容词) 名词性定语(包括动名词)名词。,eg: the first beautiful little white Chinese stone bridge. 那第一座美丽的中国小白石桥 a pretty purple silk dress一件漂亮的紫绸女衣,基本技能:阅读技巧巧用定语从句,Unit 3 Language in use,重点任务: Activi

13、ty 1,2,3 and 4 重点单词:single 重点词组: 1.set up 拓:set off 动身;使爆炸;使开始 eg: They will set off for Paris next week. set out开始,着手 eg: Once I realized what was wrong , I set about correcting it. 2. fall in love with 1). 跌倒,倒下 eg: Danny fell in the snow. 2). 掉下,落下 eg: The glass fell on the ground. 3). 气温、价格的“下降”

14、 eg: The temperature has suddenly fallen. 4). 变得,后常接形容词asleep, ill等作表语。,重点词组: 3.all the time 4. be able to 5. make sue 拓:1). adj. 常用于be sure of, be sure to do, be sure that 结构中。 2).adv. 主要用于口语,相当于 “Of course.” “Certainly.”。 6. be made into 7. learn from 8. make a sketch 9. in detail 10. put together

15、 11. try to do 12. “one of 复数名词”结构后面定语从句中的谓语动词用复数形式,而当one前有the,only, mere(ly) (仅仅),very, any等修饰时,后面的定语从句用单数动词。 eg: Tom is one of the boys who are on time. Tom is the only one of the boys who is on time.,Module 10 Fitness 本模块重点,重点单词:21个 重点词组:12个 重点句型:whose引导的定语从句 eg: Hes the person whose camera I nea

16、rly lost. 重点语法:whose引导的定语从句 重点任务:Writing a composition about healthy habits.,Unit 1 Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.,重点任务: Activity 3, 4 and 5 重点单词: fitness, ache, exercise, weight, unlikely, bump, interest, 单词拓展与辨析: 1. fitness (n.) fit (adj.) 2. unlikely (adj.) likely (a

17、dj.) impossible (adj.) 3. interest (v.& n.) interested (adj.) interesting (adj.) 4. train 1) train v. 训练,培养。常用在train sb. in / as/ for sth.的结构中。n. 火车 2) training n.训练,培养 3) trainee n. 受训练人,重点词组: 1.weight lifting 2. give up 3. bump into 4. a bit 与a little 二者都表示“ 稍微; 有点儿”, 作程度副词修饰 形容词、副词、动词或比较级。也都可以作名词

18、词 组,充当主语或宾语。而a bit多用于英国英语,修饰 不可数名词时要用a bit of修饰。a little 或a little bit 多 用于美国英语,可直接修饰名词。 eg: Can you turn up the radio a bit / little? I know only a bit / little about her. Im a bit / little tired. She has a bit of / a little money. 5.keep ( stay )fit / healthy 6. do weight training 7. take exercise

19、 8. go running,9. talk to sb. about sth. 10. not any more 11.be allowed to do sth. 12. pocket money 拓:pocket book 记事本 pocket-sized 袖珍的,便携的 13. head teacher 14. look like 15. train for the Olympics 16. want sb. to do sth. pared with,重难点句子: P80,Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympi

20、cs,2.Its my father who gives me my pocket money,该句为强调句“Its 强调部分that / who ” eg: It was three weeks later that he heard the news.,交际用语: 在谈论健康时,中外习惯不一样。 中国人询问的比较直接,而英国人则比较含蓄, 除非他们知道你真不舒服,一般都是出于礼貌性随便问一问。 基本技能:常听,精听,泛听。提高学生的 听能。 沉浸法受益匪浅,Unit 2 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners.,重点任

21、务: Activity 2, 3 and 4 重点单词: sugar, tasty, menu, behave, persuade, ban, educate, typical, disadvantage, diet 单词拓展与辨析: 1.behave(v.) behaviour (n.) 2.persuade (v.) persuasion (n.) persuasive (adj.) 有说服力的,令人信服的 3. educate (v.) education (n.) educational (adj.) 有教育意义的educationalist (n.)教育家educated (adj.

22、)受过教育的 4. typical (adj.) type (n.) typically ( adv.) 5. disadvantage (n.) advantage (n.) disadvantaged ( adj.) 社会地位低下的;贫困的disadvantageous (adj.) 不利的;不便的,重点词组: 1.healthy food 2. junk food 3. be bad for 4.find out 5.decide to do sth. 6.refuse to do sth. 7. in the end 8. persuade sb. to do sth. 9. spen

23、d on sth./ spend ( in ) doing sth. 10. agree with 11. have a healthy meal 12. read through 认真通读,仔细核对 13. a couple of 14. make sense of 理解,重难点句子: P82 Junk food isnt just bad for the body. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. 基本技能:阅读要天天读。 文章类型要广泛,包括故事、科普

24、、应用文等, 向中考题 形式靠拢。,Unit 3 Language in use,重点任务: Activity 1,2 and 5 重点单词:advertise (v.) advertisement (n.) ad (n.) 广告advertiser (n.)广告商;广告人;广告公司;登广告者 拓:advertise for sb./sth.(在报章、公共场所启事等上)公布;征聘 eg: They are advertising for a new English teacher. 重点词组: 1. break down 出故障 2.gain weight put on weight 体重增加

25、 拓:lose weight 体重减轻;减肥 eg: She is trying to lose weight. 3.encourage sb. to do sth. 4.opening hours 5. had better do sth.,重点词组: 6. think about 7. the summer holidays 8. instead of 9.the sports center 10. look forward to 11. enjoy doing sth. 12. at first 13. either or 拓:neither nor , both and 14.be g

26、ood for 15. such as 16. in common共同的,共有的 17.give ones name to sth.以某人的名字命名某物 重难点句子: P86 A spa is a place with a spring of hot water, and the water usually has special qualities to treat certain illnesses. 讲解:certain作adj,在句中一般作表语,用于be certain to do, be certain that 从句,be certain of sth./doing sth. 等结

27、构中。 eg:Its certain that they will agree. If you want to be certain of passing the exam, work hard now. She looks certain to win an Oscar. 基本技能: 写作时,把握要点,认真答题。,定语从句小结:,引导定语从句的关系代词有“that, who, whom, which, whose”。 1.用法如下表,2.先行词与关系代词的关系:,1.A plane is a machine that / which can fly. a machine that / whi

28、ch,2. The boy who broke the window is called Tom. the boy who,3. The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his grandfather. the boys whose,关系代词“that, who, which”就是先行词的复指。 关系代词“whose”就是先行词的所有格。,限定that可通用,直作宾语可省略,介后who, that 不能跟,最、序、only、不定代very、两项并列人 与物,常用that多叮咛。,巧记定语从句关系代词的常见用法:,掌握关系词的用法是学习定

29、语从句的关键,为方便记忆,现归纳一口诀 :,“两项并列人与物”,指先行词为两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的词时,关系代词一定用that。 eg:They talked about the countries and people that they had visited,不定代词:something, anything, everything, nothing, all, few, little, one, none等。,Module 11 Population 本模块重点,重点单词:19个 重点词组:16个 重点句型:含有冠词与数字的句子 eg: Beijing is a big city.

30、 Chongqing is the biggest city in China. The population of China is about one billion, three hundred million. 重点语法:1. Articles 2. Large numbers 重点任务:Writing about the problems of your city.,Unit 1 Its the biggest city in China,重点任务: Activity 3, 4 and 5 重点单词: population, crowd, increase, smoke, incre

31、asing, minute, percent, appointment 单词拓展与辨析: 1.crowd (n.) crowded (adj.)拥挤的 1)n. 人群 eg: Police had to break up the crowd. 拓:表示“群众;民众;老百姓”。 eg: He prefers to be one of the crowd. 2)v. 挤满;塞满 eg: Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets. 拓:crowd into/onto sth.大批涌入(狭小的空间) eg: We all crowded into h

32、er office to sing “happy birthday”.,单词拓展与辨析: 2.increase (v.) increasing (adj.) increasingly (adv.) 越来越多地;不断增加地 3. percent (n.) percentage (n.) 百分率 percent 百分之,前面必须有数词,后面通常要跟“of名词”,构成“数词 percent of名词”结构,表示具体的百分数。本结构中的名词如果是单数,谓语动词就要用单数;如果是复数,谓语动词就要用复数。 eg: Seventy percent of the earth is covered by wa

33、ter. Twenty percent of the students are from the south. percentage 百分率,百分比。前面常有large, small, great, high, what 等修饰词,后面常跟“of名词”,percentage前有定冠词时,句中谓语动词用单数;percentage前有不定冠词或what时,句中谓语动词的单复数要根据of后的名词而定。 eg: The percentage of failures is very small. A small percentage of his income is spent in buying bo

34、oks. A great percentage of the TV sets in the shop are made in China. 4.hold 拿着,拥有;举行;容纳,重点词组: 1.along with 2.thanks to 3. too many , too much 拓:so many , so much 4.look up 5.head teacher e up 发生;出现 7.present the prizes 8. be worried about 9. take up 占用空间、时间;学着做,开始做;将衣服改短 eg: He takes up his duties

35、next week. This skirt needs taking up. 10. a crowd of 重难点句子: P88 Well, were in the right place to talk about it. 讲解: in the right place 在这么一个地方,其中right 表示“恰当的,正确的”。to talk about it是动词不定式作place的后置定语。 eg: I have a question to ask our English teacher.,交际用语: 询问人口数与应答: What s the population of Beijing? A

36、bout 15,000,000. 询问人口数的多少,一般用句型“what 系动词 the population of 短语?”其中系动词要用单数形式,时态经常用一般现在时和一般过去时,即is或was。如果用一般将来时,句型应是“what will the population of 短语be ?”答语中数字再大也要用单数谓语。 eg: Whats the population of the world?” Its about 6,500,000,000. 当然,上面句型也可以用同义句替换,也就是“How many people are there 地点?” eg: How many peopl

37、e are there in the world? There are about 6,500,000,000 people.,Unit 2 It was a quiet country village.,重点任务: Activity 2, 3 and 4 重点单词: crime, flat, law, rubbish, suburb, tax, vision, add, fault, police, cure 单词拓展与辨析: 1.law(n.) lawful (adj.)合法的lawyer (n.)律师lawless (adj.)无法律的;不遵守法律的 2. fault (n.) faul

38、tless (adj.)完美的;没有错误的faulty (adj.)不完美的;有错误的 重点词组: 1.move to 2. over the last 50 years 3.live in 4.in the center of 5.at that time 6. on the edge of 7. in the distance 在远处,重点词组: 8. be close to 离近 , 拓:near to 也表示“离近 ”,是介词短语,后接某物,一般不接地点、人物或节日。 eg: Go and sit nearer to the fire. 9.arrive in 10.close dow

39、n关闭,停业 11.add to 12. protect from保护 不受 13. the same as 14. in fact 15. be interested in 16. too to 17. make the laws 18. pay the taxes 重难点句子: P90 There need to be more shops and offices. 讲解:该句为there存在句结构。 there存在句通常用be作谓语动词,be可以有各种时态,也可以和情态动词一起使用,如:need, seem等。 eg: There need to be a law to prevent

40、animals from being killed.,Unit 3 Language in use,重点任务: Activity 1, 5,6 and 7 重点单词:cure 重点词组: 1.have a chance to do sth. 2.because of 3.need to do sth. 4. a number of 许多,若干 a great/large number of (large/great numbers of /a lot of)许多,后接名词复数。这些短语作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 eg: A large / great number of students

41、in our school are from the countryside. 拓:the number of “的数量”,后接名词复数。该短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 eg: The number of private cars is increasing these years.,重点词组: 5. go skiing 6. move from 7. live longer 8. fillwith 9. make loud noise 10. take off 11. in order to / that 12. members of 中许多成员 13.public transport

42、 14. at the same time 15. used to do sth. 拓:used to sth. /doing sth. 重难点句子: P94 Two of the biggest are the increasing population and pollution. 讲解: two of the biggest 是省略式,完整的句子应是two of the biggest problems。 Of结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要取决于of前的词。当of前是one或单数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式;当of前是two, there或复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。 eg:Th

43、e secret of success is hard work. 基本技能:写作技巧背记典型的范文、习语,冠词用法助记口诀,用定冠词 特指双熟悉 上文已提及 世上独无二 序数最高级 某些专有名 习语和乐器,用不定冠词 不定冠词a, an 究竟用谁要分清 基本意思是“一个” 类别单数记分明,不用冠词 下列情况免冠词: 代词限定名词前 专有名词不可数 学科球类三餐饭 两季星期月份前 颜色语种和国名 称呼习语和头衔,记忆定冠词的一些用法: 特指、重提和唯一,岛屿,海峡和海湾; 海洋,党派最高级,沙漠,河流与群山; 方位、顺序和乐器,年代,团体与机关; 船名,建筑和组织,会议,条约与报刊; 姓氏复数

44、,国全名,请你记住用定冠。,较长数字的读法:,四位数和四位数以上数字的读法如下: 阿拉伯数字每三位数为一段,用逗号分开,从后往前数,所用的单词为:thousand, million, billion.,eg: 2,456,876,300 b m t,two billion four hundred and fifty-six million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred, /,Module 12 Summer in LA 本模块重点,重点单词:19个 重点词组:13个 重点句型:主谓一致 1.My new trouse

45、rs are a bit tight. 2.Many families create friendships with the students. 3.The New Standard team gets the special prize. 重点语法:Agreement of subject and predicate. 重点任务:Describing a language course.,Unit 1 Your host family is meeting you at the airport.,重点任务: Activity 3, 4 and 6 重点单词: accommodation,

46、shorts, sunglasses, trousers, guest, course, host 单词拓展与辨析: 1. host (n.) hostess (n.) hostage (n.)人质 1)主人 eg:Our host introduced us to the other guests. 2) 东道主;主办国(或城市、机构) eg: Beijing is the host of the 2008 Olympics. 重点词组: 1.a bit / a little 2. the whole class 3. give a warm welcome to sb. 拓:welcome

47、 sb.欢迎某人 welcome to欢迎到来 4. do an English course 参加英语培训,重点词组: 5. be pleased to do sth. 6. pocket money 7.latest CD 8. look ones best 看起来最美 9.have good memories of对有美好的回忆 10. between and 重难点句子: P96 Please give a warm welcome to Becky Wang! 在该句中,welcome 是名词,它也可以作动词。 eg: They were at the door to welcome

48、 us.,交际用语: 怎样“开场白”:P96 开场白一般用于一些公共聚会、会议、口头通知、致辞等。开始一般有称呼,如:Boys and girls(孩子们/同学们)或Ladies and gentlemen或Comrades(同志们)等;行文时一般都单行顶格写,称呼词后用“,”或“:”;称呼语后要有开头语,像P96 页的“welcome to our school prize-giving”, 起“中心句”作用。 又如:May I have your attention, please?请注意听我讲好吗?或Attention, please, everyone! 总之,开场白使用的句子既要简短易懂,又要符合口语习惯。,Unit 2 Learn English in Los Angeles.,重点任务: Activity 2, 3,4 and 5 重点单词: passage, well-trained, experienced, progress, arrange, var


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