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1、,解读06英语高考阅卷,反思中学英语作文教学,06高考英语第II卷成绩分析,单词拼写-,Terrible,66. Letting the water run while you brush your teeth w water. 67. Alexander Graham Bell i_ the telephone. 68. She has written many articles for a popular womens m_. 69. Eric came running into the room, out of b_. 70. The curtains are made from a v

2、ery expensive m_.,astes,nvented,agzine,reath,aterial,71. The only piece of f_ he has in his room is a bed. 72. Bread is e_ in this shop; it costs twice as much across the street. 73. Everyone thought he was j_, but in fact he was completely serious. 74. Boys and girls are e_, and thus they should be

3、 treated fairly. 75. The w_ in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.,urniture,xpensive,oking,qual,eather,单词拼写的问题,1. 单词无记忆 2. 单词的音、形意识不清(记忆不 到位) 3. 句子结构概念不清(词性含糊) 4. 语境识别能力薄弱,短文改错-,-Better,短文改错的问题,1. 句子结构概念不清。 2. 语篇识别能力不强。 3. 原文与右栏答案不一致。 4. 粗心,上下行错位。 5. 出现抄袭现象。 6.字迹潦草,字母间粘连,无法

4、辨认。 7. 答题不规范。,对课堂教学的建议,一、加强词汇教学,1. 音不离形,形不离音。 2. 词不离句,句中学词。 3. 意不离境,境中解疑。 4. 做中记忆,做中积累。,二、重视语法教学,1. 重视基础,不搞偏题。 2. 重视模仿,追求地道。 3. 重视语感,加强实践。 4. 重视综合,提高能力。,书面表达 Varying 平均得分13.96,总体情况与阅卷要求,06全省考生人数:35,2624,作文阅卷人数:274,阅卷地点:浙江工业大学,阅卷 时间:6.116.18,阅卷形式:网上阅卷,作文阅卷中的常用语:,扣一分有理,给一分有据。,一把尺子量到底。,阅卷中质与量的要求:,质:1.

5、主客相关性。 2. 有效度(1评与2评的匹配率),量:400份/天,回评卷:100份随机投放一份,检查你的标准尺子是否一把量到底。,阅卷老师:tired, responsible, machinelike,6000多份试卷为仲裁卷-小组长批阅。 100余份试卷为问题卷-大组长批阅。,何为问题卷? 图像不清-太潦草,无法辨认。 答错题目-位置错位,此现象少见。 其他错误-如署上自己真实姓名的等。,当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文: 1. 看电影:省时、有趣

6、、易懂 2. 读原著:细节更多、语言优美 3. 我的看法及理由 注意:1.词数100120,文章题目和开头已给出。 2.参考词汇:original work/book in the original (原著),抄阅读文章中的句子; 不知所云.得分为0分,语言素质欠缺;基本功差;语句毛病多;大小写;标点符号;书写不清等等;得6分.,卷面不整洁; 涂改较多;语言错误多;层次不清;得11分,语言不地道;中文式思维;词汇错误;卷面有涂改;得20分.,语言表达流畅;层次分明;连接不够;得27分.,有少许语言错误; 有背的嫌疑;得27分,黄会健-评卷学科组组长,关联词的使用要与内容衔接。 在写作中不要唐突

7、地出现试卷前文中的短语与句子。 连贯词的应用要注意说话人说话的方向、态度,不能或左或右。 语言表达比内容更为重要。,阅卷教师 喜欢什么样的作文?,字体工整,卷面干净; 紧扣主题,条理清晰; 语言地道,过渡自然; 长度适中.一气呵成,阅卷教师 讨厌什么样的作文?,涂涂抹抹,斑斑点点; 层次不清,段落不分; 语句不通,杂乱无章; 书写潦草,卷面不洁;,教学反思:,教师要充分意识到作文教学的重要性,作文训练应该注意循序渐进,一:熟悉简单句的六大基本句型,二:弄清句子成份,强化句子成份分析,三:辨析句子的种类,明确句子的结构层次,基 本 句 型,1主语 + 系动词 + 表语: A foreign la

8、nguage is a weapon in the struggle of life. The plan sounds perfect. This material feels soft. This is where I work. 2主语 + 谓语: The telephone rang. His brother might have gone. We all breathe, drink and eat. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词是不及物动词,状语并非结构上不可缺少的成分。但在某种情况下,不加状语便不能表达完整的意思,这就引出了下列句型: 主语 + 谓语 + 状语: The meeting

9、 lasted for two hours. We walked for five miles. This box weighs five kilos. He lives in Guangzhou. They will be flying to London.,3主语 + 谓语 + 宾语: She is reading a novel. You may have seen each other. He is doing morning exercises. This factory makes machine tools. Mary has ordered a new dress. I hav

10、e had my lunch. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词是及物动词,后面只跟一个宾语,因此称单宾及物动词,一般不需状语即可表达完整的意思。但在某些情况下,状语必不可少,这就引出了下列句型: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语: He put the vase on the table. Jim brought his suitcases upstairs. Ill take Mary to the station. They treated him kindly.,4主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语: She made herself a new dress. My father b

11、ought me a novel. Pass me the salt, please. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词一般只限于某些双宾语及物动词,它们可以分为两类: 第一类:give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, tell, hand, return, write, pay, throw, allow, wish, teach, promise, owe, refuse等。 第二类:make, buy, do, fetch, get, paint, play, save, reserve, spare, order, coo

12、k, sing, find等。 注:间接宾语有时可以改成一个由to或for引导的短语,这在意思上没有什么差别: Ill return you the book tomorrow. Ill return the book to you tomorrow. She made a new dress for Mary. She made Mary a new dress.,注:第一类可以改为由 to 引导的短语;第二类可以改为由 for引导的短语。 注:间接宾语用介词词组表示的场合: a. 对间接宾语加以强调时: Ive bought it for you, not for myself. Ill

13、hand this letter to the secretary and not to the director. b. 当直接宾语是一个人称代词时: Ill send it to you tomorrow. Youd better hand it directly to the headmaster. c. 当直接宾语比间接宾语短时: She showed the picture to the students sitting near her. d. 当间接宾语置于句首时: Who did you send it to? To him I told the story, not to h

14、is brother. e. 当间接宾语和直接宾语都是代词时: He gave it to me. Ill lend them to you.,5主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语: We have proved him wrong. What make you think so? She found the child fast asleep. I called him a fool. I have my hair cut. I saw the children playing by the river. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词一般只限于某些复合宾语及物动词。,二 句 子 成 分,一

15、、主语 主语可以用下面这些东西表示: 1. 名词;2. 代词; 3. 数词;4. 动名词;5. 不定式;6. 词组或复合结构;7. 从句;8. 名词化的其他词类,如: A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. Who is speaking, please? This is Jack speaking. Two will be enough. Living in that island country for three months was an unforgetable experience for me. Early

16、to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, happy and wise. Whether well go depends on the weather. “A” is an article.,二、表语 表语可以用下面这些东西表示: 1. 名词;2. 代词;3. 数词;4. 动名词;5. 不定式; 6. 词组; 7. 从句; 8. 形容词;9. 分词; 10. 副词;11. 介词短语;如: The masses are the real heroes. Thats something we have always to keep in mind.

17、 She was the first to learn about it. My idea is this. Time is pressing. Lets hurry up. / They were excited at the news. All I could do was send him a telegram. We must be off now. They are twice the size of chickens. My idea is that we should stick to our original plan.,三、宾语 宾语可以用下面这些东西表示: 1. 名词;2.

18、 代词;3. 数词;4. 动名词;5. 不定式;6. 复合结构; 7. 从句;8. 名词化的形容词及其他词类,如: She lived a happy life. They didnt promise him anything definite. How many do you want? We need two. Pay attention to uniting and working with comrades who differ with you. Learn to play the piano. Ill get it stamped. Did you write down what

19、she said?,四、定语 定语可以用下面这些东西表示: 1. 形容词;2. 代词;3. 数词;4. 名词或名词所有格;5. 分词; 6. 不定式;7. 介词短语;8. 副词;9. 词组或合成词;10. 从句,如: His words moved everyone present. We belong to the third world. We must live up to the Partys expectations. This is indeed a most pressing problem. There are two things to be discussed today.

20、 the interests of the people / a man of good temper / a child of five People here are friendly./ She is rather a fool.,五、状语 状语可以用下面这些东西表示: 1. 副词;2. 介词短语;3. 不定式;4. 分词;5. 形容词;6. 词组; 7. 复合结构;8. 从句,如: They were greatly touched to hear the old mans story. (副词) They did everything they could to save the b

21、oys life. (不定式) I said it in fun. (介词短语) They all rushed over, eager to help. (形容词) They returned tired and hungry. (形容词) We are working day and night . (词组) He came up shouldering a spade. (分词) We completed the work five days ahead of time. (词组) Seeing this, some students became very worried. (分词)

22、He entered the room, his nose red with cold. (复合结构),三 句 子 的 种 类,一、 陈述句: She arrived quite early. (事实) / She may have arrived now. (看法) 二、疑问句: 1一般疑问句: Has the factory gone into production? Shall I turn on the TV? 2特殊疑问句: Which colour do you prefer? How much is this table-cloth? 3选择疑问句: 一般疑问句 + or + 第

23、二个选择: Are you an Englishman or an American? 特殊疑问句 + 选择部分: Which do you prefer, red wine or white? 4反意(或附加)疑问句: You are not going out today, are you? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.,三、祈使句: Be sure to get here before nine. You do it right now. 四、感叹句: what + 感叹句: What a noble-hearted man he was! What good new

24、s it is! how + 感叹句: How well she dances! How fast they are working!,句 子 的 结 构 层 次,一、简单句 二、并列句: We love peace but we are not afraid of war. Hurry up, its getting late. 三、复合句: There is something in what he said. Thats exactly what I am planning to do.,作文训练要讲究方法,注重实效,一:以新课教学为载体,重视词汇和句型的积累(Senior 3 ),二:

25、运用多种方法抓句子的表达训练 1 句型转换练习 2 连句练习 3 用词造句练习(meaningful) 4 句型模仿练习 5 情景造句 6 话题连篇训练等等 7 作文实战演练(不同文体),作文教学要讲练结合,活跃思维,提升表达能力,1 作文的选题要贴近学生生活,体裁多样,2 让学生明白高考作文的评分标准,重视作文的批改与讲评 (全批,面批,互批,齐批),3 作文能力的提升要有一定量的积累,谨防放羊式训练,作文教学要重视应试技能训练,提高卷面得分,注意审清题目要求 注意用合理的体裁、题材 注意正确使用人称、时态和语态 4 注意掌握中心要点,以防遗漏 5 注意正确合理地使用词语与句型,防止表达的单

26、一性 注意语言表达地道,防止汉式英语 注意大小写、标点符号和单词拼写,防止发生低级错误 注意文章的检查与修改,注意连贯,学会分段 9 注意文章的卷面整洁与整体布局,争取印象分,考生应正确使用过渡性词汇,从而提高文章的连贯性、逻辑性和可读性。 表时间顺序的过渡性词汇有first, second, then, finally/at last, immediately, suddenly, soon; 表空间顺序的过渡性词汇有here, there, on one side, on the other side, in front of, at the back of, next to; 表对称关系

27、的过渡性词汇有for one thing, for the other thing, on the one hand, on the other hand; 表并列关系的过渡性词汇有or, and, also, too, as well (as); 表转折关系的过渡性词汇有but, however, while, though, otherwise,表因果关系的过渡性词汇有 because, since, as, thanks to, as a result ( of ); 表条件关系的过渡性词汇有 as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless 表让步关系的过渡性词汇有 though, as, even if / though, whether, who(what、when、 where) ever; 表递进关系的过渡性词汇有 whats more, besides, whats worse, to make the matter worse; 表过渡的插入语有 I think, Im afraid, you know, As we all know。,


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