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1、了解中考 合理安排寒假时间,拟定切实可行的学习计划 重难点题型复习建议 九年级重点词组与句型,一,中考考什么? 初中毕业学业考试性质/功能定位,“初中毕业学业考试是义务教育阶段的终结性考试,目的是全面、准确地反映初中毕业学生在学科学习目标方面所达到的水平。考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中阶段学校招生的重要依据之一。” 终结性考试 两考合一,中考重点考查学生在具体情境中运用所学英语知识与技能的能力,特别是用英语做事情、完成任务的能力。,考试范围,课程标准五级要求;同时参考“三级”和“四级”的内容和要求; 人教版Go For It七、八、九年级教材和冀教版九年义务教育“学英

2、语”做参考,但试题不受教材版本和具体内容限制。既不以一种教材为主,也不能采取多种教材兼顾的做法。,难 度: 1、难度:0、65左右; 2、容易题、较易题、较难题、难题的比例: 4:3:2:1,二,合理安排寒假时间 1. 寒假中,要认真、客观地对期末考试进行分析。看看哪些题失了分,弄清失分原因。比如,是基本知识没掌握好,还是学习态度不端正,或者是学习方法、学习习惯不好。要进行全方位的剖析。同学们在分析“过去”、总结经验教训后,为自己制定一套寒假学习计划,并坚持实施。,2. 制定好切实可行的复习计划,构建知识框架,化零为整。了解学过了哪些知识,它们之间有什么联系;哪些是必须掌握的,属于中考必考范围

3、;哪些知识属于拓展、了解部分,不会作为考点。这样也会使我们把握好复习的深度和广度,有目的,有针对性地复习,避免无休止扩展,进入误区,绕弯路。,3.作为我们初三学生来讲,寒假期间应该以模块学习为主,通过孩子学校的期末考试的成绩,确定孩子的不足之处,补齐学生薄弱知识点。一定要合理利用寒假的时间,掌握好中考英语的基础知识。 听英语广播、看阅读、记单词、朗诵课文,复习必须掌握的语法。每天坚持用半个小时背单词,把不能背诵的单词整理成小卡片,便于随时复习。,题型复习一 - 完形填空,突出语篇,注重语境,强调语用; 注意与单项选择命题的不同。考查重点不在词汇辨析; 重在“语篇和文义” 的考查,需要从语篇层次


5、识来解决实际问题的能力。,1、忽略语篇理解,匆忙答题. 2、对文章分析不透,忽视特定语境下知识的运用。如:词形变化、词语搭配和语法结构。 3、对完形填空怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,能力得不到提高。,完型丢分原因,答题技巧 1、词汇要熟,句意要明 不管什么形式的完形填空题,都是要我们把短文中的空词填写完整,所以,首要的一条是要对所学过的词汇非常熟悉。音,应读得准。形,应记得清,意义记得要全面。特别是那些“常用词”要记得相当纯熟。熟悉词汇是做好完形填空的第一步。,第二步则是对句型要明了。明了各种句子的类型、结构、常用句型的词语搭配习惯等。通过所空词在句子中的位置和所给首字母的联系,判定该填什么词。如,哪些

6、词常用于句首,哪些词常用于句尾或句中等。句型熟,是正确理解句子的保证。句子的大意基本清楚了,所空单词是什么也就大致清楚了。,2、语法要准,道理要通 词汇和句型对完形填空固然重要,但语法知识掌握的准确程度,也是必不可少的因素之一。因为实词在句中多有变化。如:名词有复数、所有格形式;动词有各种时态和语态形式;代词有主格和宾格形式,还有物主代词、反身代词的各种形式;数词有基数、序数形式;形容词、副词有比较级和最高级形式等。如果对语法不熟,即使知道填什么词,也会写,但由于语法的疏忽,词形该变的没有变,仍然不是正确答案。因此,词汇、句型、语法要综合考虑,相辅相成。,3、理顺关系,建立联系 有些单词单靠词

7、、句、语法知识还不能确定。这就要从上下文的联系中找答案。看所空的单词与前、后词的关系,所空单词的句子与上、下句的关系,以及同全文的联系等。多角度,全方位分析后,方能确定。填完后应整体阅读一、两遍,看看意思是否连贯,通顺,首字母是否对应,有无语法错误,大、小写是否有误等。还要注意用词准确,书写规范。,另外,答完形填空题时,还要注意一个“快且细”的原则。虽然时间紧,也要尽可能多读几遍,读得快,思考得快,快中有细。做到词词留心,句句留意,争取高分、满分。,题型复习二-阅读理解 中考英语阅读理解总体题型而言主要包括细节题、猜词题、推断题、主旨题四种题型。从篇目角度而言,AB篇比较简单,对于大部分同学而

8、言,最难的是CD篇。下面重点谈谈CD篇的备考技巧。对于细节题,同学们要注意在原文中找到相对应的关键句,并与四个选项进行逐一对照。,对于猜词题,要注意从离被猜词语最近的上下两句话入手,这样能提高解题效率。对于推断题,要注意找准文章当中的关键句,并注意在推测的时候要适可而止、只推一步,不可过度发挥。对于主旨题,要重点关注文章的首尾段,以及过渡句,并注意总结每一个层次的意思,最终得出整体的结论。,丢分原因: 1. 单词不认识 2. 文章看不懂 3. 文章看不完 4. 题目做不对,建议: 可以让孩子多阅读一些原汁原味的英语文章。(难度一定要适中) 多练往届中考真题。,复习题型三-书面表达 一、审题:让

9、孩子在审作文题目时候一定要圈出写作的要点有哪些。确立好文章的(时态,人称等), 二、列大纲:在写作之前要列好所要写的文章的大纲。,三、结构清晰。一篇文章的结构对于改卷者的评分是十分重要的。如果一篇文章结构鲜明,层次清晰,能给阅卷者留下一个好的印象;反之,如果一篇文章是东打一耙,西说一点,往往会给人一种凌乱的感觉。,四、检查,不要犯低级错误。这点说起来容易做起来难。在孩子们写做的过程中,由于种种的原因,总会出现一些很低级的错误,比如拼错单词或是用错时态,这些错误虽然看起来并不严重,但却会极大地阻碍孩子文章得到高分。这就要求孩子在平时单词的记忆中要十分准确,一定要下苦功,一些容易出错的单词如env

10、ironment, government等一定要狠狠地把它记住。,对于语法上的错误,可以在写完文章后用“短文改错”的心态去重新审视自己的文章,认真去检查每一个单词乃至每一个标点,尽量使文章无懈可击。另外,在检查文章的时候还可以让孩子应对照题目的要求,比如,题目没让写题目的就不要画蛇添足自己加个题目,题目让写一封信一定不能漏掉署名和日期。,我个人建议是: 1.可以将中考作文分段,根据题目的要求,确定每段的内容。比如,发表观点的文章,可分为总分总的三段,先提出观点,然后阐述理由,最后总括。这样的文章看起来便会让人觉得有条有理,能给人留下好的印象。 2. 按照话题进行分类,每周系统地掌握一个 话题的

11、写作词汇、句式及语篇构思方式。,关于词汇量,我建议孩子从现在开始每天都能花10分钟的时间在单词方面 集中练习法,就是在短时间内大量的做阅读,主要是历年的模拟真题,因为那里的词汇就是中考的考词范围,避免了我们精力的浪费,当孩子遇到不会的生词就把它画下来,先猜猜,实在猜不出,就翻阅一下字典,尽量不要电子辞典,因为在翻阅的过程中孩子会有一些印象的,几次孩子就会记住了!,可以从中考英语大纲1600词汇做起,因为英语大纲词汇有一些词汇很简单,这样可以建立孩子背单词的信心,但是一定要有合理的规划,如每天背诵多少个,将背诵好的单词记录在一个小本子上。将背诵过的单词进行不断地复习、巩固。 课本:初三的英语单词

12、,可以建议孩子把背诵单词和英语课本中的课文相结合起来,这样的话,可以在一个文章的语境中将单词记忆下来。,总体上建议孩子将单词放在一定的语境下进行背诵。此外,要准备一定单词记录本子,将小本上的单词一一进行复习与巩固。与此同时,一定要让孩子边读边写背诵单词。,语法方面,中考涉及的语法项目有限,但是鉴于现在离考试还有一段时间,我建议孩子能够每两天完成一个语法项目的系统学习,查漏补缺。,make mistakes 犯错 even though 即使 later on 以后,随后 give up 放弃 take notes 做笔记 be afraid to do 害怕去做 laugh at 嘲笑 no

13、longer 不再 look up 查阅,Phrases of Grade Nine:,make up 编造;组成 be angry with 生的气 break off 突然终止;中断 deal with 处理 go by 经过;过去 worry about 担忧 make a decision 做决定 write down 写下 be terrified of 害怕 in the end 最终,ask for 要求 regardas 将.视为 end up 以.告终 take pride in 对.感到自豪 pay attention to 对.注意 all day 整天 instead

14、of 代替 stay up 熬夜 concentrate on 专心于,at present 目前 in the way 挡道的 care about 担心,关心 plenty of 很多的 get along with 与相处融洽 letdown 使失望或沮丧 come up with 提出 come out 出版 belong to 属于,make up 形成,组成,构成 use up 用完 be strict with 对严格的 because of 因为 find out 查明 by accident 意外的 without permission 未经允许 ask for 请求 cov

15、erwith 用遮盖,be serious about 对认真 at least 至少 remindof 提醒,使想起 on display 陈列,展览 to be honest 老实说 be bad for 对有害 stay away from 与保持一致 be in agreement 意见一致 take it easy 放松,别紧张,trek through 穿过 in general 通常,大体上 thousands of 数以千计的 as soon as possible 尽快 be willing to do 乐意做某事 quite a few 相当多的 dream of 梦想,幻

16、想,向往 hold on to 继续,保持,坚持 come true 实现,成为现实,according to 依照 go on vacation 去度假 providewith 给 提供 some day 某一天 dance to music 随着音乐跳舞 take care of 照顾 be different from 与不同 find out 查明 get together 聚会 for example 例如,be serious about 对认真 at least 至少 clean up 清扫 give out 分发 cheer up 使高兴 come up with 提出;想出

17、put off 推迟 put up 张贴,run out of 用完;耗尽 take after 像 be similar to 与相似,in the end 最后 by accident 偶然 according to 根据 knock into 与相撞 fix up 修理 give away 捐赠 work out 产生;算出 hang out 闲逛 help sb out 帮助某人摆脱困境 by mistake 错误地;无意地,call up 打电话 break down 坏掉 show up 出席 stay up 熬夜 sell out 卖完 go off 发出响声 on time 准

18、时 fillwith 用填充 take off 脱掉,save money 省钱 on the second floor 在二楼 hang out 闲逛 take a vacation 度假 dress up 打扮 take dance lessons 上舞蹈课 ask for 请求 depend on 依靠,取决于 such as 例如,诸如 be good at 擅长 hand in 上交,arrive at/in 到达 make mistakes 犯错误 drop by 顺便拜访 on time 准时,按时 after all 毕竟,终究 get/ be angry with 和某人生气

19、 pick up 拾起,捡起 department store 百货商店 exchange money 换钱 point at 指向,指着 betweenand 在和之间,go out 出去 cup up 切碎 water slide 水滑道 begin with 由开始 make faces 做鬼脸 too much 太多 go past 经过 wait for 等待 have fun 玩得高兴 keep out 阻止进入 aim at 瞄准,针对,more than 多于 for instance 例如 so that 以便 at times 时常 notat all 根本不,一点儿都不

20、work hard at 在 方面努力 to start with 首先,开始 to be honest 老实说 take off 脱下, clean out think about in a minute,call up 打电话 break down 坏掉 show up 出席 stay up 熬夜 sell out 卖完 go off 发出响声 on time 准时 fillwith 用填充 take off 脱掉,clean out 清除,把 打扫干净 think about 思考,考虑 in a minute 立刻,马上 turn off 关灯 so far 迄今,到现在为止 than

21、ks to 幸亏,多亏了 learn about 学习,了解 care for 关怀,照顾 agree with 同意,赞同,endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物 pull down 拖倒,拉倒 in ones spare time 在某人的空闲时间 raise money 筹钱,sentence patterns of Grade Nine:,Do sth by What about doing sth? Have trouble doing sth Its adj for sb to do sth Its ones duty to do sth Used to do Spe

22、nd ( in ) doing sth It seems that Too to do Take pride in sth / doing sth,11. get / have sth + 过去分词 12. So be / 助动词/ 情态动词+ 主语 13. What if? 14. would rather do than do 15. There must be sb doing 16. be allowed to do 17. stop to do 18. bothand 19. be afraid of doing sth 20. have an opportunity to do s

23、th,21. prefer to 22. Why not do sth? 23. consider doing sth 24. Would like to do sth 25. Its adj to do sth 26. suit sb fine 27. be sure to do sth 28. hope to do sth 29. one of the + 形容词最高级+名词复数 30. make sb +adj,31. not onlybut also 32. add to 33. dividedinto 34. Its believed that 35. get married to

24、sb 36. be used doing 37. leave sth sw 38. nountil 39. sothat 40. Its possible for sb to do sth,41. putto good use 42. by the time I did 43. decide to do 44. Could you please? 45. There is sb doing sth 46. be sorry to do sth 47. bothand 48. in order ( not ) to do sth 49. prefer doing to doing 50. be

25、supposed to do sth,51. Find it difficult to do sth 52. cant help doing sth 53. Would rather do sth 54. Make sb do sth / be made to do sth 55. sothat 56. Forget to do sth 57. Have to do sth 58. Its one turn to do sth 59. Look forward doing sth 60. Be against doing sth.,1. want to do / refuse / decide

26、 / would like / hope / pretend / plan / wish to do 2. - Is this/ that your - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 3. - Where is your? - Its on/ in 4. - Do you like? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 5. - How much is / are? -Its / They are dollars/ yuan. 6. - When is ? -Its on March 3./ Its in June. 7. What kind of d

27、o you like? 8. What a funny time to eat breakfast! What fine weather it is today! 9. - Can you do? -Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 10. What time / When do you usually get up? 11. - Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is. 12. -Who is that man in the car? - He is my father. 13. - What color is

28、 your bike ? - My bike is blue. 14. How old is he / are you? 15. let sb do sth,中考核心考点:,16. make sb do sth / be made to do make sb / sth + adj. 17. How / What about sth / doing sth? 18. Hows the weather in Beijing today? Whats the weather like today? 19. What day is it today? 20. Whats the date today

29、? 21. What does she look like? Whats she like? 22. stop doing sth. stop to do sth 23. -What do you think of ? - Wonderful! / Its so crowded. 24. -How do you like ? - I like it very much 25. How do you feel about pollution? 26. enjoy/ finish / would mind / consider / practice / spend / keep/ feel lik

30、e/be busy / have fun / have trouble doing sth 27. Its time to do / Its time for sb to do / Its time for sth 28. -What does he do? / Whats his job? - He is a policeman. 29. help sb ( to ) do sth / help sb with sth with ones help / with the help of sb 30. hope to do sth / hope that,31. Its + hard / im

31、portant / difficult + for sb to do sth 32. until, notuntil 33. It takes / took sb some time to do sth spend time / money on sth / spend time / money in doing sth pay money for sth cost sb money 34. be far away from be away from leave leave for 35. need to do sth need sb./ sth to do sth sth needs doi

32、ng 36. have to do sth have sth. to do have / get sth done 37. be + adj 比较级 + than do + adv 比较级 + than 38. be + as + adj 原级 + as do + as + adv 原级+ as 39. be + not so adj 原级 + as do + not so adv原级 + as be less + adj 原级 + than 40. How many bananas do you need? How much yogurt do you need? 41. There was

33、 / were + n doing + 地点 42. take the / a bus to by bus on a bus 43. have fun doing sth 44. start doing / to do sth begin to do / doing 45. how far how soon how long how often how many times,46. too + adj / adv to do sth adj / adv enough to do so adj. / adv that such a / an adj+ n that 47. be going to

34、 do sth. 48. -Could / Can you please ( not ) do sth ? - Yes, I can. / Of course. / Sure. 49. What/ who is the best + 名词 + 范围? 50. There will be There is / are going to be. 51. tell sb to do sth ask / want / would like / allow / sb to do sth tell ask / want / would like sb not to do sth / be told / a

35、sked to do 52. find it adj. to do sth 53. try to do sth / try not to do sth / try doing sth 54. Whats wrong with? = Whats the matter with? 55. see / hear / notice / sb doing sth when see / hear / notice / sb do be seen /heard / noticed to do / doing 57. be supposed to do sth should do 58. be surpris

36、ed to do/ be surprised at sth / be surprised that 59. the +比较级, the +比较级 比较级 and 比较级 变为比较级只加er, est的形容词: lucky early healthy lively lovely clever early 60. sb / sth is the first one to do sth,61. -Would you mind ( not ) doing sth? - Of course not. / Youd better not. Would you mind my/ his doing sth?

37、 62. have a hard time doing sth / have trouble ( in ) doing sth have problems ( in ) doing sth / have difficulty ( in ) doing/ have a difficult time doing sth 63. be busy doing / be busy with sth 64. 疑问词+不定式与宾语从句的转换 I wonder when to start. = I wonder when we will start. 66. with+宾语+宾语补足语 表示方式或伴随 wit

38、h + 名词 作定语 My teacher came into the classroom with a book in her hand. He rushed out with smiling. The woman with a baby in her arms is going to get on the bus. The old man with glasses is my grandfather. 67. one of + the + 形容词最高级 +复数名词 68. So + 助动词 + 主语 Neither ( Nor ) + 助动词 + 主语/ So + 主语 + 助动词 69.

39、 would rather do than do = prefer to do rather than do / prefer A to B prefer doing to doing 70. There must be 主语doing 71. have been have been in have been to have gone 72. Why not do sth? Why dont you do? 73. be used for doing sth used to do / be used to do sth / be / get used to doing,74. What hap

40、pened to sb? Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past few years. 75. look forward to doing sth. 76. Its ones turn to do sth. 77. Its said that Its believed that Its reported that 78. Its very nice / kind of sb to do sth. / Its easy for sb to do sth. Its important to sb. Its importa

41、nt for sb to do sth. 79. be pleased / glad / happy to do sth be pleased with sth / sb 80. Youd better do Youd better not do 81. was doing when did 82. had done when did had done by the timedid 83. has done /have been . since did 84. Its + 一段时间 since did 85. What a beautiful building ( it is )! How beautiful the building is! 86. He bought the wonderful book two years ago. He has had the wonderful book for two years.,Tell me and Ill forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try and Ill understand.,


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