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1、历年大学英语四级作文,2013年6月英语四级作文题目,For this part, you are allow 30mins.to write a short essay. you should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big. You should write at least 120 and no mare t

2、han 180 words. “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapon” “If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything”,图画作文基本格式,分段-三段 第一段:图画描述 1. 总体描述:人物/动物/事物动作环境 2. 挖掘细节词、串连成句 3. 题目文字描述 第二段:寓意的描述 第三段:结论段,建议措施 1.结论句 2.针对双方提建议 3.包装结尾、展望未来,作文的第一段,要进行简单描绘图画内容,这是必须的,也是题目中强制要求的(a brief descripti

3、on of the picture)。描述的时候,只要把父子两的对话移植到第一段,然后把父亲手指垃圾桶的动作描绘一下就可以了,非常简单。 作文的第二段,进行主旨提炼并且论述。这幅图画很容易看出主题,那就是做大事之前,要先做小事(一屋不扫,何以扫天下),而且题目中其实早就已经透露了主题了 (express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big.)因此,第二段通篇论述小事做起的重要性就可以了。 作文第三段,总结,启发。这一段再次强调小事做起的意义,我们不能低估他的威力。

4、文章最后可以以名人名言作为结尾。,We can see from the illustration there is a father talking to his son. Having heard his sons words “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapons”, the father replies, “If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything”, pointing the garbage can beside him.,Funny a

5、nd common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking the big. Unquestionably, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are enabled to accumulate

6、 experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who set out to do something big will be constantly haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures.

7、As when opportunity “something big” appears, they can hardly seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesnt know how to

8、empty the dustbin?,From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. “Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly.

9、” Aristotle once said.,2013年12月,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face

10、-to-face contact. Youd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.,通过这幅所给的题目,我们观察到有两个人在电脑前。男子的妻子站在后面,而男子则正给他们的儿子写邮件,并说到:“亲爱的安迪,你好!你妈妈和我一切都好,并且很想你,也希望你一切都好。我们期待下次在你电脑崩溃或者是下楼取东西吃的时候再次见到你。爱你的妈妈,爸爸。“,我们从这幅图画得知互联网对人们的沟通方式带来了巨大的影响。人们过去习惯于面对面的沟通、电话沟通或者是书信沟通。而现代社会,人们更倾向于像图画所画的那样,用诸如邮件、QQ或者是微博这样的互联网

11、工具进行沟通。人们认为这样的沟通方式更加方便,节省时间。现在,就有这样一个问题了:“电子交流是否会取代面对面的沟通呢?“答案是否定的!人们在享受电子沟通带来的便利性的同时,也已经开始意识到了这会削弱人与人之间的情感,降低工作效率有时候甚至会带来一些误会和摩擦。再者,电子沟通也会使人变得孤僻甚至是产生更加严重的心理疾病。,图画中所描绘的场景,是可悲的: 如果没有互联网,此刻他们可能其乐融融的在一起聊天呢。然而现在,同处一室的家人,正是因为互联网的便利性,却变得相距千里。 或许我们应该花点时间想一个问题:“有人想成为互联网和电子沟通工具的便利性的牺牲品吗?“,From the cartoon gi

12、ven above, we can observe that there are two people in front of a computer. With his wife standing behind, the man is writing an E-mail to their son which states, “Dear Andy - How are you? Your mother and I are fine. We both miss you and hope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again t

13、he next time your computer crashes and you come downstairs for something to eat. Love, Mom and Dad.“,We learn from the cartoon that the Internet has exerted a great impact on the way of peoples communication. People used to communicate face to face, make calls or write letters. While in modern socie

14、ty, people are more prone to communicate via, as the cartoon depicts, Internet tools like E-mails, QQ or microblogs. People hold that these ways of communication are more convenient and are able to save them an enormous amount of time. Here comes a question, “whether electronic communication can rep

15、lace face-to-face contact?“ Definitely not. When enjoying the convenience of electronic communication, people have began to realize that it tends to weaken the affection between people, reduce working efficiency or even bring about some misunderstandings or frictions. Moreover, communicating through

16、 electronic tools will be likely to make people solitary or even suffer from certain mental disorders.,What the cartoon depicted can be tragic: the family could have communicated face to face happily without E-mail. But now, a family living together seems to be a thousand-mile apart. Perhaps, we sho

17、uld take a moment to think, “Does anyone there want to fall victim of convenience of the Internet and electronic communication tools?“,图表作文,如何分段及段落内容,思考。分三段 几点小变化: 第一,没有中文的说明,可以发挥 第二,有图片,要加上描述图片的“废话” 第三,图片中有单词,有数据,要是字数不够 铸锻分析,段段击破!,第一段:引入现象,于是开始写: 因为这是图片题,所以先上句“应景”的废话“As we can see from the picture

18、that”,其余的部分直接往上写我们的模版“nowadays, the phenomenon of has aroused wide concern among the people who care about the young peoples future”记得要把原来的“”换成关键词“Education Pays”,剩下的随便写写,凑足字数即可,第一段可以写成:,As we can see from the picture that nowadays, the phenomenon of Education Pays has aroused wide concern among the

19、 people who care about the young peoples future. Especially to the young generation living in the big cities, they tend to put the pays to the school but not the degree, ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to their present career and may even endanger futures.,第二段可以有两种写法,

20、第一种,说明这个“Education Pays”的原因。第一种写成:现象原因。 Ample reasons can account for the issue of Education Pays,the following one might be the most critical .For the majority of young people, they have been always considering the education as a bothering thing to do or not an opportunity that can add color to the

21、 dull routine of every day life. Hence, they want to get a job as early as possible. However, as matter of fact, as the picture described, the people who have learned more earn more than others; meanwhile,in the picture, the ones who have the doctoral degree earn more 1551 dollars than the ones who

22、have only a degree as bachelor. 在这个段落中,最后一句话,我着重引用了一下图片的数据,比较了一下,没写倍数,那东西一不留神就写错,不写!,第二段也还可以写成:,现象讨论,即大家对这个事儿看法不一致。有的人觉得这个事儿对什么好,有的人觉得这个事儿对什么坏!写上就好,因为,无论什么事儿,大家的观点都不是一致的: Does anyone maintain the same attitude towards this issue? Definitely not,as a matter of fact,opinions vary from person to person

23、. Some argue that Education Pays is beneficial to doctors, because, by this way, they can earn more money. However,quite a few people hold the opposite opinion that Education Pays is detrimental to the ones who learn the skills through hard works. While, most of people agree that the demerits of les

24、s education far outweigh its merits,第三段,其实万古不变,就是个人观点,观点最好是建议或者对策: To my way of thinking, the issue mentioned above will bound to generate more consequences if we keep turning a blind eye and deaf ear to it. We should appeal to the relevant administration departments to strengthen supervision over i

25、t. It is high time that all of us ,parents,educators,and the authorities, make combined efforts to tell the young people the fact about the Education Pays. With this measure taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future.,2012年6月,Part I Writing

26、 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Excessive Packaging. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 许多商品都存在过度包装的现象 2. 出现这种现象的原因及其带来的后果 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为,我觉得你应该对“商品过度包装”现象也不陌生。在我们生活的周围,我们随处可见这样的例子:小电脑包装在一个又厚又重的纸板盒里,衣服包

27、装在设计精美的塑料袋里,月饼通常也放在精致的包装盒里。 这个问题的原因到底是什么? 首先,很多制造商为了获得更多的经济利益,通常都将商品用不必要却吸引人的包装里,目的在于吸引顾客的注意力,唤起他们的好奇心然后刺激他们的消费欲望。另一方面,相当多的顾客认为,包装越精致,产品的质量就越高,这个想法也加剧的了商品过度包装的趋势。 为了改变这个现状,我认为应该采取以下的措施,首先,必须制定是执行相关的法律限制商品过度包装;其次,我们应该开展广泛的教育运动唤起人们的意识,那就是,包装不等于产品质量。只有这样我们才能杜绝这种趋势。,我觉得你应该对“商品过度包装”现象也不陌生。在我们生活的周围,我们随处可见

28、这样的例子:小电脑包装在一个又厚又重的纸板盒里,衣服包装在设计精美的塑料袋里,月饼通常也放在精致的包装盒里。 I assume that you are familiar with the phenomenon of “Excessive Packaging”. Taking a look around,we can find examples with ease:a small computer is packed in a thick and heavy carton,clothes are put in a well-designed plastic bags and moon-cake

29、s are usually placed in delicate boxes.,这个问题的原因到底是什么? 首先,很多制造商为了获得更多的经济利益,通常都将商品用不必要却吸引人的包装里,目的在于吸引顾客的注意力,唤起他们的好奇心然后刺激他们的消费欲望。另一方面,相当多的顾客认为,包装越精致,产品的质量就越高,这个想法也加剧的了商品过度包装的趋势。 What are the causes of this problem? On the one hand, to earn more economic profits, a considerable number of manufactures us

30、ually wrap their products with unnecessary but appealing materials aiming at attracting customers attention , arousing their curiosity and then stimulating their purchasing desire. On the other hand, quite a few customers believe that the more delicate the package seems,the superior the quality will

31、 be, the notion has also encouraged the trend of excessive packaging.,为了改变这个现状,我认为应该采取以下的措施,首先,必须制定是执行相关的法律限制商品过度包装;其次,我们应该开展广泛的教育运动唤起人们的意识,那就是,包装不等于产品质量。只有这样我们才能杜绝这种趋势。 To change this situation, I think we should take the following measures. First, laws must be made and implemented to impose restri

32、ction on excessive packaging. Moreover, a public education campaign should be launched to arouse customers consciousness that packaging doesnt equal to quality. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.,2011年12月,Where There Is a Will There Is a Way 1坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。 2意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命, 3学生也是这样,不

33、刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才用。,A well-known proverb goes that “where there is a will, there is a way“, which means that one can find a way to success as long as he or she has a strong will. With a strong will, one can focus all his energy on one point, which makes his success possible. Without a strong will, how

34、ever, one can be easily distracted from his goal or discouraged by setbacks, which leads to his ultimate failure.,History abounds with examples of strong-willed figures winning success. Actually, there is no better illustration of the proverb than the deeds of Gou Jian, king of Yue in ancient China.

35、 Defeated by Fu Chai, king of Wu, Gou tried every means possible to steel his will. Eventually, with the help of Fan Li and Xi Shi, he managed to rebuild his country and his armies and had Fu Chai taste the bitterness of failure.,In short, a strong will is essential if we want to make achievements i

36、n our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. One should lose no chance to strength his will and remember, God helps those who help themselves.,2011年6月,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write

37、at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3. 我的建议,Online Shopping With the development of the Internet, shopping is no longer a tiring thing. Just click your mouse to choose the articles you like, and the purchase is done. You dont even have to step

38、out of the room. It seems all easy and quick.,peoples opinions vary on this trend. Some believe that on line shopping is time and money saving. With plentiful selection options, they can buy whatever they like at any time conveniently. Still others insist that mispurchasing alone is annoying enough,

39、 not to mention the credibility of the sellers and the safety of their accounts.,In my opinion, the convenience and excitement of on line shopping is beyond all doubts. In the meantime, we must always bear in mind that certain traps do exist, so wed better make sure the sellers are trustworthy befor

40、e buying. In addition, we should also guard ourselves from the potential hackers who might steal our account information.,2010年12月,Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 wo

41、rds following the outline given below. 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该 How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?,2010年6月,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为 Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling,


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