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1、,战略规划的基本框架,市场细分,客户需求,关键成功因素,竞争分析,市场如何细分? 各细分市场的规模、增长率和毛利率如何? 各细分市场的集中度如何? 各细分市场的产品生命周期处于哪个阶段?,目标客户群体有哪些独特的需求? 目标客户群体中谁是购买决策关键人? 目标客户群体有什么样的购买行为?,行业中有哪些不同的成功模式? 这些模式各自的关键成功因素是什么? 哪个是对我们最有利的成功模式?服务、创新还是效率?,我们与竞争对手在这些关键因素上相比有什么优势和劣势? 我们要培养什么核心竞争力? 我们建立什么样的竞争优势?,细分市场定位 客户定位,价值定位 盈利模式,产品战略 价格战略 渠道战略 促销战略

2、,竞争战略 核心竞争力规划,战略规划,何时采用什么图形?,流程:线性,流程: 圆周式,影响因素:,互动/相互制约:,整体/部分:,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Label A,Label B,原因-结果:,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,矛盾:,障碍/阻力:,text,text,text,在发达市场,我们可以清晰地看到区域规模经济产生的价值,统一采购和分销商品额越大,与供应商的谈判力越强,成本下降越多,最大下降幅度可以接近3; 大规模、高效运作的分销中心成本可以控制在分销商品额的2.10,统一采购量,成本下降,30亿,60亿,90亿,-1,-2,

3、-3,采购额曲线,成本下降曲线,统一商品采购的规模效应,统一分销量,成本下降,20亿,40亿,60亿,1,2,3,分销额曲线,分销成本曲线,统一商品分销的规模效应,食用油项目各环节均以项目管理机制运行,项目发起人 项目指导委员会 项目领导小组 项目各工作组 项目联络人,明确团队各级成员的分工 明确各工作组分工 明确小组长职责和联络人职责,向谁负责 获得授权 信息交流程序 如何汇总,任务细分 关键路径 时间计划 交付物要求 责任人,项目会议 偏差分析 计划调整 资源再分配,立项报告简介,棉油市场定位,未来有品牌、渠道扩张潜力,竞争策略,行业有空间、有机会,2002年全行业销售收入800亿,200

4、5年将达到950亿 近7年年均增长率为7.7%,今后20年的年均增长率为6% 国家政策有利于介入 前二十大企业占24%市场份额,行业集中度低,存在整合机会;,培育持久的低成本原料控制能力 以规模生产形成低成本优势,排名前十位的品牌企业的市场占有率为10%,存在品牌扩张的空间。 产品直接面向终端消费者,有利于品牌和渠道的建设;,目标市场为新疆、甘肃、四川、陕西、山西等五省的居民消费 以低价格赢得客户,投资计划书简介,原料,竞争优势,形成持久的低成本原料控制能力,哪里有原料,原料在谁手里,如何获取,持续 低成本获取,简单介绍计划书,在食用油行业,原料控制能力是KSF,”获得了原料,就获得了利润“,

5、立项报告回答了行业价值问题,投资计划书要回答运营的核心问题原料,德农种业战略规划应用工具实例购买行为,售前的示范推广和售后的指导栽培服务是目标客户持续购买的关键,产量(特性和适应性); 整齐度(种子纯度); 长势和穗大小等(品种特性)。,评估,购买地点以乡镇农技站为主; 同一品种有85以上农户习惯购买同一公司产品; 先少购买一点看表现而定者占70,大规模购买换种者占5,别人种我才种者占25; 对价格无所谓者占65,认为新品种比老品种价格高者占35。,购买,经销商推荐; 媒体的宣传; 周围农户种植该品种的情况。,认知,提供技术资料和培训; 购买时简单讲解; 出事故能尽快妥善处理; 不再购买的原因

6、:质量达不到占71,售后服务跟不上占22。,售后需求,农户需求满足过程,销售,示范推广,服务,分析框架,关键 步骤:,了解和评估当前的业务状况 确定企业核心能力 制定企业发展的财务目标,确定可能实现增长的各种发展机会 衡量各个机会对企业发展的影响,了解行业/市场发展状况 确定行业主要影响因素及关键成功因素 结合自身的核心能力,制定战略方案选择标准,根据影响的大小来排出战略方案的优先次序 能力/差距分析 确定企业发展战略,确定战略实施的资源及风险 制定战略实施计划,成果:,理由充分的企业发展远景目标,实现企业增长的候选方案,改进方案的衡量标准,企业发展战略,实施计划,1,2,3,4,5,制定实

7、施计划,企业现状评估 和目标制定,确定机会与最终确定发展战略,确定战略方 案选择标准,找出发展机会并进行初步筛选,制订战略规划的方法全过程,制定战略规划的第一步是评估企业当前的业务状况,确定企业的远景目标,1,2,3,4,5,分析框架,核心竞争力,业务状况,财务目标与限制条件,评估核心竞争力和可被利用的能力及资源,理解当前的业务状况,确定财务目标、预期的业务表现及企业发展的限制条件,制定实 施计划,企业评估 和制定目标,确定机会与最终确定发展战略,确定战略方 案选择标准,找出发展机会并进行初步筛选,第二步确定战略方案的选择标准,1,2,3,4,5,分析框架,行业/市场 事实分析,企业自身竞争

8、能力评估,对于企业成功的主要市场影响因素和关键成功因素,市场规模 市场增长 产品生命周期 竞争状况 资源需要 利润率 市场进入的难易,市场份额 产品线 成本优势 公司形象 管理能力,制定实 施计划,企业评估 和制定目标,确定机会与最终确定发展战略,确定战略方 案选择标准,找出发展机会并进行初步筛选,德农种业战略规划应用工具实例企业成长曲线,准备期,成长期,高速成长期,成熟发展期,中国种业的领导者 世界种业十强,玉米 2 水稻 0.18 西甜瓜 2.1,00/05,公司成立 00/09,收购赤峰种业 00/10,组建郑隆 01/01,收购华西 01/03,收购正成、万丰 01/06,收购三元 0

9、1/09,收购武禾,玉米 6.3 水稻 5.1 西甜瓜 3.2,02/09,玉米线重组合并,并与华冠科技交易;,玉米 25 水稻 30,水稻业务分拆上市,玉米 13.3 水稻 17.6,控股设立黑龙江德农种业 华西、郑隆与玉米公司合并;剥离三元,投资整合阶段,产品经营阶段,品牌经营阶段,经过三个阶段的发展,德农将成为世界种业十强,德农种业战略调整年,国内钾肥市场容量增长很快,其中硫酸钾仅占国内总容量的11%,国内钾肥实物量使用比例,按照换算养分比较,国内硫酸钾 施用量只占钾肥总量的5.5% (国际的平均水平为7%),国内硫酸钾市场容量约60-75万吨,近10年硫酸钾的国产化率不断升高,以用户中

10、阿公司所在地秦皇岛为准,使用地销售价比较,罗钾运到秦皇岛运费为280元/每吨,罗钾,青上公司,1060,1550-1650,1550,盐田法,曼海姆法,硭硝法,不同工艺技术的使用地成本,低32,1900,俄罗斯进口硫酸钾到岸成本,美国海岸进口硫酸钾到岸成本,俄罗斯 进口,美国 进口,1600-1650,罗钾项目投资计划及形成的生产规模、销量,形成优质资源、成本优势、规模效益、营销通道四大资源的共生共享,未来3年销售额的增长将主要依靠新购买的品种,预计为3.4亿元,占销售额总增长量的65;而依托新品种,营销网络拓展可实现利润贡献1.9亿元,占35。,财务目标玉米,万元,如购买新品种不成功,销售额

11、只能维持在2亿元左右,而利润只有2000万元左右。,德农水稻业务战略规划图示,4 类 客 户 需 求,品种,质量,技术服务,购买便利,新出现的品种 让更多客户知道德农的品种,存在质量提高空间,存在技术服务提高空间,销售网络要贴近客户,5 类 潜 在 机 会,购买品种 合约科研机构 聘请育种家,建立亲本提纯复状体系 建优质基地 加强田间生产管理 提高后加工质量,完善示范体系 农技专家现场咨询 分发技术指导手册 选择农技员做零售商,在空白地区新建销售网 络或提高覆盖率 寻找当地最强的经销商 和零售商,13 类 可 采 取 的 行 动,销售额和利润,02,03,04,05,彻底改变IBM的价值取向,

12、流程卓越/运营领先,用户至上/服务领先,产品/技术领先持续创新,为满足客户需求和获取市场主导地位,IBM优先投资服务领先型的价值取向,流程卓越/运营领先,产品/技术领先持续创新,用户至上/服务领先,选择的价值取向决定了企业全部的经营之道,也是企业战略的核心。,以客户为导向再造公司价值定位,彻底改变IB,M 的价值定位,服务战略,品牌和营销战略,技术战略,市场细分,客户需求,竞争分析,主机业务定位,关键成功因素,92年日立、富士通同样性能的大型机价格是IBM的3040,抢夺了市场 到92年IBM市场占有率下降到40以下,可靠性高 优良服务和技术支持 价格合理 技术先进,忠实的客户群 技术领先 竞

13、争力强的成本 包括软件、应用、网络、信息等在内的全面服务能力,客户端服务器 大型主机 超大型主机 及配套的服务,机会/问题,最大的大型机客户群体,希望有稳定、可靠、技术全面的供应商 价格差别太大时,客户会转向竞争对手 新的技术方案可能会使成本大规模降低 市场规模受到小型机的冲击 客户普遍对IBM不满,PC机业务定位,市场细分,客户需求及购买行为,竞争分析,关键成功因素,进入门槛低 市场竞争激烈 市场主流是围绕WINTEL模式,外观设计个性化 主流硬件按摩尔定律更新 应用软件需求导向,WINTEL模式的结合程度 以低成本、低价格提供较高的配置 核心技术的研发能力,台式机 笔记本电脑 兼容机,机会

14、/问题,随着Internet的发展,pc机的需求将迅速增长 便携式笔记本电脑将有更大的发展,毛利较高,单位:10亿美元,销售收入,单位:10亿美元,净利润,行业研究,战略规划,并购整合,核心竞争力,战略投资理念,战略投资理念并购整合汽车及零部件行业整合案例,Approach,Identify Buyer Value Segments,Situation Assessment,Hypothesis List Development,Survey Collection,Data Coding and Utility Calculation,Instrument Design and Testing

15、,Sample Quota Design and List Pull,Data Analysis,Understanding buyer values helps prove or disprove current hypotheses as well as generate strategy solutions.,Organizational beliefs and strategy alternatives identified in the situation assessment are translated into hypotheses for testing.,Hypothesi

16、s Development,Situation Assessment,Hypothesis List Development,Survey Collection,Data Coding and Utility Calculation,Instrument Design and Testing,Field Administration Preparation,Sample Quota Design and List Pull,Data Analysis,Identifying Buyer Value-Based segments creates the foundation for creati

17、ng the distribution channel strategy and design.,Summary Identify Buyer Value Segments,Identify Buyer Value Segments What do consumers value? How can we segment consumers based on these values?,Develop Conceptual Strategy Design Based on what consumers value, what is our strategic direction? Concept

18、ually, what types of products do we want to offer? Conceptually, what channels do we want consumers to use?,Develop Migration Strategy How do we communicate these changes to our key stakeholders? How do we prepare our consumers and employees for these changes? How do we actually get to where we want

19、 to be? Pilot Plan Roll-Out Plan,Estimate Anticipated Customer Behavior To which channels will customers migrate?,Develop Product/Pricing Strategy What products should we offer? How should they be priced?,Determine Distribution Network How do we change our branch and ATM networks? How many? Where sh

20、ould they be located?,Minimize Business Decision Risk How will consumers react? How will this affect our bottom line?,Develop Data Mining Opportunities How do we exploit buyer value insights to better target market segments?,iterative,Plan Implementation,Develop Detailed Strategy Design,Develop Conc

21、eptual Strategy Design,Understand Value Propositions,Customer Migration Strategy,Value based segment strategies can produce incremental revenues of $700 million and reduce costs up to $150 million.,Benefits Quantitative,Identify Buyer Value Segments,- Quantifiable Benefits -,These cost savings will

22、be offset by the $52 million increase in central delivery unit costs.,By 1999, even after absorbing significant implementation/infrastructure costs, project can contribute over $700 million pre-tax annually . . .,$493,$670,$309,The shareholder value effect can be significant.,Year,Branch and City Ad

23、ministration annual operating costs will be reduced by nearly $200 million . . .,$MM,Its critical to define what factors or “attributes” are important when consumers decide to purchase from one provider versus another., Automotive Example A Product is the Sum of its Attributes,Instrument Design,Reli

24、ability: Air bags Steel construction Roll bar,Speed: Horsepower Acceleration,Price: Purchase price Maintenance costs Insurance,Style: Body style Color Image,Comfort: Leather interior Stereo system Leg room,With traditional research, when you ask how important any particular feature is individually,

25、consumers tend to say each is very important.,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,Styling,Price,Speed,Reliability,Not at all important,Very important,Instrument Design,Based on answers to the tradeoff questions, buyer values are calculated and respondents are grouped by “like” values to help identify target segmen

26、ts.,High,Low,High,Low,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Buyer Value S

27、egments ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Channelists,Rate / Speed,Note: 1) Each dot represents thousands of consumers 2) Analyses were run for all possible combinations to identify the best grouping of consumers and their values,.,.

28、,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Speed,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Liquidity / Access,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Performance,Price,ILLUSTRATIVE,Case Study,These groups or segments of consumers not only have different profit potentials., In

29、vestment Buyer Value Segments % of Market (Consumers), Investment Buyer Value Segments % of Market ($), Average Investment Balance Per Value Segment ,Source: Andersen Consulting National Buyer Values Study for Retail Financial Services Consumers,Value Segment,Channel,Rate / Speed,Liquidity / Access

30、Sensitive,Speed,Avg Investment Balance,$77,725,$92,264,$96,335,$68,212,Case Study,Channelists,Speed,Liquidity / Access Sensitive,34%,Rate / Speed Sensitive,16%,Speed,Liquidity / Access,Channel,Rate / Speed,$,In summary, using value based segmentation is a powerful tool to improve a clients bottom li

31、ne.,Creates Revenue Opportunities,Retain most profitable customers Improve profitability of other customers by fulfilling their values with lower cost structures Generate new business Identify revenue enhancement opportunities Simplify and increase effectiveness of clients target market activities,I

32、dentifies Substantial Cost Reduction,Better manage utilization of clients delivery network Focus on delivery on required service thresholds Strip costs from non-value added processes Dont have to build one delivery option that fits all,Better Positions Relative to Clients Competition,Increased custo

33、mer satisfaction due to fulfilled value sets Organization clearly understands goals and delivery expectations Sets stage for adaptable organization better able to respond to competitive change,Based on Andersen Consultings investigation of the target markets, there is identifiable change in buyer pr

34、eferences from window to split and cabinet air conditioners.,- Product -,Yesterday,Today,Future trends,Window and split account for the majority of the air conditioners possession before 1996.,Split air conditioners account for the majority of sales. Cabinets sales begin to increase and windows shar

35、e of the market begin to decline,(From distributors perspective),Cabinet air conditioners will continue to grow cabinet air conditioners show strong growth due to increasing size of homes and price cuts. Future sales growth will continue with improvements in residential power Some customer segments

36、(especially rural) regard air conditioners as a type of high-end furniture (whose secondary purpose is to cool). Cabinets, best meet this type of customers buyer value and will grow with this segment. Split will remain stable, and even decline in some areas Splits will keep the same market share Com

37、pared to the cabinets, it will decline slightly in some areas because of installation difficulties Generally, window air conditioners will decrease dramatically, but still account for a certain proportion acting as a transition product for price conscious buyers in hot areas Because of this income l

38、imitation, window air conditioners will still account for a large proportion of sales in economically developing markets (i.e. Changsha and Chongqing) Windows will continue to sell well in markets such as Hangzhou as transition products for people who are waiting to move into new housing Growth in M

39、ini Central and Ceiling air conditioners Mini-central or residential used ceiling ones will gain in popularity amongst people in large apartments and houses (especially as market awareness of product availability grows).,Breakdown of different types of air conditioners (Before 1996),Current purchase

40、 preferences (1996-1998),Window 48%,Split 48%,Cabinet 9%,Window 26%,Split 53%,Cabinet 21%,Market Overview,Competition Today Local Chinese manufacturers upgrade production technology to offer quality levels on par with JV operations Local Chinese manufacturers develop marketing capability/expertise J

41、V operations, crippled by ability to understand market and operate within local business cultures drop in position JVs begin to compete more on price as perception of added value differentiation disappears.,Over the last three to four years, local air conditioner manufacturers have been able to repo

42、sition themselves successfully through combined advances in quality and marketing,Perceived Added Value,Price,Low,Low,High,High,Low,Low,High,High,Meidi,Kelon,Chunlan,Gree,Perceived Added Value,Price,National,Mitsubishi,Sharp,Hitachi,Chunlan,Gree,National,Mitsubishi,Hitachi,- Yesterday -,- Today -,Co

43、mpetition Yesterday Local and JV manufacturers target two different market segments separated by price/quality trade off JV operations target quality conscious upper end of market while local manufacturers target bottom end Local manufacturers limited in terms of production quality capability and ma

44、rketing experience,Market Overview,Consolidated results for the markets - from a market attractiveness perspective. - i.e. looking at market size, growth, competition, market entry (i.e. distribution opportunity) from a current and future perspective.,Entry Priority,High,Medium-High,Medium,Medium -

45、Low,Low,Market Size,Strategic View,Distribution Opportunity,Competition,Market Growth,Market Overview,Source: AC market investigations,From the sales offices and warehouses established in these several markets, strategic nodes can be established to allow access to nearby markets.,Market Overview,Sou

46、rce: AC market investigations,项目模块,评估战略目标,主要任务,与“XX-XXX”市场销售人员讨论,初步确定未来目标区域市场和主要客户类型 对主要未来目标市场作实地调查了解 进行实地访谈,对象主要包括建材公司、建筑公司、重大基建项目负责部门、混凝土搅拌站、相关政府部门、其他水泥公司等;包括“XX-XXX”目前主要客户和非“XX-XXX”客户 总结主要发现,项目阶段性成果,X省水泥市场概况和未来发展趋势-各主要标号水泥需求量、增长趋势及地域范围 根据需求不同划分的客户类别及其购买考虑因素 竞争对手的主要状况、分产品标号的市场份额 水泥分销网络、方式和未来趋势 目前X

47、X-XXX产品在市场上的地位,核心竞争力、客户意见 符合实际的XX-XXX扩展战略目标 生产、物流和销售力量的战略布局,第一阶段中“评估战略目标”的主要任务和项目阶段性成果,制定实施计划,分析测算结果,论证扩展模式,设计整合方案,建立财务模型,评估战略目标,确定协同效益,项目启动,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,自1998年成立以来,XX股份取得了迅猛的业务发展,目前已成为中国西北地区建材行业的龙头企业之一,单位:(百万元),最近三年的业绩迅猛增长,来源:X省XX水泥股份有限公司2000年年报,基本事实,XX股份的前身是1956年建成的国家大型企业 公司成立于1998年11月,1999年初其普通

48、股票在深圳证券交易所上市,股票代号0877 公司在2000年生产水泥154万吨,销售151万吨。公司的产品在X省市场上达到40%的占有率。XX股份是西北地区最大的水泥企业,也是全国位居前列的大型水泥企业,但我国水泥行业极度分散,竞争的地域特征浓厚;低标号水泥产能过剩,地方保护主义,以及不正当竞争,导致大多水泥企业连年亏损,进入壁垒 低(中),行业内竞争 激烈并呈现强烈的地域特色,替代威胁 低,中国的水泥企业大多紧密依靠当地的矿产资源,而中国的石灰石开采是一个极度分散的行业,供应商的力量相当有限,水泥的替代成品由于技术、工艺或成本的多方面原因仍未被广泛接受,由于技术成熟度高、产品生命周期长、原料相对易得、设备制造


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