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1、普通高等教育”十五”国家级规划教材,主讲人:赵 英 2007年10月18日,新世纪高职高专英语,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,. Assignments,. Practical Writing-Addressing Envelops,. Study Of The Text,. Lead In Activities,大学英语,. Unit Objectives,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,Teaching Objectives,Key Points,1. Master the key words and structures. 2.Be able to explain wh

2、y soap opera is so popular and the key to its success. 3.Discuss what soap opera can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas.,Vocabulary,Structure,Skills,no more than, whatever, succeed in doing.,Argument critic whatever remain capture entire allow identify charact

3、er copy provoke campaign entertainment concentrate critical incident deliberate guarantee gossip predict analyze motive issue center around base on think of,as set free refer to cut short compare with according to a range of,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学

4、英语,1.1. Soap Opera,1.2. Topic-related words or phrases,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1.1. Soap Opera,A serial on television or radio that deals with the lives of a group of characters, especially in a melodramatic or sentimental way. The name derives from the fact that they were originally often sponsor

5、ed by soap manufacturing companies.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1.2. Topic-related words or phrases,comedy: a drama of light and amusing character and typically with a happy ending; the genre of dramatic literature dealing with the comic or with the serious in a light or satirical manner.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础

6、部,Unit 6 大学英语,1.2. Topic-related words or phrases,tragedy: dramatic genre that presents the heroic or moral struggle of an individual, culminating in his or her ultimate defeat. While serious drama and comedy are found in nearly every culture and time period, tragic plays appear chiefly in societies

7、 that maintain a fixed hierarchy of political and religious beliefs. Only when spectators share with the playwright a particular social vision and system of class-based values can they empathize with the fall of the protagonist (central character) from an elevated position into bleak despair or anni

8、hilation.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1.2. Topic-related words or phrases,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,2.1. Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1). Q: What is the authors attitude towards soap opera?,2.1. Summary Questions and Concludin

9、g Remarks,In spite of the arguments among the critics , he believes that soaps provide an easy way of entertainment for ordinary people.,2). Q: Why on earth are we addicted to soaps?,Because soaps show interesting story lines by reflecting our screen in a more dramatic way.,3). Q: Why is it importan

10、t for soaps to develop stories around a small community or a big family?,4). Q: Can viewers play an active role in the story line of a soap opera? How?,In this way viewers can easily understand the characters and identify with them.,Yes, they can. In many cases the viewers reaction or likes and disl

11、ikes may well influence the scriptwriters treatment of their stories.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,Because most of the audience have no time for every episode regularly, however, they want to keep up with the story. The slow development of a story line would be highly desirable.,2.1. Summary Questions

12、and Concluding Remarks,5). Q: Why does the slow development of story lines become an advantage of soaps?,The author tells us that they enjoy gossiping about the soap as much as they enjoy watching each serial. They would discuss how a story line is developing, analyze the behavior of the characters

13、and even compare them with their own lives. Above all, they have enough room to think deeply about some social issues dealt with in the soaps.,6). Q: What do soap fans say as to their gossip about the soaps?,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines1-7 1). Q: Do most crit

14、ics agree on the value of soaps and what are their opinions?,No, they dont agree with each other. Some have rather a low opinion of soaps while others speak highly of the value of soaps.,2). Q: What do some critics mean by saying soaps are “no more than mindless entertainment“?,3). Q: What do some c

15、ritics mean by saying that soaps “show society as it really is“?,In their view, soaps ore not thought provoking and dont require close attention in understanding them.,They believe that soap operas can achieve a quality of factual truth and reveal real life.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific q

16、uestions from the text,Lines1-7 4). Q: Whats the general audiences response to TV serials?,They are very much keen on TV serials.,5). Q: What have good soap operas succeeded in doing?,They have succeeded in attracting millions of people all over the world and have become their inseparable companion.

17、,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 8-16 6). Q: What does this paragraph mainly tell us?,7). Q: What is the most important reason for soap operas success!,They are mostly about the daily life of ordinary people, which can easily engage the audiences interest.,8). Q

18、: Why are soap operas more interesting than real life?,They are usually more dramatic and more complicated, sometimes with several story lines running at the same time.,It tries to explain the reasons why soaps are so popular.,9). Q: What are the original sources of soap operas?,They are usually bas

19、ed on problems within personal relationships and family,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 17-24 10). Q: What may be the result when the audience identify with the TV characters?,They even view the TV characters as their real friends and have a strong emotional res

20、ponse to them.,11). Q: What may the television audience do to show their fondness for certain characters?,They may imitate the characters styles of dress, hair or even their behavior.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 17-24 12). Q: What will the audience do if the

21、ir loved ones are unfairly treated?,They may react very strongly to the unfair treatment of their favorite characters.,13). Q: Why did the viewers start a national campaign and what might be the result?,They loved the woman so much that they couldnt stand to see her sent to prison. The campaign migh

22、t greatly influence the scriptwriter, hence to some extent influence the ending of the soap opera.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 24-32 14). Q: What is another reason for soap operas success given by the author?,To most TV viewers, it is pure entertainment to w

23、atch soap operas.,15). Q: Why is the easy entertainment so popular with the audience?,The viewers find it easy to follow the story and they dont have to get a fix on the development of a story.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 24-32 16). Q: How can the viewers ca

24、tch up on the story after missing it for some time?,They can catch up by watching one or two episodes, which constantly refer back to the previous events.,17). Q: Why do the story lines develop very slowly in soap operas?,The scriptwriters usually cater to most of the audiences watching habit that t

25、hey cannot concentrate on a soap opera all the time.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 33-38 18). Q: What is another reason for soap operas success given by the author?,19). Q: Do you know anything about the “cliff-hanger“!,The cliffhanger is a dramatic and exciti

26、ng ending, thus leaving most audience anxious not to miss the next episode. It usually cuts short every episode at a critical point.,20). Q: Why does this technique guarantee a large audience that will rune in continuously?,Psychologically people tend to watch a complete story and wouldnt leave part

27、 of an event hanging, thus they would surely continue with the opera simply to find out what happens next.,Each episode usually has the “cliff-hanger“ ending.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 39-45 21). Q: What would viewers do to enjoy themselves in between epis

28、odes?,22). Q: Does the speculation about the follow-up story increase viewers interest in the soaps?,yes. The speculation even increases their interest in keeping up with the soaps.,23). Q: What do viewers talk about while gossiping about the soaps?,They not only predict the follow-up but also analy

29、ze the characters and compare them with their own lives.,They can talk about and guess what will happen in the next episode.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2.2. Specific questions from the text,Lines 39-45 24). Q: Do the watchers of soap operas agree that soaps are simply mindless entertainment ? Whatdo

30、they think of soaps?,25). Q: What kind of thought can soaps provoke?,They provoke viewers to think about o range of issues and problems of everyday life and relationships.,No. They think soaps are not only good entertainment but also food for thought,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1). .the fact remains t

31、hat millions of people tune in eagerly to their favorite serial every day,tune in to: set a radio or television to receive broadcasts from a particular station,Examples: We always tune in to Channel 8 to watch the 10 oclock national and international news,serial: a story which is broadcast on televi

32、sion or radio or published in parts over a period of time,Examples: Watching TV serials is her favorite pastime.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,2). The soap opera has succeeded in capturing the imagination of the entire world.,capture (someones imagination or attention): make someone feel interested or e

33、xcited,Examples: A. Her silvery voice captured the attention of the listeners. B. Their daring escape has captured the imagination of the whole country.,3). However, soap operas are much more dramatic than real life.,dramatic: sudden and exciting; vividly striking,Examples: A. A short sentence after

34、 a series of long sentences can have a dramatic effect. B. What do you think of the dramatic changes taking place on the international scene?,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,4). so the viewers can easily identify with the feelings and opinions of the characters.,identify with: feel able to share or unders

35、tand the feelings and ideas of another person,Examples: A. Reading this biography, we can identify with the main character. B. His argument was so convincing that everyone identified with his opinion,5). .and sometimes copy their styles of dress and behavior,behavior: the way a person acts,Examples:

36、 A. His good behavior deserves praise. B. Tom won a prize for good behavior at school.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,6). if a favorite character is unfairly treated, this usually provokes strong reactions.,provoke: cause, give rise to,Examples: A. The prospect of price increases has already provoked wor

37、ries. B. His indifference provoked me to shout at him.,7). .and viewers started a national campaign to have her set free.,set free: release,Examples: A. Tom opened the cage and set the bird free. B. Shortly after the war he was set free.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,8). Viewers dont have to concentrate

38、 very hard to follow the story.,concentrate: focus all ones attention,Examples: A. Its so noisy outside that I cant concentrate on my term paper. B. Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on the prevention of SARS than on its cure.,9). They only need to watch one or two episodes to catch up again.,e

39、pisode: each of the parts of a serial story,Examples: In the final episode we will find out who was the murderer.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,10). This is because the script constantly refers back to past events.,constantly: frequently, continuously,Examples: A. It rained constantly all week. B. His i

40、ndifference provoked me to shout at him.,reaction: response,Examples: A. What was your reaction to the new policy? B. She was constantly complaining about the public transport. C. The company is constantly advertising its products.,11). This means that each episode always ends at a critical point of

41、 the story,critical: crucial, decisive,Examples: A. The next two weeks will be critical for the experiment. B. A rescue team came at the critical moment, C. Millions of people learned the critical decision on TV.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,12). A dramatic incident such as an argument is deliberately

42、cut short by the closing title sequence.,incident: an event that is either unpleasant or unusual,Examples: A. There was a strange incident in the library this morning. B. That was one of the strangest incidents in my life.,deliberately: on purpose,Examples: A. Human facial expressions can be deliber

43、ately controlled and modified. B. He deliberately stopped in the middle of the sentence.,cut short: bring something to an end suddenly and before the proper time.,Examples: A. The football game was not cut short by the shower. B. The chairman will, cut a speaker short if he talks too long.,浙江警官职业学院公

44、共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,13). .viewers can speculate with their friends about the direction that the plot may take.,speculate: guess about what might happen,Examples: A. The philosopher speculated about time and space. B. I began to speculate on my future when I failed in the entrance examination.,14). As w

45、ell as trying to predict what is going to happen, they like to analyze the behavior and motives of the characters, and compare them with their own lives.,predict: say something will happen,Examples: A. The report predicted that more jobs would be lost in the service industry. B. Experts predict that

46、 the sea level will rise by up to three feet over the next fifty years.,motive: reason for action,Examples: A. He said he could not kill a living thing except for the motive of hunger B. He invented the story out of selfish motives.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,Soaps are very popular in spite of endles

47、s arguments about their value. Since soaps dealtypically with the daily events of ordinary people, and usually center around a small community or a large family, some viewers even take the TV characters as real friends and family. Though soaps are easy entertainment, they often use a technique calle

48、d the “cliff-hanger“ending, which can help to attract large audiences. According to the fans, soaps are both good entertainment and “food for thought“.,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit 6 大学英语,1、Go over new words and expressions 2、根据写一则便条,内容如下: 乔, 请告诉我周六我要考的两门课考试的具体时间和地点。另外,我还要做些什么。还有,今天新生是否上了一节听力理解课。如果是的话,他们上了些什么内容?我将尽力考好今天的两门课。多谢。 菲利斯 2002.3.9,浙江警官职业学院公共基础部,Unit6 大学英语,Go over new words and expressions,Class is over, Thank you!,


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