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1、有志者,事竟成 【写作任务】 我国有一句著名的俗语“有志者,事竟成”。请以“Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way”为题写一篇120词左右的短文,并发表自己的看法。 【思路点拨】 1俗语、谚语类书面表达属于开放写作,写作时要充分分析该俗语或谚语给人们的启迪。 2要辅之适当的例证,为主题服务。 3自己的看法要符合常规,有正面影响。,【词汇热身】 1_ones goal实现目标 2learn_sb./sth.向学习 3fail_没做成某事 4be_recognized被广泛认可 5apply sth._sth.把运用到 【答案】 1.achieve 2.from

2、3.to do 4.widely 5.to,【一句多译】 1它意味着有强大意志的人能够实现目标。 _ _ 2如果你记住该俗语并运用到学习或工作中,你就能从中获益颇多。 _ _,【答案】 1.It means that anyone who has strong will can achieve his goal. It means that whoever has a strong will can achieve his goal. 2If you understand the proverb and apply it to your study or work,you will certa

3、inly benefit a lot from it. Understand the proverb and apply it to your study or work,and then you will certainly benefit greatly from it.,【自主操练】 _,【自我校正】 _,【范文内化】 Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way We all know the proverb “Where there is a will,there is a way.” It means that anyone who has a stro

4、ng mind can achieve his goal.Indeed,we can learn many things from it.For_one_thing,when you failed to do something,never_lose_heart.For example,Thomas Edison failed about 2,000 times before he succeeded in inventing the light. For_another,as it_is_widely_recognized_that thought_decides_behavior,noth

5、ing_will_be_hard_to_a_determined _and_persistent_person.,Last_but_not_least,confronting with enormous difficulties or frustration,only a man holding a steel will can get through and embark_on a new way with a promising prospect. In my opinion,living in an age when the modern competition becomes more_and_more_fierce,a strong will seems more necessary.If you understand the proverb and apply it to your study or work,you will necessarily benefit a lot from it.,【名师点评】 过渡词,“其一其二”。 否定祈使句的强调表达。 复杂复合句。 习语使用很地道。 embark on高级词汇,“着手,从事”。 比较级连用“越来越”。,


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