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1、,English and its history,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.,Lead-in: 1. Are you good at English? What do you think is the most difficult part of studying English -pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or something else? 2. Do you think English has always stayed the same?,Sonnet N

2、o. 18 Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date:,Hwelingas ellen fre medon.,1. What is the article about? 2. What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article? 3

3、. Is English still changing?,skimming,English and its history.,Old English, Middle English and Modern English.,Yes,Reading strategy: reading a history article,dates, years help you understand a sequence of events and how pieces of information relate to the text,What should you pay attention to? Why?

4、,What is a good idea for you to do when you read a history article?,Make a time chart, listing relevant information such as times, places and events,Before the middle of 5th century,At the end of 9th century,By the 10th century,In 1066,By the latter half of 14th century,In 1399,During the Renaissanc

5、e in 16th century,The Vikings invaded Britain,Old English was the official language of England.,Norman conquest,English was adopted by all classes in England.,Henry IV became King of England and used English for all official occasions.,Modern English began.,People in Britain all spoke Celtic,Before

6、the middle of 5th century,5th-9th century,At the end of 9th,Celtic,Three Germanic tribes invaded Britain,Anglo-Saxon (base of old English),Vikings began to invaded Britain,Old English,By the 10th century,Old English ( official language),Anglo-Saxon (base),language of Denmark,language of Norway,Old E

7、nglish,Middle English,In 1066,_ _ However, throughout the 250 years,_ _ By the later half of the 14th century_ _ In 1399, _,the Normans conquered England and took control of the country.,French didnt replace English as the first language.,English was adopted by all classes in England .,English was u

8、sed for all official occasions.,Frenchs impact on English:,1. More words with similar meanings,3. French ways of making plurals,2. Words for meat: mutton/ beef/ pork,lift up,pick up,the same meaning ( 拿起),Norse,Anglo-Saxon,Many pairs of words with similar meanings,reply,answer,the same meaning (回答),

9、French,Old English,More words with similar meanings.,man- men shoeshoes Foot feet househouses tooth teeth glass glasses Child children,German way,French way,beef,mutton,pork / bacon,ox/ cow,pig,sheep,The word for the animal:,The word for the meat:,Modern English,1. When did modern English begin?,2.

10、What changes had happened during this period of time?,Modern English began during the Renaissance in the 16th century.,Many Latin and Greek words were added to English and pronunciation also underwent huge changes .,3. Is Modern English the end of all these changes?,No , English is a living language

11、 and is forever changing.,English has many c_ rules because it is _ _ of the rules and vocabulary each group of people b_ to Britain with them. At the very beginning, British people spoke C_. Then, three Germanic tribes:_ _ _ and V_ from Scandinavian countries invaded Britain and brought with them t

12、heir languages. The language they created is the_ English. Old English c_ of an Anglo-Saxon base p_ words from the languages of Denmark and Norway.,onfusing,made,up,rought,eltic,Angles Saxons Jutes,ikings,Old,onsisted,Consolidation,lus,Old English was the _ language of England until the 12th century

13、 when Normans i_ England and _ _ of the Country. The Normans spoke F_ which had an i_ on English although it did not r_ English as the first language. In 1399, H_ became King of England and he used English for all o_ occasions. Modern English began during the R_ in the 16th century. Pronunciation u_

14、 huge changes during this period. However, this is not _ _ of the changes. Its certain that this p_ will continue.,official,nvaded,took,control,rench,mpact,eplace,enry IV,fficial,enaissance,nderwent,the end,rocess,Discussion,Language borrows words from each other, can you list some of them?,Chinese

15、words from English:,English words from Chinese:,Coffee(咖啡), sofa(沙发), model(模特儿), modern(摩登), Sandwich(三明治), hamburger(汉堡), cartoon(卡通),Pingpong, kongfu, tofu, lose face,Homework,Finish the exercises on P24 Rewrite the history of English into your own words. ( less than 200 words),Many thanks Goodbye,


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