American English and British English----- Two variations of same language 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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《American English and British English----- Two variations of same language 英语专业毕业论文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《American English and British English----- Two variations of same language 英语专业毕业论文.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 题目:American English and British English - Two variations of same language 2 Contents Abstract in English 3 Abstract in Chinese 4 Introduction.5 Chapter A brief introduction of English . .6 Chapter The difference between American English and British English.7 2.1 Pronunciation differences .7 2.2 Spe

2、lling difference 9 2.3 Grammatical differences.10 2.4 Greeting difference.10 2.5 Using words difference.11 2.6 Vocabulary.12 Chapter The three reasons for the differences between American English and British English13 3.1 American English and British English do not change with the same steps during

3、their development 15 3.2 The integration of cultures and languages in the USA.15 3.3 Americans distinctive national condition and the development of language16 Conclusion.18 Abstract 3 It is widely known that the importance and influence of English language have become more and more obviously in glo

4、balize society nowadays, as English has already become an international language worldwide. Until today, the English has formed several different types due to the difference between history background, geography environment and social development of English using countries. Among these countries, Am

5、erican English in American region is the most important type. All in all, based on British English, American English was developing ever since 17th century. At the beginning of 17th century, the capitalism of British was advanced and since this growth rate directly stimulated British capitalist and

6、new nobles, their ambitions of controlling the world made the American the first station robbed overseas. From then on, Britain established a lot of colonies in American. With the British and other countries immigrants crowding into American, the culture and economy multiply day by day, and English

7、changed a lot in pronunciation 、grammar and vocabulary as a mother tongue, so it gradually formed characterized American English. Anyway, as to English learners, grassing the essential of American English and British English would made learners to understand western culture better, also can make use

8、 of English in practice better. Especially to the beginner, it would help one cultivate the sense of language and avoid misunderstanding in order to comprehend this language more swiftly and more exactly by knowing the difference between American English and British English. Keywords: American Engli

9、sh British English difference importance reason 摘 要 4 当今全球化社会,众所周知英语的重要性和影响力已变得越来越明显,由 于英语已经成为一种世界性的国际语言。直到今天,英语已经形成了有几个历 史背景、地理环境、及这些国家的社会发展之间相互区别的不同类型。在这些 国家中,美式英语是美国地区最重要的类型。 总之,在英式英语基础之上的美式英语是自 17 世纪以来发展起来的。在 17 世纪初,英国是先进的资本主义国家,这直接刺激英国经济增长速度及资本 主义新贵族的形成,控制世界的野心使得美国成为海外掠夺的第一站。从此, 英国在美国建立了许多殖民地。随

10、着英国和其他国家的移民地进入美国,文化 和经济逐步得了到融合,作为母语的英语在发音、语法和词汇上发生了很多改 变,所以它逐步形成了美式英语的特征。无论如何,对于英语学习者来说,了 解美式英语与英式英语能够使他们更好的了解西方文化,也可以在实践中更好 地使用英语。特别是对初学者来说,更迅速,更准确的理解美国英语与英国英 语这两种语言的差异,用它来帮助培养语感,避免误解。 关键词: 美国英语 英国英语 区别 重要性 原因 Introduction American English (AmE) is the form of English used in the United States. It

11、5 includes all English dialects used within the United States of America. British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom. We often find some differences between American English and British English when we are

12、studying. For example, Americans talk about “maths”, but the British talk about “math”. Why are there any differences? How did these differences arise? All of us are fond of it. So according to this above, this assay is going to discuss the difference on pronunciation、spelling、 meanings of words、gre

13、eting and grammar between American English and British English. Chapter A brief introduction of English English, ever since the beginning of the 20th century, has become a world-wide- used language. Especially after the 2nd world war, it has been used by billions of people all over the world in vari

14、ous ways on different occasions, and thus becoming a common language as well as an efficient communication tool between people in different countries and regions. On the whole, English is used in three ways. In such English-speaking countries as U.K, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South A

15、frica, hundreds of millions of people use it as their mother tongue. Then, in countries and regions like HK, Singapore, Pakistan, Nigeria, Puerto Rico etc, people use English as a second language, where English is not the mother language of the local people, but plays an important part in administra

16、tion, education, and business as a formal official language. At last, English may act as a foreign language in some non-English-speaking countries like Japan, Thailand, and Brazil in foreign affairs, foreign trade or international study and cultural exchange. In China, with the further development o

17、f the open-door policy and foreign exchange, English is being paid much attention to and thousands of millions of people are learning it or even becoming crazy about it. However, the more frequently a language is used, the more likely it is to have 6 phonetic, lexical, and grammatical variations. A

18、foreigner may regard the English he studies in his country as the all of English when using it in his own social and cultural background according to his specific needs and ways of using it. However, as soon as he arrives in U.K or the U.S.A, he will find out, to his great surprise, that the English

19、 he speaking has a profound difference from that in English speaking countries. He may not know certain accents, be confused about some lexical meanings, or become doubtful about whether what he hears is English. Of course the English used in different countries and regions is the same language, but

20、 it appears in various forms. Although English in different countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland etc. has their distinctive characteristics, it has not yet formed a systematic feature in these countries. Only the British and American English have become two forms which have a syste

21、matic difference in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Actually, the discrepancy between American English and British English will not lead to communicative break-off. An Alabama farmer may have some difficulty in communicating with a Yorkshire coal miner, but with all their language c

22、apacity, they can manage to make themselves understood. The main reason is that American English still has a very close link with the core of the English tradition which originated in the U.K. But at the same time, it contains many factors which are determined by the unique American history and Amer

23、icans creativeness, and reflect the distinctive cultural tradition of the U.S.A. Up to here, we can firmly conclude that American English is not an independent language, as it originated from British English. It departed from the parent stem. However, it has been developing in the special cultural,

24、historical and social environment of North America and has formed many distinctive styles and meanings, which British English doesnt have. Quoting a terminology of modern linguists, “American English is a variation of British English, which was formed in the past four centuries when British English

25、was used in the geographic background of the U.S.A., and was greatly influenced by the American social culture.” 7 Making a retrospect of the development of American English, we can find three main reasons for the difference between American English and British English, which include the conservatis

26、m of American English, the amalgamation of different nations and languages, and the distinctive American social structure and its own national spirit. Chapter The difference between American English and British English 1. Pronunciation differences These table list words pronounced differently but sp

27、elled the same. See also the table of words with different pronunciation reflected in the spelling. Single differences BrE AmE / / annatto, Bangladesh, Caracas, Chianti, Galapagos, grappa, gulag, Hanoi /i/ aesthete, anaesthetize, brave, centenary, Daedal us / /o/ Aeroflot, compost, homosexual, Inter

28、pol, Lode / (Excluding trap-bath split words) banana, java khaki, morale, Nevada, scenario, soprano, tiara / /i/ Cecil crematorium, cretin, depot, inherent leisure / /e/ compatriot, patriotB2, patronize, phalanx, plait, repatriate, Sabine, satrap / /a/ dynasty, housewifery, idyll, livelong, long-liv

29、ed /z/ /s/ Aussie, blouse, complaisant, crescent, diagnose And so on Multiple differences The slashes normally used to enclose IPA phonemic transcriptions have been omitted from the following table to improve legibility. 1. Cadre BrE (1) /kd/(r) (2) /kdr/ AmE (1)/kdri /(2) /kdri/ (3) /kdre/(4) /kdre

30、/ 8 2. Fracas BrE /frk/ AmE (1) /freks/ (2) /frks / Notes: The BrE plural is French fracas /frkz/; the AmE plural is anglicized fracases 3. Canton BrE /kntun/ AmE (1) /kntn/ (2) /knton/ Notes: Difference is only in military sense “to quarter soldiers“ 4. Dilettante BrE /dltnti / AmE (1) /dltnt/ (2)/

31、 dltnt/ Notes: BrE reflects the words Italian origin; AmE approximates more to French. 5. Garage BrE (1) /rd/ (2) /r/ AmE /r(d)/ Notes: The AmE reflects French stress difference. The two BrE pronunciations may represent distinct meanings for some speakers; for example, “a subterranean garages for a

32、car“ (1) vs. “a petrol garage“ (2). (Compare barrage above.) 2. Spelling difference In general, both American and British spelling are acceptable, but it is important to be consistent, at least with the use of the same word - theatre or theater, but not both - and in your choice of -ize or -ise endi

33、ngs as in criticize or criticise, plagiarize or 9 plagiarise. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English gives British, American and Australian English spelling. American spelling tends to reflect pronunciation and British spelling tends to reflect grammatical or historical implications as we

34、ll. However, there may be advantages in using British spelling in certain situations. For instance, two forms: programme and program exist in British English. The former can be a noun referring to television programmes or programmes of events (plans, conferences, a theatre programme etc.). The latte

35、r can be a noun referring to computer programs. Both forms can be verbs, but there is no spelling distinction between them except in the infinitive form (as in She learned how to program the computer to calculate the value of the pound against the Euro at twelve hourly intervals) and the present ten

36、se. If you wish to make reference to both meanings in your writing, then British English makes a useful reference (meaning) distinction between the two, while American English has only one form program to refer to both. British English distinguishes between practice (noun) I havent done my cello pra

37、ctice yet and practise (verb) He practises the cello for ten minutes every morning. However, American English tends to use practice as both a noun and a verb. Students taking Cambridge examinations are advised to adopt the British system as this reflects the underlying grammatical (part of speech) d

38、istinction. Here are some examples. (Former is the British English spelling, later is the American English spelling. waggonwagon travellertraveler honourhonor defencedefense centrecenter practisepractice storeystory judgementjudgment 3. Grammatical differences there are few grammatical differences b

39、etween American and British English that are of concern in Academic Writing. The past participles got and gotten are one of the 10 most obvious differences, but they are rarely used in formal writing. The Euro has got/gotten rid of the currency exchange transactions which used to be necessary before

40、 the single currency was instated is more likely to be formally expressed as The Euro has abolished the need for currency exchange transactions. American English accepts the use of the simple past tense with just, already and yet (Did you see him yet? /He just went out? /did you go there already?) W

41、hile British English requires the use of the present perfect (Have you seen him yet? / He has just gone out/ have you been there already?) In Academic English, the British form is preferable as the American form tends to be perceived as informal (rather than inaccurate). Particle differences - Clint

42、on met with the representatives of the Daughters of the Revolution / Clinton met the representatives - are not significant, though British markers may “correct” with the as it seems informal. American English can make what British English considers to be uncountable nouns plural, for example technol

43、ogies. When this occurs with formal, technical vocabulary in a specific context - the new technologies - British English, over time, tends to adopt the same form. 4. Greeting difference The Americans and the British use different greetings. In the USA the commonest greeting is “Hi”. In Britain it is

44、 “Hello” or “How are you?” “Hi!” is creeping into British English too. When they are introduced to someone, the Americans say,” Glad to know you.” The British say, “How do you do?” or “Pleased to meet you” When Americans say “goodbye”, they nearly always add, “Have a good day.” Or “Have a good trip.

45、” etc. to friends and strangers alike. The British are already beginning to use “Have a good day.” The British usually use “got” in the sense of “have”. The Americans hardly ever do. AmE: Do you have a car, room, etc? Yes, I do. 11 BrE: Have you got a car, room, etc? Yes, I have. 5. Using words diff

46、erence A. The angle of the using of words The same word can express the different meaning, however, the same conception may express with different words. For instance “billion” in American means “one thousand million” but “one million million” in Britain;“first floor” infers to “the second floor” in

47、 Britain, but still means “the first floor” in American English;Corn means “cereal” in British English, however, specially means “maize” in American. And in American “sidewalk” refers to the rode for pedestrian, while in Britain people use “pavement”. Such difference also exist in “petrol” and “gas”

48、 ;“lift” and “elevator”, and so on. The difference in spelling sometimes was caused by the meaning of the words. Which have been changed in Britain while in American, it still keeps the original meaning. For example, “nasty” means “smelly、dirty” in Britain English, and the meaning is very strong bef

49、ore, but nowadays it just means “unpleasant、unsatisfied”. However, in American English it keeps the original meaning. In another condition, some words keep the original meaning in Britain English, but, changed since they were transplanted to American. “politician” is negative in American English, while neutral in British English;”scheme” is negative in


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