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1、跌倒的概念、现状与危害,北京老年医院 陈峥,2013年老人摔倒事件一 海口杨大爷买菜途中摔倒无人相助 2013年1月4日早晨,海南省海口市阴雨绵绵,68岁的杨大爷骑自行车去白龙北路菜市场买菜,半路突然摔倒,老人在风雨中挣扎近1小时,没能起身。尽管有路人围观,但没有人伸手相助。待有人拨打120,急救人员赶到现场救治时,老人已经没有了呼吸。 2013年老人摔倒事件二 四川达州蒋婆婆摔倒3小孩扶人遭诬陷 6月15日,四川省达州市城区正南花园附近,65岁的蒋婆婆摔倒在地,大腿根部粉碎性骨折。蒋婆婆称3名小孩将自己撞倒,小孩及其家长则称3个孩子主动搀扶老人被诬陷。双方各执一词争执5个多月后,最终小孩家长

2、向派出所报案。,2,跌倒事件回放,跌倒概念 跌倒是指突发、不自主的、非故意的体位改变,倒在地上或更低的平面上。按照国际疾病分类(ICD-10)对跌倒的分类,跌倒包括以下两类:(1)从一个平面至另一个平面的跌落:(2)同一平面的跌倒。 跌倒是我国伤害死亡的第四位原因,而在65岁以上的老年人中则为首位。老年人跌倒死亡率随年龄的增加急剧上升。跌倒除了导致老年人死亡外,还导致大量残疾,并且影响老年人的身心健康。如跌倒后的恐惧心理可以降低老年人的活动能力,使其活动范围受限,生活质量下降。 老年人跌倒的发生并不是一种意外,而是存在潜在的危险因素,老年人跌倒是可以预防和控制的。在西方发达国家,已经在预防老年

3、人跌倒方面进行了积极的干预,大大降低了老年人跌倒的发生。,3,老年人跌倒干预技术指南,老年人跌倒发生率高、后果严重,是老年人伤残和死亡的重要原因之一。 据美国疾病预防控制中心2006年公布数据显示:美国每年有30%的65岁以上老年人出现跌倒。随着美国老龄化的发展,直接死于跌倒的人数从2003年的13700人上升到2006年的15802人。 此外,报道还显示:在过去的三个月中,580万65岁以上老人有过不止一次的跌倒经历。一年中,180万65岁以上老人因跌倒导致活动受限或医院就诊。 2006年全国疾病监测系统死因监测数据显示:我国65岁以上老年人跌倒死亡率男性为49.56/10万,女性为52.8

4、0/10万。,4,老年人跌倒流行状况,仅2002年,美国老年人因跌倒致死12800人,每年因跌倒造成的医疗总费用超过200亿美元,估计到2020年因跌倒造成的医疗总费用将超过320亿美元; 在澳大利亚,2001年,用于老年人跌倒的医疗支出达到0.86亿澳元,估计2021年将达到1.81亿澳元。 我国已进入老龄化社会,65岁及以上老年人已达1.5亿。按30的发生率估算每年将有4000多万老年人至少发生1次跌倒。严重威胁着老年人的身心健康、日常活动及独立生活能力,也增加了家庭和社会的负担。,5,老人跌倒疾病负担,(一) 内在危险因素 1. 生理因素: 2. 病理因素 (1)神经系统疾病:卒中、帕金

5、森病、脊椎病、小脑疾病、前庭疾病、外周神经系统病变。 (2)心血管疾病:位性低血压、脑梗死、小血管缺血性病变等。 (3)影响视力的眼部疾病:白内障、偏盲、青光眼、黄斑变性。 (4)心理及认知因素:痴呆(尤其是Alzheimer型),抑郁症。 (5)其他:昏厥、眩晕、惊厥、偏瘫、足部疾病 3. 药物因素 (1)精神类药物: 抗抑郁药、抗焦虑药、催眠药、抗惊厥药、安定药。 (2)心血管药物: 抗高血压药、利尿剂、血管扩张药。 (3)其他:降糖药、非甾体类抗炎药、镇痛剂、多巴胺类药物、抗帕金森病药。 4. 心理因素 沮丧、抑郁、焦虑、情绪不佳及其导致的与社会的隔离均增加跌倒的危险。沮丧可能会削弱老年

6、人的注意力,潜在的心理状态混乱也和沮丧相关,都会导致老年人对环境危险因素的感知和反应能力下降。另外,害怕跌倒也使行为能力降低,行动受到限制,从而影响步态和平衡能力而增加跌倒的危险。,6,老年人跌倒危险因素,(二)外在危险因素 1. 环境因素 昏暗的灯光,湿滑、不平坦的路面,在步行途中的障碍物,不合适的家具高度和摆放位置,楼梯台阶,卫生间没有扶拦、把手等都可能增加跌倒的危险,不合适的鞋子和行走辅助工具也与跌倒有关。 室外的危险因素包括台阶和人行道缺乏修缮,雨雪天气、拥挤等都可能引起老年人跌倒。 2. 社会因素 老年人的教育和收入水平、卫生保健水平、享受社会服务和卫生服务的途径、室外环境的安全设计

7、,以及老年人是否独居、与社会的交往和联系程度都会影响其跌倒的发生率。,7,老年人跌倒危险因素,WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age,8,1. Falls Falls are prominent among the external causes of unintentional injury. They are coded as E880-E888 in ICD-9, and as W00-W19 in ICD-10, which include a wide range of falls including those on t

8、he same level, upper level, and other unspecified falls. Falls are commonly defined as “inadvertently coming to rest on the ground, floor or other lower level, excluding intentional change in position to rest in furniture, wall or other objects”.,R29.6 Tendency to fall, not elsewhere classified Tend

9、ency to fall because of old age or other unclear health problems Excl.: accidents (X59.-) difficulty in walking (R26.2) dizziness and giddiness (R42) falls causing injury (W00-W19) falls due to diseases classified elsewhere syncope and collapse (R55),9,Frequency of falls.,10,Approximately 28-35% of

10、people aged of 65 and over fall each year (2-4) increasing to 32-42% for those over 70 years of age(5-7). The frequency of falls increases with age and frailty level. Older people who are living in nursing homes fall more often than those who are living in community. Approximately 30-50% of people l

11、iving in long-term care institutions fall each year, and 40% of them experienced recurrent falls (8). The incidence of falls appears to vary among countries as well. For instance, a study in the South-East Asia Region found that in China, 6-31% (9-13) while another, found that in Japan, 20% (14) of

12、older adults fell each year. A study in the Region of the Americas (Latin/Caribbean region) found the proportion of older adults who fell each year ranging from 21.6% in Barbados to 34% in Chile (15).,65岁以上28-35%老人出现跌倒,70岁以上32-42%出现。 跌倒与衰老相关 住护理院发病率高 跌倒的后果不同国家不同。,Fall injury rates.,11,The rate of ho

13、spital admission due to falls for people at the age of 60 and older in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) range from 1.6 to 3.0 per 10 000 population. Fall injury rates resulting in emergency department visits of the same age group in Western Australi

14、a and in the United Kingdom are higher: 5.5-8.9 per 10 000 population total.,跌倒住院率是每一万人口1.6-3.0 英国和澳洲老人跌倒看急诊率是万分之5.5-8.9,Fall mortality rates.,12,Falls account for 40% of all injury deaths (27). Rates vary depending on the country and the studied population. Fall fatality rate for people aged 65 and

15、 older in United States of America (USA) is 36.8 per 100,000 population (46.2 for men and 31.1 for women) (28) whereas in Canada mortality rate for the same age group is 9.4 per 10 000 population (29). Mortality rate for people age 50 and older in Finland is 55.4 for men and 43.1 for women per 100,0

16、00 population,跌倒占所有损伤致死率是40%。 美国65岁以上跌倒死亡率是十万分之36.8,而加拿大同样年龄组是9.4。芬兰50死亡率是男性十万分之55.4,女性是43.1。,13,美国按年龄性别分组跌倒死亡率(十万),14,导致跌倒的风险因素,Active Ageing: a framework for the global strategy for the prevention of falls in older age,15,Active Ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, partici

17、pation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.,16,积极老龄化的目的,Determinants of Active Ageing as they relate to falls in older age,17,1. Cross-cutting determinants: culture and gender a) Culture Cultural values and traditions determine to a large extent how a given society views o

18、lder people and falls in older age. b) Gender While falls are more common among older women than men fall-related mortality is higher among older men. Policies and programmes on falls prevention need to reflect a gender perspective.,文化因素:如何看待老人跌倒 性别因素:老年女性比男性跌倒发生率高,但死亡率男性更高。,18,2. Determinants relat

19、ed to health and social services Health and social services providers are by and large unprepared to prevent and manage falls in older age. 3. Behavioural determinants a) Physical activity b) Healthy eating c) Use of medicines d) Risk-taking behaviours,卫生和社会服务因素:是否关注跌倒 行为因素:健身、健康饮食、正确用药、避免风险因素,19,4. Determinants related to personal factors Attitudes b) Fear of falling c) Coping with falls d) Ethnicity and race 5. Determinants related to the physical environment 6. Determinants related to the social environment 7. Economic determinants,个体因素:态度、恐惧跌倒、应对跌倒、种族 环境因素 社会因素 经济因素,20,跌倒干预措施,21,谢谢关注,22,


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