Analysis on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from Mythological and Archetypal Approaches 英语毕业论文.doc

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1、论文题目 Analysis on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from Mythological and Archetypal Approaches 2 Abtract: Tom Sawyer , a plain American boy ,lives with his younger brother Sid and Aunt Polly in St.Petersburg , a remote town on the banks of the Mississippi River .But the two brothers are totally different

2、 . In Toms daily life , his behaviors and thoughts are never according to his brother who is a “model” boy but cruel in heart , and Tom Sawyer always makes his aunt angry . Whatever in school or in life , he is a naughty boy . But exactly he clever and brave still . He knows what he want to do and w

3、hat he should do . Just as all the things he worked for little Becky , and the things he sticked to persuing. And he is so sincere that he have enough brave to exposed the real criminal the Indian Joe who escapes through an open window of the court-room . Due these fine characters he bacame a ture h

4、ero fially . Key words : Naughty adventerous hero 3 摘要: 汤姆索亚,一个平凡的美国男孩。和哥哥山地与姑妈波利住在 密西西比河河岸一个偏远的山村里。但他们这两个住在一个屋 檐下的弟兄两却是大相径庭。在汤姆的日常生活里,他的行为 与想法似乎从未与这个外表是模范内心险恶的哥哥一致过。不 过,汤姆是经常惹姑妈和哥哥不开心的那一位。无论是在学校 或是平常的生活中,汤姆一直是个淘气、聪明和勇敢的孩子。 他知道什么是自己想做的,什么是自己该做的。就像他一心为 追求贝奇所付出的,就像他所谓的海盗式生活,就像他在正义 面前勇敢指出凶手那样。也正是由于这些淘气

5、的优点,他这种 为所追求的坚持不懈的勇气和为所坚持的正义而果断的做出决 定,最终使他成为了本故事的小英雄。 关键词: 淘气 冒险主义 英雄 4 Bibliography WuWeiRen: History and Anthology of American Literature In 2 vols Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press Dce .2011 QianQin: A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature In 4 vols Foreign Language Teaching An

6、d Research Press. Oxford University Press . Jan 2012 Mark Twain : The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Bantam classic reissue . Jan 2004 Voto De. Benard. Mark Twains America. Cambridge.MA. Houthton Mifflin Company.1932. Burrows. David J. Lapides. Frederich R.and Shawcross. John T.ed. Myth in the “Huck Beili

7、feien, Adventure“, there are similar Superstition, there is always bad luck to believe to see the snake, such as Jim. The villagers are superstitious, and also believe Magic, witchcraft, and so on. Thus, they not only serve to portray the role of local characteristics, and gave increase of dark and

8、terror story for future Moonlight gravedigger graveyard murder and the cave adventure foreshadowed. A very important theme in the book - Resurrection prototype is reflected in the second chapter, “In Cemetery. “Tom and Huck witnessed the Yin Youen Joe exhumation and the murder of Robinson doctor Sce

9、ne, this plot to show the people the dead were taken to the living world, live People driven to the underworld, unconscious muffle Potter but in between these two positions, which these circumstances are very in line with the resurrection of the prototype. The resurrection of the prototype is based

10、on folklore in this way. Introduced to a good body build-up of the story, Tom and Huck dead 9 cats can be cured, Robin Jackson doctor is convinced that the dead body to help with his medical skills. Results in the process they find Robinson was kill by Joe, Tom has been threatened by the Qiaosuo Wei

11、, in a life-threatening. Waiting for the devil to take away the dead soul of William, and good time to throw the dead cat in his body. However, they witnessed the Tomb of the exhumation and burial murder. Folklore in love Section to start the resurrection of the prototype with the folklore is reflec

12、ted. 2. Devil prototype Around the body of Joe, the book show many myths features. Believe about dead cat superstition, children anticipate the emergence of the devil, just at this time, Joe appeared, he play the role of the devil prototype. “Joe, a savage, he is the Americans themselves mythical im

13、age. “Due to his half Indian descent, he is American culture in the wild very incarnation of the original. He and Cooper described by Tacitus Teague and Kuikui Ge, the same is printed. The first Native- Americans, but with them, his character is only cruel and barbaric. Unlike the Cooper, Herman Mel

14、ville and William Faulkners Indians, he did the white wizard The identity of friends and companions is not unjustly wicked and him that only genuine the original characteristics. He hated the white society that civilized society, this edge due to the white. His abuse, his 10 abhorrence led to his mu

15、rder Robinson doctor, and murder turn to marry Porter. To yEn Joe not only has the features of the mythology of the United States, also has a general characteristics of the myth of the devil, “he lurk in the deep hole in the story to the most God Secret place, he begain appeared, like dormant in the

16、 ground all the legendary demons guarding his treasure. “His devil image in the book are described, and in the scene of the most representative of the cemetery. “At midnight, the devil appears, it may be two or three together, you can not see them, but you can hear the wind, or they talk about initi

17、als, Finals. “Hack the language of myth about precisely predicted the next hair students do. Then, th devil - Yin Youen Joe exhumation murder. Whenever Joe out At present, the word of the devil in his body, he always Huck called “killers“ and Yin Youen the devil. “Yinyou En Joe characters appropriat

18、e to reflect the devil prototype. 3.The nature of the prototype “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer“ the characters living in the 1840s close West than on both sides of the river, there is with the myth of the prototype features landforms: river Virgin forests, islands and holes. Traditional mythology of

19、the river, wilderness, Island and hole topography characteristics of this feature in the Jacksons Island “in this chapter. Virgin forest and island mythology in their paradise in the idyllic 11 ideal, a symbol of the American myth of freedom paradise. However, Joe, as an American Myth The image is a

20、lways closely linked and Jackson Island. Island is a Barbarian Joe out did not place, the Island and the virgin forest, a symbol of Americans have not yet developed to the music far away from civilization Soil. Completely barbaric and Another feature of the original is also a virgin forest. When the

21、 children from back to town on the island, they return to the earthly paradise of freedom, the river has symbolism is a romantic paradise system real-world cut off. Island idyllic song-style view with St. Petersburg, boring, dangerous and vulgar life in stark ratio. The town of civilized life not on

22、ly constrain the freedom of the children play, there are some potentially dangerous threat to the lives of children. In the wilderness of the island, they both are not the constraints of social norms, but also away from life-threatening. Many of the traditional myth, the hole has a function in the c

23、ave, the hero is always through a long sleep, but not dead, the hole is always temporarily away from the real life place “in“ Tom Sawyer Adventure “, it has a similar function, the hole means by the devil ruled the underground. Hole, as in the book called “Labyrinth“ dark desolation, chaos is a terr

24、or place away from normal life. However, the “hole is students and a symbol of regeneration, Tom in the cave to protect Betty allowed itself to become a hero, because from the cave, Tom newborn Tom. The hole also the burial place of the devil,after his death to the 12 children left the property, the

25、 property was returned to town, for the children into line civilized enlightenment. Savage demon possession and guardian of property services in the open ignorance and enlightenment of knowledge, it also symbolizes the expulsion and conquest of civilization to the savage.Fourth, Mark Twain and Ameri

26、can treatment of civilization to conquer the barbaric attitude Joe understand the prototype for the devil makes people have to think of the American Myth The original owner of the Indians - on American soil. As an Indian, Joe White for no reason hate the village, he hated to Robinson, because “five

27、years ago from the kitchen of your father, I rush out, and I just want to discuss points to eat, you say I should not even think to get a little bit of something, then I swear one day I will accounts with you, your father no reason to put me in jail. Do you think I forget? I Yinyou En blood is not i

28、n vain! “Widow Douglas, Joe intends to like right be sow cut her nose, cut her ears! “That is because“ your husband ,Husband had brutally hit me, hit a lot of times - he just give me as a judge.Security charges and thrown into prison. This is nothing, he whipped me- Pumping nigger, like pumping in p

29、rison in front of me! - The whole town is watching! With a whip! - Can you understand? “ Mark Twain expressed this way the Indian fuzzy state degrees. In his eyes, Joe is both a devil, they are the victims. His evil is white on his injustice and abuse aroused. Scene table of ambiguities in the Joe d

30、ied 13 Now the most obvious. Tom saw Yinyou En Joe fell to the ground, dead, his face close to the door, seems that he is still full of desire until the last moment of looking at have a bright a world of laughter, “this scene shook his soul.“ Tom was touched, because his experience told him this wic

31、ked by how kind of suffering. He slowly mercy and compassion, and more with relief and a sense of security. “All Americans filling in this attitude of the Indians - fear mixed with relief and contrition. By Robinson doctors and Judge Douglas represent civilization is decadent and ugly, he Their crue

32、l behavior was stirred Joe barbaric and criminal. Joes death in a civilized society the original . The beginning of the savage conquest, the last civilization to win in the end. However, the paper, the author did not have conclusions - civilization to conquer the original is definitely progress, as

33、the islands original forest. Not only represents the barbaric and primitive, and they represent the traditional rules no hint of the American Myth norm constraint free paradise. Civilization to conquer the barbaric, but also stifle freedom; by a civilized, too civilized enlightenment precisely the c

34、loak of the vulgar and ugly deeds. Make By this fuzzy point of view because the civilization and the above- mentioned in the original each positive and a negative impact, which reflects Americans treatment of the primitive and the civilized contradictions thinking.V. Conclusion. Mark Twain in “Tom S

35、awyer Adventure“ in real life, the legendary 14 World Sector and the myth of a prototype three together, and as the story of the anti-exhibition show to express the American treatment of American civilization and American Indians, the original of this ambiguities of the relationship. Thus, the Ameri

36、cans on behalf of Mark Twain conquer Indian period of history have a complex and contradictory feelings. By means of the myth of a prototype sub-analysis of works intended to highlight social problems and their creative thinking is becoming clear. Extremely phase ,Like, Mark? Series of works of Twain “Huck Beilifeien, Adventures,“ and also anti-reflect the profound social problems, including the civilized and primitive relations, it also shows of the continuity of thought, the more that the work is far from the general view that as is a simple childs books .


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