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1、,Unit 8 Pets,Comic strip & welcome to the unit,Unit 8 Pets,Comic strip & welcome to the unit,video,Lead-in,Do you like animals?,What animals do you know?,elephant,tiger,dog,cat,rabbit,goldfish,parrot,mouse,panda,camel,ant,giraffe,snake,kangaroo,parrot,rabbit,dog,mouse,cat,goldfish,What are they?,It

2、can smell things as well as dogs can.,There are seven bones in its long neck.,Its ears are like open fans,Make beautiful sounds,They can eat the leaves from the tree easily,Say something about animals(amazing things we have learned),There are no bones in the back of elephants feet,the king of the an

3、imal world dangerous,clever and funny jump around and make people laugh,like eating bamboo and lying down all day long,sleep with their eyes open,Lets play a guessing game!,It likes moving around at night .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,mouse,It lives in the holes (洞穴) and it loves rice(大米) .,It

4、s also dangerous because it may cause disease(疾病) .,mouse,mice,small and soft,hold it in ones hand,The girl is holding a white mouse in her hand .,How small the white mouse is ! What a soft white mouse it is !,It always sleeps in the daytime .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,cat,Its duty is to cat

5、ch mice.,It miaows when it feels hungry .,It is sleeping on her knees.,n. 膝, 膝盖,paw,She likes chasing a mouse.,He likes running after the ball.,Guess what kind of animal it is !,dog,His favourite food is bones(骨头).,When he sees somebody strange , he will bark .,dog,friendly,helpful,play with him in

6、the park,She is playing with her dog in the park .,She is walking her dog in the park . She is taking her dog for a walk in the park .,It looks lovely and cute . It likes eating carrots . Its eyes are red . It has long ears .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,rabbit,The rabbit is eating a carrot . A

7、 man is feeding the rabbit a carrot. .,The girl is feeding a horse some food .,feed sb sth feed sth to sb,It cant live without water . It looks beautiful and colorful . People usually keep it in a tank made of glass .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,goldfish,a goldfish,I like watching them swim ar

8、ound.,watch sb do sth,two goldfish,tail,fin,It s a kind of bird with colorful feathers . People usually keep it in a cage (笼子). It can repeat simple words or sing songs .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,parrot,feathers,wing,tail,black -and- white,parrot,look beautiful in the sun,teach the,parrots,

9、to speak,repeat peoples words,cage,He is teaching the parrot to speak .,Maybe the parrot is repeating peoples words.,Its so cute that most Chinese people like it . It likes eating bamboo shoots (竹笋). Its also the symbol (象征) of China .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,panda,Its so lazy that it is v

10、ery fat . Its duty is to eat and sleep . people like to eat its meat .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,pig,It is one of the cleverest animals in the world . It likes to eat bananas . It likes to live in the forests .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,monkey,It is a large animal . Sometimes it is v

11、ery friendly . It has big ears and long noses .,Guess what kind of animal it is !,elephant,They are dangerous !,Can we keep them as pets?,Which is your favourite pet ? Can you tell me why ?,Pair work: What animal do you want to keep as a pet?,A: What is your favourite pet ? B: My favourite pet is A:

12、 Why ? B:I like it because What about you? A: I like ,because,: I like my parrot because : I like my rabbit because : I like my goldfish because : I like my white mouse because : I like my dog because : I like my cat because,a I like watching it swim around. b she sleeps on my lap. c its very small

13、and soft and I can hold it in my hand. d I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears. e I can play with him in the park f it can sing. I want to teach it to speak.,f,d,a,c,e,b,Different people love different pets.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Can you guess what my favourite pet is ?,Guess: Who is he?,He likes to

14、 eat and sleep.,He is fat and lazy,but very lovely.,We can see him every unit.,Hello, Im Eddie!,He has a tail(尾巴) and four paws(爪子).,His fur(皮毛) is yellow.,Listen and answer,What time is it now ? 2.What does Eddie ask Hobo to do ? 3.Is Hobo happy? Why?,If you are Hobo ,do you want a new master?,He a

15、sks Hobo to bring him something to eat.,Its 12:30,No,because Eddie didnt say “please”, he is rude.,We should be polite 、kind、friendly to others.,Read and act in roles!,Interview your pet,Make a report,What is your pet ? What is he/she like ? What does he/she like ? What does he/she often do ? What d

16、oes he/she need ? What does he/she hope ?,Its time for you to show your report !,My opinion about keeping pets,Pets give us happiness, and they are our good friends. A pet may be another baby to the mother, a sister or brother to an only child, and a grandchild to the old people.,Many people say tha

17、t their pets can understand them very well.,Pets are very important for us children, because we can learn a lot about the world. A pet in the family keeps people in touch with the animal world.,We should be good to pets.,Discussion,Pets are our family members ,how to keep pets healthy?,1.Wash them more often 2.Give some food to eat 3.Let them do some exercise 4.Help them get a good habit,Love pets,love life,1 Read the poems on P94 by yourselves . 2 Finish the exercises in your exercise book .,Homework:,Thank you!,


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