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1、Unit Two,Inquiries and Offer,Inquiry and Reply,In international business activities, making inquiries is the initial stage of business negotiations between the buyers and sellers. The purpose of which is to seek a supply of products, services or relative information. 在国际商务活动中,询盘是买卖双方商务洽谈的第一步,其目的在于寻求

2、货源,服务或获得有关信息。 Usually, the buyers make inquiries without any engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered. The sellers, however, can also make inquiries to get information about the goods to be sold, without any engagement, too. 一般来说,询盘往往由买方提出,以得到想购货物的情况,但不承担任何义务。同时,卖方也可以提出询盘,以获得所售商品的

3、信息,当然也不承担任何义务。,The information wanted by the buyers or the sellers usually includes the following elements: 买方或卖方所要了解的主要信息包括以下内容: The supply of commodities 货源情况 The price 价格 The packing 包装 The catalogue 产品目录 The delivery date 交货期 Terms of payment 支付条款 Other terms concerned 其他条款,Inquiries can be made

4、 orally or in written form. If the written form is adopted, the person who makes inquiries should remember to consider carefully to which regions the inquiries are to be sent and how many suppliers or purchasers are to be approached in one and the same region. Failure to take into consideration the

5、relevant situation would lead to adverse effect on future transactions. 询盘既可以口头进行,也可以书面形式进行。如采用书面形式,询盘人应认真考虑向哪些地方发出询盘以及在同一地区要与多少供货商或购货商联系。若考虑不周,将对以后的交易产生不良影响。,When writing enquiry letter to your counterpart, there is no need to choose words and phrases carefully to draw the readers attention. A requ

6、est for a price list or catalogue can be made in a single sentence. A request for a quotation of price and other trade terms may need a little longer description, which should be clear and exact. But remember there is no need for long, over-polite phrases and still less humbleness. 向对方发询盘时,无需太讲究措辞来吸

7、引对方注意。索取价格表或目录只需一句话即可;要求提供报价和其他贸易条款时,所需说明较长,其说明必须清楚,准确。不过应该记住,不要使用过分冗长或过分客气的词语,更不要有自卑感。,Having received the enquiry letter, the receiver should study it with caution and reply the enquiry letter as soon as possible, telling them whether you could sell or buy. 如是收到询盘,收件人应认真研究并尽快给予答复,告诉对方你能否买或卖。 If in

8、 oral form, especially when the business relations have been established between the buyers and sellers, the inquiries and replies will be very easy and simple. What should be paid attention to is that both of them may have a friendly and cordial discussion according to what has been mentioned. 如采用口

9、头形式,尤其是已建立起业务关系后,买卖双方的询盘及答复将非常容易和简单,所需要注意的仅仅是根据上面提到的细节,双方进行友好和具有诚意的洽谈而已。,Offer and Counter-offer,In many types of business, it has always been the practice for the supplier to make an offer directly to his regular customers and to others who may be interested in his goods, without waiting for an enq

10、uiry. But when the supplier has received an enquiry from the buyer and decided to sell the goods, he should make an offer to the buyer. 在许多业务中,供货商不等待询盘而直接向老客户和其他可能对其商品感兴趣的客商报盘。然而,当供货商收到买方的询盘并决定向买方出售货物时,供货商就应报盘。,It should be pointed out that offer is different from quotation. Quotation is just an ind

11、ication of price without contractual obligation, and it is subject to change without previous notice. We have learned that a proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer to be bound in case of acceptance. So offer is a definite commitment on the p

12、art of the supplier. 应当指出的是,报盘不同于报价。报价只是报价格,不包括契约性义务,而且不需要预先通知便可更改报价内容。我们应知道,向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分明确并表明报价人在得到接受时承受约束的旨意,即构成报盘。因此,报盘是指供货商做出的一个明确而肯定的义务承诺。,In business activities, when making an offer, orally or in written form, the following elements are usually included: 在商务活动中,报盘时,不论是口头还是书面形式,应

13、包括以下内容: The name, price, quality and quantity of the goods 商品的名称,价格,质量和数量 The date of delivery or time of shipment 交货期或装船期 The terms of payment 支付条款 The validity of the offer 报盘有效期 Other terms concerned, such as packing, insurance, discount . 其他有关条款,如包装,保险,折扣。,When a supplier promise to sell the goo

14、ds at a stated price within a stated period of time, the offer made by him is called a firm offer. But if an offer has the limitative sentence that is a non-firm offer. 当供货商承诺在限定时间内以限定的价格出售商品时 这种报盘称为实盘。但当报盘中有限定性语句时,那就是虚盘。 Such as:The offer is subject to our final confirmation. 以我方最后确认为准。 This offer

15、is subject to the import license obtained. 以我方获得尽快许可证为准。 But if an offer has the limitative sentence, such as “Our offer is subject to your reply reaching us not later than September 10, 2010. ”that is also a firm offer. 但是,如果报盘中有限定性语句如“我方报盘以你方2010年九月十日前复到有效。” 那是实盘。,It should be noted that a firm of

16、fer is capable of acceptance, and once it has been accepted it cannot be withdraw and the offerer should perform the obligations stipulated in it. 应该注意的是,实盘可以被接受,而且一旦被接受就不能撤销,发盘人必须履行实盘中所规定的义务。 It is known that a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations

17、 or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer. So a counter-offer means a partial rejection of the original offer, and it is also means a counter proposal put forward by the buyer / offeree. 大家知道,对于虽然表示接受报盘,但在答复中有附加条款,限定条款或其他内容时,则被视为拒绝该项报盘并构成还盘。因此,还盘意味着对最初报盘的部分否

18、定,同时也包含着买方或受盘人提出新的条件。,In practical business negotiations, the buyer may not agree on the price, packing, shipment or payment, etc. He may state his own terms instead. Such alterations indicate that business has to be negotiated on a renewed basis. Such being the case, the original offerer or the sel

19、ler now become the offeree and is entitled to accept or refuse. In the later case, he may make another counter-offer of his own. This process can go on for many a round until the transaction is concluded or called off. 在实际业务洽谈中,买方可能不同意卖方或发盘人提出的价格,包装,装运,支付条款等条件,而提出自己的条件。这样的变动表明,生意需要在新的基础上进行谈判。在此种情况下,

20、原来的发盘人或叫做卖方现在则变成了受盘人,他有权接受或拒绝;拒绝时,他可能做出另一个还盘。这样的过程可能进行好几轮,直到成交或被取消。,Sometimes, the sentence “Accept your offer subject to the following alterations” may be used in answering an offer. Although the word “accept” is used, in fact, the offer is still rejected, because the offer does not agree to the wh

21、ole offer. 答复报盘时,可能会使用“接受你方报盘,但须做以下修改。”这样的句子。尽管使用了“接受”二字,但实际上该报盘仍被拒绝了,因为受盘人并没有同意发盘人提出的全部报盘内容。 In making a counter-offer, the party concerned should express regret at inability to accept, explain reasons for non-acceptance and suggest that there may be other opportunities to do business together in t

22、he future. 还盘时,应对不能接受报盘表示歉意,要说明不能接受的理由;同时,要提请对方注意将来还有做生意的机会。,Incoterms 2000 国际贸易术语解释通则 2000,Sending goods from one country to another, as part of a commercial transaction, can be a risky business. If they are lost or damaged, or delivery does not take place for some other reason, the climate of conf

23、idence between parties may degenerate to the point where a law suit is brought. Therefore, above all, sellers and buyers in international contracts want their deals to be successfully completed. 作为商业交易的一部分,把货物从一国运至另一国可能是件冒险的事。如果货物丢失或损坏,或因某种原因没有运到,买卖双方间的信任就会下降,可能会严重到引起法律纠纷。因此,对签订国际合同的买卖双方来说,最重要是成功完成交

24、易。,If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely. In so doing they eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding and subsequent dispute. 买卖双方在制定合同时,如果

25、有理解一致的具体规则可供参考,他们就肯定能简单,可靠地确定各自的责任。这么做双方就可以排除可能产生的误解以及由此引起的纠纷。,The purpose of Incoterms is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Thus, the uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries

26、can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree. 国际贸易术语解释通则的目的在于为外贸业务中使用最普遍的贸易术语提供一套国际解释通则。因此,可避免或尽量减少不同国家对贸易术语的不同解释所造成的不确定性。 注:1936年国际商会制定出一套贸易术语解释通 则。为了使这些通则符合正在使用的国际贸易做法,以后在1953,1967,1976,1980,1990和2000年对通则进行了修订和增补。2000年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了关税保护区的发展,电子商务的发展,商务活动中的电子通讯使用的增加以及运输方式的变化。2000版的

27、通则对所有术语的说明均比原通则更加简单明了。,The terms have been grouped in four basically different categories: Group E: EXW _ Ex Work 工厂交货 Group F: FCA _ Free Carrier 货交承运人 FAS _ Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货 FOB _ Free on Board 装运港船上交货 Group C: CFR _ Cost and Freight 成本加运费 CIF _ Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费加运费 CPT

28、 _ Carriage Paid To 运费付至 CIP _ Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费和保险费付至 Group D: DAF _ Delivered At Frontier 边境交货 DES _ Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货 DEQ _ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货 DDU _ Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货 DDP _ Delivered Duty Paid 已完税交货,第一组(E组):卖方在自己的地点(工厂或仓库)将货物交付买方。不必办理出口报关手续,也无需签订运输和保险合同。 第

29、二组(F组):卖方将货物交至由买方指定的承运人。但无签订运输和保险合同的责任。 第三组(C组):由卖方签订运输合同,但不承担货物从装运地启运后(交给承运人或货物装船后)所发生的货物丢失或损坏的风险及额外费用。 第四组(D组):卖方必须承担将货物运往指定的进口国交货地点的一切风险和费用。,我国进出口贸易中常用的贸易术语有FOB, CFR和CIF三种。 FOB的基本含义:卖方在合同规定的装运港 将货物装到买方指定的船上,并承担货物装上船为止的一切费用和风险。 CFR的基本含义:卖方负责租船订舱,按期在装运港将符合合同规定的货物装上运往约定目的港的船上。支付正常运费,并承担货物装船前的一切费用和风险。还承担货物装船后及时发出装船通知的义务。 CIF的基本含义:卖方负责租船订舱,负责办理保险,按期在装运港将符合合同规定的货物装上运往约定目的港的船上。支付正常运费及保险费,并承担货物装船前的一切费用和风险。,从这三种价格术语的解释可以看到,这三种常用的价格术语都是装运港交货,买卖双方的风险划分都是以货物装上船为界限,但主要区别是买卖双方办理的手续和支付的费用不同。其主要异同点如下:,


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