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1、Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald,Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself. He is widely regarded as one of the twentieth centurys greatest writer

2、s. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the “Lost Generation“ of the 1920s.,Fitzgerald was both a leading participant in the typically frivolous, carefree, money-making life of the decade and, at the same time, a detached observer of it. He was the most representative novelist of the 1920s.,F. Scott

3、 Fitzgerald,Life and Career Literary Characteristics The Great Gatsby,Life and Literary Career,Birth: born into a St. Paul middle-class family in 1896 Father: gentlemanly but unsuccessful in business Mother: descendant of an Irish immigrant Entering Princeton at 17 Joining the army in 1917; writing

4、The Romantic Egoist ; falling in love with Zelda Sayre Discharged from the army in 1919; going to New York Returning to St. Paul; publishing This Side of Paradise in 1920 Getting married; going to New York; Flappers and Philosophers and Tales of the Jazz Age published in 1920 and 1922 respectively,L

5、ife and Literary Career,Becoming “the angel of twenties” ; The Beautiful and the Damned published in 1922 Going to France in 1924; spokesman of “The Lost Generation”; producing The Great Gatsby in 1925; Tender Is the Night and stories Marriage problem; Loneliness, alcohol, and the awareness that he

6、was dissipating his talent: breakdown On the brink of despair and disintegration between 1934 and 1937; ill with TB, drinking more heavily, and making two unsuccessful attempts at suicide Accepting a writing contract for Hollywood, but dismissed from his work late in 1938 Starting the writing of The

7、 Last Tycoon which remained unfinished with his death in 1940.,Literary Characteristics,Fitzgerald: excellent chronicler of the Jazz Age Greatness: finding intuitively in his personal experience the embodiment of that of the nation and creating a myth out of American life Pursuing his ideals; object

8、ive enough to analyze, satirize and criticize them Simplicity and gracefulness Metaphors and symbols Manipulating relation between the general and the specific Bold impressionistic and colorful quality,Themes: money and love,Attitude towards money: contradictory and complex Double vision: knowing it

9、 well inside; seeing it ironically outside Special experience: familiar with life style, mental state and moral standards of the rich Critical of the rich and showing the disintegrating effects of wealth on the emotional make-up,Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald,This Side of Paradise The Beautiful and D

10、amned The Great Gatsby Tender Is the Night The Last Tycoon,二十多年创作生涯,发表多部长篇小说和160多篇短篇小说。 剧本:美女和被诅咒的人、伟大的盖茨比、生死同心、女人、乱世佳人、居里夫人、 夜色温柔 我最后一次看到巴黎、绮梦初艳等 长篇小说:最后一个大亨、明智的事、了不起的盖茨比、夜色温柔、人间天堂等 短篇小说:姑娘们与哲学家们、爵土时代的故事、富家公子、本杰明巴顿奇特的一生、伯妮斯剪发、遗失的十年等,人间天堂(This Side of Paradise,1920),第一部长篇(划时代作品)。主人公阿莫瑞布莱恩外表俊美、家境富裕、娇

11、生惯养。曾考入普林斯顿大学成为大学生,后参加第一次世界大战,战争让他看清了这个时代和人性的一些本质。退伍后更加迷茫、颓废。30岁时变得愤世嫉俗、厌世,开始“厌恶这个社会制度”,盼望来一场社会革命,把自己推到社会的顶峰。 小说以作者自己求学和海外生活为原型,描述主人公从预备学校到大学,再经历第一次世界大战的经历,再现“迷惘一代”精神面貌,主人公是多愁善感、满脑子幻想的年轻人,一心想“飞黄腾达”,娶漂亮姑娘做妻子。可因家庭状况欠佳,漂亮姑娘不愿嫁他。他由此“厌恶这个社会制度”,“盼望来一场社会革命,把我翻到社会的顶峰”。,夜色温柔(Tender Is the Night,1934 ),生前完成的最

12、后一部长篇,描写一个出身寒微但才华出众的青年对梦幻般理想的追求以及最终遭到失败、变得颓废消沉的故事。 小说背景是作者熟悉的欧洲大陆,时间为19171930,但小说展现的仍是美国“爵士乐时代”的社会场景。 一部自传性小说,探索一种酷似作者所经历的感情与精神的崩溃过程,描写了强烈的怀旧情绪、悔恨心理、失落的希望、破灭的幻想、人格的分裂。,Tender Is the Night,迪克戴弗是来自美国中西部的年轻有为的精神医生,在瑞士的苏黎世进行精神病的病理研究。他参与了对富家女尼科尔沃伦的治疗。尼科尔因百万富翁的父亲与她乱伦而患上精神病的。在治疗过程中尼科尔爱上了迪克,迪克不顾他人的劝阻娶了尼科尔。婚

13、后,他将全部的精力花在照顾有病的妻子上,自己的事业则逐渐荒疏。尼科尔在迪克的悉心照料下慢慢康复,过上了正常的生活,迪克却身心疲惫不堪重负日趋消沉。出于苦闷和无聊,迪克与一个名叫萝丝玛丽的女孩产生了爱情纠葛,而尼科尔则同阔少爷汤米寻欢作乐。最后,尼科尔同迪克离婚,嫁给汤米;迪克孓然一身返回美国,在他的家乡小镇以一个普通医生的身份行医了结余生。,Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties,The Jazz Age describes the period after the end of World War I, through the Roaring Twenties,

14、ending with the onset of the Great Depression. The Roaring Twenties The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with modernity, a break with traditions,Jazz Age (1919-1929),The Jazz Age is the nickname in America of the decade of the 1920s, beginnin

15、g from 1919 to the Crash at the end of 1929. It refers to the “Twenties” of this century. These ten years were, for Americans, a time of carefree prosperity, isolated from the worlds problem, bewildering great social change, and a feverish pursuit of pleasure. These were the ten years when the First

16、 World War was just over, when new inventions and manufacturing techniques greatly changed the way people lived; when people moved from the countryside in great numbers; when women won the right to vote and many started to earn their own money.,Jazz Age,When cars, washing machines, radios and vacuum

17、 cleaners became commonplace; and when millions of people lived beyond their means and went into debt in order to obtain such things while the middle class frantically pursued individual “success” and personal enjoyment. They lived a rich, extravagant, frivolous moneymaking life, and it was this sty

18、le of living gave the decade of the 1920s such nickname as the “Jazz Age”, the “Dollar Decade”, and the “Roaring Twenties.”,Jazz Age,Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, moving pictures and radio proliferated modernity to a large part

19、of the population. Formal decorative frills were shed in favor of practicality in both daily life and architecture. At the same time, jazz and dancing rose in popularity, in opposition to the mood of the specter of World War I. As such, the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.,Literatur

20、e,The Roaring Twenties was a period of literary creativity, and works of several notable authors appeared during the period. Books that take the 1920s as their subject include: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is often described as the epitome of the “Jazz Age“ in American literature. All Qui

21、et on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque recounts the horrors of WWI and also the deep detachment from German civilian life felt by many men returning from the front.,This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the lives and morality of post-World War I youth. The Sun Also Rises by

22、Ernest Hemingway is about a group of expatriate Americans in Europe during the 1920s.,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby is a novel by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. First published on April 10, 1925, it is set on Long Islands North Shore and in New York City during the summer of 1922 and i

23、s a critique of the American Dream.,Major Characters,Nick Carraway - The narrator of the novel; moves from the Midwest to New York to learn the bond business. Jay Gatsby - Lives next to Nick in a mansion; throws huge parties, complete with catered food, open bars, and orchestras; people come from ev

24、erywhere to attend these parties, but no one seems to know much about the host. Daisy Buchanan - Shallow girl who is the emodiment of Gatsbys dreams; she was going to marry Gatsby but he went off to war. Tom Buchanan- Husband of Daisy; a cruel man who lives life irresponsibly. Jordan Baker - A cynic

25、al and conceited woman who cheats in golf; wants Nick to go out with her. Myrtle Wilson - Tom has an affair with this married woman, and then abandons her after he become bored with her. George Wilson - Myrtles husband, the lifeless, exhausted owner of a run-down auto shop at the edge of the valley

26、of ashes.,The Great Gatsby,The plot of the novel Gatsby is a poor youth from the Midwest. He falls in love with Daisy, a girl from a wealthy family. As a poor lad, Gatsby is too poor to marry her, so Daisy is married to a rich young man named Tom Buchanan. Determined to win Daisy back, Gatsby engage

27、s himself in Bootlegging and other illegal activities, thus earns enough money to buy a magnificent mansion. There he hosts dazzling parties every weekend in the hope of attracting the Buchanans to come. By chance his next-door neighbor, Nick Carraway, is Daisys relative and he helps Gatsby to make

28、an appointment. They finally come and Gatsby meets Daisy again. But he finds Daisy is no longer the ideal love of his dream.,The plot of the novel,A sense of loss and disillusionment come over him. Daisy and Tom do not really love each other. In fact, Tom has a mistress by the name of Myrtle Wilson,

29、 who is the wife of the owner of a garage. One day Daisy quarrels with Tom and in a fit of anger she drives Gatsbys car and kills Myrtle in an accident. In order to protect themselves, Daisy and Tom plot to shift the blame on to Gatsby, saying Gatsby has an affair with Myrtle and he kills her eventu

30、ally. Myrtles husband George Wilson breaks into Gatsbys house and shots him to death. The Buchanans escape, and the only two persons attending Gatsbys funeral are Nick and Gatsbys father, who reads the news in newspaper.,了不起的盖茨比内容简介,尼克从中西部故乡来到纽约,在他住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第。这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会。尼克和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了。

31、 尼克对盖茨比充满探究的兴趣。探究的结果是:尼克了解到盖茨比内心深处有一段不了之情。 年轻时的盖茨比并不富有,他是一个少尉军官。他爱上了一位叫黛茜的姑娘,黛茜对他也情有所钟。后来第一次世界大战爆发,盖茨比被调往欧洲。,似是偶然却也是必然,黛茜因此和他分手,转而与一个出身于富豪家庭的纨绔子弟汤姆结了婚。黛茜婚后的生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇。物欲的满足并不能填补黛西精神上的空虚。盖茨比痛苦万分,他坚信是金钱让黛茜背叛了心灵的贞洁,于是立志要成为富翁。几年以后,盖茨比终于成功了。他在黛茜府邸的对面建造起了一幢大厦。盖茨比挥金如土,彻夜笙箫,一心想引起黛茜的注意,以挽回失去的爱情。,尼克为盖茨比的


33、的化身,却只徒有美丽的躯壳。尽管黛西早已移情别恋,尽管他清楚地听出“她的声音充满了金钱”,却仍不改初衷,固执地追求重温旧梦。,人们在为盖茨比举行葬礼,黛茜和她丈夫此时却早已在欧洲旅行的路上。不了情终于有了了结。尼克目睹了人类现实的虚情寡义,深感厌恶,于是怀着一种悲剧的心情,远离喧嚣、冷漠、空洞、虚假的大都市,黯然回到故乡。,了不起的盖茨比的思想意义,以盖茨比的追求和毁灭来表现“美国梦”的幻灭,深刻揭露了“美国梦的”虚假实质。 所谓的美国梦是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。一般而言,“美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的

34、机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。“这些要素是与历史密不可分的,也必须和时代背景结合起来看。”,Analysis of Major Characters,Jay Gatsby Gatsby is a young man who rose from an impoverished childhood in rural North Dakota to become fabulously wealthy. However, he achieved this lofty goal by participating in organized c

35、rime. From his early youth, Gatsby despised poverty and longed for wealth and sophisticationhe dropped out of St. Olafs College after only two weeks because he could not bear the janitorial job with which he was paying his tuition. Though Gatsby has always wanted to be rich, his main motivation in a

36、cquiring his fortune was his love for Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby immediately fell in love with Daisys aura of luxury, grace, and charm, and lied to her about his own background in order to convince her that he was good enough for her. Daisy promised to wait for him when he left for the war, but married

37、Tom Buchanan in 1919, while Gatsby was studying at Oxford after the war in an attempt to gain an education. From that moment on, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, and his acquisition of millions of dollars, his purchase of a gaudy mansion on West Egg, and his lavish weekly parties are

38、all merely means to that end.,Nick Carraway,Nick represents another part: the quiet, reflective Midwesterner adrift in the lurid East. He lives in the West Egg district of Long Island, next door to Gatsby. Nick is also Daisys cousin, which enables him to observe and assist the resurgent love affair

39、between Daisy and Gatsby. As a result of his relationship to these two characters, Nick is the perfect choice to narrate the novel, which functions as a personal memoir of his experiences with Gatsby in the summer of 1922. he is tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and a good listener, and, as a result, ot

40、hers tend to talk to him and tell him their secrets. Gatsby, in particular, comes to trust him and treat him as a confidant. Often he functions as Fitzgeralds voice, as in his extended meditation on time and the American dream. Insofar as Nick plays a role inside the narrative, he evidences a strong

41、ly mixed reaction to life on the East Coast, one that creates a powerful internal conflict. On the one hand, Nick is attracted to the fast-paced, fun-driven lifestyle of New York. On the other hand, he finds that lifestyle grotesque and damaging. This inner conflict is symbolized throughout the book

42、 by Nicks romantic affair with Jordan Baker.,Daisy Buchanan,Daisy represents the paragon of perfectionshe has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. Finally, rather than attend Gatsbys funeral,

43、Daisy and Tom move away, leaving no forwarding address. Like Zelda Fitzgerald, Daisy is in love with money, ease, and material luxury. She is capable of affection , but not of sustained loyalty or care. She is indifferent even to her own infant daughter. Daisy represents the amoral values of the ari

44、stocratic East Egg set in the 1920s.,Themes,The Decline of the American Dream in the 1920s The Hollowness of the Upper Class,Motifs,Geography Weather Symbols The Green Light The Valley of Ashes The Eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg,了不起的盖茨比艺术特色,一、第一人称的叙事视觉 “身在其中,又置身其外”,不是“叙述自我”,而是“经验自我”。 尼克盖茨比的近邻,黛西的远房表

45、兄,汤姆的大学同学,同时又在和黛西的密友谈恋爱。置身于人物关系网的核心,同时有没有直接的利害关系。,二、颜色在作品中的象征作用,1、白色 冷漠、空虚 。 白色在美国的文学中有着特别的含义 , 它既可 以象征纯洁也可以象征冷漠 ; 它既可以象征高 贵也可以象征空虚 它既可以使善良的更显纯真但也可使贪欲更显卑污 。 首先 ,菲茨杰拉德在小说中反复 在黛西身上使用了白色 : 她出场时穿着一身白色的衣裙 。显得高贵而神秘 、洁白而美丽 。让盖茨比着迷 ,却如同白云一样只能让她从眼前飘过 。 “黛西如同一个住在白色宫殿的公主 。在纯真的外表下却有着”白色”所象征的空虚与冷漠 。 “我们在做什么呢 ? 别

46、人都是怎么渡过这一天的”? 黛西自己的话将她的空虚无聊表露无疑 。,尼克在汤姆的家里第一次见到表妹黛西时,黛西一身素白,身上所散发出的光辉使得整座房子都笼罩在一种舒缓的浅淡色调中。白色在小说里无疑是属于黛西的。正是这种貌似的纯洁、美丽、童贞、无邪深深吸引着盖茨比,白衣飘飘的少女时期黛西的纯洁形象在他的内心深处烙下了不可磨灭的印象。成为盖茨比迷恋一生,却又始终无法企及的梦想。虽然在尼克的安排下,盖茨比最终见到了心上人黛西,但唤醒黛西旧情的并不是盖茨比的一片痴情,而是他别墅内部的豪华装饰和盖茨比本人的奢华生活方式。,这时候的黛西已不再是当年的黛西,环境已把她彻底腐蚀了。在东部的物质世界中,对金钱和

47、物欲的渴望早已把她扭曲成了贪婪、空虚、自私的庸俗女人。即便盖茨比拥有再多的财富,也无法拯救她堕落的灵魂。换个角度看,白色也象征着懒惰、浅薄、无知、无用,而这才是黛西的本质所在。盖茨比的美国梦永远无法完整、完满。为了赢得黛西的爱,他拼命赚钱,在获得大量的金钱与物质财富后,奢华铺张,夜夜笙歌的生活掩盖不了他的空虚。内心深处对以往纯洁的黛西的向往化为支撑他的精神支柱。然而残酷的现实再次给他以狠狠的打击。这再一次深化了美国梦破灭这一主题。,2、黄色 金钱、衰亡,黄色也是不得不提的一种颜色。这种金钱、权势、富贵的象征在小说中总是与死亡相联系。黛西在慌乱中撞死汤姆情人时开的正是盖茨比那辆黄色轿车。盖茨比被


49、,财富远比爱情重要。婚礼当天,她断然抛弃了深爱她的穷小子盖茨比,嫁给了有钱有地位的花花公子汤姆。戴上汤姆送给她的那串价值三十万美元的项链,跟汤姆结了婚。五年后,看到盖茨比发了财,一下子嚎啕大哭起来。黛西虽然物质上很富有,但精神上却异常空虚,整天无所事事地打发日子。作者在小说中很好地运用了黄色这种象征喧嚣、金钱的色彩,表现了那个时代的特征和人物命运。,3、红与白,汤是姆和黛西的豪宅的基调色彩。既然白色象征着黛西的个性特征,那么红色无疑能更完美地展示汤姆自私、傲慢、野蛮、残酷的个性。优越的家世背景使得汤姆骄傲自大,目中无人,菲茨杰拉德在小说中这样描写到,他总是野蛮地推开挡在他前面的每个人,一头红色鲁莽公牛的形象跃然纸上。他虽然与黛西结婚,但却经常与情人幽会。在察觉到妻子和盖茨比的私情后,竟然把她带到盖茨比面前,以证明盖茨比无法对自己造成伤害。虚伪的自负从此可见一斑。最后在得知妻子开车无意撞死自己情人时,出于对盖茨比的嫉妒,他用心险恶地唆使情人的丈夫残酷地杀死了自己的情敌。从本质上看,他才是真正双手沾满鲜血的凶手。红色在小说中为汤姆形象的塑造划下了完整的句号。,4、 绿色 希望 。,习惯上


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