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1、时态综合复习(一),执教者 林村小学:陈如丽,Listen and tick.,1) What does she often do on the weekends?,2) What did she do last weekend?, , ,I went on a trip last summer holiday.,1) Where did I go last summer holiday?,2) How did I go there?,3) What did I do there?,My Holiday,Hello! I am Kelly. I like going on trips. I o

2、ften go on trips during my summer holidays. I often take photos and eat good food during my trip. Last summer holiday I went to Hong Kong. I went there by bus. I took many pictures, ate good food and bought presents there. I visited Disneyland, too. I had a good time in Hong Kong. I will go on a tri

3、p this summer holiday. What about you?,阅读完短文后完成下列题目:,( ) 1. What does Kelly often do during her trip? A: She often takes photos and eats good food. B: She often take photos and eat good food.,( ) 2. Where did Kelly go last summer holiday? A: She goes to Hong Kong. B: She went to Hong Kong.,( ) 3. Ho

4、w did she go there? A: She went there by bus. B: She goes there by bus.,( ) 4. What did she do there? A: She took many pictures, ate good food and bought presents there. She visited Disneyland, too. B: She often takes many pictures, eats good food and buys presents there. She visits Disneyland, too.

5、,( ) 5. Did she climb a mountain in Hong Kong? A: Yes, she did. B: No, she didnt.,A,B,A,A,B,My Trip Plan for The Summer Holiday.,Where to go: How to go: What to do:,I am going to Kunming this summer holiday.,I am going by plane.,I am going to go shopping, eat good food and visit Stone Forest .,补全对话:

6、,Mary: Hello! John. The summer holiday is coming. during the summer holiday? John: I often go on trips during the summer holiday. Mary: Where did you go last summer holiday? John: to Shanghai. Mary: ? John: I took many pictures and ate good food there. Mary: Where are you going this summer holiday? John: to Beijing. Mary: ? John: I am going to watch the Olympic Games. Mary: Have a nice holiday. John: Thank you. The same to you.,What do you often do,I went,What did you do there,I am going,What are you going to do there,Thank you! 2008年4月10日,


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