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1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book II,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,2,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 3,Unit Three,Table of Contents,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text: Bathroom policy,Working wi

2、th words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,Highlights S: A bathroom quarrel L: Our bathroom problems R: Bathroom policy W: H

3、ow to avoid run-on sentences (2) Internet work: Renting apartments,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,A. Look at the picture and answer the following questions.,6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,(Open question.),1. Does the scene in the pic

4、ture look like that of your dormitory? What does your dormitory look like?,Everything is in a mess. For example, the toilet paper is on the bathroom floor; the towel is dripping; the bathroom is untidy.,2. How would you describe the bathroom?,7,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,B. Listen to a passag

5、e and answer the following questions.,1. Starter,They have rented an apartment off campus.,1. What do the students do in order to enjoy privacy?,8,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,They plan to work out a toilet policy.,3. How do they plan to solve the problem?,The other three have to cle

6、an it before they can use it because he often makes the toilet very dirty and untidy.,2. What is the problem with the toilet when Tom uses it every morning?,9,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,Our Bathroom Problems In order to enjoy our privacy, the four of us, senior students in a university, have

7、rented an apartment off campus. In this way, each one of us can have our own room but have to share one bathroom. All of us are very satisfied with that. Soon, however, a problem has emerged. That is, how to share our bathroom in the morning. Tom gets up earlier than the rest of us. Of course, he is

8、 always the first one to use it. But he has a bad habit of making the bathroom very dirty and untidy. After him, the other three of us have to do the cleaning work before we can use it.,1. Starter,Tapescript,10,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,After him, the other three of us have to do the cleanin

9、g work before we can use it. John is the slowest in doing everything. Once he enters the bathroom, the rest of us have to wait for a long time. To make things worse, he has a habit of playing computer games over his laptop while he is on the toilet. No matter how hard we rush him or even threaten hi

10、m outside the bathroom, it does not work. He still holds it as if it is the most comfortable place in the world for him. And none of us can stand it any longer. Thus, it seems to all of us that it is time for us to work out a bathroom policy so that all of us can live comfortably together in the apa

11、rtment. Otherwise, more problems will arise sooner or later.,1. Starter,11,Warm Up,Back,Next,1. Do you get well with your roommates? How do you and your roommates deal with dormitory chores? 2. How do we protect our social resource?,Text Lead-in,上海交通大学出版社,12,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,上海交通大学出版社,Text Org

12、anization,1,2-13,14-16,13,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,Body (Paras. 2-13),Problems with our shared bathroom.,Problems with our shared planet.,Transition: Similarity between bathroom sharing and planet sharing,14,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,1 We were

13、four college sophomores. And we were not going to live in a dorm, no sir, we figured that we were smart, mature fellows and so we arranged to rent a house. Each person would have his own private bedroom and we would share the bathroom. Four guys, one bathroom. That sounds reasonable, right?,Translat

14、ion,洗手间使用规则 1 我们四个都上大二了,我们没打算住在宿舍,从来没想过。我们自以为自己既聪明又成熟,因此合计着租个房住。每个人都有自己单独的卧室,大家合用一个洗手间。四个小伙子,一个洗手间。听起来很合理,对不?,Question about Para. 1,dorm: n. C 集体寝室;(大学)宿舍 e.g. A new dorm rule was announced last week. 英文常见的省略词还有:gym (gymnasium)/ lab (laboratory)/perm (permanent wave (烫发))/porn(pornography)/hippo(hi

15、ppopotamus (河马)),no sir: (美口语) 决不 e.g. We will never allow him in! No sir!,mature: a. 1)(智力和情感上)成熟的,理智的 e.g. You mustnt be jealous when your sister gets presents; you must learn to behave in a more mature way. 2) 发育成熟的 e.g. A monkey is mature at a few years old, but a human being isnt mature till at

16、 least 16. vi. 成熟 e.g. Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.,arrange: vi./vt. 1) (就行动或事情)提前达成协议 e.g. I arranged to meet them at 10 oclock. 2) 整理,排列,布置 e.g. She arranged the flowers well in the vase. arrange for: 安排(以便) e.g. Ive arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 1

17、0 oclock. n. arrangement,guy: n. 1) C (informal) 男人 e.g. The fat guy dropped asleep shortly after the film began. 2) C (esp. AmE)人(不论男女) e.g. You guys want to have a drink?,15,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,They decided to rent a house rather than live in a dorm. Because they figured that they were

18、smart, mature fellows.,1. What did the four college students decide to do in their second year of college? And why?,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,16,2 但还是先看看爱德华吧。爱德华一用完洗手间就没人想用了,因为总有东西会被用完、用光、用尽。没卫生纸了?没肥皂了?说来也奇怪,爱德华好像总是最后一个用完这些东西的人。因此对我们其他人而言,洗手间的作用就大打折扣了,然而我们并未因此得到补偿。东西都让爱德华用了,我们感到忿忿不平。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1

19、text,Back,Next,2 But let me tell you about Edward. Nobody wanted to use the bathroom after Edward because something would be finished, gone, used up. No toilet paper? No soap? Edward somehow seemed always to be the last person to use these things. It reduced the value of the bathroom for the rest of

20、 us, yet we got no compensation. Edward was a taker. That felt unfair.,Translation,Question about Para. 2,Meaning: The rest of us were prevented from using the bathroom normally and nothing was done to make up for the inconvenience on our part.,Meaning: Edward is always a user of all the bathroom re

21、sources, such as toilet paper, soap, shampoo and so on. “taker” here refers to a person who uses the limited resources carelessly.,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,use up: 消耗,用尽 e.g. Some people take it for granted that the resources on Earth will never be used up. up = completely e.g. eat up (eat all of so

22、mething), drink up, burn up, mix up, save up, clean up, etc.,compensation: n. 1) U补偿物,补偿金,赔偿金 e.g. The hotel offered $200 in compensation for the failure to fulfill the committed service for the customer. 2) C (对不利局面的)补偿 e.g. One of the few compensations of being unemployed was seeing more of family

23、.,17,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,He was a taker as he always used much more bathroom resources such as toilet paper, soap than necessary.,2. What can we tell about Edward from the second paragraph?,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,18,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,3 How about Charlie? Well, he had a prob

24、lem tooshaving. It was always a disappointment to see Charlie walk into the bathroom, because by the time he was done, you would find shaving cream on the mirror, on the sink, on the floor. Lots of shaving cream was all over the place. And if it doesnt get cleaned up, it looks bad and becomes unsani

25、tary. The rest of us picked up after Charlie, but we got no compensation for doing so. Charlie was a polluter. That felt unfair.,Translation,3 查理呢?哎,他刮胡子时也有一个毛病。一看到查理走进洗手间我们就沮丧,因为他一用完洗手间,镜子上、池子里、地板上到处都是剃须膏。整个洗手间剃须膏随处可见。如果不好好打扫,就会不堪入目,变得很脏。我们其他人只好在查理用完洗手间后彻底收拾一番,但干这些什么补偿也得不到。可环境都是查理污染的,我们心里有气。,2. Tex

26、t: Bathroom Policy,Question about Para. 3,Meaning: It was always disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom, because by the time he finished using it, you would find the bathroom was in a total mess, with shaving cream all over, on the mirror, on the sink, and even on the floor.,Meaning: Af

27、ter Charlie used the bathroom, the rest of us cleaned it thoroughly before we could use it. However, we got nothing in return for the cleaning.,be done: 结束 e.g. I will help you when I am done with my term paper.,clean up: 扫除,清扫 e.g. Its your turn to clean up the bedroom.,unsanitary: a. 不卫生的,不健康的 e.g

28、. There was a small and unsanitary inn nearby.,pick up after sb.:(为某人)收拾,整理 e.g. All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.,19,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,He was a polluter as he always made the bathroom unsanitary and untidy.,3. What can we tell about Charlie from the third parag

29、raph?,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,20,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,4 Andrew was a nice fellow. He was thrifty and neat. But there was a difficulty. Once inside the bathroom, he wouldnt come out! The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging. It did no good. Andrew too

30、k long stretches of time in the bathroom. That restricted access for the rest of us, and yet we got no compensation. Andrew was a monopolizer. That felt unfair.,Next,Back,Translation,4 安德鲁还不错,既节俭又干净。但也有麻烦。他一走进洗手间就不愿出来。我们其他人要用洗手间只能在外面干等,不停地呼喊、催促、哀求,但无济于事。安德鲁长时间占用洗手间,影响了我们其他人的使用,然而我们得不到任何补偿。安德鲁太霸道,我们感

31、到没有公理可言。,Question about Para. 4,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,thrifty: a. 节俭的,节约的 e.g. She is a thrifty housekeeper.,neat: a. 1) 爱整洁的 e.g. The new lodger was fortunately a neat person. 2) 整齐的,整洁的 e.g. She had small, neat writing.,plead: vi./vt. 1)恳求,央求,祈求 e.g. The child pleaded with her strict mother to

32、let her go out and play. 2) 承认(有罪或无罪) e.g. The man pleaded guilty to murdering the girl.,urge: vt. 1) 恳求,催促,力劝 e.g. He urged me to introduce him to my beautiful friend, Mary. 2) 竭力主张,强烈要求,强调 e.g. I urge caution in interpreting these results. n. C 强烈的欲望,冲动,迫切要求 e.g. The urge to survive drove them on.

33、,good: n.用处,好处 e.g. Its no good talking to him because he never listens. Whats the good of buying a book without reading it?,stretch: n. C(时间)连续的一段 e.g. He has been in America for a stretch of 10 years and is not aware of what had happened here.,restrict: vt. 限制,约束 e.g. Membership of the club is res

34、tricted to men only. His activities were restricted by old age.,Meaning: The rest of us would be waiting outside, asking him earnestly, rushing him repeatedly, asking him to finish earlier so that we could use the bathroom.,21,He was a monopolizer as he always took long stretches of time in the bath

35、room depriving the others of the proper access to it.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,4. What can we tell about Andrew from the fourth paragraph?,Next,Back,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,22,5 那第四个人呢?那就是我。我没有什么不良恶习,对洗手间很爱护,对每个人也很公平。反正,你不得不这样认为,因为我不会告诉你他们三个中任何一个人目前的住址。 6 那一年我们四个郁郁寡欢、满腹牢骚。我们在“洗手间使用规则”上存在分歧,却没有找到解决的办法。,

36、上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,5 The fourth person? That was me. I had no bad habits, and treated the bathroom perfectly and with fairness to everyone. Or at least youll have to believe that, because I am not going to give you the current address of Edward, Charlie or Andrew. 6 The four of us felt u

37、nhappy and dissatisfied that year. We had a “bathroom policy” problem and we did not find a way to solve it.,Translation,Questions about Paras. 5-6,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,23,He claimed to have had no bad habits, treated the bathroom perfectly and was fair to everyone, but we have no evidence to co

38、nfirm this.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,5. What can we tell about the author according to the description of himself?,Next,Back,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,They felt unhappy and dissatisfied because they had much trouble sharing the bathroom.,6. How did they feel in the year when they shared a rented house? A

39、nd why?,24,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,7 Now lets talk about you and everyone on Earth. We dont have to share a single bathroom. But we do all share one planet. 8 Our planets natural resources are a common heritage for all humanity, just as the bathroom was a common resource for the four of us in college.

40、9 Look what is happening to our planet.,Back,Next,Translation,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,英语中,助动词do常用于强调谓语动词。 e.g. We did try to reach him last night. She does have a strong local dialect even when speaking English.,heritage: n. U 遗产,继承物 e.g. We must take care to preserve our national heritage.,humanit

41、y: n. 1) U 人类 e.g. Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine. 2) U 人性,人道,仁慈,博爱 e.g. He treated the prisoners with humanity.,7 现在该轮到谈论你和地球上的其他人了。诚然,我们所有的人不必共用一个洗手间,但我们确实共享一个地球。 8 正如洗手间是我们四个大学生的公共资源一样,对于全人类来说,地球上的自然资源是共同财富。 9 来瞧瞧地球所受到的待遇吧。,25,10 我们看到诸如爱德华之类的人或公司过度使用石油、淡水和矿产资源,

42、却不对我们其他人做出任何补偿。 11 我们看到像查理一样的人或公司将有毒废物、化学物质、碳排放到空气中,污染了土地、水和空气,造成世界生存危机,迫使其他人去清除污染,但他们却并未对我们其他人做出任何补偿。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,10 We see people or corporations like Edward, taking more than their fair share of oil, fresh water, minerals, without compensating the rest of us. 11 We see people or corporat

43、ions like Charlie, polluting the land, water and air with toxic wastes, chemicals, carbons in the atmosphere, making the world less safe, forcing others to clean up, and they are not compensating the rest of us.,Back,Next,Translation,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,toxic: a. 有毒的;中毒的 e.g. Those vegetables a

44、ctually became toxic because of a heavily polluted river nearby.,atmosphere: n. 1) C, sing.(尤指室内的)空气 e.g. These flowers love warm, humid atmospheres. 2) C (围绕地球、星球等的)大气,大气层 e.g. pollution of the atmosphere 3) C, U 气氛,环境 e.g. The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.,26,premature: a. 1)(做事)草率的

45、,仓促的 e.g. She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. 2) 未成熟的;过早的,提早的 e.g. His premature death at the age of 32 is a great loss.,Meaning: There are people or companies taking control of resources just like Andrew. For example, a real estate agent occupies an acre of land in the city without d

46、eveloping it, expecting a higher price. For that purpose, they remove the rest of us from where we live. Thus development of land is imposed on the countryside rather than in the city.,12 我们看到像安德鲁一样的人或公司垄断了诸如土地之类的资源大都市的一个土地投机商,占着一英亩地不用,期待地产涨价,把我们其他人赶走,把开发引向农村。市中心一英亩得到合理的开发,就可以避免郊区十多英亩地被过早草率地开发。,上海交通

47、大学出版社,focus1text,12 We see people or corporations like Andrew, monopolizing resources such as landan urban land speculator who holds an acre out of use, anticipating a price rise, is displacing the rest of us, forcing development out into the countryside. A single acre of downtown land brought into

48、use would save a dozen outside acres from premature sprawl development.,Back,Next,Translation,2. Text: Bathroom Policy,monopolize: vt.垄断,独占 e.g. These two firms are so big and powerful that they monopolize the production and sale of cigarettes in this country.,speculator: n. C 投机者 e.g. His case was

49、financed by speculators who hoped to profit from his victory. speculate: vi. 1)做投机生意 e.g. He speculated successfully in mining shares. 2) 推测;猜测 e.g. He was speculating that this might be his last chance.,out of use: 不使用,不再使用 e.g. That expression has gone out of use. in use (在使用中). 类似短语: out of/in stock (没有/有库存现货) out of/in order (杂乱无章/ 井然有序 ) out of/in sight (看不见/看得见),displace: vt. 1) 迫使离开家园 e.g. The American Indians were soon displac


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