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1、应用型大学英语综合教程,上海交通大学出版社,应用型大学英语系列教材,Book 4,2,上海交通大学出版社,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit Five,Table of Contents,Language Skills Development,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Starter,Text: Big Bang,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Prac

2、tice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Highlights S: Theories about the origin of the universe L: Buy land on the moon R: Big Bang W: Patterns of organization (3): cause and effect: block organization Internet w

3、ork: Searching for information about world mysteries,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,A. Which of the following theories about the origin of the universe do you agree with?,1. God created the universe. 2. The universe came into being of itself. 3. The universe

4、has always been there.,Of the three theories, I agree with the third one, because no one can prove the beginning of the universe, nor can anyone live long enough to reach the end of the universe.,6,B. Listen to a short passage entitled Buy Land on the Moon and answer the following questions.,focus1s

5、tarter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Mind Map lunar /()/ a. 月亮的 parcel / n.(土地的)一块 deed / n. 证书,契约 treaty / n. 条约,协定 astronaut / n. 宇航员 attorney / n. (尤指代表当事人出庭的)律师 trespasser /()/ n. 非法侵入者,7,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,1. How much does each parcel of lunar property cost? 2. What do you get if you buy

6、 a deed, according to an American astronaut? 3. How much money is the owner of this business making a day?,$16 a parcel.,Only a piece of paper.,$3,000 to $4,000 a day.,8,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,9,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,10,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,11,focus1tex

7、t,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,12,focus1text,2. Text: Big Bang,In the Beginning 1 The Big Bang model of the universes birth is the most widely accepted model that has ever been conceived for the scientific origin of everything. No other model can predict as much with as high a degree of accuracy as t

8、he Big Bang model can.,Translation,宇宙大爆炸 宇宙之初 1 宇宙起源于大爆炸是迄今为止对万物起源最广为认可的一种科学解释。其它理论都不如大爆炸理论对宇宙起源推测得那么详细和精确。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 1,Meaning: The Big Bang theory is able to tell more and with greater precision about the universes birth than other theories.,13,focus1text,1. Why is the Big Ban

9、g model the most widely accepted model explaining the universes birth?,Because no other model can predict as much with as high a degree of accuracy as the Big Bang model.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Big Bang,14,focus1text,2 A common question that people ask is “What happened before the Big Bang?” The phrase

10、“in the beginning” is used here to refer to the birth of our universe with the Big Bang. In the creation of the universe, everything was compressed into an infinitesimally small point in which all physical laws that we know of do not apply. (To be continued),Translation,2 人们经常问的一个问题是:大爆炸以前发生过什么?“宇宙之

11、物”这个词在这里指的是宇宙随着大爆炸而生成。宇宙在形成过程中,万物被压缩成无穷小的一个奇点,在这个奇点中,我们所知的所有物理定律一概无效。,上海交通大学出版社,compress: vt./vi. 压缩;压紧 e.g. Poor posture can compress the bodys organs. Her lips compressed into a thin line.,Note the word “law” here refers to the fact that something always happens in the same way in nature or societ

12、y. e.g. the law of supply and demand 供求法则 the laws of nature 自然法则 the law of gravity 万有引力定,2. Text: Big Bang,15,focus1text,No information from any “previous” stuff could have remained intact. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, the Big Bang is considered the beginning of everything, for we can

13、never know if there was anything before it.,Translation,宇宙大爆炸前的所有信息都无法原封不动地保存下来。因为我们永远无法知道大爆炸前是否存在着什么,因此,几乎完全可以认为大爆炸是万物的起源。,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: It is difficult to find out the truth about what existed before the Big Bang because nothing of it would have not been damaged.,intact: a. 没有损坏的,完整的 e.g. Onl

14、y the medieval tower remained intact. His reputation survived intact.,2. Text: Big Bang,16,focus1text,History of the Big Bang Model 3 The Big Bang model had its beginnings with Edwin Hubbles discovery in 1929 that, on large scales, everything in the universe is moving away from everything else. The

15、only explanation for this was that the universe was expanding in every direction, and it was taking galaxies along with it. This is known as Hubbles Law.,Translation,大爆炸理论的历史 3 大爆炸理论萌芽于1929年埃德温哈勃的一个发现,他发现在宏观宇宙中,万物都在互相偏离,距离越来越远。对此唯一的解释就是宇宙正在向四面八方不断地膨胀,星系也随之扩张。这被称为“哈勃定律”。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para

16、. 3,Meaning: and galaxies were also expanding with the universe. This is what we call Hubbles Law.,Note that in the sentence beginning is in its plural form, denoting the first or early ideas, signs, or stages of something. e.g. Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece? He built up his mu

17、lti-million-pound business from small beginnings.,2. Text: Big Bang,17,focus1text,2. Why is everything in the universe moving away from everything else?,Because the universe is expanding in every direction, and it is taking galaxies along with it.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Big Bang,18,focus1text,4 The next

18、 step towards the Big Bang model was to take this process in reverse that is, to go back in time. If the universe is blowing up like a balloon as time progresses, then what would happen if you were to run the timeline backwards? What was the universe like in the past?,Translation,4 关于大爆炸理论的下一步就是将这一过

19、程逆转,即让时光倒退。如果说随着时间向前推进,宇宙像气球一样在“胀大”,那么让时间倒退会发生什么呢?宇宙过去是什么样呢?,上海交通大学出版社,in reverse: 相反,反向 e.g. US video recorders, due to different systems, cannot play European tapes, and the same applies in reverse.,blow up: 膨胀;爆发;爆炸 e.g. My stomach had started to blow up. A storm suddenly blew up. The ship blew u

20、p. 这个短语还可以加宾语。 e.g. The architect had blown up his bridge before the German troops crossed it.,2. Text: Big Bang,19,focus1text,5 If the universe is currently growing, then the universe was smaller in the past. There must have been some point in time when the universe was half its current size. Then

21、there must have been a time when it was half that size. If you continue to run time backwards, there must have been a time when the universe was an infinitesimally small point.,Translation,5 如果说宇宙现在正在膨胀,那么它以前就比现在小。在某个时间点上,宇宙肯定只有现在的一半大。也一定有个时间点,宇宙只有那时的一半大。如果继续将时间向后推移,那么一定有个时间点,当时宇宙是无穷小的。,上海交通大学出版社,2.

22、 Text: Big Bang,20,focus1text,6 This is the basic idea behind the Big Bang. All matter and energy existed in an infinitely small point of infinite density a long time ago, and has since been expanding as our universe. One important note here is that the Big Bang was not an explosion in the universe,

23、 but rather it is an explosion of the universe. Therefore, there is no “center” of the universe from where the Big Bang started.,Translation,6 这就是大爆炸理论的基本观点。很久以前,所有的物质和能量都以无穷大的密度以一个无穷小的奇点形式存在,之后这个奇点作为我们的宇宙就不断地膨胀。这里要重点说明的是大爆炸并不是指宇宙中的一次爆炸,而是指整个宇宙的爆炸。因此,宇宙中并没有一个大爆炸开始的“中心”。,上海交通大学出版社,Questions about Par

24、as. 5-6,2. Text: Big Bang,21,focus1text,3. If we imagine reversing the timeline, what must the universe have been like in the past?,There must have been a time when the universe was an infinitesimally small point.,上海交通大学出版社,4. Is there a “center” of the universe from where the Big Bang started? Why

25、or why not?,No, because the Big Bang was not an explosion in the universe, but rather it was an explosion of the universe.,2. Text: Big Bang,22,focus1text,Main Evidence 7 The Big Bang is the leading theory that almost all astrophysicists believe explains the origin of the universe. This is because a

26、ll observations so far made support the Big Bang theory; there are four main lines of evidence that are most often used.,Translation,主要证据 7 大爆炸是一条重要理论,几乎所有的天体物理学家都认为它解释了宇宙的起源。这是因为目前所有的观察记录都支持这一理论,经常用到的有四条证据。,上海交通大学出版社,Note that “that almost all astrophysicists believe” in this sentence is a parenthe

27、sis (插入语). e.g. This man, as you know, is good for nothing. He was to me at least, if not to you a figure that is worth having pity on.,2. Text: Big Bang,23,focus1text,8 The first was discussed above: the expansion of the universe. The universe is expanding now, so in the past it must have been smal

28、ler. If it were smaller in the past, then there probably was a time when it was infinitesimally small. One could ask why we dont think that it might be expanding now but it could have been shrinking before and we just dont know about it. The answer is that there is simply no known mechanism that cou

29、ld accomplish this transition on a universal scale.,Translation,8 第一条前面已经讨论过:宇宙的膨胀。宇宙在不断地膨胀,所以过去一定比现在小。如果过去比较小,很可能在某一时间它是无穷小的。可能有人会问:为什么我们不可以理解成宇宙现在正在膨胀,但过去可能一直在收缩,只不过是我们不知道罢了?对这一问题的回答是,没有任何已知的方法可以完成这种宇宙规模的转化。,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Big Bang,24,focus1text,9 The second line of evidence is the Cosmic Micr

30、owave Background radiation (CMB), which was discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson from Bell Labs. They were working with a microwave receiver used to communicate with the Telstar satellite, but were getting noise from every direction they pointed the receiver. (To be continued),Transl

31、ation,9 证据之二是宇宙微波背景辐射,由贝尔实验室的阿尔诺彭齐亚斯和罗伯特威尔逊于1965年发现。有一次,他们正在操作一个用于与“通讯星”联络的微波接收器,但是却发现,无论将接收器指往哪个方向,都会接收到噪音。,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: No matter which direction they pointed the receiver to, they always received noise. In this sentence, the preposition “to” is omitted. The complete sentence should be “but

32、were getting noise from every direction that they pointed the receiver to.”,2. Text: Big Bang,25,focus1text,It was coming from all over the sky at what seemed to be exactly the same frequency. This was the first evidence for the CMB, and they later shared a Nobel Prize for this discovery.,Translatio

33、n,而噪音来自整个天空,似乎他们的频率都相同,这是关于宇宙微波背景辐射存在的最初证据。后来二人因为这一发现而获得了诺贝尔奖。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 9,5. For what discovery did Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson win the Nobel Prize?,The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB).,2. Text: Big Bang,26,focus1text,10 The CMB is an “echo” left over from when t

34、he universe was approximately 300,000 years old, as predicted by the Big Bang model. As something becomes compressed, as matter was when the universe was young, it becomes hot. The actual heat comes from particles movements the faster they move, the more energetic they are, and so the more heat we s

35、ee. (To be continued),Translation,10 大爆炸理论断定,宇宙微波背景辐射是宇宙在大约30万岁时留下的“遗迹”。物体受压缩会变热,而这正是宇宙年轻时物质所处的情况。实际上,热量来自于粒子运动粒子运动得越快,产生的能量就越大我们感知的热量就越多。,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: According to the Big Bang theory, the CMB reflects what the universe was like when it was about 300,000 years old.,The literal meaning of echo

36、 is “repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface”. But in this context, it denotes a repetition or an imitation (of the universe at the age of 300,000 years). Hence the word has been extended to mean “a remnant or vestige (残留物,遗留的痕迹)”. e.g. The archeologists found echoes of pas

37、t civilizations while examining artifacts in the Middle East.,Note that in this sentence, the first as introduces an adverbial clause of time modifying the main clause “it becomes hot”. Also note that the second as is a conjunction, denoting comparison.,2. Text: Big Bang,27,focus1text,The universe w

38、as so hot before it was 300,000 years old that atoms could not form. Because of this, photons particles of light could not move around, for they kept reacting with electrons the negatively charged parts of atoms.,Translation,宇宙30万岁前非常热,因此不能形成原子。由于这个原因,光子即光粒子持续不断地和电子即原子的负电荷发生反应,导致无法四处移动。,上海交通大学出版社,2.

39、 Text: Big Bang,28,focus1text,11 Therefore, during this period, the universe was effectively opaque. Once the universe had reached 300,000 years old, atoms could form, and electrons were now bound to a nucleus. Once this happened, photons could move about freely. This “first light” is the CMB, and i

40、ts existence is a very strong indication that the Big Bang occurred.,Translation,11 因此,这一时期的宇宙实际上是不透明的。一旦宇宙达到了30万岁,原子就能形成了,而电子和原子核就束缚在一起。这时光子就可以自由移动了。这个“原初之光”就是宇宙微波背景辐射,它的存在强有力地支持了宇宙大爆炸的发生。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 11,be bound to: 受束缚,约束 e.g. It is not bound to the ground, and is not directly

41、affected by physical objects. 注意不要与固定搭配 be bound to(注定要,肯定会)混淆。 e.g. When one is young, he believes he is bound to change the world; when he grows to be an adult, he sees the world has changed.,2. Text: Big Bang,29,focus1text,6. When could photons move about freely?,When the universe had reached 300

42、,000 years old.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Big Bang,30,focus1text,12 The third major pillar of the Big Bang theory lies in the abundance of the different elements of the universe. The theory predicts that certain amounts of hydrogen, helium, and other elements should be made. Observations have shown almost

43、exactly the amounts that are predicted. 13 The fourth piece is that the Big Bang theory is the only one that comprehensively lays down a framework for the eventual evolution of the universe as we observe it today.,Translation,12 宇宙大爆炸理论的第三个主要支撑点是宇宙间存在大量不同元素。大爆炸理论推测大爆炸时产生了一定量的氢、氦和其他元素,而观察到的元素数量和推测的数量

44、几乎完全一致。 13 证据之四,正如我们今天观察所得,只有大爆炸理论为宇宙的最终演变设立了一个完整的框架。,上海交通大学出版社,pillar: n. 1) C 核心,基础,支柱 e.g. the central pillar of this theory 2) C 栋梁;主要支持者 e.g. The young people will be the pillars of society.,lay down: 规定,制定;放弃 e.g. The prices have been laid down by the manufacturers. The enemy troops were order

45、ed to lay down their arms.,2. Text: Big Bang,31,( ) 1. expand into a. rules ( ) 2. compress b. a goal ( ) 3. blow up c. ones lips ( ) 4. conceive d. the next room ( ) 5. accomplish e. a dangerous bridge ( ) 6. lay down f. an idea,Focus1words&phrases,4. Working with words and phrases,A. Find appropri

46、ate words or phrases (16) in the text which fit the items (af).,上海交通大学出版社,d,c,e,f,b,a,32,1. Having collected the data and analyzed it thoroughly, we have confidence in the a of the statistics. 2. All of a sudden, the driver put the lorry in r to back it into the garage. 3. There are b to be changes

47、when the new system is introduced.,Focus1words&phrases,4. Working with words and phrases,B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text.,上海交通大学出版社,ccuracy,everse,ound,33,4. The interviewer tends to prefer those candidates who are young, bright, e , and with strong ambition. 5

48、. As for musics emotional influence, there are some i that music can affect the levels of various hormones. 6. Darwin spent more than twenty years working on his theory of e , and it stirred up heated debate in the Western world.,Focus1words&phrases,4. Working with words and phrases,上海交通大学出版社,ndicat

49、ions,nergetic,volution,34,1. Have you ever tried to figure out the origin of the universe before studying this text? What were your ideas?,Focus1discussion,5. Discussion,Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students.,上海交通大学出版社,Yes, I have. I am very curious about the origin of the universe and have read quite a lot about this issue. For example, I came across


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