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1、第一部分 教材基础 高效复习,第3讲 七年级下Units 16 自主学习导航 必背词汇 1.居住l_ 2.语言l_ 3.世界w_ 4.横过a_ 5.转弯t_ 6.市场m_ 7.欣赏e_ 8.通过p_ 9.到达a_ 10.动物a_ 11.在期间d_ 12.放松r_ 13.危险的d_ 14.努力地h_ 15.照相机c_ 16.天气w_ 17.可怕的t_ 18.相当p_,ive,anguage,orld,cross,urn,arket,njoy,ass,rrive,nimal,uring,elax,angerous,ard,amera,eather,errible,retty,19.改善i_ 20.

2、国家c_(复数)_ 21.图书馆l_(复数)_ 22.付钱p_(过去式)_(过去分词)_ 23.中心c_adj_ 24.宁静的q_(adv.)_ 25.脏的d_(反义词)_ 26.草g_(复数)_ 27.树叶l_(复数)_ 28.晴朗的s_(n.)_ 29.围巾s_(复数)_ 30.描述d_(n.)_,mprove,ountry,countries,ibrary,libraries,ay,paid,paid,enter,central,uiet,quietly,irty,clean,rass,grasses,eaf,leaves,unny,sun,carf,scarves/scarfs,esc

3、ribe,description, 必会短语 1.来自_ 2.在对面_ 3.贴近_ 4.在右边_反义_ 5.玩得开心_同义_ 6.有几分_ 7.打的_ 8.等待_ 9.On vacation_,be from/come from,across from,next to,on the right,on the left,have fun,have a good time/enjoy oneself,kind of,take a taxi,wait for,在度假中,10.take a photo _ 11.look at_ 12.look for_ 13.talk about_ 14.the w

4、ay to_ 15.take a walk_ 金牌句型 1你的笔友来自哪里?(Unit 1) Where does your pen pal_ _? 2在这附近有家银行吗?(Unit 2) _ _ a bank near here?,拍照,朝看,寻找,谈论,去的路,散步,come,from,Is,there,3他为什么喜欢树袋熊? 因为他们有点有趣。(Unit 3) Why does he like koalas? Because theyre _ _ interesting. 4他想成为一名警官。(Unit 4) He wants _ _ a police officer. 5你们正在谈论什

5、么?(Unit 5) What are you_ _? 6北京天气怎么样?(Unit 6) _ _the weather in Beijing?,kind,of,to,be,talking,about,How,is,要点高效解读 重点单词短语 1pay v付款;n.工资 (1)pay作动词时,意为“付款,报酬”,多与for连用,用于pay for sth./pay some money for sth.结构中。 如:I have paid for the book.这本书我已经付款了。 He paid twenty dollars for the coat.这件大衣花了他20美元。 (2)pa

6、y作名词时,意为“工资,薪水”。 如:Her pay is less than mine.她的薪水比我的少。 辨析:spend/cost/take/pay spend的主语必须是“人”。 aspend.on.在上花(时间或金钱)。 如:He spends much money on books. 他平时将很多钱用在买书上。 bspend(in) doing sth.花(时间或金钱等)做某事。,如:He spent a lot of money (in) buying a new car. 他花很多钱买了一辆新车。 cost的主语必须是“物”。 如:The book cost him one d

7、ollar.这本书用了他一美元。 take常见句型: It takes(各种时态)sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人若干时间做某事。 如:It took me ten minutes to go to the post office. 到邮局用了我十分钟时间。 pay的主语必须是“人”。 如:He paid twenty dollars for this book.他买这本书花了20美元。,2enjoy v享受的乐趣,欣赏 enjoy doing sth.享受做某事的乐趣,喜爱做某事 如:I enjoy reading books.我喜爱读书。 enjoy onesel

8、f have a good timehave fun 过得快乐,玩得愉快 如:Did you enjoy yourself at the park yesterday? 昨天你在公园里玩得愉快吗?,3turn v转动;n.转弯处 turn 作动词时意为“转动”。 如:This tap turns easily.这个水龙头好拧。 turn 作系动词时意为“变得”,后跟形容词。 如:The leaves turn green in spring.春天树叶变绿了。 turn 作名词时意为“转折,机会”。常用结构:Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。 如:Its my tu

9、rn to clean the room.该我打扫房间了。 拓展:turn over 翻转过来 turn on 打开 turn off 关上 turn up 调大 turn down 关小 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 turn left/right 向左/右拐,4kind n种类;adj.和蔼的 kind n“种类”。 如:This is a new kind of computer.这是一台新式电脑。 常用搭配:a kind of 一种;all kinds of 各种各样的 different kinds of 不同种类的;what kind of哪种 kind a

10、dj.“和蔼的”,be kind to sb./sth. “对某人或某物和蔼友善”。 如:She is very kind to animals.她对动物很友善。 kind of a little有点,稍微 如:Koalas are kind of shy.考拉有点害羞。,5surprise v使惊奇 常见结构: be surprised to do sth.“对很惊讶”。 如:We were surprised to meet you again. 再次见到你我们很惊讶。 be surprised at sth.“对很惊讶”。 如:We are very surprised at the n

11、ews. 对于这个消息我们都很惊讶。 be surprised that 从句 “惊讶于”。 如:Im surprised that he lost the game. 他输掉这场比赛我很惊讶。,to ones surprise “令某人吃惊的是”。 in surprise “惊奇地”。 拓展:surprise的形容词是surprised和surprising 辨析 surprised/surprising surprised“感到惊讶的”,往往是人作主语; surprising“令人惊讶的”,往往是物作主语或用来修饰物。,6across prep.横过;在对面 常见搭配:across fro

12、m “在对面”。 如:The bank is across from the supermarket.银行在超市对面。 辨析 across/through/over across 指从物体表面穿过,常跟street,bridge等搭配使用。 through指从空间穿过,常跟forest,city,window等搭配使用。 over指越过高的障碍物等,常与wall搭配使用。,7辨析in front of /in the front of in front of.在前面。 如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.教室前面有棵树。 in the fro

13、nt of.在(内)的前部。 如:There is a desk in the front of the classroom. 教室内的前部有张桌子。,8辨析between / among 两个介词都指“在之间”,但二者有区别。 between表示“在两者之间”。 如:Do you know the difference between the two words? 你知道这两个单词的区别吗? among表示“在三者或三者以上之间”,可用于引导最高级比较范围。 如:He is the most energetic boy among them. 他是他们当中最有活力的男孩。,9辨析get to

14、 /arrive at (in)/ reach 三者都有“到达”的意思,但用法有区别。 get to /arrive at (in)/ reach 地点名词 如:We got to/arrived in /reached Paris.我们到达巴黎。 get / arrive /reach 地点副词home (here,there.) 如:He got/arrived /reached here at five yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午五点钟他到了这里。 若表示“到了”则只能用arrive。 如:What time will they arrive?他们什么时候到?,

15、重点句型 1What does your sister do?你姐姐干什么? She is a doctor.她是一名医生。 询问职业的三种句式: What is / are sb? What does/ do sb. do? What is/ are ones job? 如:What is your mother? 你妈妈干什么? What does his brother do? 他哥哥干什么? What is your job? 你的职业是什么? 拓展:用来询问对方想从事什么职业用What do you want to do? 如:What do you want to do? 你想做什

16、么? I want to be a policeman.我想当一名警察。,2Im watching TV.我在看电视。 现在进行时的用法:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 现在进行时的时间状语及标志词: now,at the moment,look,listen 现在进行时的构成:bev.ing 如:What is he doing now?他在干什么? He is doing his homework.他正在做作业。,3Hows the weather there? 那里的天气怎么样? 询问天气情况的句式: How is the weather in 地点? Whats the w

17、eather like in 地点? 如:How is the weather in Guilin? Whats the weather like in Guilin? 今天桂林的天气怎么样? 4Excuse me . Is there in the neighborhood?请问附近有吗? Just go straight and turn left 向前直行,然后右拐,(1)问路需用句型: (2)指路常用句型: Its 介词短语(地点)它在 Its about.meters from here. 离这儿大约米。 Its about.meters along on the left/righ

18、t. 向前走,在左/右侧大约米。 Walk on and turn left/right. 向前走,然后左/右拐。,要点随堂达标 一、单项选择。 1.(2011山东德州)Are you coming to my birthday party? _ AYou bet! BNever mind. CMuch better! DWhat a pity! 答案:A 解析:交际用You bet!“当然一定”,Never mind.“别担心”,Much better!“好多了”,What a pity!“太遗憾了!”根据问句,只有A符合 2Could you help _ with_English,ple

19、ase? AI;my Bme;me Cme;my Dmy;I 答案:C 解析:第一个空作宾语,应用人称代词的宾格me;第二个空作定语,应用形容词性物主代词my。,3Simon likes to sit _ the car,but I like to sit _. Abehind;in the front Bat back of;in front Cat the back of;in the front Dat end;in front 答案:C 解析:前空表示车的后面,后空表前面。 4The Australian visitors _ Shanghai on Sunday evening. A

20、get Barrived Creached Darrived at 答案:C 解析:get和arrive为不及物动词,arrive at后跟小地方,故被排除。,5. 60 is a _ result for us. A. surprised B. surprising C. excited D. worried 答案:B 解析:根据句意为“吃惊的”,因主语为物,故排除A。 6.Uncle Wang wants _ the machine like a bike. A. ride B. riding C. rides D. to ride 答案:D 解析:want to do sth.想要做某事

21、。 7.Tom usually goes to bed _ ten oclock in the evening. A. at B. in C. on D. of 答案:A 解析: at具体某一时刻。,8.A short talk _ two strangers in English is usually started with the weather. A. between B. among C. from D. At 答案:A 解析:两者之间。 9.The box is too heavy. Let _help you to carry it. A. we B. us C. ours D.

22、 Our 答案:B 解析:作宾语,应用人称代词的宾格us。 10.How much does the ticket _ from Shanghai to Beijing? A. cost B. took C. spend D. Pay 答案:A 解析: 主语为ticket,表示“值钱”。,二、词汇运用。 A根据首字母或汉语提示写出所缺的单词。 1Kates glass is empty. She wants a f_ one. 2I think my father can help you m_ your broken bike. 3I have two pencils. One is sho

23、rt,the other is l_. 4Please open the w_. Its getting hot here. 5Something is w_ with my bike. May I borrow yours? 6I dont like reading _(任何的)books. 7He is sleeping _ (在期间)the night. 8He likes listening to these _ (故事) 9Dont play with fire,children! It is _ (危险的) 10These girls are _ (女警察),ull,end,ong

24、,indow,rong,any,during,stories,dangerous,policewomen,B选词并用其适当形式填空。 work,close,interesting,look,nine,well,climb,run,meet,have 1.Sandy can always do _ in her lessons. 2.Im really glad _ so many friends here. 3.His uncle _ very young but he is over forty. 4.Mr Black lives on the _ floor. 5.Look! The ca

25、ts are _ up the trees. 6The shop isnt open. Its_. 7.My brother _ some new picture books. 8.Do you think QQ games are _. 9.Liu Xiang is a good _. 10.Does Mr Green like _ in this Chinese school?,答案:1well 2.to meet 3.looks 4.ninth 5climbing 6.closed 7.has 8.intresting 9runner 10.working,三、补全对话。 A:Excuse me,Lin Tao! B:Yes? A:My bike is broken. Can I borrow yours? B:_1_ A:This afternoon. B:OK. Heres the key. A:_2_But where is it? B:_3_ A:What color is it? B:_4_ A:I see. I think I can find it. B:_5_ A:All right. See you!,答案:1C 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A,温馨提示:请用活页作业,


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