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1、新课程标准指导下Task的教学,谈盐城中学 Task 教学的方法及心得感受 张宝喜,Task板块设计的目的及意义,Task 板块顺着本单元的话题,以任务的最终产品为目标,设计了一系列的活动,学生通过结对、或小组活动的方式,亲历语言实践,在完成任务的过程中获得语言运用能力。,该板块在课堂内进行的开放式任务型活动学习内容,要求学生在完成任务的过程中使用英语,培养学生听、说、读、写的综合技能。每个单元的 Task 板块设计一个任务,学生通过运用英语进行听、说、读、写,来完成这个任务。每个单元的任务与单元话题密切相关。,Task 部分的具体划分,三个步骤 Step 1 听或读的活动 Receptive

2、 Step 2 双人或小组的互动 Interactive Step 3 口头或书面产品 Productive,技能训练 Skills building 1 Skills building 2 Skills building 3,Step 1 通过听或读,获取与任务相关的信息,Q1: Step 1及Skills building 1是否为纯粹的听力测试? Task 部分听力制定目标为何 训练学生的听力能力 训练学生在听力的过程中处理语言信息的能力 训练学生的听力策略 训练学生的语感,Q2: 教师是否应具备除英语专业之外的部分专业知识?,相关学科知识 语言组织能力(全英语教学) 语言是门工具,这就

3、要求语言教师不同于其他教师,要具备有综合学科能力,拥有运用该种语言,以特定的语言思维习惯去解决问题和分析信息的能力,Sample: Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising Task Writing an advertisement,Step 1 1. Lead-in Q1: If your company wants to start making a new product, what should be done first? Market research Q2: What is one of the most important pieces of informatio

4、n? The market share of the products Q3: In what way is most of the information of market share given? In numbers,Statistics,为什么采用这样的导入方式?,Task 所处理的任务始终和本单元的主题息息相关 借助学生在Word Power所学习的销售和广告的部分专业词语和内容,客观上可以起到复习的作用 鼓励学生将所学知识运用于生活实际之中,Skills building 1 Listening for statistics and descriptions Part 1 Sta

5、tistics,Fractions: a/one half three quarters 2/3 two thirds 2 two and a/one half Decimals: 0.3 zero/ naught point three 6.79 six point seven nine Percentages: 63% sixty-three per cent 45.72% forty-five point seven two per cent,Part 2 Descriptions,An increase A decrease No change Trends A range An av

6、erage A limit,1. a rise in the number or amount 2. a fall in the number or amount 3. remain the same 4. a situation that is changing 5. a limit between sth that varies 6.between the greatest and the smallest 7. amount of sth that is allowed,When listening, we should pay attention to:,When listening,

7、 we should also pay attention to:,a range: vary between* and */from * to *,When listening, dont forget:,an average: average price/number,Step 2 通过读和说,开展相互对话或小组等交际活动,学生的教育主体地位以及教师在教育过程中的主导作用 教师在活动终结时的评价策略,Pair-work/Group-work,1. Work in pairs and talk about your opinions on ads. 2. Try to use differe

8、nt structures and related words to state opinions and give reasons. 3. Students presentation. 由此可见,教师的角色应该是课堂的引导者而决非是课堂的主宰.学生通过双人或是小组活动来运用在Skills Building 2中涉及到的能力。,英语鼓励教师评价学生的艺术,Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But dont give up. Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign lan

9、guages should be fun. Rome wasnt built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone! 用英语鼓励来树立学生的自信心,溶解课堂尴尬的气氛,这样对于学生用于开口具有重要的意义。,Step 3 分析、处理信息,进行归纳总结,完成说或写的任务,Step 3的实质写作能力的培养 Step 3不完全是单纯的写作练习,Skills building 3 Offer some sampl

10、es of articles; Choose the proper sentence types; Apply the related vocabulary; Students presentation.,How to present the students work,由于教学以及生活条件的改善,如今可以采取多种的方式来呈现学生的写作任务的成品。比如: 情景演示 PPT演示文稿,情景演示,Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising Task 布置给学生的最终任务是展示一篇巧克力产品的广告。教师就可以按照角色分配,可将学生分成推销员和顾客两大类别,再现日常生活中的场景,完成对话,将

11、写作的成稿以语言表达的方式再现。这样的方式体现了情景教学的要求。,学生制作的PPT演示文稿,You can never imagine how delicious chocolate bars can be if you have never had a ChocoLoco chocolate Bar. Only the best quality cocoa beans from Mexico and the freshest milk from China are used to make the delicious ChocoLoco chocolate bars. Because it

12、is low in fat, it is also a good choice for anyone trying to lose weight. Almost everyone who has tried it loves it! ChocoLoco chocolate bar is of high quality and average price. It is available in all supermarkets around China now.,学生制作任务展示的启示,学生通过展示自我,或是小组的展示成果,事实上是课本内容向日常实际运用的转换过程。在这样的过程中,学生切实将英语做为一门工具,结合了日常实际,提高了自身的语言素质和综合素质。,Thank you very much!,


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