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1、1.任何出席了晚会的孩子都将得到一个礼物。 2.努力和机遇会让我们有所作为的。(It is that) 3.我正在睡觉,突然我听到了我母亲的尖叫声。有小偷 破门而入。 4.不少人出席了毕业典礼(a number of / the number of) 5.不管我们多大,父母总把我们当小孩。 6.据我所知,人会在压力下表现最好 7.你可以按压伤口让血流得慢些.,1.任何出席了晚会的孩子都将得到一个礼物。,Any child present at the party will be presented with a present.,2.努力和机遇会让我们有所作为的。(It is that),It

2、 is hard work and opportunities that will make us successful.,3.我正在睡觉,突然我听到了我母亲的尖叫声。有小偷 破门而入。,I was sleeping when suddenly I heard my mothers screaming. A thief broke in.,=broke into her room.,5.不管我们多大,父母总把我们当小孩。,6.据我所知,人会在压力下表现最好。,4.不少人出席了毕业典礼(a number of / the number of),A number of people were pr

3、esent at the graduation ceremony.,The number of people present at the graduation was large.,Parents always treat us as children however old we are.,To my knowledge/ As far as I know, people will do best under pressure.,7.你可以按压伤口让血流得慢些.,You can slow bleeding by applying pressure to the injure.,日常对话,1

4、. Thank you for your help. 2. Doesnt matter. 3. Sounds like a good idea. 4. Anything I can do for you? 5. Have a smoke? 6.Are you cold? -Yes, I am. 7.She must be very busy now. -If so, she cant go with us. 8.When necessary, you can send me an e-mail. 9.Is she feeling better today? -Im afraid not. 10

5、.Will it rain tomorrow? -I hope not.,我不希望下雨,( I),( It),(It),(Is there),(Will you),cold,she is busy,(its),she isnt feeling better.,不定式to后省略动词,(若to 后跟be或have,则不能省略),Are you going there? -Yes, Id like to. (2) He didnt give me the chance, though he had promised to. (3) Are you an engineer? -No, but I wa

6、nt to be. (4) He hasnt finished the task yet. -Well, he ought to have.,想,尽管他答应给我机会,不是, 但很想,他本应该完成,The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _ . A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to (NMET1995) A: Are you fond of classic music? B: No, but I used to . ( used

7、to be) A: Have you told Ann about her failure in the test? B: Yes, but I oughtnt to. ( oughtnt to have ),关于so 和 not,1.-Do you think he will be admitted to the key university? - _. / _.,I think / guess so,I think / guess not,2.-Is he coming back tonight? -I think so. 3.-Can you attend the party? -I h

8、ope not. 4. I may not be free today. If so, you neednt come to see me.,定语从句中的省略,1.The first book I read this term was very interesting. 2.The house built last year is mine. The house to be built next year will be mine. The house being built now is mine. 3.Do you know that girl speaking English? 4.I

9、dont like the way you speak to me.,(that),(which was),(which is),(which is),(in which/ that / -),(who speaks),1.The temple _(surround) by a wall belongs to the local government. 2.First aid is a temporary form of help _(give) to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured. 3.Do you know the man _

10、(walk) along the path? 4.The meeting _(hold) tomorrow has been called off owing to the bad weather. 5.The novel _(write) now will be finished in a couple of days. 6.The old man cant get used to the way _ his children live.,surrounded,given,walking,to be held,being written,in which/ that/ -,Practice,

11、The third generation networks, _ as 3G, enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services. A knowing B being known C known D to be known,状语从句中的省略,1.While( )there, he led a hard but happy life. 2.Whether( ) true or false, the story itself is of great interest. 3.When ( )

12、still a boy of ten, he had to work to support his poor family. 4.If _(ask), you may come in. 5.When _(complete), the project will be known to more people. 6.If _(give) another chance, I will do better. 7.I didnt feel nervous when _(speak) ahead of so many people. 8.The woman looked around as if ( )

13、in search of someone.,he was,its,he was,asked,completed,given,speaking,she was,1.Cold chicken is delicious when _(eat) with salad. 2.When he is outside home, he has nothing to live on. 3.Are you planning to go to her ball? -No, unless I _(invite). 4.Why dont you arrange your trip _ the way _ you did

14、 last summer? 5.I regret to tell you that Im leaving here tomorrow. - Youre leaving here? But you promised to stay with me. 6.Please dont make a noise. -_. Ill be as quiet as a mouse.,its eaten,am invited,( in ),(that/in which),No, I wont,-Who should be responsible for the accident? -The boss, not t

15、he workers. They just carried out the order _. A as told B as are told C as telling D as they told,The old machine must be checked before it is used . The old machine must be checked before used . The old machine must be checked before being used . 介词,should的省略,advise; demand; require; request; orde

16、r; insist; urge (催促) ,Some exercises,It was really a success. - _. A So was it B So it was C Was it so D It was so 2. On the stairs _. A sitting a small girl B was a small girl sitting C was sitting a small girl D a small girl was sitting,3. Not only _ about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

17、A the customer complained B when the customer complained C did the customer complain D the customer did complain 4. If Bobs wife doesnt agree to sign the papers, _. A neither he will B neither wont he C neither will he D he wont neither,5. Only if he helps us _. A we may succeed B we succeeded C can

18、 we succeed D we can succeed 6. Mrs. Jones does not like shopping, _. A and she does like gardening B nor she does like gardening C or does she like gardening D nor does she like gardening 7. _from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him. A Jumped down the thief B Down the thief ju

19、mped C The thief jumped down D Down jumped the thief,8. _ than they started to work. A No sooner they had got to the plant B No sooner had they got to the plant C As soon as they had got to the plant D When they had got to the plant 9. Hardly _ the people ran toward it. A had the plane landed when B

20、 had the plane landed than C the plane had landed when D the plane was landing than 10._, I would give it up early. A Was I in your place B I was in your place C Were I in your place D I were in your place,They urged that the library _ during the vacation. A be kept open B would be kept opening C to

21、 be kept opened D was open kept,but句中的有do 无to ; 无do 有to,In the end, the enemies had no choice but _ (give) in. In the end, the enemies did nothing but _ (wait) to give in.,to give,wait,1.Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? _. A. I dont believe B. I dont believe it C. I believe not so D.

22、 I believe not,2.Is the boy very sick? Im afraid_. A. it B. this C .so D. that,3.Raining hard,_? A doesnt it B.dose it C.is it D.isnt it 4.Have you been here long? A.No, not very B.Not much C. Yes,only little D. No, only yesterday 5.-Does your brother intend to study German? -Yes, he intends_. A/ B.

23、to C.so D.that,6. Why didnt you come to Mikes birthday party yesterday? -Well, I _, but I forgot it. A. should B. must C. should have D. must have 7. Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine _. A. like directed B. to be directed C. as directed D. so that directed,C,C,8. Y

24、ou seem to have lost your way. _? -I am looking for Wangfujing Street. A. What for B. Need help C. Why so D. Where to 9. This is an illness that can result in total blindness if _. A. to leave untreated B. left untreated C. leaving untreated D. is left untreated,B,B,10. John plays football_, if not

25、better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as John plays football as well as David, if he doesnt play better than David. 译为 “如果John足球踢得不比David 好,也和他一样好。” D项 so well as应用在否定句中。,11. If you go to Xian ,youll find the places there more magnificent than commonly_. A. supposing B.

26、supposed C. to suppose D. suppose than they are commonly supposed .,12.What do you think made Mary so upset? _ her bicycle. A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing,Losing her bicycle made Mary upset。,13.Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _IQ. (NMET 2002)

27、 A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest,I doubt whether anyone in the class has a higher IQ than Boris,14.You ought to have given them some advice. _ ,but who cared what I asked? A. So it was B. So I ought to C. So I did,15.Arent you the manager? No, and I_. A. dont want to B. dont want to be C. dont want be D. dont want,12. Children must be taught to act with good manners when_. A. speaking to B. spoken to C. are speaking D. spoken of,13.-Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. -Why _ ? John is sitting there doing nothing. (NMET2003) A. him B. he C. I D. me,


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