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1、,英国文学选读,教学课件,Unit2 William Shakespeare (I564-1616),Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Sonnet 18,William Shakespeare (15641616),We dont know much about Shakespeare because very few facts of his life have been preserved. The facts of his life mainly came from three sources: church and legal records, folk traditi

2、ons, and the comments of his contemporaries. From these facts we piece together his life. William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon in Warwickshire. His father, John Shakespeare, was a well-to-do merchant and leading citizen in the town. There is no official record of Shake

3、speares schooling, but it is widely believed that he attended the local grammar school and read widely. In 1582, Shakespeare, aged eighteen and half, married Anne Hathaway, a farmers uneducated daughter, who was eight years older than Shakespeare.,Shakespeare went to London in 1586 or 1587 when dram

4、a was rapidly becoming popular. There are legends that he kept horses outside the playhouses (theater). After many hardships he became an actor and playwright in one of the leading companies of players“Lord Chamberlaines Company.” He revised old plays and wrote new ones. His plays always have traces

5、 of the events of contemporary life. Because of this, together with his matured craftsmanship, his plays became extremely popular. Beside plays, Shakespeare wrote some narrative poems and sonnets. His narrative poem, Vernus and Adonis, was published in 1593. It immediately became popular and was rep

6、rinted eleven times in the first few years. His 154 sonnets were first circulated among friends, and were not published until 1609. The contemporaries soon recognized him as a genius of a poet. Today some of his sonnets are regarded as the best in the world of poetry.,Shakespeares history plays and

7、major comedies were written before the end of the sixteenth century. After the turn of the century, he wrote his major tragedies. The comedies were mainly written in the last few years of his life. Although Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, he left the world a rich heritage of immortal plays. Thir

8、ty-two of his plays were first collected in 1623, and Ben Johnson wrote in the dedication to the edition that “he was not of an age, but for all time!”,Shskespeares comedies: A Midsummer Nights Dream The Merchant of Venice Shskespeares tragedies: Hamlet; Othello; King Lear ; Macbeth Shskespeares his

9、toric play: Henry IV Shskespeares legend play: The Tempest,Hamlet, Prince of Denmark The story Hamlet is called back from the University of Wittenbery(维滕堡) to the Danish Court by news of his fathers death. His mother hastily marries his uncle, Claudius. Horatio, Hamlets friend, tells him of the appe

10、arance of the ghost of his father talking around the castle at night. Later he learns from the ghost that his father was murdered by his uncle. He is then faced with the duty to take revenge for his father.,First Hamlet pretends to be mad. His beloved Ophelia is sent to him to see that he is mad. Ho

11、wever , Claudius is not convinced and sends two of Hamlets former friends to spy on him. Hamlet, in order to catch the conscience of Claudius, arranges a murder-play which acts out the process of the murder. The play catches Claudius by surprise that he leaves the hall in the middle of the play. The

12、 story of the ghost is thus proved, but Hamlet fails to kill Claudius when he is alone praying. Instead, he kills the spying Polonius by accident. Hamlet is sent to England by Claudius, ploting that he is killed by the king of England. On his way to England, Hamlet finds out the plot of his death. H

13、e escapes and gets aboard a pirate ship and returns to Denmark. Meanwhile, Ophelia becomes mad and drowns herself. Her brother, Laertes came to take revenge for their father and his sister. Hamlet and Laertes agree to settle their argument by a duel. Hamlet is wounded by Laertes sword with poison an

14、d Hamlet wounds Laertes with the same sward. Hamlets mother mistakenly drinks poisoned wine that Claudius has prepared for Hamlet. As he lies dying, Laertes reveals the fact that Claudius has killed Hamlets father. Finally, Hamlet kills Claudius with the poisoned sword and wine before he falls dead.

15、,Comments on the theme of Hamlet The story of the play comes from an Danish legend. It is very likely that Shakespeare borrowed something from(托马斯,基德,英戏剧家)Thomas Kyds “The Spanish Tragedy”. The whole play shows how Hamlet, hero of the play, who represents good and justice, fights against his uncle i

16、n whom all the evil things of the time can be seen. Hamlets father, the old king has been poisoned to death by his own brother. The new king , that is Hamlets uncle, has married the Queen, Hamlets mother. Hamlet wants to revenge for his father. He is not a weak-minded young man. He loves his people

17、and is loved by them. He shows his bravery in running after the Ghost of his father, in killing the kings minister, Polonius, in fighting with the pirates on the sea, and with Laertes. He has seen through the wicked and unjust world which he lives in. He observes that “Denmark is a prison”. He is de

18、termined to do away the evils in the society. Finally he kills all the enemies and averages his father. He dies a heroic death. Shakespeare showed his great creative abilities in writing this play. Hamlet is made a hero of Renaissance period and the representative of humanist ideas. This play is reg

19、arded as the summit of Shakespeares play.,The soliloquy is certainly one of the best dramatic monologues in world literature and has become a favorite selection for memorization. His meditation is more than personal, but applicable to all mankind: For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, .Th

20、at patient merit of the unworthy takes. In the soliloquy Hamlet first asks whether one should choose to live or die, and then defines two possible courses. First, he asks if passive acceptance of “outrageous fortune” is not the nobler course to follow. The second course is to take “arms against a se

21、a of trouble,And by opposing end them.” Hamlet then considers a third solution: suicide. We must point out that this soliloquy poses many critical problems and more than one interpretation is possible.,十四行诗之第十八首 莎士比亚 有心比汝作浓韵似酒的夏日, 却言不尽温宛里醉人的妩媚。 五月疾风迅,凌落多少娇花, 而时光予夏如此短暂的辰光! 苍穹之明眸闪耀如火的热芒, 他金色面庞却也常蒙上迷惘。 美好的事物终难免消亡, 或因偶故,或取天由。,夏日如君,永不消逝, 流年似水,伴你如花美眷。 怎会如亡灵徘徊在断井颓垣? 惟有岁月里的幸福淡而深远! 只要还有人一息尚存,眸中仍有微芒流闪, 汝美丽的容颜,便随这诗篇,亘古留传。,Romeo and Juliet,Thank you for learning,


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