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1、 You do know my love. Yesterday once more I want to lose my weight. A Short Phone A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up. “Wow,” said her father, “ That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?” “Wrong number.” replied the girl. pun

2、chline 笑话或幽默中的妙语 More jokes POLICEMAN: You cant park here. Driver: Why cant I ? POLICEMAN: Read the sign there. Driver: It says, “ Fine for parking,” so I parked. 重点单词/词组 slide cruel astonish particular throughout failure fortunate overcome mouthful direct swing whisper sense bump in to be content w

3、ith pick out knock into badly off in search of in particular deal with cut off at times v. to n. v. to adj. fail astonish entertainentertain directoutstand Adj. To n.Adj. To adv. difficultParticularly homeespecial fortunatefortunately mountain failure Entertainment director direction difficulty home

4、less fortune mountainous astonishing entertaining outstanding particular especially fortunate 2. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. (L3) 在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大 笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。 depressed 感到沮丧的 depressing 令人沮丧的 depress vt.使沮丧 2.

5、 content adj. 满足的,满意的; vt. 使满足 n. 内容 be content with sth /sb对满意/满足 be content to do sth做某事很满足 你对你的工作满意吗? Are you content with your work? 玛丽满足于整晚坐在电视前 Mary is content to sit in front of the television all night. 老师对你的回答很满意。 The teacher was content with your answer. 我喜欢他的作品风格,但不喜欢其内容。 I like the style

6、 of his writing ,but I dont like the content. 4. Unfortunately his father died , _(leave) the family even worse off.(L9) 不幸的是他的父亲去世了,整个家庭状况更遭了。 worse off 境况更差 反:better off 原级:badly off = poor 贫穷的,匮乏的 Were too badly off to have a holiday. 我们太穷,没有钱度假 The school is rather badly off for equipment 这所学校相当

7、缺乏设备。 leaving 9. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. 他每一口都吃得津津有味 . mouthful n. 一口 a mouthful of sth 一口 他喝了一口苦药,扮了个鬼脸。 He took a mouthful of the bitter medicine and made a face. a handful of a basketful of a bucketful of 一把 一篮 一桶 10. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that

8、it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! 卓别林的表演是那么有说服力, 以至于你会相信这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐 (L30) convincing adj. 令人信服的 convinced adj. 感到信服的 v. convince 使信服 convince sb of sth 使某人相信 我使他们们相信这这个故事是真的 I managed to convince them of the story 我们们最终终使他们们相信了我们们的清白(innocence) Finally we convinced them of our inno

9、cence. Not all the _ is kind. Some are bad, others can inspire people. Some actors can_ us with the character they are playing. Chaplin was such an actor. He became famous for using a _ form of acting in silent films. The little tramp gives people courage to overcome_ with his firm _and he is always kind even when people are_ to him. astonish particular humor difficulties unkind determination Retelling


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