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1、英语写作教学设计的理论和实践 北京工业大学附中 孔彬 写作教学 情景作文试题(满分20分) 最近你的同班同学上课总是睡觉,严重影响了 学习。请你给他(她)写一封信, 劝说他(她)改 掉这个不良习惯。 上课睡觉会导致学生成绩下降,并影响老师的 心情和思维。 同时你对他的学习生活提出自己的建议。 写作提示: 按着要求:发现问题 列出原因 改进方法这一结构,有理有据地描写全文。 句与句之间要连贯,并正确地使用动词及词组。 写作教学评价的命题 Dear friend: Im sorry but I have to say that there exists a serious problem in y

2、our study habit. Recently you are always falling asleep in class. I dont know why you are behaving like this but obviously it is very harmful to your study because you have fallen behind other fellow students. In my opinion, there are several reasons to show that your behavior is not proper. First,

3、there is no need to say that falling asleep in class is bad for your study for you will miss what the teacher say. Whats more, it shows disrespect for the teacher to fall asleep in class. Last but not least, you have to consider what your fellow students will think and how they will feel. 写作教学范例评分 A

4、s your close friend, Id like to give you some suggestions. In order to keep awake in class, you should develop a healthy sleeping habit, and dont stay up too late. And concentrate on what the teacher is saying and try to forget your sleepiness. I really hope you can get rid of your bad habit, and be

5、 an energetic student in class. Your sincerely, Tom 写作教学范例评分 共190个单词 A lot of my friends worry about the environment. They feel they cant do anything about things like pollution, rainforests disappearing and the amount of waste we make. I think we can all do something to help the environment. For a

6、start we can recycle. Its a process thats easy to start in our own homes. 优秀写作描写范例 1 共55个单词 The sky was blue and there were only a few clouds. The breeze was cool and carried the smell of the ocean on it. As the trees swayed and the sun shone overhead, the atmosphere was interrupted by the purr of a

7、 car coming down the road. The car was moving on the soft asphalt. The four boys looked 写作描写范例初稿分析 2 out of the car. Surf Beach was often packed at this time of year but today was Sunday and everyone had spent the week swimming and was now lying on this summer day. 写作描写范例初稿分析 2 共91个单词 The sky was a

8、crystal clear blue and there were only a few puffy white clouds. The breeze was cool and carried the smell of the ocean on it. As the trees swayed lazily and the sun shone directly overhead, the quiet atmosphere was interrupted by the steady purr of a car coming down the road. The car pulled up on t

9、he asphalt, which was soft from the heat of the sun. The four boys looked 优秀写作描写范例分析 3 out of the car and surveyed their surroundings. Surf Beach was usually packed at this time of year but today was Sunday and everyone had probably spent the entire week swimming and was now resting on this hot and

10、drowsy summer day. 优秀写作描写范例分析 3 共118个单词 一、当前写作教学中存在的问题: 1. 写作教学的整体设计和规划不够。 2. 写作教学的训练模式太单一。 3. 没有形成系统的写作教学训练材料。 4. 写作练习题设计的情景缺乏真实性。 5. 考试中作文所配图不能充分说明问题。 二、何谓写作: 交际语言教学(CLT)对写的理解:认为写 是实现交际目的的一项重要技能。写是用书面 语传递信息的一种交际能力。 20世纪80年代费劳尔(Flower)和海斯( Hayes)提出了认知程序理论(cognitive process theory) 。认知程序理论注重写作过程 即:教

11、师要帮助学生提高写作的效率,减少写 作过程中的困难。 三、写作教学的目标: 在于帮助学生形成一套可行的写作策略: 1. 动笔前的酝酿(构思,定中心,拟提纲,定步骤) 2. 起草;调整(增补,修正,调整思路) 3. 修改(注意:修辞,句子结构,语法等) 四、写作的程序: 席尔瓦(Silva)认为大体可分为: 1. 写前阶段(Pre-writing processes) a. 策划(Planning) b. 确定目标(Targeting) c. 组织思路(Organizing) 2. 写作阶段(In-writing processes) a. 起草(Drafting) b. 评估(Evaluati

12、ng) c. 整理(Editing) d. 修改(Rewriting) 五、写作的技术性细节: 1. In search of capitals 2. Investigating typographical conventions 3. Dictation and commentary punctuating direct speech 4. Using typographical conventions designing a handbill 5. Listing 6. Making labels 7. Spelling with a difference 8. Consequences

13、story writing 9. Punctuation templates 六、写作教学的重点: 1. 制定写作的教学计划。 包括:课时,内容,训练活动,检测题等。 写作要求适中;难度不可过高;要对学生的需 求和兴趣做必要的调查。 2. 注意写作教学的真实性,实用性和趣味性。 写是传递和储存书面信息的交际方式,并能超 越时间和空间的限制。写作练习应发挥这一功 能,才能具有真实性。写的内容应能引起学生 的兴趣,激发他们的动机,激活他们的思维。 3. 提倡“互动式和社会结构式”的写作训练。 约翰斯认为写作不完全是个人行为,而是发 生在团体中的行为,因此他提倡互动式( Interactive)和社

14、会结构式(Social constructive)的写作训练方法。 所谓互动式是指作者和读者之间的相互作用。 所谓社会结构式是指文章和作品的写作是离不 开集体的。强调写作的社会性,就是提倡学生 的小组活动,通过讨论合作完成写作,使写作 的过程变成作者和读者的交流和学习。 七、树立写作的信心: 1. Shopping for a friend aide memoire 2. Writing instructions 3. Writing about food 4. The perfect instruction 5. Representing self personal writing 6. S

15、implifying writing 7. Writing instructions to accompany a picture sequence(场景) 8. Glossing a text personalizing text 9. Recording telephone message 10. Writing a weather forecast 11. Creating characters description of people 八、写作教学训练内容: Before you write think like a reader. 1.Transitions(过渡词): Pre-t

16、est; Post-test 2.Subordination(从属句): Pre-test; Post-test 3.Parallelism(平行): Pre-test; Post-test 4.Topic sentence(主题句): Pre-test; Post-test 5.Controlling Idea(次中心): Pre-test; Post-test 6.Unity(一致): Pre-test; Post-test 7.Coherence(连贯): Pre-test; Post-test 九、写作教学训练内容解读: 1. Transitions: When a runner in

17、 a relay race passes his wand to another team member, his team keeps moving ahead. When a writer uses transitions, he keeps his ideas moving ahead 2. Subordination: When people wanted to look especially good, they are willing to spend more than their budget allows in order to have the latest hairsty

18、le. The least important idea at this time-saving money- is subordinated to the most important idea- having attractive hair. When a writer wants to show a reader that one idea in a sentence is more important than another idea, the writer also subordinates the less important idea. 3. Parallelism: To b

19、ecome a good skier, a person learns how to keep skis on parallel tracks while speeding down a slope. Parallel structure in writing also makes it possible for a writer to move forward smoothly. 4. Topic sentence: If you aim a Frisbee well, your partner will be able to catch it more easily. And if a w

20、riter puts a topic sentence in a paragraph, a reader will be more likely to catch the paragraphs main idea. 5. Controlling Idea: A backpack that is well filled keeps you alive in the wilderness. And a topic sentence that includes a controlling idea keeps a writers purpose alive in a paragraph. 6. Un

21、ity: A violinists music does not fit with a rock bands beat. Removing the violinist produces a unified sound. A writer gains unity in the same way by cutting out any thoughts that do not fit in with a paragraphs controlling idea. 7. Coherence: Riding a direct line through the surf without falling is

22、 a surfers goal. A writer is also concerned with direct forward movement. By creating a direct line of thought, a writer gives a paragraph its necessary coherence. Transitions Pre-Test: Wilma likes traveling by bus better than traveling by airplane for four reasons. _1_(Thus,First,In fact) it costs

23、less. She can ride by bus from New York to Chicago for $20. _2_(And,So,Yet) the air fare between the two cities is $78. _3_(Nor,But,Second) traveling by bus gives her a closer look at the cities and countryside than she could get from a plane. _4_(Still,Next,For example) enjoys driving through the b

24、ig cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Fort Wayne. _5_(Third,Now,Indeed),Wilma finds that the passengers on the bus are often closer to her own age. _6_(Similarly,Instead,After all,So), they are easy to talk with on the shared travel adventure. _7_(In contrast, Finally, Otherwise) many airline p

25、assengers are businessmen who keep busy with their work while flying. _8_ (Therefore, Fourth, Accordingly), riding a bus allows Wilma to explore any stop along the way. _9_ (On the other hand, Moreover, For instance), once she got off the bus at a small town in Indiana and spent the night with a gir

26、l friend. _10_ (So, Then, Yet), the next day she took another bus to Chicago. _11_ (For these reasons, At last, Now), Wilma usually prefers buses instead of planes unless she has to get somewhere in a hurry . Transitions Post-Test: Paolo likes to fly as an airline passenger at night rather than duri

27、ng the day for four reasons. _1_, it costs less. _2_ he would have to pay $125 to fly from San Francisco to Mexico City by day. _3_ by night, the fare is $75. _4_, the plane is less crowed on night flights. _5_, Paolo rarely has to sit three abreast when he flies at night. _6_, he has more room to s

28、tretch out. _7_, night flights are quieter than day flights. _8_, Paolo can study or read without being distracted by loud conversations or by people walking up and down the aisle. _9_, passengers on night flights can usually sleep quite comfortably if they want to. They do _10_ by fold up the armre

29、sts between three empty seats. _11_ allows a passenger to lie down for a nap under a blanket. _12_, Paolo rarely reserves a daytime flight on a commercial airline. 十、写作教学的小组活动: 1. Planning with Mind Map Write the topic, for example, Holidays, in the middle of the board. Ask the students to brainstor

30、m sub-topics that they might expect to cover in their passage. Write each major sub-topic on the board so that you end up with a board diagram, like this: (Make sure that there are no fewer than five and no more than seven sub-topics.) HOLIDAYS school holidays special memories public holidays plans

31、and preparation holidays abroad family holidays good holidays bad holidays 2. Planning Writing Explain that you will be giving them a set 2.of statements about writing and that they 3.should decide which 5-7 statements they 4.would use in a passage about writing. 5. Explain that the purpose of the l

32、esson is to 6.work out the passage plan which will 7.revolve around these 5-6 statements. The 8.passage plan should be written down in 9.note form and will include sub-topics 10.suggested by the chosen statements as well 11.as suggestions for an introduction and conclusion. 3. Knowing your reader As

33、k the students to work in small groups. Each group is going to design an advertisement, and so first they need to decide on the product they wish to sell. It may help if the class brainstorms possible products or if you bring in pictures of products or even products themselves 4. Talking to the read

34、er Ask the students to work in pairs. One student is going to be the writer and the other is going to take note on what goes on while their partner writes. Once each pair have decided who is to write, the writer should choose a picture from the set you brought to class. This picture represents the p

35、erson they are going to be writing for. 5. Arranging yesterdays diary Ask each student to write the hour when they woke up in the margin at the top of the page and the hour when they fell asleep in the margin at the bottom of the page. Ask the students to write down an hour-by- hour account of what

36、they did between the time they woke up in the morning and the time they fell asleep at night. Do the same thing yourself on the board. As the students will inevitably read your diary while they write, set a good example by being fairly detailed. 6. Observing the writing process Ask the students to w

37、ork in groups. Seven is an ideal number. Explain that three members of each group will be “writers” and the other four will be “observers”. The writers will sit in the centre of the circle and work collectively on producing a piece of writing. The observers will sit on the outside of the writers and

38、 make a collective written record of how the writers proceed. Both writing and observing groups will need to confer among themselves. The observers may ask the writers questions at any point and may look at their work in progress. 7. The school report Explain that each student is to write a report o

39、n themselves based on these notes but written as though they were the teacher (i.e. you) writing for their parents. Remind them that reports should summarize past progress and make suggestions for areas to work on in the future. Ask them to think carefully about how to organize the material they hav

40、e noted down. (This can be a homework task too.) 8. Writing to a formula(准则) Allow the students to work individually or in pairs. Explain that the editor of their series of readers has decided that from now on there should be no sentences shorter than X words and no sentences longer than Y words. Th

41、eir job is to rewrite the page taking this instruction into account. 9. Ways of rewriting Ask each student to think of one simple sentence that describes what they are wearing in class at present, or what they wore in class yesterday, or what they like to wear in general. When everyone has thought o

42、f a sentence, ask each student to say their sentence in turn while each member of the class writes it down. So if John says, I wore blue jeans in class yesterday, everyone writes down John wore blue jeans in class yesterday. 10. Students reformulation(改写) Divide your class into groups of about eight

43、. (If the class doesnt divide equally, its better to have bigger rather than smaller groups.) Give each member of group one a copy of text 1, each member of group two text 2, etc. Ask students to write their own reformulated version in the spaces between the lines. (This can also be a homework activ

44、ity.) 1.审题 2.列出要点 3.依要点, 拟草题纲, 组织成句. 4.构篇章,扩句成文. 5.检查润色(1),(2) 6.写作成文 基础写作步骤: Hello! Im a sunshine boy named Li Hello! Im a sunshine boy named Li HuaHua. Im sixteen . Im sixteen years old. And Im a middle school students in Beijing years old. And Im a middle school students in Beijing sunny school.

45、I want to take part in this activities. sunny school. I want to take part in this activities. To our delight, I have many hobbies, such as: listen to the , I have many hobbies, such as: listen to the music. Im a gifted pianist, music. Im a gifted pianist, take photos, and talk with each other. . As

46、well as I love nature, I prefer help my I love nature, I prefer help my friends, I hope our country is more great. friends, I hope our country is more great. And get on well with each other. I . I join in this activities this activities so as to make more friends, and learn about foreigns culture. I

47、 hope I have a great time. I hope I have a great time. In my opinion, it is worth doing In my opinion, it is worth doing in particular. 111. 111 试题优秀范例 Im Li Im Li HuaHua. Im a 16-year-old boy. I study in . Im a 16-year-old boy. I study in Beijing Yang Beijing Yang GuangGuang Middle School. Im fond

48、of music, Middle School. Im fond of music, photography. Im good at communicating with others. photography. Im good at communicating with others. And Im so warm-hearted that Im eager to help others And Im so warm-hearted that Im eager to help others all the time. I also love the nature. I think peopl

49、e cant all the time. I also love the nature. I think people cant live any longer if the nature is destroyed. And in my live any longer if the nature is destroyed. And in my opinion, peace is as important as nature. We can live opinion, peace is as important as nature. We can live safely in peace. I want to join this summer camp in safely in peace. I want to join this summer camp in order to make more and more friends,


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