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1、教学设计Important and difficult points:shes reading a book .hes taking pictures.Aims on the knowledgeNew words :take picture take picturesSentences: shes reading a book .hes taking pictures.Aims on the ability:Four skills: reading playing taking watching shes reading a book .hes taking pictures.Aims on

2、the emotim 敢于开口,表达中不怕出错教学过程 Step1 Warm -up 1 Greeting 2. show ppt :Sing the song: Walking Step2 Presentation 1.在歌曲walking 的基础上鼓励孩子们改编这首歌曲,以此引出课本上为我们提供了课题黄的单词,引导他们打开书本进行page8 part 2 listen point and find “ing”. Play the tape,help them line out the words :reading watching playing takingstep3Teach1. Sh

3、ow ppt :Teach with the word cards:reading watching playing taking 2.Play the game :萝卜蹲,four students carry the words and practice : reading watching playing taking3.Teach : take picture . show ppt .由lake cake 分离出ake读音,引入take .并考察他们对此规律单的记忆拼写,同法教picture 4.告诉学生我这两天偷拍了几张我校学生的照片问他们想不想认识他们,激发他们的学习兴趣,show

4、 ppt ,teach : this is xxx, hes/shes 每张照片都用此句型介绍,并多次重复带ing部分的词语,引起她们的注意加深他们的印象,激活他们的思维。5. Page8 part 2 listen point and find “ing”.鼓励学生去理解文本内容。帮助理解疑难处。Step4 Reading1. Listen and repeat.2. Read in pairs.3. Read in goups.前后四个人一组,各自挑选出自己读的最好的图片上的句子,然后向全班展示。Step5practice Show ppts .出示图片让学生尝试着用ing来描述照片上的人

5、物正在进行的活动。并把男女生分组进行比赛,简笔画画出两条鱼,参与并正确的添加一个泡泡。Step 5 Summar and continuation用歌曲walking的曲调加活动的方式去练习ing的单词和用法。出示ppt.Ha ha, this way, (双手伸向左边)Ha ha , that way,(双手伸向右边)All day long . (双手伸向上边)Now Im walking,(做走的动作)Walking ,walking (做走的动作)All day long . (双手伸向上边。然后做出邀请的动作请一名同学走出来并从备选单词里选一个去替换掉walking,跟在我身后并从头唱且作出所选单词的动作。鼓励全班同学跟着唱跟着做。以此类推的进行下去)Step 6 Homework 1.仿照下面形式写一首属于自己的ing 之歌。 Shes reading , Hes watching, try lala, try lala, reading and watching, reading and watching, ding ding dong ,ding ding dong2. Copy the sentences : Hes taking pictures. Shes reading a book.


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