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1、英 语 高 考 应 试 策 略,应 试 策 略,1) 顺利通过考试是整体学习能力的一部分 2) 掌握了应试策略可获得 “不该丢的分不丢; 同等时间内比不运用应试策略的人多拿分; 考出自己的最高水平” 的效果,短文改错常见的错误,错误包括: 时态, 数, 称谓的一致; 行文逻辑; 动词形式; 冠词; 形容词, 副词; 句型, 固定搭配等.,(一) 短文改错,短文改错解题思路,快读全文 先查一致 依句查错 一行一处 比率考点 找核答案 规范答题 不留空白,快读全文 先查一致,The sound we hear on the earth are carried Paul is one of the

2、heroes of the American Revolution. to help my friends, but Im afraid of hurting him. Life was safer and cheaper. And were the old days really so good?,(时态; 称谓; 数; 逻辑),is,them,was,But,依句查错 一行一处,Do you tell your mother everything which you do? There had a big dance in our town. Think perhaps I was too

3、 tired, I was almost going to sleep. We could learn that it was so useless in our lives.,(错从句看, 错从文看),what,was,Thinking,useful,比率考点 找核答案,比率: 无错: 1个 漏词: 1-2个 多余的词: 1-2个 错词: 5-6个,(以比率, 考点为思考线索),规范答题 不留空白,(左右各0.5分,增多拿一分),(二) 单项填空,特点: (1) 覆盖面广 (2) 动词为考查重点 (3) 间接考查语言知识的运用 解题思路: 弄清考点, 否二选一或否三选一,(三) 完形填空,解

4、题思路 跳读全文抓主旨; 瞻前顾后寻暗示; 先易后难辩词义; 语义贯通验全文. (注意: A.不是一次性完成,而是快速,分段式地三至四次完成; B.答案先写在试卷上; C.核查再上答题卡),(四) 阅读理解,考查要点: (1) 掌握主旨, 大意, 事实, 细节; (2) 理解抽象的概念; (3) 理解深层含义;作者的态度,意图; (4) 把握句与句,段与段之间的关系,并能依此进行推理和判断; (5) 依上下文等猜测生词和短语的含义; (6) 理解文章的基本结构.,遇到生词时: 猜测生词不是盲目地乱猜(blind guessing),主要依据构词法知识或利用上下文暗示来进行猜测,猜词的方法:,1

5、. 构词法知识: ( 注意:学习构词法只为方便猜词,并不是让你们随便创造新词,切记。) 根据构词法, 英语的词可分为简单词、派生词和复合词. 派生词 = 词根(简单词) + 派生词缀 复合词 = 简单词 + 简单词,复合词,复合名词: deadline driveway toothstick snowfall 复合形容词: light-blue bitter-sweet bloodthirsty 复合副词: moreover nevertheless 复合代词: something anybody 复合动词: outline sightsee 复合连词: whenever wherever w

6、hoever 复合介词: into outside throughout,派生词,表示否定和相反的前缀: un- non- in- dis- unfair nonsmoker inexact discontent unhappy nonviolent inactive disagree 比较: uniform none increase dismiss,派生词缀分为前缀和后缀,(1)常见的前缀:前缀会改变词义,但通常不 会影响词根的词性,派生词,表错误或失当的前缀: mis- misjudge misdirect 比较: dismiss,派生词缀分为前缀和后缀,(1)常见的前缀:前缀会改变词义

7、,但通常不 会影响词根的词性,派生词,表示程度的前缀 : over- overeat overdressed under- undercook underfeed mini- mini-car mini-skirt semi- semiskilled semifinal,派生词缀分为前缀和后缀,(1)常见的前缀:前缀会改变词义,但通常不 会影响词根的词性,派生词,表示时间的前缀: pre- pre-school pre-war post- postgraduate post-war,派生词缀分为前缀和后缀,(1)常见的前缀:前缀会改变词义,但通常不 会影响词根的词性,猜词的方法:,(1) 同位

8、语暗示: Pandas, the bear-like animal, live only in China. (2) 同义词暗示: I didnt have a roll on my plate, but I do not like bread very much anyway.,2. 利用上下文所提供的的信息或线索:,猜词的方法:,(3) 反义词暗示: Most of us agreed, however, he dissented. (4) 对比暗示: Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome man, John is quite homely

9、.,2. 利用上下文所提供的的信息或线索:,猜词的方法:,(5) 常识暗示: A fish breathed in water with gills. (6) 生活经验暗示: She cant play tennis now because she cant find her white sneakers.,2. 利用上下文所提供的的信息或线索:,猜词的方法:,(7) 顺序暗示: After he put the letter in the envelope, he sealed it and put a stamp on it. (8) 推理暗示: A lot of people drive their own campers to camp.,2. 利用上下文所提供的的信息或线索:,


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