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1、雅思写作评分标准 -你不懂的秘密,主讲:牙哥,写作备考误区 偏重词汇、语法,忽略写作本身 偏重记忆、模版,忽略内容本身 偏重预测、技巧,忽略积累练习,Xiamen NOS IELTS Research Center,3,雅思真实情况:,效度和信度的标准水平测试 统一标准:固定评分标准 + 固定写作题库,Xiamen NOS IELTS Research Center,4,1.1.2 全球三大考区总体情况,Xiamen NOS IELTS Research Center,5,1.1.3 中国大陆考区总体情况,官方是Cambridge ESOL,为整体考试制定全套体系剑桥ESOL(英语作为外语)考

2、试中心是纯教育团体,而非商业机构 写作和口语的特殊性,导致语言测试的标准很难确定 写作和口语的客观评分标准的公正性 公正性有待商榷,雅思写作评分标准,熟知游戏规则,方可制胜“敌人”,TR = Task Response 审题 | 对于题目的反应 重点考察学生对于题目的基本阅读能力,和帅选能力 容易出现的问题是看不懂核心词,重点偏差,结构错误 每题的考点不能完全一致,所以整个考题的公平性无法保证,Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying, but it is essential for them to be involv

3、ed in other activities. To what extend do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that children should take schooling with teachers when they are in primary education. While, during their secondary education, they may receive more information from TV and Internet instead of teachers and textbooks

4、. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Will teachers be replaced by those new techs?,审题,Some people believe governments should spend money on lesser-known languages in order to protect them from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial support. Discuss both views and

5、give your own opinion.,审题,Nowadays, there are more and more behaviors that are anti-society. How does this happen and what effects will it bring about?,审题需注意,1.关注多个核心词 2.关注对立项 3.关注题干特殊词 4.关注提问方式,连贯与衔接 CC = coherence and cohesion,段落结构根据提问方式确定后,整个文章的逻辑 连接词的使用,变化和整体把握 特别是对于某个原因的细节论述至关重要,演绎和推理 问题在于,每题的难

6、以程度不同,熟悉程度不同 很难在不同年龄中考察思维,但思维一定影响写作成绩,The invention of the Internet and many digital media like e-book will replace the roles traditional library playing before. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that all parents should be required to take childcare courses. To what extent

7、 do you agree or disagree?,连贯与衔接 Linkers 转折(让步)关系:,连贯与衔接 Linkers 因果(推论)关系:,连贯与衔接 Linkers 假设(条件)关系,连贯与衔接 Linkers 层次(顺序)关系,连贯与衔接,logic Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be don

8、e to suggest individuals protect the environment?,连贯与衔接 logic No awareness No abilities No benefits,连贯与衔接 logic No awareness = media No abilities = government No benefits = person,针对本话题专业词汇的考察 针对本话题相关近义词的替换 除单词以外,各种词组,搭配等使用情况 当然包括拼写,大小写,缩写等基本要求 从拼写错误的个数可以量化,但是其他方面很难决定“高级词”,LR=词汇 了解他的意图,目的是神马?,As an

9、international tourist, one should always adhere to the local customs as a rule while the traveling. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 以下除此之外的词汇,你能想到的其他的有哪些? Tourism Adhere to Customs Cultural diversity,Tourism / journey / vacation / holiday / traveling Adhere to / abide by / comply with / con

10、form to / cling to Customs / traditions / hobbies / personal habits Cultural diversity / cultural mosaic / cultural legacy,GRA:语法 (准确性和多样性),基本语法结构的使用正确性,是语言考察的核心 对于基本语法的变化使用,恰当 对于高级语法的尝试,和使用变化 同样问题,无法确定哪些是高级语法,数量也无法评分,句型,复杂句型+长短句结合 并列句 从句(复合句) 非谓语,常见语法错误,名词单复数错误 A great number of book that we read r

11、ecently is not well-designed at all. Students and teacher should work together in order to makes a better results in the future.,写作常见语法错误,代词人称错误 If people does believe the existence of ghosts, we will be able to meet them somewhere someday. When a student face some problems in his exam, they will tr

12、y hard to solve it ASAP.,写作常见语法错误,介词搭配错误 The government will cost lots of money in this project. When confront with some serious issues, the government should make all effort of them as obligations.,写作常见语法错误 冠词使用错误 Teacher is a person who always impart knowledge and shape students personalities. An

13、wealth gap is something between rich and poor.,写作常见语法错误 动词时态错误 Some people argued that the Internet should be used only in higher education. But others disagree. This is the very thing what people are wanting to have.,写作常见语法错误 动词主被动错误 Some great changes have been taken place in China in the past dec

14、ade. Those old buildings that have a long history and contain cultural legacy should protect by people.,写作常见语法错误 词性混淆错误 Face-to-face communication is benefits for people in a long distance. Tourists choice so many places of interests to go in their holidays.,写作常见语法错误 词汇理解错误 The reasons for environme

15、nt pollution can be separated into three parts: The relative information will be added for study more knowledge.,写作常见语法错误 连接词错误 People do like animals, however they cannot live with them peacefully. Although people realize pollution, but they take no action to reverse this situation.,写作常见语法错误 非谓语动词错

16、误 Read book is a good habit for not only students but also all the citizens. The government wants to invest some money in education will face a more pressing economic burden.,写作常见语法错误 复杂句错误 The country whose wealth is far better than others conquering the world by control the economy. We want to cope with the generation gap make many conflicts between old and young.,写作常见语法错误 标点符号错误 As the economy goes. People spend more money in their kids education. We will use English as an international language, we may use some other languages as assistance.,我的微博:牙哥 spensor,


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