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1、我们的阵地 高三英语课堂,西安高新第一中学 李翔,失败 无法打开,失败 无法打开,失败 无法打开,?,兴趣,emotion,ability,effectiveness,exploration,practice,initiative,attention,interest,Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light. 知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是 从火开始一样。 Thomas Carlyle(英国历史学家卡莱尔),话题 单词听写 提问复习 集体回顾,上课,兴趣,focus,attention,有意注意 无意注意,上课,兴

2、趣,focus,attention,阅读理解,一、逻辑推理的培养,一个城市的疯人院远离市区,位置偏远,环境幽静优美。疯人院一个漂亮的护士感觉有疯子想逃跑,她把这个担忧报告了院长。为了防止疯子们逃跑,于是院长修了100道围墙(The president had 100 walls built.)。一晚,甲疯子对乙疯子说:“我们翻墙吧。”乙疯子回答道:“好!”于是他们开始翻墙,翻到第33道墙时,甲疯子问乙疯子:“你累不累?”乙说:“不累!”于是他们便继续翻。翻到第66道墙时,甲又问乙道:“你累不累?”乙说:“不累!”于是他们便继续翻。翻到第99道墙时,甲又问乙道:“你累不累?”乙说:“累了!”甲说

3、:“那我们回去吧!”乙说:“好!”于是他们又翻回去了。,(一)护士的担忧是什么? A.两个疯子想逃跑。 B.疯人院墙太低。 C.疯人院位置偏远、远离市区。 D.疯子们想逃出去。,(二)判断下列表述是否正确: 1.那个护士年轻漂亮有责任心。 2.两个疯子知道一共有100道墙 3.疯人院的护士们很漂亮。 4.院长自己修了100道围墙。 It was the president himself that built 100 walls .,(三)我们可以推理出: 1.护士建议修100道墙。 2.如果修了100道围墙,疯子们就跑不出去了。 3.两个疯子翻墙时被发现了。,(三)思考? 两个疯子知道总共就

4、100道围墙吗?如果知道,他们会停下来返回吗? 你呢?,阅读理解能力考查要求,考纲要求考生能做到以下六点: 1、理解主旨要义。 2、理解文中具体信息。 3、根据上下文推断生词词义/熟词新义。 4、做出简单判断和推理。 5、理解文章的基本结构。 6、理解作者的意图、观点和态度。,阅读理解的品质,文本意识 思维严密性,On Christmas Eve a few years ago an English couple received a very special telephone call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very import

5、ant. The Haydens 15-year-old daughter had disappeared six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. “Im phoning to wish a happy Christmas,“ she said, “ I love you.“ Ronals and Edwine Hayden were so happy that they started a special telephone service called “Alive and well“. The service helps pa

6、rents to get in touch with children who have run away from home.,Young people can phone “Alive and Well” and leave a message for their parents. The telephones are answered by answering machines. So no one can speak to the child or make him return home. Parents of runaway children who are under eight

7、een can ask the police to bring their children home. So children do not want to tell their parents where they are. Through “Alive and Well” they can telephone their parents without worrying about this or giving out their addresses. The Haydens and their helpers write down the tape-recorded telephone

8、 messages and connect the addresses given. Many of the 30,000 British teenagers who have left home are probably in London. For only two pence they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial 5675339 and stop a parents worry: Is he dead or alive?,1. Which of the following i

9、s true? A. The Haydens received an “Alive and Well“ call from their daughter before Christmas. B. An “Alive and Well“ call usually costs only two pence because it is quite near and short. C. In this passage at least 30,000 British teenagers dont want to live with their parents. D. The “Alive and Wel

10、l“ call is far less important than the message it sends. 2. If you ring “Alive and Well“, _ . A. you will get the information you want. B. your message will be passed over to your parents. C. your information will be kept a secret. D. your parents will know where you are.,1. Which of the following i

11、s true? A. The Haydens received an “Alive and Well“ call from their daughter before Christmas. B. An “Alive and Well“ call usually costs only two pence because it is quite near and short. C. In this passage at least 30,000 British teenagers dont want to live with their parents. D. The “Alive and Wel

12、l“ call is far less important than the message it sends. 2. If you ring “Alive and Well“, _ . A. you will get the information you want. B. your message will be passed over to your parents. C. your information will be kept a secret. D. your parents will know where you are.,On Christmas Eve a few year

13、s ago an English couple received a very special telephone call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very important. The Haydens 15-year-old daughter had disappeared six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. “Im phoning to wish a happy Christmas,” she said, “ I love you.” (1A) Ronals and

14、 Edwine Hayden were so happy that they started a special telephone service called “Alive and well“. The service helps parents to get in touch with children who have run away from home.,Young people can phone “Alive and Well” and leave a message for their parents. The telephones are answered by answe

15、ring machines. (1C) So no one can speak to the child or make him return home. Parents of runaway children who are under eighteen can ask the police to bring their children home. So (1C) children do not want to tell their parents where they are. (1D) Through “Alive and Well” they can telephone their

16、parents without worrying about this or giving out their addresses. The Haydens and their helpers write down the tape-recorded telephone messages and connect the addresses given. (1C) Many of the 30,000 British teenagers who have left home are probably in London. (1B) For only two pence they can go i

17、nto a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial 5675339 and stop a parents worry: Is he dead or alive?,1. Which of the following is true? A. The Haydens received an “Alive and Well“ call from their daughter before Christmas. B. An “Alive and Well“ call usually costs only two pence bec

18、ause it is quite near and short. C. In this passage at least 30,000 British teenagers dont want to live with their parents. D. The “Alive and Well“ call is far less important than the message it sends. 2. If you ring “Alive and Well“, _ . A. you will get the information you want. B. your message wil

19、l be passed over to your parents. C. your information will be kept a secret. D. your parents will know where you are.,Cloze 完形填空教学,完形考察: 推理 辨析,Cloze,1.Dr Cooper concluded that those with weaker handshakes were 70 per cent more likely to die earlier than those with the _ handshakes.,Aweaker B. strong

20、est Cweakest Dstrong,Cloze,1.Dr Cooper concluded that those with weaker handshakes were 70 per cent more likely to die earlier than those with the _ handshakes.,Aweaker B. strongest Cweakest Dstrong (细节),Cloze,2.These measures of physical capability include walking at a faster pace, getting out of a

21、 chair quickly, and being able to _ on one leg. Astand B. balance Clive Dshake,Cloze,2.These measures of physical capability include walking at a faster pace, getting out of a chair quickly, and being able to _ on one leg. Astand B. balance Clive Dshake (体验),Cloze,3.When morning came, Grace Darling

22、could see that a few people were still on the ship and _for help. A. welcoming B .waving C. calling D. running,Cloze,3.When morning came, Grace Darling could see that a few people were still on the ship and _for help. A. welcoming B .waving C. calling D. running (逻辑),Cloze,4.All night long the waves

23、 were _on the ship and breaking it up. A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. knocking (辨析),语法和词汇教学,原则: 基础 典型 常规,复习原则,各考点紧扣考纲,无超纲语法项目考察。对于纲外语法项目, 在后期备考试时不宜投入过多时间。,考察原则,注重基础语法点考查,突出语境分析及实际交际能力,无偏、怪题,无过难题。,1. He doesnt have _ furniture in his roomjust an old desk. A. any B. many C. some D. much 2. The f

24、loor is dirty. Can anyone clean it? _ I do it all the time. A. Dont mention it. B. Why you? C. Not sure. D. Not me again. 3. The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally,策略:授之以鱼,再授之以渔,加强方法指导,培养解题思维,策略一、润物细无声

25、,The sparrow near a school sings the primer. 使语法项目生活化:在日常教学生活中有意识引导、感染学生去使用它们。,潜移默化,策略一、润物细无声,日常课堂交流案例一: 英语时态渗透 1.How are you feeling today ? 2.You must have had a wonderful weekend. 3.But dear, you should have finished it yesterday. 4.What do you suggest he should do ? 5.Have you finished reading t

26、he passage ? 6.Oh! I forgot! I thought it was Thursday today. 7.You are finishing it !,策略一、润物细无声,日常课堂交流案例二:语法基本形式和结构 1.Where there is a will there is a way. 2.It is no use crying over spilt milk. 3.He laughs best who laughs last. 4.Seeing is believing. 5.The more, the better. 6.Strike while the iron

27、 is hot.,策略二:专项突破 构建结构 补充细节,总结归纳,举例诠释 真题演绎,强化训练,策略三:专项突破 (构建结构、补充细节),案例一: 英语时态9种,考纲中动词时态项目,1. 一般现在时 (主 / 被动) 未出现: 2. 一般过去时 (主 / 被动) 3. 一般将来时 (主 / 被动) 过去完成进行时 4. 现在进行时 (主 / 被动) 将来完成时态 5. 过去进行时 (主 动) 6. 现在完成时 (主 / 被动) 7. 过去完成时 (主 动) 8. 过去将来时 (主 动) 9.现在完成进行时(主 动) 带情态动词的被动语态,策略三:专项突破 构建结构 补充细节,总结归纳,举例诠释

28、 真题演绎,强化训练,1. Simple Present (一般现在时),1)一般现在时表示真理或事实: The earth moves round the sun in 365 days. Dont you see the Yellow Rivers waters descend from Heaven, rushing seaward, never to return? 君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回? 2)一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态: Every evening, after supper, he sits down with a cup of coffee befo

29、re the television. Their house is not like ours.,Simple Present,3)一般现在时表示按规定、计划或时间表将要发生的情况: -When does the train leave? -It leaves at 8:30 tonight. 4)表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词常用一般现在( see 、 hear 、 smell 、 taste 、 feel 、 agree 、 believe 、 like 、 hate 、 want 、 think 、 belong 、seem 等)。如: I know what you m

30、ean. All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School.,2. Simple Past (一般过去时),1)表示在过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。 When and where did you shoot that bear? 2)表示过去的习惯性动作、过去反复发生的事。 In those days he took his wife and children to the cinema at least once a week.,3. Present Progressive (现在进行时),1)表示说话时正在进行的动作: Tom,

31、Im speaking to you. Are you listening? By the riverside are cooing a pair of turtle doves, a good young man is wooing for the fair maiden he loves. 关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。 2)表示目前这个阶段正在进行着的动作: The population of the world is increasing rapidly. 3)表示说话人的某些感情色彩,常与always,constantly等连用: She is always leaving

32、 things about. 4)表示近期即将发生的动作: They are leaving for Tibet next Monday.,4. Past Progressive (过去进行时),1)表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作: She was flying to Paris this time last Monday. 2)表示过去某个动作正在进行时,另一个动作(突然)发生: We were playing football when it began to rain.,5. Present Perfect (现在完成时),1)现在完成时表示过去开始持续到现在的状况或完成的动作。 It

33、has rained every day so far this month. 2)现在完成时表示已有的经历,往往强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响: Who has taken my camera? I put it here a moment ago. 3)在时间、条件状语从句中代替将来完成时: Dont go out until you have washed your clothes. Please give the book to Lily if you have finished reading it. 4)通常与现在完成时连用的词语:yet, already, by this tim

34、e, just, ever, never, now, before, several times, since, up to now, so far, recently, lately, for a long time。,6. Past Perfect(过去完成时),过去完成时一定指的是在过去某一动作之前已发生的动作,句中一定会有相应语境提示。 He had learned Advanced Mathematics himself before he went to college. By the end of last year, the power plant had been compl

35、eted.,7. Simple Future (一般将来时),表示未来的动作或状态常用 will / shall + 动词,常与表示将来的时间状语边用如 tomorrow 、 next week 等 I will pay a visit to my grandparents tomorrow. 表示一种趋向或习惯动作。 Well die without air or water. 表示趋向行为的动词如 come 、 go 、 start 、 begin 、 leave 等词常用进行时的形式表示将来时。 The NBA is beginning.,辨析be going to /will / be

36、 about to do :, be going to 表将来,不能用在条件状语从句的主句中 will 则能,表意愿。如: If it is fine, well go fishing.( 正确 ) If it is fine, we are going to go fishing.( 错误 ) be to do sth. 表按计划、安排即将发生的动作, 还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止,可能性等。 A meeting is to be held at 3:00 oclock this afternoon. “All are to stay inside!” ordered the captain.

37、be about to do sth. 表示“即将”后面不接时间状语或状语从句。 Autumn harvest is about to start.,8. Past Future(过去将来时),可以表示过去将来时的: would do ,was / were going to do sth. ; come, go , leave等过去进行时; was / were to do sth. 和 was / were about to do sth. He was about to go for a walk when the bell rang. They waited for a moment

38、as Lily was also coming for the hiking. He was to regret this decision!,辨析Past Tense/ Present Perfect,Differences: 时间上有差异: 凡有过去时间的均用过去时态,不能用完成时态,如含有 ago 、 last year 、 just now 、 the other day 等。 结果上有差异: 现在完成时强调的是对“现在”的影响和结果,动作到现在刚完成或还在继续;一般过去时强调的是动作发生在“过去”,和现在毫无关系。,9. Present Perfect Continuous Tens

39、e(现在完成进行时) Has he been sleeping since yesterday?,专项强化练习,1. He arrived in Beijing, where he _his friend. A. was met by B. was met C. was meeting D. met by 2. What were you doing when the telephone rang? I _away my books and _ to bed. A. had just put; was going B. have just put; gone C. was just putti

40、ng; going D. just put; had gone,专项强化练习,3. Bob must be very wealthy. Yes, he _ more in one day than I do in a week. A. has earned B. had earned C. earns D. is earning 4. The plane for Glasgow _ at 10:05 on Tuesday morning. A. is leaving B. has left C. leaves D. was leaving,一般现在时表示现在的状况,一般现在时可以表示按计划安排

41、将要做的事情,专项强化练习,5. Justin _ rock music to classical when in his twenties. A. Preferred B. was preferring C. has preferred D. is preferring 6. That dinner is the most expensive meal we _. A. would have B. have had C. have never had D. had ever had,prefer表示情感,不用于现在进行时,现在完成时表示到现在为止发生的情况,专项强化练习,7. He _ in

42、 Italy when he _ the accident. A. traveled; had B. was travelling; had C. traveled; was having D. has traveled; has 8. Havent you graduated from college? Yes, _. A. I study French for two years B. I studied French for two years C. I am studying French for two years D. I have studied French for two y

43、ears,过去进行时表示在过去某段时间正在进行的动作,高考真题演绎,1. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _ there several years ago. (2007) A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been 2. His sister left home in 1998, and _since. (2009) A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard of C. had not heard of D. has not h

44、eard of,高考真题演绎,3. Edward, you play so well. But I _you played the piano. (2009) A. didnt know B. hadnt known C. dont know D. havent known 4. Progress _ so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time. (2009) A. was B. had been C. has been D. will be,策略三:专项突破 (构建结构、补充细节),案例二:

45、总结归纳“there be”用法,总结归纳“there be”用法,. There +be+ to +V There is nothing to be afraid of. . There be +Noun+ Ving There is someone waiting for him. . There be +Noun+ Ved There is not any bread left.,总结归纳“there be”用法,.There be句式中动词be的变体 有时可将there be中的动词be 换为 live, remain, seem, appear, exist, stand, lie,

46、 come等: Once upon a time there lived a man known by the name of Joe Beef. There seems /appears something the matter with her. At the top of the hill there stands an old temple. There remained just twenty-eight pounds.,总结归纳“there be”用法,.There be句型的反意疑问句: 如果陈述部分含有 little,few,no, none, nobody,等否定词时,后面的

47、简短问句中要用肯定形式。 There is nobody in the room,is there? * There is something unusual in the room,isnt there?( 注:含否定意义前缀构成的词汇修饰,仍看作肯定句式。),总结归纳“there be”用法,.There be 的9种习惯搭配 1)There is no doing 结构。意为“不可能”、“无法” Theres no denying the fact. 这一事实不容否认。 2) There is some/much/no difficulty in doing sth结构。意为“做某事没有

48、困难” There is no difficulty in finding his office.,总结归纳“there be”用法,.There be 的9种习惯搭配 3)Theres no doubt 结构。意为“毫无疑问” There is no doubt of his success. There could be no doubt that he was one of the best writers in this country. 4)There is no hurry (to do sth) 句式。意为“不用急(于做某事)” Theres no hurry to return the book.,总结归纳“there be”用法,.There be 的9种习惯搭配 5) Theres a/no need for


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