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1、Unit3 A healthy life-Reading教学目标知识目标: (1) 掌握阅读的方法和技巧,让学生了解抽烟上瘾的原因及对戒烟的劝告 (2) 掌握文中“it”的用法能力目标:能较好地运用泛读和精度的阅读技巧,准确地从文中找到关键信息。德育目标:(1) 引导学生摒弃恶习,远离有损身体的活动,养成良好的生活习惯,成为健康的人;(2) 关爱生命,关爱健康,学会竞争和合作,建立自信心和集体荣誉感。情感目标:通过学习调动学生的学习积极性,让学生树立正确的世界观和人生价值观。教学重点:提高学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性,较好地掌握 泛读和精读的方法。教学难点:如何让学生较好地掌握泛读和精读的方法

2、,便把所学知识运用于高考中。教学方法:(1) 以学生为主体,教师为主导,泛读和精读相结合。(2) 采用讨论、协作、探究、竞争的教学模式,引导学生灵活运用所学知识。 (3) 评价激励表运用于教学:即对小组在整节课中的综合表现给打分让组与组之间有个比较,从而达到激励上进的效果。如下表所示:G代表Group; 根据班级情况可分成8个小组组别参考度G1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8合作度表现度(竞争度)准确度遵纪度总分Teaching proceduresStep1: Greetings and Lead-in(1) Are you healthy?(1) Whats a healthy person?

3、A truly healthy person should be healthy in both body and mind.A healthy life should include physical and mental health.(2)show some pictures to the students.( 设计意图:通过提问和图片展示引出本节要讨论的话题戒烟。)Step2:Fast-readingReading Comprehension ILet the students fast read the the passage and then answer the followin

4、g question.(1) Whats the main idea of the passage?Answer:James grandfather wrote to him to give him some advice and encourage him to quit smoking.Reading Comprehension IIMatch the paragraphs with the main ideas. Discussion in pairs.paragraphsmain ideasParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Para

5、graph 5The main ideas:A. Jm of ames problesmoking.B. Telling some different ways of becoming addicted.C. The writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.C. The writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.D. Tell us the harmful effects of smoking.E. From the life the

6、 writer is living ,we know the importance of healthy life.Answers: Paragraph 1E Paragraph 2A Paragraph 3B Paragraph 4D Paragraph 5C(设计意图:训练学生积极参与、协作、竞争的能力)Reading Comprehension IIIGo through the first two and the last paragraphs. 1. Who did write the letter? 2. whom did the letter write to ?3. what

7、is the purpose of the letter ?Answers:1.James grandfather; 2.James3.To give James some advice and encourage him to quit smoking设计意图:训练学生跳读的能力和技巧。Reading Comprehension IVGet the students read the passage again and ask some students answer the followingquestions.1. Why James grandfather wrote to James

8、?A. Because he wanted to tell James his experience.B. Because he wanted to tell James the harmful effects of smoking.C. Because he wanted to help James give up smoking.D. Because he wanted to help James get some information2. Which word can replace the meaning of adolescent in paragraph.2 _. A. peop

9、le B. childrenC. students D. teenagers3. From Para.3, we can learn that_.A. a person can be addicted to nicotine because nicotine is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettesB. a person will be addicted to smoking if he treats it as a habitC. a person will feel sick if his body gets used to hav

10、ing nicotine D. a person will really feel relaxed when having a cigarette4. Which is NOT the effect of smoking?A.Causing terrible damage to heart and lungs.B. Affecting the health of non-smokers.C. Having the clothes turn yellow.D. Not enjoying sport.5. What is NOT included in the advice about stop

11、smoking on the internet?A. Relax. B. Determination.C. Courage. D. Get help from others.Answers: 15 CDBCC 设计意图:进一步训练和提升学生快速阅读,捕捉文中信息的能力。Step3:Careful- reading(Group work)Let the students read the passage carefully and discuss the following questions in groups,then fill in the chart below. The whole c

12、lass will be 8 groups.Information from the reading passage.(1)Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes(2) Harmful physical effects for smokers(3) Effects that a persons smoking can have on other people(4) Effects that smoking can have on sporting performanceFill in the chart:G1(1) G2(

13、2) G3(3) G3(4)Comment: G5(1) G6(2) G7(3) G8(4)Answers: (1):1)physically addicted to nicotine; 2)addicted through habits;3)mentally addicted(2): 1)do terrible damage to heart and lungs2) have difficulty in becoming pregnant3)be unfit 4)smell terrible(3): 1)other people dislike the smell2)the cigarett

14、e smoke can do harm to non-smokers(4): be unable to enjoy sport设计意图:训练和提升学生精读的能力,同时激发他们积极参与、协作、竞争的热情和意识。Step4:How to stop smoking.(1) Prepare yourself. (2) Be determined. (3) Break the habit. (4) Relax. (5) Get help if you need it. (6) Keep trying.Step5:Summary(1) Get the students master the method of fast-reading and careful-reading.(2) Get the students discribe the main idea of the passage using their own words.Step6:HomeworkWrite a composition:“How can we live a healthy life?”5


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