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1、中英结合 一写惊人,赵赵老师,贵学教育集团济南分校教学校长。 雅思写作,GRE写作首席主讲。 外国语言学及应用语言学硕士研究生。 曾应邀出席“无忧雅思”网络访谈, 独立担任大型雅思预测峰会主讲人及 国际环保项目会议首席口译。 具有多年雅思教学经验, 培养出诸多高分学员,新浪微博: 济南贵学教育 赵倩济南贵学教育,,微信:GXJYJN,赵倩老师QQ:503705580,Pursue your dream, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.,新浪微博:济南贵学教育赵倩,Figure or Nature? 英 中 结合,你的作文有超棒的F

2、IGURE吗?,Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy,Lexical Resource,High salary Athlete Pollution Education In terms of High technology,supporter advocate / proponent Advocates of this believe that todays sedentary lifestyle and stressful working conditions mean that physical activity is no lon

3、ger part of either our work or our leisure time. (剑9,T3,Task2),Lexical Resource,Lexical Resource,exhaust deplete Increasing population is depleting natural resources in some parts of the world. inborn innate However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been

4、 trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. (剑7, T1,Task2),make produce / generate / manufacture For example, we are driving cars manufactured in Germany, watching movies produced by Hollywood, eating salmon imported from Japan, and wearing clothes made in China. (

5、刘洪波雅思写作真经总纲P145),Lexical Resource,IELTS WRITING 注意词汇替换 避免过度重复,第一招,Alternatives Of the Basic Sentence Structures,Alternatives Of Basic Sentence Structures,GRA,(1)On Technological Development Lifestyles are changed by recent technologies. Before computers and the Internet were created, most working pe

6、ople struggled with the balance between family life and work life. They were fully occupied by employment and various chores, such as shopping. With Internet, they are now able to spend much less time on those routines.,(2) Job-Changing In this fast-changing world, job-hopping is not a rare scene. M

7、uch has been discussed about the gains and losses of such career move. From my own perspective, job-changing is an inevitable step in todays labor market, reflecting the nature of a modern society.,A: Fashion, to be a case in point, can be regarded as a consideration of the modern times. Ones attitu

8、dinal quality, after all, is always an interpretation for his or her daily performance. The job satisfaction, coupled with a minority of self-pride, makes one feel more relaxed in life.,B: Increasingly, rote learning sometimes may make students more efficient. Most importantly, the government should

9、 make sure that citizens can improve their lives. As suggested above, environment factors can be taken as the sources of such stress.,C: Only in the past few years has the technology improved enough for bettering peoples life. Never before has the planets linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace.

10、By no means can this problem be solved in a relatively short time.,D: It is the nonverbal contact that makes human communication a lot more abundant. However, it is also true that it is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries.,IELTS WRITING 基本句型转换 避免句式单一

11、,第二招,你的作文有超棒的NATURE吗?,Logical thinking mode Facts as supporting evidence,background information -Introduction thesis statement personal idea / writing blueprint Topic sentence -First central paragraph specific support -Second central paragraph specific support -Concession paragraph (specific support

12、) -Conclusion Reworded thesis statement Clincher,Logical thinking mode,IELTS WRITING 掌握全文逻辑 固化写作思路,第三招,新浪微博:济南贵学教育 济南贵学教育赵倩,Facts as supporting evidence,Classification & examples Comparison & contrast Explanation & deduction,IELTS WRITING 关注素材累积 论证充实清晰,第四招,FIGURE NATURE 变词汇 换句式 懂逻辑 理素材,“中英结合 一写惊人”,新浪微博: 济南贵学教育 赵倩济南贵学教育,,微信:GXJYJN TEL: 400-823-0566,赵倩老师QQ:503705580,济南市山大路数码港大厦C座4层 (山东大学中心校区西邻),


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