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1、怎样提高英语写作能力,English writing is an important part in the entrance examination. However, a large number of students do poorly in this part, which influences your final scores to a certain extent. Due to the lack of writing skills and flexible use of English language, students are likely to write “Chine

2、se English” rather than standard English. Therefore, my lecture focuses on writing skills and helps develop your thinking in English. I really hope students will be confident in and good at writing English compositions by covering my lecture.,中考英语如何得高分?,得完形填空者,得高分,得作文者,得高分,面对作文题:愁眉苦脸!思路!给我思路!,乱涂乱写!东

3、一句,西一句,毫无逻辑、结构、整体篇章框架!,中考写作训练,How to improve your English writing abilities? Its an important question. Therefore, by means of this chance, I want to talk about my ideas about how to improve it according to the existing problems in our writing.,Suggestions on how to improve English writing abilities

4、,We should try our best to find where the English writing problems are in order to solve them in the best ways. By teaching, I find the main problems of our English writing are as following.,Firstly, our students always make grammar mistakes in writing and you dont know how to make sentences in Engl

5、ish. This is a common problem because English is different from Chinese in grammar structure and language customs. So, most students dont know how to write a complete composition with the easiest words.,Problems,Secondly, the students usually cant write a complete composition because of your small v

6、ocabularies. Sometimes, the teachers cant understand what you write or what you want to express because of too many wrong words and missing words. Meanwhile, you also lack the abilities of expressing your ideas in other ways.,Problems,Thirdly, you dont know how to make up a more complete or better c

7、omposition with the sentences because you lack the logic abilities and the imagination abilities to beautify your compositions.,Problems,Then how do we solve these problems and try our best to avoid them in our writing? How do we improve our English writing? Now I show my ideas about it as following

8、.,First, to improve writing in English, much reading is a must for us. Spare some time to read some original articles written by English natives. Develop a good habit of taking notes when reading. You should also read some excellent students compositions and write similar compositions. Writing compo

9、sitions by imitation is an effective way to get a high score in the entrance exam.,Suggestions,Second, you should try your best to memorize some so-called high-level words and vivid expressions, such as idioms and proverbs. Gradually, you will find you are enlarging your vocabularies. And you wont f

10、eel puzzled when you write compositions.,Suggestions,Third, you can cultivate your own hobbies and imagination abilities. When you write, you can try your best to put what you learn from the hobbies and what you imagine into practice. By doing so, your compositions will be better and more attractive

11、.,Suggestions,In a word, English writing is not an easy thing for all of us. It needs us to practice and find more better writing ways. Meanwhile, I hope my lecture can help you get a high score in the entrance examination.,Suggestions,基本要求对写话要求的解读:,能根据要求写不少于60个词的常见文体的短文,在文中能对人物、事件、物件和场所等作简单的描述和议论。内

12、容贴切,意思连贯,语言基本正确。,写作总体要求:,1)合乎语法 规范 避免低级错误 2)词语准确贴切 避免词不达意 3)思路清晰严谨 避免语体混乱 4)句子灵活多变 避免句式单一 5)承上启下 自然 避免不当连接,中考写作评分标准 内容:8分,所写内容紧扣提示语,切题得分。 千万不能偏题、离题。 语言:8分,句式规范,表达准确,脉络清晰。 结构:4分,整篇语言通顺,意义连贯,逻辑 性强,句式多变,好词好句点睛全篇。,1.审题立意,2.结构安排,3.语句组织,4.文采润色,5.检查修改,写作的基本步骤:,1) 审文体,2)审要求,3)审人称,4)审时态,审题立意审什么?,审文体,例如: 1)My

13、 15th Birthday Party My visit to the World Expo 2)How to be a better reader My attitude towards the uniform rule 3)Love Around Me (2008 中考题) 叙述你身边的爱,举出一两个例子,这是叙;再谈你内心的感受,这是议;最后谈谈你打算做些什么以及为什么这样做来表达你的爱。爱是这篇文章的主题。,记叙文,议论文,夹叙夹议,Love is always around me. Every day, mum cooks meal for me, thats love. Clas

14、smates say “morning” and “goodbye“ to me when I reach or leave school, its also love. I feel that Im on top of the world when I get love from others. Love is like sunshine, it will warm you if you are in trouble. Love is like breeze, it will blow away your tears. What am I going to do to show my lov

15、e? Nothing special, just give them a warm hug and try my best to study hard to reward them in the near future. (A),审要求,*Use the following points as a reference : 以下要点仅供参考(近两年常用形式) 1.简单要求:把这些问题用完整句回答再加上适当的上下连接就可成为一篇比较合格的作文 2.想让文章出彩,就必须对它进行“精雕细琢”。 3.注意有无“短文须包含下列要素”之类的要求。,审人称,04年作文 Leaving School:人称用we

16、或I 05年作文 Growing pains and gains:人称用we或I 06年作文 I have a dream:人称用I 07年作文 Things I hate to do人称用I 08年作文 Love around me人称用I 09年作文 I want to do something for my school人称用I 10年作文 I am proud of myself人称用I 11年作文 I am a member of _.,审时态,1)My 15th Birthday Party My Visit to the World Expo 2)My Hobby My Atti

17、tude Towards the Uniform Rule 3)A plan for the weekend A design for the study trip,文章主体用过去时,主体用一般现在时,主体用一般将来时,注意:因行文的需要,一篇文章需要两种或以上的时态,注意时态的呼应。,1.有新意,People in big cities usually dislike workers from the country. Its a bad habit. Migrant workers are the men【 who help to build the city】. They also he

18、lp to make the city better. Without them, a city cant develop. People need to care for them and be fair to them. Whats more, laws should be made to protect them as citizens. In this way, the relationship between people will become better and the society will be more harmonious.,立意(1),2. 有高度,歧视外来务工者,

19、视角独特,A bad habit,立意(2),误区: hate too much homework hate to take too many tests hate to have no time for fun hate to be made to go to tutors,控诉大会,投诉信 缺乏应有的健康立意, 没有高度,例如: The things I hate to do,建议: 反题正写 例如: hate to waste time hate to waste water hate to tell lies hate to cheat in the exams,2. 有高度,I ha

20、te doing things against rules. I hate being indifferent when others are in trouble. But, the thing I hate doing most is to be dishonest. It is really an immoral thing to be dishonest. You will feel guilty after cheating others. If your lie is recognized, youll get punishments. You will never be trus

21、ted if you usually tell lies, and not respected as well. I hate people 【who are dishonest】. I hate being dishonest, and I hope that everyone is honest to others. 中考实录篇,*议论性命题写话主要类型 1、“我认为”型引言+优缺点+结论 如“My view on fast food”(弊多利少) 2. “一分为二.”型. 如: “Exams” (利多弊少) 3、“二选一型” 如: “ Is it necessary for middle

22、 school students to own mobile phones?” 4、“怎样(how to)”型 如:“How to keep fit ?” 5、“抒发感受”型 如:“0ur Junior School Life”,作文如何布局?,结构安排,例:How can we relax (如何放松自己),须包含: How do you feel as you are a Grade Nine student? Write at least two ways we can use to relax. What is your favourite way to relax? And tell

23、 your reason.,结构安排,词,句,段,篇,循序渐进,全面掌握“考纲”词汇,熟练运用基本句型,连句成段注意衔接,谋篇润色注意文采,写作的基本过程,以词定基本结构(全面掌握“考纲”词汇),结构安排,I feel busy and tired as I am a Grade Nine student.,We can have many ways to relax ourselves.,句 (连词成句,熟练运用基本句型),We need to relax.,We often listen to music and have ball games in our spare time.,I l

24、ike reading best.,It can enrich my knowledge.,It is a pleasure.,We should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,Para 1: I feel busy and tired as I am a Grade Nine student. So we need to relax.,Para 2: We can have many ways to relax ourselves. For example, we often listen to music and have ball ga

25、mes in our spare time. But I like reading best, because it can enrich my knowledge. And I think reading is a pleasure as well.,段 (连句成段,注意 ),Para 3: In one word, we should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,衔接,1、用于开篇引出: nowadays, It is adj.to do, I think 2、有关“承”的常用词语. 用来承接上文,表递进. also/too, besi

26、des, in addition, in fact, in other words, of course, more importantly, whats more 3、有关“转”的常用词语. 用来表示不同或相反. however, though/although, but, yet, on the other hand 4、用于总结的词语 generally speaking, in a word, as you can see, needless to say;,常用的衔接词,语句组织,开头,篇,文采润色,结尾,修辞,副词的使用,句式变化,举例,文采润色,段,开头段如何写:开头是全文的引言

27、,既要点题、表明观点,又要为中间核心段的具体论述做好铺垫。 1)以新奇开篇,吸引读者的眼球 2)开宗明义,直抒胸臆 起承转合:定好基调,兼顾中间,开头,1.开门见山式的开头 文章一开头就可以直截了当交待清楚文章的主题是什么。 e.g. 1) “My life at school”(我的校园生活): My life at school is both busy and colorful 2) “How to be honest”(怎样做到诚实): Honesty is one of the best qualitiesAn honest man is always reliable and ca

28、n be trusted,4、交待写作目的的开头 在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要谈论一个什么问题等。 e.g. “A bad habit”(一个坏习惯): In this article, I shall draw your attention to a bad habit that we usually do in our daily life.,开头,5、用问句开头 用问句的形式来吸引阅读者的眼球。 e.g. “What is your family education like?”(你们家的家庭教育方式是怎样的): What is your family education

29、like? Are you in favour of it or not? Id like to tell you something about my family education now.,开头,6、用名人名言开头 用名言开头是一种相当具有说服力的一种方法。 e.g. “What makes a good friend?”: An English proverb says “ A friend is someone who walks in when others walk out.” So you see what makes a good friend.,开头,中间段的写作技巧,中

30、间段是全文的核心所在。1)意思的完整性2)意思的统一性 3)意思的连贯性 段落首句(topic sentence)取到承上启下的作用,统领核心段。 分层论述,把握好层次间的切换,不能次序颠倒、不顾逻辑的随意乱写。,1、首尾呼应式的结尾 在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。 e.g. “Water” (水): 开头:Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. 结尾:In one word, water is so important that we should

31、save as much water as possible in our lives. Tips: 要避免同一句话在首尾的简单重复,没有变化。,结尾,2、重复主题句式的结尾 结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。 e.g. “My favourite city”(我最喜爱的城市): I love its ancient buildings. I love its colorful culture. I love its hospitable people. And I love this beautiful city, Beijing.,结尾,3、自然式的结尾 随着文章的

32、结束,文章自然而然地结尾。 e.g. “My last New Years Eve dinner”(我的上一次年夜饭): We cheered for the New Years luck and talked with each other for a long time. It was very late when we got home, but smile on every face and happiness in every heart.,结尾,4、含蓄式的结尾 用含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考,但意义却非常之深刻。 e.g. “My best frie

33、nd”(我最好的朋友): We can live without a brother, but we can not live without friends.,结尾,5、反问式的结尾 虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。 e.g. “School rules”(学校规章制度) : Every student should observe the school rules. Dont you agree, boys and girls?,结尾,6、与读者共勉式的结尾 结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。 e.g. “ Pollution”(污染): Ev

34、erybody, dont put it off. Lets take actions to fight against pollution and make our earth greener!,结尾,7、夸张煽情式结尾 这样的结尾希望得到读者的共鸣或引起大家的深思,得到心灵上的震撼。 e.g. “Water”: If we dont save water now, the last drop of the water on the earth will be our tear.,结尾,Thank You!,怎样提高英语写作能力(下),讲师:朱洪新,展开句能为主题句所服务,紧扣中心论点,句式

35、、词汇有变化。 如:一种意思多种表达法 Reading is fun. Reading is enjoyable. Reading is a pleasure. Reading makes us happy. Reading offers us a lot of fun. We can get great fun by reading from books. Reading provides not only knowledge but also fun for us.,句式变化,又如:被动语态的合理使用在适当的场合使用一定的被动句会让文章不单一,有波澜 如:Our monitor Our m

36、onitor is a warm-hearted, generous boy and he is welcomed by all the classmates. V.S. Our monitor is a warm-hearted, generous boy and all the classmates welcome him. (太平淡),句式变化,常用句型,1、表示现象 Nowadays, more and more people like to surf the net. 2、发表观点 1) It is pleasant to go on a trip. 2) I think it is

37、 necessary for students to take exams from time to time. 3) In my opinion, students should wear school uniforms because they look neat and tidy.,句式变化,做某事能收益,1)Volunteering is a good way of gaining experience. 2) Volunteering makes us promote personal growth. 3) We can learn a lot by volunteering. 4)

38、 Volunteering is one of the most popular and important ways ,which can help us a lot.,句式变化,表示转折,1)Although we need recreation, we shouldnt spend too much time relaxing. 2) The internet is so useful, but we have to be careful with it when we surf the net because there are some unhealthy websites. 3)H

39、omework is really important to students, however, teachers should give us proper amount of homework.,句式变化,表示目的,1)In order to improve ourselves, we can read many different kinds of books, which are helpful to our study. 2) We should study hard so that we can do something better for our city in the fu

40、ture.,句式变化,表示因果,1)As the entrance exam is coming, all the students are busy with their study. 2)Almost all the students like maths lessons because Mr. Li always makes his lessons interesting. 3)Pollution has become a serious problem, so we teenagers should also try our best to fight against it.,句式变化

41、,表示条件 1)If you want to write good compositions , you have to practice it as much as possible. 2) I wont go to the party unless my best friend is invited.,句式变化,表示结果 1) Football is such an interesting sport that most people enjoy it. 2) Mr. Zhus lecture is so helpful that most of us have learned a lot

42、.,句式变化,表示并列、递进 1) Reading is not only interesting but also helpful to us. 2) Both study and recreation are important. 3) Almost all the boys like taking part in sports as well as playing computer games.,句式变化,愿 望 1) I hope to get good marks in the entrance exam. 2) I hope we can realize our dreams. 3

43、) My hope is to become one of the students of the four elite schools in Shanghai.,句式变化,举例,e.g. He is a warm-hearted boy and always ready to help others. For example, when I meet with any difficulty in my study, he always gives me a helping hand. 可使用词组: To take as an example for example for instance

44、such as,让文章中提出的一个观点更具说服力,举例!,用伟人、专家的话来证明自己的观点,来扩容正文部分也不失为一种好方法。 e.g. Many experts say if we dont protect our environment, some precious animals will die out and natural resources will be used up some day.,引用,正反对比,巧妙运用对称的英文句式来表达互为补充的意思,因 此恰当运用反义词语必不可少。一旦所要表达的内容 具有这种情况,就应尽量选用这种对称的句式并选用 适当的反义词语来加强语句,实现

45、语句的亮点。,修辞,如“Owning a private car”一文中可以有这样的表达: Owning a private car brings us a lot of convenience but trouble as well. 如“The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad”,可以这样表达: If we get the chance to study abroad, we can have friends similar to us and friends different from us.,句式整齐而有气势,又不会使人感

46、到单调,如: “My best friend”可以有这样的表达: He gives me help when I am confused; he gives me faith when I am weak; he gives me smile when I succeed.,修辞,排比,If there is anyone out there who still doubts that ES Pet Software For High Scores can make your learning much easier and more effective, who still wonders

47、if the dream of getting more than 140 scores in the entrance examination with the help of the software , who still questions the power of our ES team. My lecture can help you gain confidence. This afternoon is your answer. 如果还有人怀疑易思夺分宝是否能让你的学习变得更简单更有效,如果还有人质疑在夺分宝的帮助下,是否能在中考中考到140分以上的高分,如果还有人不相信易思这个优

48、秀团队的力量,今天的讲座就会给你带来信心!今天就给你们回答!,If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all the things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy. Tonight is your answer.,为表达强调偶尔使用重复可以使语句的强调内容得到

49、突出 。,如“What makes a good friend?”,可以有这样的表达: Friends are silver. Friends are gold. Friends are the most precious treasure in our whole life.,修辞,重复,适当的比喻能让语句更形象生动,刻画更深刻,1)如“My life of Junior Three”: Having more classes,doing more homework, taking more exams become the main melody in my life of Junior Three. 2) 如“The person I admire most”: He is a giant in my heart.,修辞,比喻,使用与人不同的表达方式,打破汉语句子结构的束缚而重组的句子更受欢迎。这样的句子从哪里来?课文中、平时阅读中的精彩句是我们最好的资源。,描写一个人愉快的心情,我们可以用: He is happy


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