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1、致力安全科技,提升生命保障,Dedicating to the Safety Science & Technology, Safeguarding Peoples Lives,1. 重庆院简介 (About CQCCRI),2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤矿瓦斯灾害分类 (Classification of gas disasters in coal mine),2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),Clas

2、sification of gas disasters in coal mine,2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出力学作用机理 (The mechanical mechanism of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出阶段划分 (The stage dividing of outburst process),The stage dividing of outburst process,煤与瓦斯突出力学作用机理 (The mechanical mechanism

3、of coal and gas outburst),2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出力学作用机理 (The mechanical mechanism of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出是固体力和瓦斯流体力双重作用的结果;描述破坏采用力的破坏模型,描述运动采用能量模型;流体力导致粉化拉破坏,固体力导致层裂剪破坏。 Coal and gas outburst is induced both by solid and fluid force; damage can

4、 be described by damage model, and movement can be described by energy model; the pulverization is induced by the tensile stress due to fluid force, and the stratified spall is induced by shear stress due to solid force.,2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出防治技术体系 (T

5、he technical system of coal and gas outburst control),The technical system of coal and gas outburst control,2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测 (The risk prediction of coal and gas outburst),构造演化史与突出危险性的关系 (The relationship between structural evolution and out

6、burst risk),A,成煤期越早突出危险性越大,中国的突出煤层主要集中在石炭二叠纪煤层 The earlier of coal forming period, the more dangerous of outburst, the coal seams in China mostly belong to Permo-Carboniferous period.,构造演化史与突出危险性的关系 (The relationship between structural evolution and outburst risk),A,板块边缘部位突出危险性大,如扬子板块南北西缘 It is more

7、 dangerous of outburst in in the rim of plate, such as the south, north, and west rim of Yangze plate. 后期构造运动剧烈区突出危险性大 It is more dangerous of outburst if the tectonic movement is violent in later period. 造山带突出危险性大,盆地和阶梯边缘突出危险性大 It is more dangerous of outburst in orogenic belt, the rim of basin and

8、 terrace.,煤层赋存条件与突出危险性关系 (The relationship between coal seam occurrence and outburst risk),B,顶板岩性越致密突出危险性越大 The more densify of roof rock, the more dangerous of outburst 采深越大、煤越软突出危险性越大 The deeper of mining and softer of coal, the more dangerous of outburst 构造部位突出危险性大 It is more dangerous of outburs

9、t nearby structure,区域突出危险性预测手段 (The regional predicting methods of outburst risk ),C,构造演化史调查分析 Studying the structural evolution history 煤层赋存条件调查分析 Studying the coal seam occurrence 物探查明构造、软煤层、瓦斯量等分布 Geophysical prospecting of the distribution of structures, soft coal seam and gas content 瓦斯压力和含量测定

10、Measuring gas pressure and content,采掘工作面突出危险性预测手段 (The working face predicting methods of outburst risk ),C,瓦斯压力和含量直接测定 Immediate measuring gas pressure and content 物探查明构造、软煤层、瓦斯含量等分布 Geophysical prospecting of the distribution of structures, soft coal seam and gas content 瓦斯解吸、瓦斯涌出、钻屑量等测定 Measuring

11、 the parameters of gas desorption, gas emission, drilling chip quantity, etc. 监测瓦斯涌出动态、煤岩破坏响应等(AE、微震、电磁辐射等) Monitoring the dynamic gas emission, response due to coal and rock damage (AE, microseism, electromagnetic radiation, etc.,2. 煤与瓦斯突出防治技术 (The control techniques of coal and gas outburst),煤与瓦斯突

12、出防治 (The control of coal and gas outburst),开采保护层 (Protective layer mining),A,优化开采程序 Optimizing the mining sequence of coal seam 合理确定保护范围 Determining reasonable mining range 尽可能实施无煤柱开采 Achieving mining with no coal pillar left as far as possible 配合卸压瓦斯抽采 Coordinating with gas drainage from stress-rel

13、ief coal seam,预抽煤层瓦斯 (Pre-drainage of coal bed methane before mining),B,压裂、爆破等办法提高煤层渗透率 Enhancing coal seam permeability by hydraulic fracturing or blasting. 突出煤层长钻孔施工(压风螺旋变速钻进150m以上) Drilling long boreholes along outburst dangerous coal seam (drilling over 150m by auger stem with gear shift drillin

14、g and drill-hole ventilation). 预抽瓦斯工艺(合理布置钻孔、抽瓦斯系统和参数等) Methane pre-drainage techniques (arranging borehole, drainage system and parameters reasonably). 预抽瓦斯计量及预抽效果评价 Evaluating the quantity and effectiveness of pre-drainage.,3. 瓦斯煤尘爆炸防治技术 (The control techniques of gas and coal dust explosion),瓦斯爆炸

15、特性(对爆炸限的影响) (The characteristics of gas explosion - the influence factors to explosive limits),点火能量、环境温度、环境湿度、环境压力 Ignition energy, ambient temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure 瓦斯煤尘、瓦斯惰气、瓦斯易爆气体共存 The coexistence of methane, dust, inert gases, explosion hazard gases,3. 瓦斯煤尘爆炸防治技术 (The cont

16、rol techniques of gas and coal dust explosion),瓦斯煤尘爆炸传播规律 (The propagation of gas and coal dust explosion),试验巷道尺度效应 The size effect of experimental roadway 不同瓦斯量在直线巷道内的传播 The explosion propagation in straight roadway with different gas content,瓦斯煤尘爆炸传播规律 (The propagation of gas and coal dust explosi

17、on),弯道、变坡、断面积变化处的传播 The influence of curve, slope and section area change on the explosion propagation 爆炸破坏力 The destructive power of explosion 建立矿井巷道网络条件下瓦斯煤尘爆炸反演分析模型 Establishing the inversion analysis model of gas and coal dust explosion similar to roadway network in real coal mine,3. 瓦斯煤尘爆炸防治技术

18、(The control techniques of gas and coal dust explosion),隔抑爆技术 (The propagation of gas and coal dust explosion),隔抑爆技术 The techniques of explosion proof and suppression 被动隔爆:水袋、水槽、密封岩粉棚、移动设施 Initiatively explosion suppression: water bag, sink, sealed rock dust barrier, mobile facilities 主动抑爆:紫外感光自动喷粉

19、Passively explosion proof: automatically powder spraying with ultraviolet radiation sensor,4. 煤矿区煤层气开发利用 (The development and use of coal-bed methane),煤矿瓦斯抽采 (Methane drainage in coal mine),钻孔技术得到长足进展大功率、履带、部件和结构可靠性、远控和地面遥控、孔底马达、轨迹测量和纠偏等 The drilling techniques have achieved significant development:

20、 the technique about high power, crawler, componentization, built in reliability, remote control, hole bottom motor, track survey, deviation rectifying 地面钻井抽采动卸压区和采空区瓦斯 Extracting methane from mining induced stress-relief area or gob area,4. 煤矿区煤层气开发利用 (The development and use of coal-bed methane),安

21、全高效采煤采气一体化 (Simultaneous extraction of coal and gas safely and efficiently),煤层气赋存、流动、涌出规律及产能预测 The occurrence, flow and emission characteristics of coal-bed methane, and the capacity prediction of methane drainage 煤层气合理开发模式、配合关系、工艺参数 The reasonable developing mode, cooperative relationship and techn

22、ological parameters in the developing process of coal-bed methane 安全高效采煤采气一体化合理接替关系、通风方式等 The reasonable developing sequence between coal and gas, ventilation type,4. 煤矿区煤层气开发利用 (The development and use of coal-bed methane),低浓度瓦斯利用 (Utilization of low concentration gas),低浓度瓦斯内燃发电安全管输保障技术 The safe tr

23、ansport techniques of low concentration gas for power generation 阻火器、喷粉灭火、水封灭火、阻断抑爆,已形成标准 Fire arrestor, extinguishing with powder injection or water sealed, explosion suppression by blocking, these have became standards,低浓度瓦斯利用 (Utilization of low concentration gas),低浓度瓦斯安全燃烧技术 The safe combustion

24、technique of low concentration gas 低浓度瓦斯液化浓缩技术 The liquefy technique of low concentration gas 乏风氧化燃烧利用技术 The oxidation and combustion technique of mine gas,5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),传感器 (Sensors),红外CH4、CO2传感技术,测量范围0-100%,寿命5-8年,调校期12月以上,反应时间15s以内 Infrared CH4 and CO2 sensors,

25、1-100% of measuring range, 5-8 years of service life, over 12 months of adjustment and calibration time, less than 15 seconds of reaction time 光纤CH4、CO2、CO、温度传感技术;正在研发中 CH4, CO2, CO and temperature sensing technology with optical fiber is under study now.,红外传感器 (Infrared sensor),光纤传感器 (Optical fiber

26、 sensor),5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),传感器 (Sensors),H2S、NH3、H2、SO2、NOx等有毒有害气体传感技术 The sensing technology of the virulent noxious gas such as H2S, NH3, H2, SO2, NOx, etc. 光散射粉尘浓度传感技术 The sensing technology of dust concentration by light scattering 涡街、V型内锥、超声时差管道流量传感技术 The sensing

27、technology of pipeline flux by vortex street, “V“-shaped inner cone, ultrasound time difference,V型内锥流量传感器 (pipeline flux sensor of “V“-shaped inner cone),5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),通讯 (Communication ),井下光纤宽带交换机通讯技术 Underground communication technology by optical fiber and switc

28、h 井下光纤宽带无源分光通讯技术 Underground communication technology by optical fiber and passive light splitting 井下双绞线移动通讯技术 Underground mobile communication technology by unshielded twisted pair,通讯 (Communication ),井下Zigbee无线组网及与光纤组网通讯技术 Underground communication technology by Zigbee wireless networking and opti

29、cal fiber networking 井下WiFi无线组网及与光纤组网通讯技术 Underground communication technology by WiFi wireless networking and optical fiber networking,WiFi手机与光纤网组网通讯 (networking being composed of WiFi cellphones and optical fiber),灾区Zigbee与光纤网组网通讯 (networking being composed of Zigbee and optical fiber),5. 安全监控与预警

30、(Security monitoring and pre-warning),监测监控系统及自动化 (The monitoring system and automation),以环网光纤宽带网络为平台,配合GPS等公共网络实现: The basic platform is a ring network connected by optical fiber, coupled with GPS and other public networks 瓦斯浓度监测与控制断电监控系统 Gas concentration monitoring and power control system 煤炭自燃火灾监

31、测预警子系统 The subsystem of coal spontaneous combustion monitoring and pre-warning 瓦斯抽采利用计量监测预警子系统 The subsystem of gas drainage quantity monitoring and pre-warning,监测监控系统及自动化 (The monitoring system and automation),通风参数及设施监测及风网动态分析预警子系统 The subsystem of ventilation parameters monitoring and ventilation

32、network dynamic pre-warning 人员区域定位和精确定位子系统 The subsystem of personnel regional and precise positioning 胶带运输机工况及火灾监测预警子系统 The subsystem of belt working condition and fire monitoring and pre-warning 电网工况及故障诊断预警子系统 The subsystem of power system working condition monitoring and pre-warning 提升监控子系统 The s

33、ubsystem of hoist monitoring 工业图像监视子系统 The subsystem of industrial image monitoring,监测监控系统及自动化 (The monitoring system and automation),煤炭运销监测子系统 The subsystem of coal transportation and sale monitoring 井下无线手机语音通讯子系统 The subsystem of voice communication by underground wireless cellphone 灾区参数移动监测子系统 Th

34、e subsystem of disaster area parameters mobile monitoring 信集闭机车调度子系统 The subsystem of signal collect locomotive dispatching,5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),煤与瓦斯突出预警 (Pre-warning of coal and gas outburst),5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),数据信息 (Data information),数据信息 (

35、Data information),Production Department,Geologic Measurement Department,Coal and Gas Outburst Control Department,Coal and Gas Outburst Control Department,5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),预测模型 (Predicting model),瓦斯涌出量、应力分布、通风网络、抽瓦斯效果、保护层范围、采掘工作面突出危险性、局部防治突出效果、突出可能波及范围、采空区流场、采空区发火、瓦斯爆炸

36、传播规律等预测模型,对所有预测结论所依据的模型都会随着预测验证而不断完善修正,使之愈趋准确。 The predicting models include: Gas emission quantity, stress distribution, ventilation network, gas drainage effectiveness, the protected range of protective layer, the outburst risk in working face, the effectiveness of local outburst control, the poss

37、ible influenced range of outburst, the flow field in gob area, the spontaneous ignition in gob area, the propagation of gas explosion, etc. All of these models on which the predicting conclusions is based will be revised after that the prediction is validated, and be more precise.,5. 安全监控与预警 (Securi

38、ty monitoring and pre-warning),预警 (Pre-warning),依据预测结论,在采掘作业进入危险状态或某一时刻地点可能发生危险趋势时及时发出预警信号,并告知有关人员危险种类、危险程度、可能波及范围、波及区人员 According to predicting conclusion, when the excavation work enters a critical condition, or a dangerous tendency happens at a certain time or site, the pre-warning signal will be

39、 sent out, and informs the concerned people the dangerous type, the hazard degree, and the possibly affected area and people.,5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),预防知识 (Preventing knowledge),系统总结开采保护层、瓦斯抽放、局部防突措施、通风防灭火、瓦斯煤尘爆炸隔抑爆、支护、安全防护等措施的技术参数、适用条件、施工要求、效果考察等,并结合本矿条件予以修正,建立预防知识库 The tec

40、hnical parameters, application conditions, construction requirements, effect inspection of protective layer mining, gas drainage, local outburst control measures, ventilation, fire prevention and extinguishing, gas and coal dust explosion control, support, and safety protection should be systematica

41、lly summed up, integrating with certain coal mines conditions, these things will be revised, eventually the gas control knowledge library should be established.,5. 安全监控与预警 (Security monitoring and pre-warning),预防辅助决策 (Assistant Decision-making of Gas Disaster Control),出现预警信息时结合预警内容自动打开应急预案、提出断电范围建议、

42、人员撤离等建议;自动加密预警区域数据采集与分析;自动弹出可供参考的相关技术措施方案 When the pre-warning signal happens, according to the pre-warning content, the corresponding emergency plan is launched automatically, and the suggestions of power-down scope, people evacuation can be obtained, the regional gathering and analysis data is automatically encrypted, and the available technical measures is automatically pop-up.,预防辅助决策 (Assistant Decision-making of Gas Disaster Control),结合处理效果完善应急预案和措施库,使之愈趋实用性 According to the processing effect, to consummate the emergency plan library, and to make it more practical.,Thank you!,


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