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1、中英对照PCB专业术语azoic preflux偶氮类预焊剂 azeotropic mixture共沸混合物,恒沸物 azeotrope共沸混合液 xial pin package轴向引针封装 axial part轴向零件 axiallead轴向引线(脚) AWG equivalent等效AWG AVL认可的供货商,合格供货方 availability factor可用率 availability供应能力,供货能力 auxiliary cathode辅助阴极 auxiliary anode辅助阳极 autotest program自动检测程序 autotest program自动检测程序 au

2、toregistration自对准 autoregistered channel contact自对准沟道接触 autoplotter自动绘图仪 automatic X-ray inspection自动X射线检查 automatic testing equipment ( ATE)自动电测设备 automatic plotting自动绘图 automatic optical inspection( AOI)自动光学检测 automatic laser test自动激光测试 automatic data-processing system自动数据处理系统 automatic control sy

3、stem自动控制系统 automatic conduction routing自动布线 automatic component placement自动配置元件 automated test generation测试自动生成 automated test equipment自动测试设备 automated quality solutions (AQS)自动化质量解决器 automated dimensioning自动标注尺寸 automated conductor routing自动导体布设 automated component placement自动元件布局 automated compon

4、ent insertion自动元件插装 autoclave type vacuum press高压釜型真空压机 autoclave压力锅 autocalytic plating化学镀(自催化镀) Au-Pt paste金铂导电膏 auger electron spectroscopy(AES)俄歇电子光谱法 aueptance允收 attributes data计数数据 attenuation信号衰减 attachment by low melting alloy低熔点合金焊接法 atmosphere corrosion大气腐蚀 ATE自动电测设备 asymetric stripline不对称

5、带状线 A-stage resinA 阶树脂 A-stageA 阶段 assembly drawing装配图 assembly aided architectural design(AAAD)组装设计自动化 assembly组装 assembled drawing组装图 assembled组装件 as received到货,收货 aspect ratio纵横比 ASIC专用集成电路 as-fired烧结态 artwork master照相原版 artwork照相底图 arrow diagram矢量图 array splice阵列熔接 array阵列 aromatic polyamide pap

6、er聚芳酰胺纤维纸 argon arc welding氢弧焊 area opening开孔面积 arer array tape automated bonding面阵带式自动接合 area array package (AAP)面积阵列封装(元件) arc resistance耐电弧性 arc discharge电弧放电 aramid fiber聚散胶纤维 aramid聚酰胺树脂 aquus flux水溶性助焊剂 aqueous cleaning水清洗 AQS自动化质量解决器 AQL可接收质量等级 approved vendor list ( AVL)认可的供货商,合格供货方 applicat

7、ion specific integrated circuit(ASIC)专用集成电路 application specific integrated circuit(ASIC)专用集成电路 aperture turret同心圆 apertures开口,钢版开口,光束出口 AOM激光光路开关 AOI自动光学检测 any layer inner via hole ( ALIVH)任意层内导通孔 anti-tracking coating保护涂层 antistatic paint防静电涂料 anti-pit agent抗凹剂 anti-pad隔离环 antioxidant抗氧化剂 antimuta

8、gen抗诱变剂 antimony free脱销素 anti-foapting agent消泡剂 antennaANSI美国标准协会 anodizing阳极氧化 anodized dielectric film阳极氧化介质膜 anodization阳极处理 anodic polarization阳极极化 anodic oxidization or anodization阳极氧化 anodic coating阳极镀层 anodic cleaning阳极清洗 anodically-grown tantalum-oxide film阳极生长钮氧化物膜 anode sludge阳极泥 anode sli

9、me阳极残渣 anode sintering阳极烧结 anode coating阳极镀层 anode阳极 annular width连接盘宽度 annular ring孔环 annular pad环形盘 annotation注解,标记,注释 annealing退火 annealed copper foil退火铜结 anneal韧化 anisotropic etching单向蚀刻,各向异性蚀刻 anisotropic conductive film connection(ACFC)单向导电膜安装,各向异性导电膜连接 anisotropic conductive contact单向导电接触,各向异

10、性导电接触 anisotropic conductive adhesives单向导电黏结剂,各向异性导电黏结剂 angstrom unit埃单位 angle rotor角转头 angle of contact接触角 angle of attack刮印角 angled bond角形连接 anchoring spurs着力盘趾 anchoring spur盘趾 anchoring spur盘趾 analyzer分析器,分析仪,检偏振器 analytical ultracentrifuge分析超离心机 analysis of covariance协方差分析 analog circuit模拟电路 am

11、plitude电压幅度 amp-hour安培小时 amperometric titration电流滴定 ampere安培) amorphous thin film非晶薄膜 amorphous thin film非晶薄膜 amorphous semiconductor material非晶半导体材料 amorphous polymer无定形聚合物 amorphous metal mesh非晶金属网 (ANSI)美国标准协会 amberlite合成树脂 amalgam gold plating柔齐镀金 amalgamation汞齐化 AM感音成像显微镜 aluminum nitride subst

12、rate氮化铝基板 aluminum nitride ceramics氮化铝瓷 aluminium thin film铝薄膜 aluminium oxide passivation三氧化二铝钝化法 alumina substrate氧化铝基板 alternative solvent替代溶剂 alternative solvent替代溶剂 alternatives flon cleaner代用氟利昂清洗剂 alternative laminar technology ( ALT )交错加层技术 alternative hypothesis备择假设 alternating current( AC)

13、交流电 ALT交错加层技术 alphanumeric code字母数字代码 alpha error第一类错误 alloy plating合金电镀 alloy junction合金结 alloy film 合金膜合金膜 alloy diffusion technology合金扩散工艺 allomerism异质同晶 all drilled hole全部钻孔 a1kyI-imidazol烷基咪唑 alkaline permanganate solution碱性高锰酸盐溶液 alkaline etchant碱性蚀刻液 alkaline degreasing化学除油 alkaline cleaner破性

14、清洗液 alkaline ammonia etchant氨碱蚀刻液 ALIVH任意层内导通孔 aliphatic solvent脂肪族溶剂 alignment mark对准标记 air sparger空气搅拌 air knife气刀 air inclusion气泡夹杂 air flow impulse冲击式气流 air bearing空气轴承 air agitation空气搅拌 air agitation空气搅拌 agglomeration凝絮 ageing老化 affinity elution亲和洗脱 AES俄歇电子光谱法 adsorption dry吸附干燥 adsorption coef

15、ficient吸附系数 adsorption chromatography吸附层析 adsorption吸附 adsorbed contaminant吸附污染物 adhesive strength of thick film conductor厚膜导体附着力 adhesive sheet黏结片,半固化片 adhesive face胶秸剂面 adhesive energy蒸镀膜附着能量 adhesive-coated uncatalyzed laminate涂胶无催化层压板 adhesive coated surface涂胶面 adhesive coated foil涂胶铜箱 adhesive

16、coated dielectric film涂胶黏剂绝缘薄膜 adhesive-coated catalyzed laminate涂胶催化层压板 adhesive胶黠剂,黠结胶,贴片胶 adhesion strength附着力,附着强度 adhesion promotor附着力促进剂 adhesion promotion增教处理,附着力增强 by-product副产品,副产物 butt lead搭接引线,对接引线 butting connector对接引脚 butter coat厚涂层,外表树脂层 burst并发加工 bursh plating刷镀 burr毛刺,毛头 burnt deposi

17、t烧焦镀层 burn-out zone烧除气体区 burn-out gas烧除气体 burn in static静态老化 burning烧焦 burn in dynamic动态老化 burn in老化 buried via hole埋导孔,埋孔 buried via埋孔 buried resistance board埋入电阻板 buried resistance埋入电阻 buried microvias微埋孔 buried hole埋通孔 buried bump interconnection technology(Bit)嵌入凸块互连技术,埋入凸块互连技术 buried and blinde

18、d via hole multiplayerboard埋盲孔多层板 bumping process凸块工艺 bumping凸块封装技术 bumped wafer带凸块晶片 bumped tape automated bonding(BTAB)有凸块的带载自动焊接,凸点带载自动焊 bumped tape带凸块载带 bumped die带凸块芯片,带凸块的裸芯片 bumped ball grid array (BBGA)凸块球栅阵列 bump突块,凸块 BUM积层多层印制板 bulls eye靶心,定位标识 bullet pad子弹形盘 bulk feeder散装供料器 bulge test鼓凸试

19、验 bulge凸起,凸出,鼓起,隆起 built-in内建 build-up process积层工艺,积层法 build-up multilayer printed board(BUM)积层多层印制板 build up method积层法 build-up flexible printed board积层挠性印制板 build-up增厚;堆积,积层 bugle hole喇叭孔 bugging height障碍高度 buffing抛光研磨 buffer material缓冲材料 buffer material缓冲材料 buffer缓冲剂 bubble effect气泡效应 BTAB有凸块的带载自

20、动焊接 BT双马来酰亚胺三嗦树脂 B-stage resinB 阶树脂 B-stage prepregB 阶教结片 B-stage materialB 阶材料 B-stage LotB 阶批量 B-stage LotB 阶批量 B-stageB 阶段 BS基础规范 brush plating刷镀,电刷镀 brushing磨刷 brown streak棕色条纹 brown oxide棕色氧化处理,棕色氧化 brown oxidation棕氧化 brittleness脆性 Brinell hardness布氏硬度 bright plating光亮电镀 bright pickling光亮浸蚀 bri

21、ghtness nickel plating光亮镀镍 brightening agent光亮剂 brightener光泽剂 bright dip光泽浸渍处理,浸亮 bridging跨接 bridge锡桥 break point出像点,显像点,露铜点 break-out破环 break-out破环 breaking length断裂长 breakdown voltage崩溃电压,击穿电压 bleakaway panel可断开板,可断拼版 brazing纤焊,硬焊 brazability纤焊性 braid编线 BQFP带防冲挡四边扇平封装器件 box diffusion箱法扩散 bow of we

22、ave弓纬 bow弯曲,扭曲,板翘 boundary scan test边界扫描测试 boundary边界,界面,界线 bounce pad反射盘 bottom言孔底部 bottle neck瓶颈工序 boss凸台 bornb sight对准靶标 bornb sight对准靶标 border data外框数据,板框数据,边沿数据 border conveyor边框传送器,筋条传送器 border area边沿区,外框 bond-to-die distance芯片接合距离 bond-to-bond distance接合间距离,连(焊)接距离 bond surface接合面 bond streng

23、th黏合强度,黏结强度 bond site接合位置,连(焊)接位置 bond site接合位置,连(焊)接位置 bond separation接合间隔 bond lift-off接合脱离 bond land连(焊)接盘 bond interface接合界面,接合连接盘 bond interface接合界面,接合连接盘 bond interface接合界面,接合连接盘 bonding wire连(焊)接金属丝,接合金属线 bonding tool接合工具 bonding time接合时间 bonding tester黏结测试器 bonding tester黏结测试器 bonding techno

24、logy of integrated circuit集成电路焊接工艺 bonding strength黏结强度 bonding sheet黏结片 bonding pad键合点 bonding layer黏结层,结合层 bonding island接合岛,连焊)接岛 bonding die接合芯片 booding area(焊)接面积,接合区域 bonding键合,连(焊)接 bond envelope接合包封 bond enhancement treatment黏结增强处理 bonded-contact board焊接板 bond deformation接合变形 bondability可键合性

25、,可接合性 bond接合,连(焊)接 bomb sight弹标 BOM物料清单 boiling water absorption rate煮沸吸水率 boiling point沸点 body land clearance刃带间隙 BOD生化需氧量 board thickness板厚度,板厚 board-mounted connector板装引脚 board板 blur edge模糊边带,模糊边圈 blue-ribbon connector矩形插头座 blue plaque蓝纹 blow hole吹孔,气孔 blotting paper吸墨纸 blotting干印,吸墨 blockout封网 b

26、locking variables变量隔离 blocking contact阻挡接触 blocking band curvature阻挡层能带弯曲 block diagram方框图 blister起泡 blind via hole盲导通孔,盲孔 blind test双盲试验 blind surface microvias表面微盲孔 blind conductor非功能性导线 blends配料 bleeding渗出,渗漏 bleach漂洗 blanking冲切加工 blanking冲切加工 blanket gas保护气体 blank坯料,空白料 blade-fork contact刀刃音叉式簧片

27、 black oxide黑氧化,黑化 blackening涂黑 bits头,针尖 B it printed board埋入式凸块互连印制板 bismaleimide triazine resin(BT)双马来酰亚胺三嗦树脂 bismaleimide triazine epoxide wovenglass fabric coppe.-c1ad双马来酰亚胺三嗦环氧玻璃布覆铜箔板 bismaleimide双马来酰亚胺 birdcage笼状缺陷 biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD)生化需氧量 binder黏合剂,黏结剂 bill of material (BOM)物料清单

28、bi-level stencil双阶式钢版 bifurcated solder terminal分叉焊端,分叉焊接端子 bifurcated contact双叉式簧片,双叉接点,双叉接触件 bifunctional catalyst双功能催化剂 bidirectional characteristic双向特性 bidirectional characteristic双向特性 bias sputtering偏压阴极溅镀 bias expansion斜张法 bias纬斜 BGA球栅阵列 beveling倒斜边,切斜边 beta error第二类错误 BeO substrate氧化镀基板 bend

29、test弯曲试验 bendability耐弯曲性 benchmark testing测试基准 belt furnace带式炉 bellows contact折叠式簧片,扁簧式接触件 bed-of-nails testing针床测试 bed-of-nails fixture针床夹具 beam reflow soldering光束回流焊 beam lead isolation梁式引线隔离 beam lead-isolated integrated circuit梁式引线隔离集成电路 beam lead device梁式引线器件 beam lead bonding technology梁式引线载带自

30、动焊接芯片工艺 beam lead bonder梁式引线键合机 beam lead梁式引线,梁式引脚 cyclone jet旋风式喷气流 cyclic voltametric stripping (CVS)循环伏安测量法,循环伏安电子溶蚀测量 cycle rate循环速率 cycle mode逐次打击式 cycle循环加工 CVS循环伏安测量法 CVD化学气相沉积 cut to size panel剪切板 cut sheet页装 cut-off割除,切割 cut-and-strip刻图与剥图 cut and peel切割剥离 cusum chart累积和图 customer relations

31、hipmanagement(CRM)客户关系管理 customer detail specification ( CDS)用户详细规范 cushion压垫(缓冲)材料 curtain coating帘涂,帘幕涂布法 current efficiency电流效率 current density range电流密度范围 current density of junction结电流密度 current density电流密度 current-carrying capacity载流能力,载流量 current电流 curing temperature固化温度 curing agent困化剂 cure

32、time固化时间 cure percent固化百分率 cure固化 cup solder terminal杯型焊端 cupric chloride etchant氯化铜蚀刻液 cumulative tolerance积累误差 cubic components立方体元件,立方体器件 CTS能力试验块 CTP综合测试图形 CTE热膨胀系数 CTB能力试验板 C-staged resinC 阶树脂 C-stageC 阶段 CSP芯片尺寸封装,芯片级封装 crush zone磨碎区 cross wise direction横向 crossunder穿交 crosstalk串扰 cross sectio

33、n area截面积 cross-over跨交 cross linking交链 crosslink交联 crossing count交叉数 crosshatch testing十字割痕试验 crosshatching十字交叉线 cross flow blower贯流式风机 cropping切尾 crop mark剪切标记 CRM客户关系管理 critical process关键过程,关键工序 critical path method (CPM)要径法 critical path关键路径 critical operation关键操作 critical defect致命缺陷,关键缺陷 crimped

34、 connection压接 crimp contact压扁接触片 crevice corrosion裂隙腐蚀 creep潜变,蠕变 creel经轴架 crease皱褶 cream electrolyte导电膏 creak础裂痕 crazing( conformal coating)(敷形涂层)微裂纹 crazing (base material)(基板)微裂纹 crazing微裂纹 cratering陷坑 crater弹坑,凹坑 crack of plating镀层裂缝 crack of foil金属第裂缝 CQFP陶瓷四边扁平封装 CPM要径法 CPM客户抱怨比 Cpk index(Cpk)

35、Cpk 指数 CP-I etchCP-I 腐蚀 CPGA陶瓷针式网格阵列,陶瓷封装 CP6 etchCP6腐蚀 CP4 etchCP4 腐蚀 Cp能力性能指数 coverlayer保护层,外膜 cover lay覆盖层 covering power覆盖能力 cover coat覆盖涂层 coupon板边试样,附连板 coupling agent偶联剂 counter sinking锥形孔 counter flow上下翻流,上下回流 counter current rinsing逆流漂洗 counter boring垂直向下扩孔,埋头孔,沉头孔 cost of quality质量成本 cost

36、metrix费用矩阵 corrosive flux腐蚀性焊剂 corrosion protection防腐蚀 corrosion of metals金属腐蚀 corrosion腐蚀 corrode paste test倒腐蚀膏试验 corner mark板角标记,角标 corner crack孔角断裂 core material内层板材,芯材 core board via filling芯板导通孔堵塞 core board芯板 cordwood module积木式微型组件 cordwood arrangement积木式排列 copper thick film printed wiring bo

37、ard铜厚膜印制板 copper side铜箔面 copper plating adhesion test铜镀层附着力测试 copper plating电镀铜 copper plated-through hole镶铜导通孔 copper plated-through hole镶铜导通孔 copper plated-through hole镶铜导通孔 copper paste铜膏 copper-mirror test铜镜试验 copper invar copper core (CICC)因瓦合金 copper-invar-copper board因瓦铜夹心板 copper foil surfac

38、e treatment铜箔表面处理 copper foil laminate 覆铜箔板覆铜箔板 copper foil铜箔 copper cyanide plating氟化铜镀 copper clad laminate board (CCL )覆铜箔层压板,覆箔板 copper clad industrial laminate (CCIL)凭申请认证制度,CCll 制度 copper accelerated salt spray test铜加速盐雾试验,CASS 试验 coplanar leads共面引脚,共面引线 coplanarity共面性(度) cooler冷却器 convectionI

39、R reflow soldering热对流红外辐射回流焊 control strip光尺 control limits控制限 controlled depth drilling定深钻孔,钻孔深度控制 controlled collapse chip connectionC4晶片焊接,控制熔化高度芯 controlled collapse bonding (CCB )控压连(焊)接 controlled collapse bonding (CCB )控压连(焊)接 controlled collapse定高坍塌 control collapse soldering控制崩塌焊接 control c

40、hart控制图 contract service外包厂,分包商,外协加工 contract electronic manufacturer(CEM)电子品合同式制造商 contour length伸展长度 continuous lamination连续压合,连续层压 continuity inspection连通检查 continuity连通性 contact tenting light frame- work接触式蔽光框架法 contact spring接触弹簧 contact spacing接触间距 contact size接触尺寸 contact retention force接触阻力

41、contact resistance接触电阻 contact printing接触印刷,接触曝光 contact plating插头电镀 contact photo-printing接触式感光印制 contact length接触长度 contact hole接触孔,引线孔 contact hardening接触硬化 contact force接触压力 contact exposure imaging底片接触曝光成像 contact corrosion接触腐蚀 contact bonding adhesive接触黏合剂 contact area接触区,接触面积)(焊接)接触角(焊接)接触角 c

42、ontact aluminium铝接触 contact alloying接触合金 contact接触件 constraining core加强芯板,夹芯 conner mark角标志 connector with mixed contacts混装式引脚 connector two-part printed board印制板双件引脚 connector two-part双件引脚 connector one-part单件引脚 connector housing引脚座 connector contact引脚接触件 connector area引脚区域 connector引脚 connectivity连接度 conformal mask敷形掩模 conformal coating敷形涂层,保护形 confirmation run确认试验 confi


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