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1、托福听力电子讲义主讲:韩 晴欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材听力考试介绍:1. 内容F 对话 (conversation):具有校园生活特色(校园办公室和学生服务),每篇约3分钟,每篇有5题。F 演讲(lectures):来源于课堂授课,分教授讲授、学生提问或老师提问三种形式,每篇约5分钟,每篇有6题。2. 形式:模块(Module):1 conversation + 2 lectures1) 两个模块:听力总时间为60分钟,总题量34道,听力材料共6篇,即2篇对话,4篇讲座。2) 三个模块:听力总时间为90分钟,总题量51道,听力材料共9篇,即3篇对话,6篇讲座。3. 特点1) 先听音,后看题2)

2、 题目一个一个出现3) 记笔记:文章的要点信息,文章开头应记主题及目的,接下来应记总论点的分支、分支定义及特点,解释程序步骤注意记先后顺序,还应记录时间、地点发生的事件,人物的身份及观点,形容词、副词的比较级或最高级,因果关系,态度及倾向性的词语。备考方法考前准备F 一、语音识别 F 1. 语速 F 高中:90-120词/分钟 F 原文:Excuse me, are you miss Cross?F 四级:120-150词/分钟 F 原文:W: Just imagine! We have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday! How can th

3、e professor expect us to do it in such a short time?F M: Yeah, but what troubles me is that I cant find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.F 六级:150-180词/分钟 F 原文:M: Oh, Im so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.F W: What a terrible memory you have!

4、 Anyway, I wont need it until Friday night. As long as I can get it by then, OK?F 托福:180-220词/分钟F 原文:F NarratorF Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. F StudentF Uh, excuse me, Professor Thompson. I know your office hours are tomorrow, but I was wondering if you had a few minut

5、es free now to discuss something.F ProfessorF Sure, John. What did you want to talk about? F StudentF Well, I have some quick questions about how to write up the research project I did this semester about climate variations.F ProfessorF Oh, yes. You were looking at variations in climate in the Grant

6、 City area, right? How far along have you gotten?F StudentF Ive got all my data, so Im starting to summarize it now, preparing graphs and stuff. But Im just. Im looking at it and Im afraid that its not enough, but Im not sure what else to put in the report.F ProfessorF I hear the same thing from eve

7、ry student. You know, you have to remember now that youre the expert on what youve done. So, think about what youd need to include if you were going to explain your research project to someone with general or casual knowledge about the subject, like like your parents. Thats usually my rule of thumb:

8、 would my parents understand this?F StudentF OK. I get it. F ProfessorF I hope you can recognize by my saying that how much you do know about the subject.F StudentF Right. I understand. I was wondering if I should also include the notes from the research journal you suggested I keep?F ProfessorF Yes

9、, definitely. You should use them to indicate what your evolution in thought was through time. So, just set up, you know, what was the purpose of what you were doingto try to understand the climate variability of this areaand what you did, and what your approach was.F StudentF OK. So, for example, I

10、 studied meteorological records; I looked at climate charts; I used different methods for analyzing the data, like certain statistical tests; and then I discuss the results. Is that what you mean?F ProfessorF Yes, thats right. You should include all of that. The statistical tests are especially impo

11、rtant. And also be sure you include a good reference section where all your published and unpublished data came from, cause you have a lot of unpublished climate data.F StudentF Hmm. something just came into my mind and went out the other side.F ProfessorF That happens to me a lot, so Ive come up wi

12、th a pretty good memory management tool. I carry a little pad with me all the time and jot down questions or ideas that I dont want to forget. For example, I went to the doctor with my daughter and her baby son last week and we knew we wouldnt remember everything we wanted to ask the doctor, so we a

13、ctually made a list of five things we wanted answers to.F StudentF A notepad is a good idea. Since Im so busy now at the end of the semester, Im getting pretty forgetful these days. OK. I just remembered what I was trying to say before.F ProfessorF Good. I was hoping youd come up with it.F StudentF

14、Yes. It ends up that I have data on more than just the immediate Grant City area, so I also included some regional data in the report. With everything else it should be a pretty good indicator of the climate in this part of the state.F ProfessorF Sounds good. Id be happy to look over a draft version

15、 before you hand in the final copy, if you wish.F StudentF Great. Ill plan to get you a draft of the paper by next Friday. Thanks very much. Well, see ya. F ProfessorF OK.F 2. 单个单词熟形不熟音F strategy strategicF ocean oceanicF declare declaration F methodF methodologyF methodological F drama dramatic F a

16、llergic allergyF biography F biographicalF 跟读模仿三境界F 1)不听边看边读 F 2) 边听边看边读 F 3) 只听不看读F 3. 语音现象:F 1)连读:辅音元音 F get up check outF run out of all about it F in-side out put it off F 2)失爆F / b / / p / / d / / t / / g / / k / + 与其不相同的辅音,发后一个辅音,前一个做发音准备 F blackboard breakfast F stop by sit down F lap top mid

17、-term F 4. 英美音差异:儿化音F farther start floor F sport court perfectF western pattern F idea really F quiet society F violin famous F delicious F 二、语气语调F 1. 单个单词重读表责备、抱怨、不满、正话反说 F 2. 调子升降:调子越升越否定、越升越怀疑 F 解决态度题 F 三、词汇F 1. 四六级词汇70%F 2. 口语小词10%F 3. 专业词汇20%:记声音记意思不记拼写 F 艾宾浩斯记忆时间安排F 5分钟 30分钟 F 12小时 1天 F 2天 4天

18、 F 7天 15天1List 12List 134List 15678List 19101112131415List 1161718192021222324252627282930List 112345F 4. 习语、俚语不出现F Make do with 凑合着用F Come down with 生病F 8 Dos and 8 Donts 八荣八耻F 四、思维F 1. 积极向上、善良正义 F 解决功能题 F 2. first thing first 要事第一原则 F 解决主旨题 F 3. 间接回答 F 解决推理推断题F 五、听写F 步骤: F 1.听全文:懂大意。 F 2.听句子:注意第一遍

19、没听清的句子。 F 3.听字词:注意前两遍没听清的字词。 F 4.听一句写一句,放音不可写, 最多听5遍。 F 5.打开文字答案核对纠错。 F 6.总结造成听力障碍的语音点。 F 1. What are the students discussing? A. various ways in major rivers formatted B. The worlds largest body of water C. where various lakes located D. lakes the formed in the same wayF 2. Why are the students dis

20、cussing the material? A. They have just seen a presentation about it B. They are preparing for the exam on it C. They must present it show their classmate D. They are writing a research paperF geographyF emphasisF go firstF inland bodyF saltwaterF EuropeF AsiaF account forF platesF armF cut offF Nor

21、th AmericaF freshwaterF glaciersF 10,000F carving outF crustF faultF splitF surfaceF present F 六、记笔记F (一)原则 F 1. 自己能看懂 F 2. 越少完整单词拼写 F 3. 中英文相结合 F 4. 线条、图画、符号并用 F 5. 简练,切莫因记勿听 F 6. 写而有用F (二)要点F 1. 开头部分:对话或讲座的主题、目的 F 2. 总论点下的分类、分支及特点 F 3. 解释程序步骤,注意先后顺序 F 4. 重要时间、地点 F 5. 人物身份、观点F 6. 最高级、比较级 F 7. 说明多个原

22、因、结果 F 8. 表达态度、倾向性F (三)区别F 长对话:记问题,解决办法,具体建议。 F 长段落:记概念,主要分支及其特点,重要时间、地点、数字,说话人态度,观点认可度。F (四)信号词F 1. 时间:F previously, formerly, initially, now, presently, then, subsequently, next, finally, ultimately, immediately F 2. 举例:F for example, for instance, such as, in this/another case, in this situation,

23、 on this occasion, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration F 3. 列举:F first(ly), second, third, last/ finallyF one, another F 4. 补充:and, as well asF also, too, in addition F further, furthermoreF 5. 比较:F like, likewise, as, both, similarly, at the same time, in comparison

24、F 6. 转折:F on the other hand, in contrast, on the contraryF but, however, yet, nevertheless, instead, rather, whereas F 7. 强调:F definitely, extremely, especially, obviously, absolutely, positively, surprisingly, emphaticallyF 8. 因果:F because, sinceF for this reason, hence, resulting, as a result, so,

25、 then, thus, therefore, consequently F 9. 定义:F define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state, we refer toF 10. 总结:F in short, in brief, in the end, in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, to reiterate, to sum up, finally, therefore, as already stated F (五)符号F 1. 数学符

26、号 F + 比较级:moreF 最高级:best, most F 多于:bigger, larger, greater, more than 高:superior to, surpassF 少于:less/smaller 低:inferior toF = 同等: means, that is to say, in other words, the same as, be equal toF 不同: be different fromF 好:right/good, famous/well-knownF 错误、失误和坏:wrong/incorrect, something bad, notorio

27、us, negative F 大约:about/around,or so, approximatelyF 属于:belong to, be part of, fall into, pertain to, remain with, resideF 原因 due to, because, because of F 结果 consequently, therefore, thusF 2. 标点及其它: 说话,观点: say, speak, think, believe F ? 问题: question, issue, problemF ( ) 在.之间: among, withinF * 重要的:

28、important, best, outstanding, brilliantF 转折: but, however, yet, in fact, actually, while, neverthelessF & 和,与: and, together with, along with, accompany F 上升、增加: ascend, climb, go up, mount up, move up, raise, rise, soar F 下降、减少: descend, drop, fall, go or come down, declineF 2 million Y 1930F F 结论,

29、导致: bring on, conduce, induce, lead, make for, result in F (六)建议句型F So; See; Say; You know what; Guess what; Tell you whatF Might; Just; (Maybe) you should F Why dont youF Youd better; You are better off doing sth.F Have you tried; What aboutF I wish they could F If I were you, I would F 七、文化F 1.背景知

30、识互通(阅读部分和听力部分) F 2.简明美国历史,补充文科背景 F 3.美国概况 F 4.百科全书(美国上世纪1900-1950年日常生活类重大发明)前一阶段我们学习了托福听力的备考方法,下面我们来讲一下考中要求,它有几个特点:第一先按OK键再按NEXT键 第二是遇到LECTURE这样的文章,文章中除了有表示文章题材的词,还要注意屏幕上更换的图片。 第三是做笔记,切莫因记误听,要听为主,记为辅。 第四是快,不要在不确定的题目上浪费时间。 第五是关注时间到目前为止我们学习了听力的考试形式和考试方法以及考中要求,下面我们通过两篇文章来具体熟悉下听力考试的题型。Questions 1-61. Wh

31、y does the advisor want to talk with the student?(A) To commend him on his work habits(B) To discuss a deficiency in one class(C) To discuss what his history professor is teaching(D) To talk about each of the students class2. What problems does the student have? Click on 2 answers. (A) He is not doi

32、ng well in any of his classes.(B) His history teacher gives unfair assignments.(C) He is not in class all the time.(D) He does not understand what is being tested.3. Listen again to part of the passage. Then answer the question.What does the advisor mean when she says this:(A) “I do not believe what

33、 you just said.”(B) “What you just said is funny.”(C) “Your response is not acceptable.”(D) “Can you please repeat what you just said?”4. How does the advisor seem to feel about the students responses?(A) She thinks he is not telling the truth.(B) She seems to believe his excuses are weak.(C) She se

34、ems to accept what he says.(D) She thinks what he says is amusing.5. Does the advisor recommend each of these?YESNOGetting up in time for classSitting in the back of the classroomSpeaking more in classFinding out what is covered on the examsTaking careful notes6. What can be concluded from the conve

35、rsation?(A) There are good reasons that the students grades are low.(B) History class is too hard a class for this student.(C) The advisor expects too much from the student.(D) The student should really consider taking a different course.Listening Script:Question 1 through 6. Listen to a discussion

36、between a student and an advisor.(advisor)Hi, Brad, thanks for coming in.(student)No problem. What did you want to see me about?(advisor) Well, I saw your mid-semester grade report, and there was something of a problem on it.(student) You mean my history class?(advisor)Yes, exactly You do understand

37、 that theres a problem in your history class, dont you? What is the problem? Youre doing fairly well in your other classes, but in history youre, frankly, not doing very well at all. Your grades in your other classes show that youre capable of doing good work. Whats the problem in history?(student)W

38、ell, historys so early in the morning.(advisor)Its at nine oclock; thats not so early.(student)It seems early to me.(advisor)So, set your alarm clockThis brings up a question, by the wayyou do get up and go to history class, dont you?(student)Usually.(advisor)Usually? Since its a class youre not doi

39、ng well in, you should be there all the time.(student)Ill try.(advisor)And take a seat in the front of the class near the professor so you can get involved in the class.(student) But its such a big class. You have to get there early to get a seat in the front.(advisor)(smiles) Well, maybe you should

40、 try getting there early(student)Ill try(advisor)And get there early for every class(student)Ill try that, too.(advisor)Now, is that your only problem in the class that you miss class sometimes and get there late other times?(student)No, not exactly.(advisor)What else is a problem?(student)Well, I d

41、idnt, uh, II didnt do too well on the exam.(advisor)And what was your problem, do you think?(student)I studied for the exam, I really didBut there were a lot of questions on the exam that werent in the class text book, in the chapters that were covered on the exam. At least half the questions on the

42、 exam werent from the book.(advisor)Do you understand why?(student)I think there mustve been a lot of questions from the lectures, stuff that wasnt covered in the text.(advisor)Are you sure?(student)No, but I think so.(advisor)Well, maybe you should check with the professor and find out if thats the

43、 case.(student)OK.(advisor)And if it is, maybe you should concentrate on taking good notes during the lectures.(student)OK.(advisor)And of course you should be in class all the time to take good notes.(student)Thats for sure.(advisor)OK, so check back with me in a couple of weeks, and let me know ho

44、w youre handling this.(student)Ill do that.托福听力考察三大能力 1. Basic Comprehension 1). Gist 2). Detail 听到什么就选什么 50% 送分题2. Pragmatic Understanding 1). Function 2). Stance 听到什么不选什么 25% 得分题 3. Connecting Information 1). Organization 2). Relationships 结构最重要 25% 失分题Questions 1-61. Why does the advisor want to

45、talk with the student?(A) To commend him on his work habits(B) To discuss a deficiency in one class(C) To discuss what his history professor is teaching(D) To talk about each of the students class2. What problems does the student have? Click on 2 answers. (A) He is not doing well in any of his classes.(B) His history teacher gives unfair assignments.(C) H


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