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1、大学组织结构分析案例,一、筑波大学:成功的革新?,新型组织设计:筑波大学 学群与学系(教学与研究分开) 教学组织:(三大学群)(属于学生的编制) 第一学群为基础学群,担任全校基础课的教学,下分3个学类:人文学类、包含哲学、史学、考古和民俗学、语言学等专业学科;社会科学学类。包含社会学、法学、政治学、经济学等;自然科学类,包含数学、物理学、化学、地球科学。,第二学群为文化生物学群,这是跨学科的学群,下分5个学类:比较文化学类(含有比较文学、地域文化学、现代思想学),日本语言文化学类(仅有日本语言和日本文化一专业方向),人际学类(有教育学、心理学、心身障碍学),生物学类(含基础生物学、应用生物学两

2、大部门),农林学类(有水产生物资源、生态环境、生物应用化学、生物水产组织等)。,第三学群为经营工程学群,这是新的构想和尖端科学组成的学群,下分5个学类:社会工程学类,含有社会经济、经营工程、城市规划等;国际关系学类;信息学类,有信息科学、信息工程;系统工程学类,含有知识工程系统和操作工程系统;基础工程学类,含有物理工程、材料和分子工程、转换工程、构造工程等。 三个专门学群:医学、体育、艺术专业,研究组织(属于教师的编制) 学系:哲学思想学、历史人类学、文艺语言学、现代语言文学、教育学、心理学、心身障碍学、社会科学、社会工程、生物科学、农村科学、农林工程、应用生物化学、数学、物理、化学、地球科学

3、、物理工程、材料工程、结构工程、电子信息工程、体育科学、艺术科学、基础医学、临床医学、社会医学 特别课题组 研究中心,历史:是借改革名义(前身东京教育大学) 问题:至今难说成功(筑波科学城与大学) 教学研究分别指向对象:形式上还是实质? 是否有行政主导倾向(校长副校长等级制) 学术权威唯恐避之而不及 与产业间的联系并没有受到效益 还有待时间考验,二、哈佛大学:成功的样板?,教学组织: 哈佛文理学院( Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Harvard College (本科生机构) Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Di

4、vision of Engineering and Applied Sciences Division of Continuing Education (including Extension School and Summer School),三、威斯康辛大学:美国州立大学,UW Campuses UW-Eau Claire UW-Green Bay UW-La Crosse UW-Madison UW-Milwaukee UW-Oshkosh UW-Parkside UW-Platteville UW-River Falls UW-Stevens Point UW-Stout UW-Sup

5、erior UW-Whitewater Statewide UW Colleges (2-year campuses) UW-Extension,总校董事会构成,Roger E. Axtell (Parker Pen Co. retired as vice president) Mark J. Bradley Vice President .an attorney with the law firm of Ruder Ware, LLSC in Wausau. He is a shareholder, member of the Board of Directors and chair of

6、the firms Trusts and Estates Practice Group Elizabeth Burmaster (superintendent of public instruction,教育厅长) Eileen Connolly-Keesler executive director of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Judith V. Crain former president of Green Bay Board of Education Danae Davis executive director of PEARLS fo

7、r Teen Girls, Inc (non-profit organization ) Gregory L. Gracz the president and contract administrator of the Milwaukee Professional Fire Fighters Thomas A. Loftus former Special Advisor to the Director General of the World Health Organization,Milton McPike former principal of Madison East High Scho

8、ol Charles Pruitt partner and co-managing director of A.B. Data, Ltd Gerard A. Randall, Jr. president and chief executive officer of the Private Industry Council of Milwaukee County (noprofit firm) Peggy Rosenzweig former Senate of state Jesus Salas a former lecturer at UW-Madison Christopher M. Sem

9、enas senior at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Brent Smith president of the Wisconsin Technical College Board Michael J. Spector former Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States David G. Walsh President (a partner in the Madison office of Foley & Lardner)著名律师背景,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的架构 学院建制

10、Agricultural and Life Sciences, College of 本科、研究生 Business, School of 本科、研究生 Continuing Studies, Division of (继续教育机构) Education, School of (本、研究) Engineering, College of (本、研究) Environmental Studies, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Graduate School Human Ecology, School of International Studies, Divisio

11、n of,Journalism and Mass Communication, School of Law School Letters and Science, College of Library and Information Studies, School of Medicine and Public Health, School of Music, School of Natural Resources, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, School of Public Affairs, Robert M. La Follette Sch

12、ool of Social Work, School of Veterinary Medicine, School of,麦迪逊的组织架构,总校董事会,总校校长(president),Chancellor,Provost,vice chancellor,Vice 、dean,vice,vice,学术事务(教学),研究和研究生院,行政与预算,法律和专利,deans,Committee Governce,Faculty Faculty Senate University Committee Secretary of the Faculty,Academic Staff Academic Staff

13、 Assembly Academic Staff Executive Committee Secretary of the Academic Staff,Classified Staff Council for Non- Represented Classified Staff,Students Associated Students of Madison,Interest groups,committees,四、德国柏林洪堡大学,Faculty of Law Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Faculty of Mathematics and

14、Natural Sciences I Biology, Chemistry, Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences II Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology Charit - Berlin University Medicine Faculty of Arts I Philosophy, History, Europ. Ethnology, Department of Library and Information Science,Faculty of Art

15、s II Literature, Linguistics, Scandinavian Studies, Romance Literatures, English and American Studies Slavic Studies, Classical Philology Faculty of Arts III Social Sciences, Cultural Studies/Arts, Asian/African Studies, Gender Studies Faculty of Arts IV Sport Sciences, Rehabilitation Studies, Educa

16、tion Studies, Quality Management in Education Faculty of Theology Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Interdisciplinary Centres,教授治校,行政系统疲弱,效率问题 讲座教授,学术新人成长问题 缺乏市场活力问题,五、牛津大学,大学: 四个功能部分,每个部分含多个学系 Humanities Division (Classics Faculty 等) Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division Medica

17、l Sciences Division Social Sciences Division,All Souls College Balliol College Brasenose College Christ Church Corpus Christi College Exeter College Green College Harris Manchester College Hertford College Jesus College Keble College Kellogg College Lady Margaret Hall Linacre College Lincoln College

18、 Magdalen College Mansfield College Merton College New College,Nuffield College Oriel College Pembroke College Queens College, The Somerville College St Annes College St Antonys College St Catherines College St Cross College St Edmund Hall St Hildas College St Hughs College St Johns College St Peters College Templeton College Trinity College University College Wadham College Wolfson College Worcester College,university大学,按学科设置,College(生活和学业指导),Lecture等课程,Tutorial System,学术上的相对集权与行政上相对分权,行政系统 程序与公正,学术系统(制度、伦理、责任、自律) 需要透明化制度,最大程度减少一切暗箱操作,中国的问题,


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