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1、调结构、惠民生、实现可持续发展 张小虞 中国机械工业联合会 副会长 中国汽车工程学会 理事长 商用车市场分析与预测 徐长明 国家信息中心信息资源部 主任 高级经济师 未来之卡车 熊福康 德国大陆商用车集团中国区总裁 2010年商用车市场展望 贾新光 汽车行业资深分析师 山东省汽车行业协会特聘顾问,Adjust the Structure, Benefit Peoples Livelihood, Achieve the Sustainable Development Mr. Xiaoyu Zhang Deputy Minister of China Machinery Industry Fede

2、ration Director of Society of Automotive Engineers of China Marketing Evaluation and Forecast of Commercial Vehicle Mr. Changming Xu Director of Policy Research Department, Information Center of the State Council Senior Economist The Truck of the Future Mr. Franois Schoentgen CEO, China Commercial V

3、ehicle Group, Continental Corporation Commercial Vehicle Market Outlook of 2010 Mr. Xinguang Jia Senior Analyst Consultant of Shandong Automotive Manufacturers Association,调结构、惠民生、实现可持续发展 Adjust the Structure Benefit Peoples Livelihood Achieve the Sustainable Development 张小虞 中国机械工业联合会 副会长 中国汽车工程学会 理

4、事长 Mr. Xiaoyu Zhang Deputy Minister of China Machinery Industry Federation Director of Society of Automotive Engineers of China,一、商用车行业是中国汽车工业的起点和基础: 1953年一汽建厂1958年南汽建厂1968年二汽建厂1984年重汽建厂1985年“七五”计划提出:为满足交通运输业的发展,将汽车工业作为国民经济的支柱产业到目前为止,商用车占总产销量的25%。 Commercial Vehicle Industry is the Beginning and Fou

5、ndation for China Automotive Industry Faw Jiefang Automotive Company, Ltd. founded in 1953- Nanjing Automobile(Group) Corporation founded in 1958- Dongfeng Motor Corporation founded in 1968- China National Heavy Duty Truck Group CO., LTD founded in 1984- “Seventh 5-year”plan in 1985 proposed: In ord

6、er to satisfy the development of transportation industry, automotive industry as the pillar industry of the national economy until now, commercial vehicle account 25% of the total output.,二、汽车产业调整振兴规划颁布的背景: 1. 国际金融危机的影响引起中央高度重视汽车工业,加快了产业调整振兴的步伐。全球汽车产量从07年的7315万辆跌落到08年的6800万辆(-7%),至今仍有减无增;唯有中国从888万辆增

7、长到935万辆,增长5.3%,但增幅从上一年的22%回落16个点。09年1-9月份我国汽车产销960万辆,同比增长32%,其中商用汽车246万辆,同比增长17.3%。10月份,我国汽车产销超过千万辆,跨上历史新台阶。 Background of Adjustment 1. Due to the international financial crisis, central committee has took importance to automobile industry as well as speed up to adjust for the industry. Global auto

8、motive total outputs from 73.15 million in 2007 falls to 68 million in 2008 (-7%). But China has increased from 8.88 million to 9.35 million, an increase of 5.3%, but is less then last year. From January to September in 2009, Chinas automobile production and sales reach 9.6 million (increased 32%),

9、2.46 million is commercial vehicles (increased 17.3%). In October, Chinas auto attain a new height.,2两个产业政策的延续: “七五”计划提出支柱产业94年产业政策04年产业政策09年调整振兴规划。 3中国汽车工业要按中央科学发展观的要求,保持持续快速增长: 经过7年的快速增长(年平均增长22%),即使没有这次国际金融危机,我国汽车工业自身也到了需要进行调整的时期。 2. Extend of two industrial policy: “Seventh 5-year” Plan proposal

10、 the pillar industry- Industrial policy in 1994- Industrial policy in 2004- Adjustment plan in 2009. 3. Following by the concept of central scientific development, Chinas auto keeps fast and successive growth: After 7 years of rapid growth with average annual 22%, even without the international fina

11、ncial crisis, Chinas automotive industry also needs to be adjusted by itself.,三、调整振兴的重点和目标: 1. 市场结构:鼓励个人购买1.6升小排量汽车,减征购置税;开拓农村市场,扩大出口。力争09年产量达到1000万辆,三年保持10%的增长;出口占销量的10%。 2. 技术结构:鼓励自主创新,自主开发。自主创新和自主品牌的乘用车比重占到40%,轿车达到30%。 Focuses and Objectives of the Adjustment 1. Marketing Structure: encourage ind

12、ividual to purchase the 1.6L vehicle, purchase tax reduction; develop rural markets and expand exports. Strive to reach 10 million total output in 2009, remaining 10% growth rate in next three years; export will account 10% of sales 2. Technology Structure: encourage to innovation, evolution. Propor

13、tion for passenger cars which is self-innovation and self-owned brands is 40%, and 30% for cars.,3. 产品结构:实施节能减排的新能源战略。形成50万辆电动车产能,新能源汽车占乘用车的5%。 4. 组织结构:鼓励兼并重组,促进集团化国际竞争规模。8家重点企业在全国或区域内兼并重组,形成2至3家200万辆规模企业、4至5家100万辆规模企业,前十家企业占90市场份额。 3. Production Structure: energy-saving strategy take into execution

14、. Targeting at 500,000 electric car which is 5% of passenger cars. 4. Organization Structure: encourage to merger and integrate in order to promote the international competition.,四、中国商用车独有的比较优势,由大迈强的带动作用: Unique advantages in China Commercial Vehicle: 规模优势 总体竞争力提高带动; 技术优势 自主创新的带动; 出口的主导优势 国际化发展的带动;

15、Scope advantage due to overall competitiveness Technology advantage due to self-innovation Leading position in export due to international development,五、中国商用车自主发展、自主创新的巨大潜力: The tremendous potential of independent development and independent innovation 1.以自主资本为主体的产业结构:自主资本占80%; 2.自主创新的潜力:节能、减排、安全、减重

16、; 1. Industrial structure based on the independent capital: 80% is independent capital 2. Potential of independent innovation: energy conservation, reduction of pollutant emissions, safety, weight reduction,六、实现可持续发展,完成产业强国目标: Implement Sustainable Development and Achieve the Objective of Industrial

17、 Power 1 完成四项任务,实现中央提出的“五个化”: 自主创新,自主开发的竞争力; 坚实的零部件工业基础; 相关产业的同步支撑; 服务贸易的配套协同; 工业化、信息化、市场化、城镇化、国际化。 Complete the 4 assignments and the 5 points : Competitive Strength of independent-innovation and development Solid industrial foundation of accessory Synchronization supports from related industry Col

18、laboration of trade in services Industrialization, informationize, marketization, urbanization, internationalization,2 2020年产业强国的目标绝不动摇: Objectives of Industrial Power in 2020 满足全面建成小康社会的目标,与GDP同步增长; 建成一批具有国际竞争能力的强势企业; 在国际汽车贸易中占有一定比例; 为建成创新型国家做出应有贡献。 Achieve the affluent society with the simultaneou

19、s growth in GDP Establish a number of internationally competitive enterprise Play an important role in international automotive trade Contribute to the country,商用车市场分析与预测 Marketing Evaluation and Forecast of Commercial Vehicle,国家信息中心信息资源部 主任 高级经济师 徐长明 Mr. Changming Xu Director of Policy Research Dep

20、artment, Information Center of the State Council Senior Economist,一、2009年商用车市场评价 Marketing Evaluate in 2009 二、2010年商用车市场框架分析 Marketing Framework Analysis in 2010,一、 2009年商用车市场评价 Marketing Evaluate in 2009,1, 1-9月商用车市场形势主要特点 Prime Features of Market Situation,3季度市场迅猛回升,拉动前3季度市场发展已经超出经济发展所应对应的水平。 Mark

21、et recovered rapidly in third-quarter,Sales (ten thousand),Growth Rate,商用车(不含微客) Commercial Vehicle (exclude mini-bus),Sales (ten thousand),Growth Rate,攀升过程还在继续 Rising continues,商用车月度批发量(不含微客)(万台) Monthly Wholesale (exclude mini-bus) (ten thousand),迅猛回升的原因: Reasons for recovering rapidly:,经济企稳回升 Eco

22、nomy recovered,GDP增速(%) Growth Rate,城镇固定资产投资年度增长率(%) Annual Growth Rate of Urban Fixed-asset Investment,工业增加值月度同比增长率(),B. 政策刺激:汽车下乡政策的放宽 Policy motivate: broaden of the countryside auto policy,汽车下乡政策效果对比 Policy Contrast Effects,C. 山西进行计重收费 Weight charge in Shanxi D. 去年下半年基数低 Low radix second half ye

23、ar,商用车分类型批发需求增长 Category-based Growth in Wholesale Demand for Commercial Vehicle,(2)从累计数据看,自用型车增长快,专业运输工具型车(用车赚钱)增长慢 Self-use model is growing faster than professional transport model per the statistics,降低购买费用,刺激消费,自用型车高增长的原因主要是组合型汽车消费鼓励政策 The policy of encouraging consumption for combined vehicle l

24、eads the increase in self-use model,专业运输型累计仍为负增长与今年的经济形势是高度相关的 Professional transport model is still a negative growth which is relevant to the this years economic situation,2007-2009出口总值(亿美元) Export Total Amount (one hundred million USD),工业增加值同比增长率(),2. 后几个月及全年商用车预测 Forecast for the Commercial Vehi

25、cle in 2009,持续回升态势将在今后几个月得到延续,今年大局已定。 Keep increasing in the rest of the year of 2009.,国产汽车需求预测 (万辆) Home-made Vehicle Demand Forecast (ten thousand),二、2010年商用车市场框架分析 Marketing Framework Analysis of Commercial Vehicle in 2010,2010年商用车市场将基本保持在商用车的长期潜在增长水平,依据有三。 Based on 3 reasons, commercial vehicle

26、market will remain at the level of long-term potential growth.,1. 长期发展规律 Discipline of long-term development,商用车:2020年前商用车将保持9%左右的长期增长趋势,略低于98-08年的平均增长率(10.2%) Commercial Vehicle: before 2020, the growth rate will remain at 9%, slightly lower than the average(10.2%) from 1998 to 2008,Sales (ten thou

27、sand),Growth Rate,2020年之前,我国仍将处于工业化和城市化同步加速的发展阶段, GDP年均增长9%左右。 Before 2020, Chinas industrialization and urbanization will continue at the development phase, GDP annual average growth rate around 9%.,公路 road 铁路 railway 机场 airport 港口 port 客货站场 城市基础设施 文化设施等大规模建设 工厂生产能力建设,投资:大规模建设 Investment,消费:住房、汽车 C

28、onsumption,住房和汽车这些大件商品,全面普及所需的时间是很长的。 housing, vehicle 国际比较也表明,以建筑业和汽车工业支持的工业化中期进程,一般在几十年,至少20年。,投资规模大、产业链长、加工度高、中间产品多、增长持续时间长的特点。,工业化 Industrialization,城市人口占总人口的比重。以后每年提高1个百分点,2020年达到60%左右,城市化 Urbanization,运输强度依然很高:主要是由资源分布和现阶段的经济结构决定的。 Intensity of traffic remains high: mainly was decided by the r

29、esources distribution and economics structure at this stage.,资源分布越不均匀,运输强度越高,而我国是资源分布很不均匀的国家 Resources has distributed non-uniformly in China,三次产业占国民经济的比重 The proportion of three industries,不同运输方式运送的货物 Modes of Transporting,卡车 Truck,航空 aviation,价值/量 value/volume,时限&服务 time & service,公路承担的货运量 Volume

30、of freight by road,7918公路发展规划 road development plan,铁路/水路 /管道 railway/waterway/ pipeline,国家高速公路网建设 National Highway Network Construction,东部平均半小时上高速 East: half an hour to the highway on average 中部平均 1小时上高速 Central: an hour to the highway on average 西部平均 2小时上高速 West: two hours to the highway on averag

31、e,货运中转站 Freight Station,2. 短期周期波动规律 Fluctuant discipline of short-term period,商用车与GDP的变化保持高度的同步性,但波动幅度远大于GDP Commercial vehicle is changing simultaneously with GDP, with greater fluctuation range,中重型卡车与GDP的变化保持高度的同步性,只有2003和2005年两年不一致(非典、治超政策突变),但波动幅度更大于GDP Media to heavy-duty truck changing simulta

32、neously with GDP, besides 2003(SARS) and 2005 (policy), the fluctuation rate is more greater than GDP,不管是商用车总体还是中重型卡车,其市场变化与GDP的关系更为密切,因此,用GDP的变化来预测商用车和中重卡的形势更为可靠。投资的变化对部分细分车型的作用更大,主要是工程车。 从短期周期波动规律角度来看,只要2009年宏观经济能够保持平稳运行状态,商用车市场就能平稳运行。 Changing in GDP can be used as a sign for predicting the indus

33、trial market state since the it is high related to change in GDP. From the point of fluctuant discipline of short-term period, as long as the macro-economics remains the stability, the market of commercial vehicle can well proceed.,周期规律结论: Conclusion:,3. 市场自然增长力量正在变强 Marketing accrual power is growi

34、ng,商用车月度批发量(万台) Commercial Vehicle Monthly Wholesale (ten thousand),Policy,Policy + Marketing accrual power,商用车月度批发量(万台) Commercial Vehicle Monthly Wholesale (ten thousand),货车分类型月度批发量同比增速 Truck: Category-based Growth Rate of Monthly Wholesale,客车分类型月度批发量同比增速 Bus: Category-based Growth Rate of Monthly

35、 Wholesale,牵引车月度批发量同比增速 Truck Tractor: Growth Rate of Monthly Wholesale,城镇固定资产投资月度同比增速 Monthly Growth Rate of Urban Investment in Fixed-asset,港口吞吐量月度同比增速 Turnover Capacity of the Harbor,发电量月度同比增速 Generated Energy,原煤消耗量月度同比增速 Coal Consumption,钢材消耗量月度同比增速 Steel Consumption,水泥消耗量月度同比增速 Cement Consumpti

36、on,只要2009年宏观经济能够保持8-9%的增长,乘用车市场就能保持其潜在增长率。 根据国家信息中心预测,2009年GDP增长率为8.5%,与2009年基本持平。 The growth rate of passenger car basically stable at 8.5% which is the same as GDP increase rate as long as macro-economic rising with 8%-9%.,有利因素:出口负增长不存在了 Advantage: no more negative growth in export 不利因素:财政政策和货币政策力

37、度减弱 Disadvantage: Fiscal policy and monetary policy have less effects,熊福康 德国大陆商用车集团中国区总裁 Franois Schoentgen & Huang Tien Pei China Commerical Vehicle Group Continental Corporation,The Truck Of the Future Concrete Progresses for Chinese OEs and their Customers with the Enhancement of - Vehicle Life-T

38、ime Costs - Vehicle Safety - Driver Productivity - Connectivity 未来之卡车 中国主机厂及其客户的实际发展,增强了 车辆使用寿命-时间成本 车辆安全性 驱动器的生产能力 连通性,Commercial Vehicles Market we understand trends and impact 商用汽车市场 我们对其趋势和影响了如指掌,Safety 安全 Environment 环境 Efficiency 效率 Affordability 承受能力 Comfort 舒适性,Increasing intelligence of com

39、mercial vehicles 商用车的智能化持续增强 New functionality 新功能 New systems 新系统 Increased networking 联网性增强 Increasing connectivity to and from commercial vehicles 与商用车的连通性日益增强 Increasing complexity of vehicles 车辆复杂性增大 Increasing cost pressure on OEMs and their suppliers 主机厂及其供应商的压力增大 Increasing reliability of co

40、mmercial vehicles 商用车的可靠性日益增强 Need for global architectures 总体构造的需要,Megatrends 大趋势,Impact 影响 (on OEMs 主机厂层面),Market 市场,Legislation 立法,Lane Departure Warning 车道偏离警告,Tachograph 转速图表,Forward Radar Sensor 前进雷达传感器,Blind Spot Detection 盲点探测,Chassis Leveling Control 地盘水平调节,Air Pressure Control Unit 气压控制器,T

41、rend and Highlights for Safety 安全性趋势与本质 How do we address these topics ? 我们怎样说明这些主题?,Portfolio covers key control unit and sensors which help to reduce accidents 产品目录包括主控制器和传感器,有助于降低事故的发生 Continental can support our customers with the fusions of sensor data. 大陆集团可为客户提供传感器信息支持 The tachograph services

42、 offering also helps fleet owners to optimize the performance of their drivers 速度记录器可协助驾驶员使驱动器的性能达到最优化,Vehicle Control Unit 电动车控制器,Engine Management 发动机管理,Selective Catalytic Reductioin 选择性催化还原,eHorizon 电子地平线,Hybrid Electric Vehicle 混合电动车,NOX Sensor NOX传感器,Trend and Highlights for Environment 环境趋势与本

43、质 How do we address these topics ? 我们怎样说明这些主题?,Portfolio covers key control unit which help to optimize emissions 产品目录包括主控制器,可以保证优化排放物 Supported by portfolio of further sensors e.g. speed, pressure and level sensors 由更多传感器的产品支持,如速度、压力和水平传感器 Continental is active in innovation key fields like HCCI, t

44、urbo charger speed sensor and flex fuel sensors 大陆集团活跃于改革主要领域,如HCCI、涡轮增压机、速度传感器以及柔性燃料传感器,Vehicle Control Unit 车辆控制器,Telematics Unit 远程信息处理单元,Commercial Vehicle Tires 商用车轮胎,Transmission Control Unit 传动控制器,Tire Pressure Monitoring 轮胎气压监测,eHorizon 电子地平线,Trend and Highlights for Efficiency 效率趋势与本质 How d

45、o we address these topics ? 我们怎样说明这些主题?,Portfolio covers the multiple facets of cost of ownership reduction from connectivity through driving strategy to predictive driving 产品目录包括驱动策略到预期策略的连通性所有权还原成本的多个方面 A variety of system solutions are available 系统方法多样性可用 Integration of components in the future w

46、ill enable further functionality improvements and aid the management of complexity 将来零件整合可以改进功能性,帮助复杂性管理,Level Control 水平控制,Pico Cluster Pico群集器,LED Flasher LED闪光灯,Vehicle Data Recorder 汽车行驶记录仪,Body Controller 车身控制器,Telematics Unit 远程信息处理单元,Trend and Highlights for Affordability 可承受能力趋势与本质 How do we

47、 address these topics ? 我们怎样说明这些主题?,Continental understands the system architecture and system requirements for emerging markets. Products have been derived from these requirements 大陆集团了解新兴市场的建筑和系统要求,产品应符合这些要求 Flexible platform solutions with local application programming 柔性平台解决方案,可以局部应用编程 Portfolio

48、 will be extended going forward 产品目录将向前延伸,Radio/Navigation 无线电/导航,Air Springs for Chassis 底盘空气弹簧,Dashboard Materials 仪表板材料,Vibration Control 振动控制,Air Springs for Seats 驾驶座空气弹簧,Trend and Highlights for Comfort 舒适性趋势与本质 How do we address these topics ? 我们怎样说明这些主题?,ContiTech is a market leader for air

49、springs for chassis, cabin and seat application. Standard and custom solutions are available 康迪泰克是底盘、驾驶室和驾驶座应用空气弹簧的市场领军这,可用标准和常规解决方案 State of the art radio/navigation can help to reduce fatigue 高端电台/导航状态可以帮助减轻疲劳 High quality hoses ensure optimum reliability of hydraulic and pneumatic systems 高质量软管保证水压和气压系统的最佳可靠性,Hoses 软管,2010年商用车市场展望 Commercial Vehicle Market Outlook in 2010,贾新光 汽车行业资深分析师 山东省汽车行业协会特聘顾问 Xinguang Jia Senior Analyst Consultant of Shandong Automotive Manufacture


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