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1、Unit6,Health Care 组员:杜梦菲 胡静周海龙葛晴峰 董浩董涵贺伟,Symptoms(症状) TEXT A,It was my liver was having problems. I new it, because the book I was reading listed the various symptoms by which a man could tell when his liver was not working properly. Unfortunately I had them all.,我的肝有问题。 我可能知道,因为我读过的一本书中一个人列出了当他表明他的

2、肝脏不能正常工作时的各种症状。 不幸的是我好像有他列出的所有(症状)。,I sat for a while, frozen with horror ; and then, in despair, I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid feverread the symptoms listeddiscovered that It had typhoid fever ,我坐了一会儿,(感到)冰冷与恐怖; 然后,在绝望中,我又翻了翻书本。 我翻到伤寒症状(这一页)看它所列出的症状发现我得了伤寒症。,暂时,一会儿。 把翻过来;反复思考。 伤寒

3、症,I sat there, lost in thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view! Students would have no need to “walk the hospitals” if they had me. I was a hospital. All they would need to do would be to walk round me ,and after that, take their diploma .,我坐在那里,陷入了那个我必须从医学角度深深思考的有趣的问

4、题中!如果他们有我,学生就不需要“去医院”。我就是一个医院。所有他们需要做的就是围着我,之后,得到他们的文凭。,陷于思考,从的角度,Then I wondered how long I could live. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I could not at first find any pulse at all. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed to start. I pulled out my watch and timed it. I estimated it a hundred and

5、 forty-seven beats per minute. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. Shocked, I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out as far as it would go. Then I shut one eye and tried to examine it with the other. 起初,一开始。 突然。 伸出。 至于。,(然后我开始想)我可以活多久。我试图检查自己。我感觉我的脉搏。(然而)

6、我起初根本无法找到我的任何脉冲。然后,突然,它似乎开始(跳动)。我拿出我的手表开始测定它(跳动一分钟)所需要的时间。我估计它每分钟跳动一百四十七拍。我试图感受我的心跳。我几乎感觉不到我的心跳。(只觉得)心停止了跳动。震惊中,我试着看我的舌头。我把它尽可能的伸长。然后,我闭上一只眼试图探讨它与其他的问题。,Finally I decided to see my medical man. In his office, he felt my pulse and looked at my tongue. 最后,我决定去看医生。在他的办公室,他摸了我的脉搏,看了我的舌头。,“All right ,wha

7、ts the matter with you?”好的。你怎么了? “Well, I cant tell you exactly what the matter is with me. I only know I havent got housemaids knee. Everything else perhaps Ive got.” 嗯,我不能告诉你我到底是怎么了。我只知道我没有得髌前囊炎。而其他所有(的病) 我似乎都得了。”,指家庭医生。在西方,到医院看病往往非常昂贵。普通家庭一般会聘用家庭医生,作为健康顾问,处理一些小毛病。一般需要预约。,Then he examined me again

8、. Holding my wrist(手腕), he hit me on the chest when I wasnt expecting it. After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription, then folded it up and gave it to me. I put it in my pocket and went out. 然后他又检查了我。他抬起我的手腕,在我毫无意识之下拍了我。之后,他坐下来写了个处方,然后折起来给我。我把它放在我的口袋里,(随后就走)出去了。 写出。 交给。 还给。 I did not open

9、it. I took it to the nearest chemists and handed it in. The man read it, and then handed it back. 我并没有打开它。我把它带到最近的药店,(然后)交给那个人。那个人看了处方并把它交回给我。,I read the prescription. It ran: 1 l b. Beefsteak(牛排), with 1 pt. Bitter beer every 6 hours. tenmile walk every morning. bed at 11 sharp (准时)every night. And

10、 dont stuff your head with things you dont understand. 我读了处方。它写着: 1磅牛排,与 1品脱苦啤酒每隔6小时。 每天早晨步行10英里。 每晚11点准时睡觉。 不要让你脑中填满你不理解的事情。,不要乱想哦!,I followed the directions, with the happy result that my life was preserved and is still going on. 继续下去 我遵循这个方法,(感受到)我的生命是值得被珍藏的,它将伴随着幸福的结果进行下去.,Word for Diseases epid

11、emic 流行病 fever 发烧 flu 流感 chronic disease 慢性病 insomnia 失眠症 arthritis 关节炎 headache 头痛 pneumonia 肺炎 cancer 癌症 gastritis 胃炎 plague 瘟疫(长指鼠疫) hepatitis 肝炎 SARS 非典 stroke 中风 malaria bird flu 禽流感 AIDS 艾滋病 Skin disease 皮肤病 heart disease/trouble 心脏病 mad cow disease 疯牛病,COMPREHENSION,1 2 3 4 5 Find The Questio

12、n From The Text A,TEXT B (好睡眠的秘诀)Secrets for a Good Sleep,Per1 You spend a big part for your life in bed, right? Do you know that quite a percentage of people suffer insomnia for all kinds of reasons? How about you? Are you making the most of your nights stay in bed? 你花了生命中一大部分的时间在床上,对么?你知道有很大比例的人遭受

13、来自各方面原因的失眠么?你呢?你是否利用了大部分晚上的时间在床上度过呢? Pre2 There are many ads telling you how effectively their products will help you sleep well. Do you believe them? What we believe to be the secrets of a good nights sleep are a good mattress and good eating habits. 有许多人告诉你他们的广告对帮助你有个很好的睡觉是多么有效。你相信他们么?我相信一个很好的睡眠秘密

14、是来自于一张好的床垫和好的饮食习惯。,Pre3 Individuals need different amounts of sleep. Men need on average seven to eight hours. Women need a litter more. Sleep is a special state of the brain that can be particularly active at certain stages in the course of sleep . 个人需要睡眠的数量不同。一个男人平均需要78个小时。一个女人则需要更多的睡眠。睡觉是一个特殊状态,大

15、脑可能活跃在某些阶段的睡眠过程中。 Pre4 According to some researchers, sleep is generally divided into five phases. In the first two stages a person sinks into a light sleep, the muscles relax, and breathing and pulse rate become regular. One can easily be awakened if there are people talking around. 根据一些研究人员研究,睡眠一般

16、分为五个阶段。在第一阶段一个人进入浅睡,肌肉放松,呼吸和脉搏率很正常。如果有人说话,则很容易地被唤醒。,Pre 5 In the third and fourth phases of deep sleep, a sleeper can only be awakened by a loud or unusual noise. 在第三和第四阶段的深度睡眠中,睡眠者只能被大声或不寻常的噪音吵醒了。 The heart beats slowly. Blood pressure sinks.这时心脏跳动缓慢,血压低。 This is the phase when the body regenerates

17、这个阶段时,身体再生。. In phase five a person dreams.阶段五的人会做梦。 Dreams are an important part of healthy sleep. The brain is almost as active at this time as when a person is awake.梦是健康生活的一个重要组成部分,当一个人醒来,大脑几乎是活跃在这个时候。 A sleep must be long and deep to allow for physical regeneration in the phases of deep sleep.睡

18、眠必须长及深,提供身体的再生阶段也在这深睡眠中。,Pre6 A comfortable bed and a slightly darkened room are important to a good nights sleep. When buying a mattress, you should test it to ensure that your shoulders and hips can easily get rest. The mattress should be the right size20 to 30 centimeters longer than the sleepers

19、 outstretched body and least 95 centimeters wide. 舒适的床和一个稍微昏暗的房间对良好的夜间睡眠是很重要的。 当购买床垫,您应该试试,以确保你的肩膀和臀部容易得到休息。 床垫正确尺寸是比你伸展开的身体长2030厘米及至少95厘米宽。 Pre7 The ideal bedroom temperature is 16 to 18 degrees centigrade. Any cooler and the body may get tense rather than become relaxed. 理想的卧室温度是16到18摄氏度。稍微冷一点儿,身体

20、就可能会紧张而不是轻松。,Pre8 A bed should be placed at least 60 centimeters away from the window. 床应放置在远离窗口至少60厘米处 Pre9 Eating habits have a lot of effect on the quality of sleep. A heavy meal before bedtime will often lead to sleepless night. Too much alcohol will also deprive small snack with milk products. Never drink coffee or tea. They will just keep you awake. 饮食习惯对睡眠质量有很大的影响。睡前丰盛的一餐往往会导致今夜无眠。太多的酒精不如用小点心和牛奶产品代替。坚决不喝咖啡或茶。它们只会让你保持清醒(状态)。,课后习题练习,A B C,给我答案啦,


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