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1、Lesson #1 课程 #1 Exercise Basics 演练基本知识,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 美国疾病预防控制中心,Objectives 具体目标,After completing Lesson 1, you will be able to: 在完成课程1后,你将能够: Distinguish between different exercise types. 区分不同类型的演练 Identify the main goals for conducting exercises. 确定开展演练的主要目的 Describe th

2、e building block approach to exercises. 描述开展演练的模块化方法,Lesson 1- Exercise basics 练习1-演练基本知识,Exercise Something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific power or skill. 演练- 为发展、提高或者展示特定的能力或技能而开展的活动 -Merriam-Websters Dictionary,Disaster exercise programs 防灾演练,Disaster e

3、xercise programs should: 防灾演练应该: begin with an assessment of risk and capabilities 首先对风险和能力进行评估 focus on specific capabilities within the plan rather than specific threats 注重预案中的特定能力而不是特定威胁 result in improved execution of the plan through training and revision of the plan 最后通过培训和预案修订以提高预案执行能力,The pl

4、anning cycle 预案编制循环,Perform tasks,Review performance of tasks,执行,Reasons for conducting exercises 实施演练的原因,Evaluate operations and plans. 评估实际操作和预案 Reinforce teamwork. 加强团队协作 Demonstrate resolve to prepare for emergencies and disasters. 验证处置突发事件和灾难的解决能力 Clarify roles and responsibilities. 明确职责,Reason

5、s for conducting exercises 实施演练的原因,Improve interagency coordination. 提高部门间协作 Find resource gaps. 找出资源差距 Develop individual performance. 提高个人能力 Identify opportunities for improvement 有机会完善预案,Ultimately, we exercise to improve execution of the plan when it is needed most 最终,我们演练的目 的是在紧要关头提高 预案的执行力,Typ

6、es of Exercises 演练类型,Discussion-based exercises 讨论式的演练 Tabletop exercise 桌面推演,Operations-base exercises 操作式的演练 Drills 操练 Functional exercise 专项演练 Full Scale exercise 综合演练,Discussion-based exercises 讨论式的演练,Provide a forum for discussing or developing plans, agreements, training and procedures. 举办一个讨论

7、会,进行讨论和编写预案,取得共识,开展培训及梳理流程 Are generally less complicated that operations-based types. 通常没操作式演练那么复杂 Typically focus on strategic, policy-oriented issues. 通常关注策略性、政策导向性问题 Do not involve deployment of resources. 不涉及动用资源 Primarily Tabletop Exercises 主要是桌面推演,Tabletop exercises 桌面推演,Involve senior staff,

8、 government officials, or other key personnel 涉及资深的工作人员,政府官员或者其他关键人物 Informal group discussion 非正式小组讨论,Used to test existing plans, policies, or procedures without incurring the high costs 用于检验现有预案、政策或操作流程,而无需花费太多 Allows participants to work through a problem without the pressure of an operations-ba

9、sed exercise 允许参与人员在没有操作式演练的压力下处理问题,Goals of a tabletop exercise: 桌面推演的目标:,In a tabletop exercise, participants: 在桌面推演中,参与人员: Identify strengths and shortfalls. 发现优缺点 Enhance understanding of new concepts. 增进对新概念的理解 Seek to change existing attitudes and perspectives. 寻求改变现有态度和观点的机会,Tabletop exercise

10、 conduct characteristics: 桌面推演的特征:, Requires an experienced facilitator. 需要有经验的辅助人员 In-depth discussion. 深度的讨论 Slow-paced problem solving. 慢速地解决问题,Operations-based exercises 操作式的演练,Deployment of resources and personnel. 动用资源和人力 More complex than discussion- based. 比讨论式的演练更加复杂 Require execution of pl

11、ans, policies, agreements, and procedures. 需要执行预案、政策、共识和操作流程,Operations-based exercises 操作式的演练,Clarify roles and responsibilities. 明确职责 Improve individual and team performances. 验证和提高个人和团队 的执行能力,Includes drills, functional exercises and full-scale exercises. 包括操练、专项演练和综合演练,Drills 操练,A supervised act

12、ivity that tests a specific operation or function of a single agency. 一种监督下的行为,此行为用于检验单一机构特定的运作或功能,Goals of a drill: 操练的目的:,In a drill, participants: 在操练中,参与人员: Get training on new equipment. 得到新装备的培训 Test new procedures. 检验新的操作流程 Practice and maintain skills. 练习和维护技能 Prepare for more complex exerci

13、ses. 准备更加复杂的演练,Characteristics of drill conduct 操练的特征,Immediate feedback. 迅速反馈 Realistic but isolated environment. 真实但孤立的环境,Functional exercise 专项演练,A functional exercise is a single or multi-agency activity designed to evaluate capabilities and multiple functions using simulated response. 专项演练是单个或者

14、多个机构的行为,该行为通过假设的应急响应来评价能力和多种功能,Goals of a functional exercise: 专项演练的目的:,In an functional exercise, participants: 在专项演练中,参与人员: Evaluate management of Emergency Operations Centers, command posts, and headquarters. 评估应急指挥中心、指挥所和指挥部的管理 Assess the capacity of response plans and resources. 评估应急预案和资源的能力,Fu

15、nctional exercise conduct characteristics: 专项演练的特征:,Simulated deployment of resources and personnel. 假设动用了资源和人力 Rapid problem solving. 快速解决问题 Highly stressful environment. 高度紧张环境,Full scale exercise 综合演练,A full-scale exercise is a high-stress multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional activity involving act

16、ual deployment of resources in a coordinated response, as if a real incident had occurred.,综合演练是高度紧张的多机构跨领域的行为,该行为在协调处置情况下实际动用资源,就像突发事件真的发生一样。,Goals of a full scale exercise: 综合演练的目标:,In an full scale exercise, participants: 在综合演练中,参与人员: Assess plans and procedures under crisis conditions. 在危机下评估预案和

17、操作流程 Evaluate coordinated responses under crisis conditions. 在危机下评估协同处置能力,Full scale exercise conduct characteristics: 综合演练的特征:,Mobilization of units, personnel, and equipment. 动用部门、人员和设备 Scripted exercise scenario. 设定的演练场景 Stressful, realistic environment 紧张真实的环境,Summary of Exercise Characteristics

18、 演练特征的概要,Summary of Exercise Characteristics 演练特征的概要,Summary of Exercise Characteristics 演练特征的概要,Summary of Exercise Characteristics 演练特征的概要,The Building Block Approach 模块化方法,- Exercises should be conducted as part of the preparedness cycle 演练应作为应急准备循环的一部分 - Exercise beginning from the most simple t

19、ype to the most complex 演练从最简单的类型开始到最复杂的类型 - Build on the experience of the previous exercise 基于以往演练的经验 (Remember to consider the time & money involved for each type of exercise!) (记得要考虑每种演练涉及的时间和金钱!),The emergency preparedness cycle 应急准备循环,Drills and exercises are a critical step in emergency preparedness and planning! 操练和演练是应急准备和规划的一个重要步骤!,


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