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1、中国传媒大学现代远程教育 大学英语(一)考前辅导 (2013年11月),1、考试内容简介 2、学习情况总结 3、 考试重点复习,一、 学习情况总结,大学英语(一)是网络教育的基础课。 我们教学的重点集中在最基本的语法概念、初 级的交际能力、比较简单的阅读材料、难度适 中的英语翻译。而在写作方面,我们以中译英 的练习形式训练学生的写作能力。,考试内容简介,第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分) 第二部分:词汇与结构 (共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分) 第三部分: 阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分) 第四部分:完型填空 (共10小题,每小题2分, 满分20

2、分) 第五部分:英译汉 (满分15分) 第六部分: 汉译英 ( 满分15分),在本学期末的考试我们使用的题型根据试点高校网络教育全国统一考试“大学英语(B)”考试大纲修改稿的变化作相应的调整,以便于同学在平时学习的内容与将来统考一致。但增加了下面内容: “英译汉”。 把“写作”用汉译英的方式进行测试。,考试方式与时间,考试为闭卷考试。考试满分为100分。考试时间共120分钟。考试不含听力。 考试分数的计算: 平时成绩:(包括作业和规定的活动) 30% (第一次作业15%,第二次作业15%)。 期末考试: 70%,二 、学习情况小结,我们重点总结一下本学期同学们的作业。通过对作业问题的分析,提高

3、同学们对英语的掌握。,交际用语,交际用语部分的试题以对话的形式出 现,测试考生掌握日常生活常见情景 中的基本交际用语的能力。,交际用语例题,例题 1: Would you like to do sightseeing with us? _. A. Id love to B. I like to C. I like it very much D. I want to 邀请与应答 invitation and reply,Would you like to ? (同意。用Yes, Id love to.表示。) (不直接用No表示拒绝,而是找理由推辞) Im sorry I have an app

4、ointment. Ive to prepare tomorrows test. (仍表示感谢) Thanks for inviting me.,例题 2: Would you like to do sightseeing with us? _. A. Id love to B. I like to C. I like it very much D. I want to A ,做这种试题应注意: 日常生活的一问一答总是遵循最常用,最普遍的 对话套语。我们把这类套语称为功能性的用语。 我们 在学 英语时也是从这些最基本的日常对话 套语入手的。我们要熟悉这些功能性用语,如: 问候语、感谢语、 道歉

5、、接受、拒绝等。,功能性的日常用语 functional language 问候与应答 greeting and reply 介绍 introduction 告别 say good bye 感谢与应答 thanks and reply 请求帮助与应答 asking for help and reply 提供帮助与应答 offer help and reply 祝愿与应答 good wish and reply 道歉与应答 apology and reply 邀请与应答 invitation and reply 时间与日期 time and dates 表示个人意见 express opinio

6、n 表示心情和态度 express ones feeling,例题 3:, Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please? _. A. Yes, you can B. He is on another line at the moment C. Im sorry you cant D. He is in another room B 很明显这是打电话用语。所以 B 是最佳选项。,做这种试题应注意: 要熟悉西方社会生活中常见的情景对话, 如:打电话、购物、问路、借东西、银行等等。,日常情景对话 situational language 约会 making appointmen

7、t 打电话 making telephone calls 问路 asking the way 问讯事物 enquiry 天气 weather 交通 traffic 购物 shopping 就餐 dining in the restaurant 旅游 travel 健康 health 学校生活 school life 家庭生活 daily life,例题 4: You look great in this dress! _. A. Dont say so B. No, no. C. Thank you D. I look ugly indeed C ,做这种试题应注意:,特别留心英语表达习惯与中

8、文表达习惯有较大 差异的日常用语。比如:当对方对你表示赞 扬的时候,英语中要表示感谢,而中国人往 往用否定回答表示谦虚。,例题5: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bank? _. A. I dont know B. You find the wrong person C. I dont have a map D. Im sorry Im a stranger here D ,做这种试题应注意: 这类试题选自日常生活经常遇到的情景对 话。出于习惯,在不同的生活场景中形成 了不同的常用语。可以根据这种规律判断 对话是在一个什么样的场合下进行

9、的,也 就能够判断哪一个回答是正确的。上面的 对话明显的是“问路”。在不认路的情况下 一般回答“我对这儿也很陌生。”,例题 6: Can I help you, sir? _. A. I want to deposit some money B. Yes, you may C. Sure D. O.K. A ,做这种试题应注意: “May I help you?”是英语中很常用的服务用语。我们要熟悉西方社会生活中常见的服务情景对话,如:购物、银行、酒店、餐馆等。但在不同的公共服务场景中使用的语言是不同的。所以,要熟悉不同场景下的用语是答题的关键。,总结出下面的几条规律: 1、交际用语的答案不是

10、明显的对错问题,它是否符 合口语习惯的问题。答题时,不是寻找错误,而是 判断语言的使用是否规范。我们追求的是习惯性和 职业性。 2、要熟悉各种情景的对话用语,特别是在各种情景中 不同职业的典型习惯用语。这样可以在短时间 内,判断对话发生的地点和场景。 3、 要熟悉西方人们日常的交际习惯,礼貌规则。这里 所说的人们交往的交际习惯应该是西方文化中的习 惯,而不是我们东方文化中,特别是我们自己生活 中习惯了的交往方式。,我们看一下作业中的问题 交际用语 1. Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? _. A. Yes, can I help you? B. Yes, wh

11、at do you want? C. Yes, youre right D. Yes, right number 答案:A 问题是违反了职业性。,考试重点,第一部分:交际用语 1. Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? _. A. Yes, can I help you? B. Yes, what do you want? C. Yes, youre right D. Yes, right number,2. You have lovely children. . A. No, no. They are not B. Oh, no, no C. Youre tal

12、king too much D. Thanks,3. These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much. . A. No, nothing B. Its my pleasure C. Yes, I agree D. Yes, I think, too,4. Good morning, sir. May I help you? . A. No, I dont buy anything B. No, I dont need your help C. Yes, I need some salt D. Oh, no. Thats Ok,5

13、. Well done. Congratulations on your success. . A. Thank you very much B. Oh, no, no C. No, I didnt do very well D. Sorry, I couldnt do any better,6. Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price? . A. Sorry, he is out at the moment B. No, you cant C. Sorry, you cant D. I dont know,7. Can you go

14、out with us for dinner this evening? . A. No, I already have plans B. Thanks a lot, but Im busy tonight C. No, I really dont like being with you D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out for dinner,8. Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon? . A. Never mind. B. Ok, but what for? C. Yes, ple

15、ase help yourself. D. Yes, but I dont care.,9. Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Smiths office? . A. You cant ask me B. Good question C. Please dont say so D. Sorry, but you can ask the security,10. Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? . A. Thank you very much B. John is not bad C. Thank yo

16、u. He is fine D. Dont say that,二、 词汇与结构,1. How long do you think _ to finish this urgent task? A. did it take you B. it will take you C. will it take you D. it to take you (It will take somebody time to do something.),2. Wealth, education and occupation vary greatly _ members of the middle class. A.

17、 among B. between C. from D. inside,3. Lets buy our tickets while I still have _. A. a little money to leave B. little money left C. a few dollars left D. few dollars to leave (to have something done),4. _ the press reported was not the way the event happened. A. Which B. That C. What D. Who (What t

18、he press reported 做主语名词从句),5. People do not like such persons who are always _the way of others. A. on B. by C. in D. behind (on ones way to 某人在去的路上 in ones way 挡道的, 妨碍人的,碍事 ),6. At first we were_ impressed by Dons words, but soon we were tired of them. A. great B. far C. much D. never (much 程度副词,修饰

19、形容词和副词, 表示 “很、非常”。),7. Mother doesnt know _ the hammer after her son had used it. A. where did her son put B. where her son putting C. where her son put D. where to put ( where her son put the hammer做宾语),8. They had succeeded _ the task in time. A. at completing B. to complete C. in completing D. co

20、mplete (succeed in doing something),9. He forgot about _ him to attend my wifes birthday party. A. I asking B. my asking C. me to ask D. mine to ask,10. So little _ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me. A. did I know B. I had known C. I knew D. was I known (以so或否定词no等开头的句子为

21、倒装句),11. The boys laziness _ his failure in the exams. A. resulted from B. brought in C. resulted in D. led into (result in 最终的结果是、导致。),12. Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _ of using the private beach. A. privilege B. possibility C. favor D. advantage (特许的权利 、待遇),13. Tom _more than twenty pounds

22、for the dictionary. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took (pay for something),14. The governor had to_ all his appointments for the day and rush to the train accident. A. set off B. pay off C. see off D. call off (call off 取消),15. One car went too fast and _ missed hitting another car. A. completely B. g

23、reatly C. narrowly D. little (narrowly adv. 勉强地、差一点),16. He was accused _ stealing from the shop. A. with B. in C. of D. at (to be accused of doing something被控 ),17. It took me a long time to _ the disappointment of losing the match. A. get over B. get up C. get into D. get down (get over克服 ),18. Al

24、l the reference books should be made_ to the teachers and student in our university. A. concerned B. available C. related D. flexible (available 可得到的 ),19. He never thought the committee would _ his application. A. put up B. called off C. pass on D. turned down (turn down 拒接),20. The company officia

25、l _ I thought would be fired received a raise. A. whom B. whoever C. who D. of whom,21. Dont wait for me if you _. A. have a hurry B. are in a hurry C. have a speed D. are in a speed (in a hurry着急、 有急事),22. We shall appreciate _ from you soon. A. being heard B. hearing C. to hear D. having been hear

26、d (appreciate doing something 赏识, 感激),23. I fell and hurt myself while I _ tennis. A. was playing B. am playing C. play D. played,24. The travelers were not aware _ the danger ahead. A. with B. of C. for D. to,25. Its too expensive for me. I cant _ it. A. cost B. pay C. spend D. afford (afford somet

27、hing 负担得起花费, 后 果, 损失等),26. I am _ of money at the moment. Could you lend me some? A. short B. long C. need D. wanting (to be short of something 短缺),27. A curve is a line _ no part is straight and which has no angle. A. of which B. whose C. in which D. that,28. _ Im mistaken, Ive seen that man before

28、. A. Because B. If C. Unless D. Provided,29. I _ on the door for ten minutes now without hearing an answer. A. was knocking B. am knocking C. knocking D. have been knocking,30. _ tired after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep. A. Felt B. Feeling C. Being felt D. To feel (现在分词做

29、状语),三、 英译汉:把下列5句英文翻译成中文,1. My roommate John is an instructor like me, a new one at the school. 2. We are now on good terms. 3. He and his assistant are flying to Shanghai next Tuesday. 4. They asked if they could deliver the furniture tomorrow afternoon. 5. The dam will help to control the flooding

30、of the river.,做翻译时应注意的问题,要求: 1、对英语原文有准确的理解。 She could not follow me when I spoke to her. (我跟她讲话的时候,她无法) 2、做到译文通顺. 达意。 I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel. (我写这封信是抱怨你们酒店的服务。) (我写这封信的目的是投诉贵酒店的服务问题。),1. My roommate John is an instructor like me, a new one at the school.

31、 我的室友约翰和我一样也是个讲师,他是新来的。 我的室友约翰就像是我的导师一样,在新学校里。(误) 我的室友他是一位导师和我一样,一个新在学校。 (误),2. We are now on good terms. 我们现在关系很好。 to be on good terms = (彼此)关系好 我们现在良好的条件。(误) 我们这学期很好。 。(误),3. He and his assistant are flying to Shanghai next Tuesday. 他和他的助手下周二要飞往上海。 他和他的助理下星期二飞行到上海。,4. They asked if they could deli

32、ver the furniture tomorrow afternoon. 他们问明天下午是否可以来送家具。,5、The dam will help to control the flooding of the river. 大坝可以有助于控制这条河的洪水。 三峡大坝将有助于控制洪水的河中。(误),四: 汉译英,最后,经理(boss)接受了员工(the employees) 的要求。(accept) 2. 他不象一位著名的作家。(look like) 我们要为自己讲的话负责。(to be responsible for) 4. 这个工作似乎是无法完成的。(seem) 电脑在人们生活中起到非常大

33、的作用。 (play a role),1. 最后,经理(boss)接受了员工(the employees) 的要求。(accept) At last, the boss accepted the employees demand.,2. 他不象一位著名的作家。(look like) He doesnt look like a famous writer.,3. 我们要为自己讲的话负责。(to be responsible for) We must be responsible for what we say.,4. 这个工作似乎是无法完成的。(seem) This work seems to be impossible to be finished.,5. 电脑在人们生活中起到非常大的作用。 (play a role) Computer plays a very important role in peoples life.,END,


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