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1、,What do you know about Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King?,Abraham Lincoln,Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history-the Civil War. He is considered by many historians to have been the greatest Am

2、erican president.,Martin Luther King, Jr.,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom before being assassinated in 1968. For his

3、promotion of non-violence and racial equality, he is considered a peacemaker by many people around the world. Martin Luther King Day was made in his honor.,Do you know them?,Oprah Winfrey 奥普拉温弗雷 famous talk show hostess in America,Condoleezza Rice 康多莉扎赖斯 the first African-American woman to become th

4、e US secretary of state,Halle Berry 哈利贝瑞 the first African American woman won the title of best Oscar actress,Venus Williams 大威廉姆斯 Serena Williams 小威廉姆斯 famous tennis players,Toni Morrison 托尼莫里森 the first African American won the Noble Prize for Literature,Brainstorming Work in your four-people grou

5、p and try to come up with as many expressions on racial issues as possible.,References: 1) racism 2) racial discrimination 3) racial segregation 4) genocide 5) racial equality 6) colored race/colored people 7) human rights 8) anti-racism 9) nigger 10) stereotype,Enjoy the Comic,Have you ever heard o

6、f Racial Harmony Day?,to promote harmony among different races,Discussion,What is the most important thing in your life? Give reasons.,Use only one word (a noun) to tell your group members the most important thing in your life and then take a relative test.,Your possible answers may be:,money, famil

7、y, time, love, health, work , ,If the most important thing equals to 100, which of the above answer can equal that amount? Please take the following test to find out.,If A to Z is equal to 1 to 26 respectively, you will find that money is not the most important thing in your life because M+O+N+E+Y=1

8、3+15+ 14+5+25=72, which is not 100. What about love? Lets do the test once again: L+O+V+E=12+15+ 22+5=54, which is not 100, either. Can you find out the word to suggest the most important thing in life according to the test?,A test,attitude,Key,Attitude is exactly the most important thing in life be

9、cause A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+ 9+20+ 21+4+5=100, which is just 100.,Attitude is everything.,Para (4): Transitional paragraph. When I was 13, I had a keen sense that I was a black girl.,Paras (5-7): How do I feel to be a black?,Strcture Analysis,Paras (1-3): My impression of the white as a child.,Ref

10、erence Words:,hid behind, looked through, cautiously,2. Questions to Comprehension,Q:,1) What did the timid people do when the Northern travelers went through the town? (Para.1),Reference Words:,a stage, actors, a play,Q:,2) What does the word “show” in Paragraph 2 mean? Who were the “actors”? (Para

11、.2),Reference Words:,different ways of greetings; misunderstanding, inappropriate responses,Q:,3) Why does the author say there was a strange exchange of greetings? (Para.2),Reference Words:,wanted to sing and dance; discouragement rather than encouragement,Q:,4) Why did the author feel it strange t

12、o be given money when she was singing and dancing? (Para.3),Reference Words:,thirteen, left her hometown,Q:,5) When was the author aware of the fact that she was black? (Para.4),Reference Words:,not emotionally disturbed, felt good about herself,Q:,6) What does the author mean by saying that “it fai

13、ls to register depression with me”? (Para.5),Reference Words:,a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wall,Q:,7) What does the author compare herself to? (Para.7),Reference Words:,common objects; share something in common,Q:,8) What is the authors point in describing in detail the contents o

14、f the bags? (Para.7),exclusively peer tendency permanent register alter,3. Key Words,1) exclusively:,The selfish man looks out for himself exclusively. 那自私的人只顾照顾他自己。 The office staff are exclusively female. 这间办公室里全是女职员。,adv. involving only the things mentioned, and nothing else 独有地,排他地,Translation,e

15、xclusive: adj. 独有的,独占的 e.g. These experts have exclusive use of the office and the equipment. 这间办公室及设备专供这些专家使用。,Association,2) peer:,v. look closely or carefully, esp. not able to see clearly 凝视;仔细看,Translation,He peered closely at the tag to see the price. 他仔细看标签以辨认价格。 He stood beside her peering u

16、p at the clear sky. 他站在她的身边,凝视着晴空。 peep v. 窥视;偷看,Association,3)tendency:,n. if sb. or sth. has a particular tendency, they are likely to behave or act in a particular way 趋势,Translation,He has a strong tendency towards caution. 他生来十分谨慎小心。 This material has a tendency to shrink when washed. 这种材料水洗时会缩

17、水。,4)permanent:,adj. lasting for a long time 永久的,Translation,permanent injuries 永久性损伤 Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job? 你想找一个临时的还是长期的工作? temporary adj. 临时的,暂时的,Association,5)register:,v. show or express a feeling 显出,流露,Translation,Her face registered disapproval. 她的脸上露出不同意的神情。 The

18、surprise and shock registered on Owens face were so real that even I would have thought them genuine. 欧文脸上流露出的诧异和震惊的表情是那么真实,连我都差点信以为真。,register:,v. show or record an amount on an instrument 记录,Translation,The earthquake registered 3 on Richter scale. 地震为里氏三级。,6)alter:,v. become different 改变,Translat

19、ion,She had altered so much I scarcely recognized her. 她的变化很大,我几乎认不出她来了。 The incident altered the whole course of events. 这件事改变了整个事件的进程。,4. Useful Expressions,1) up to:,Up to yesterday, we had no idea where the child was. 直到昨天,我们还不知道孩子在哪里。 He was here up to a moment ago. 他刚才还在这里。,until,Translation,2

20、) in passing:,I dont remember the address; he only mentioned it in passing. 我记不起那个地址了,他只是提到过。 I have not come on a visit; I have just called in passing. 我不是特意来造访的,只是顺便来看看你。,by the way; casually,Translation,3) break off:,He broke off his holiday to attend a business meeting. 他中止休假,去参加一个商务会议。 He was s

21、o angry that he broke off his friendship with her. 他太愤怒了,断绝了与她的友谊。,end, esp. suddenly,Translation,4) in that:,Im lucky in that Ive passed the exam. 我很幸运,因为我考试通过了。 I prefer his plan to yours in that I think it is more practical. 比起你的计划,我更喜欢他的,因为我觉得他的计划更实际。,for the reason that; because,Translation,5)

22、at ones elbow:,Dont worry about the trip; you will have friends at your elbow. 别为这次旅行担心;会有朋友在你身边的。 During the visit, the interpreter was always at her elbow. 在参观过程中,翻译一直在她身边。,nearby, close by,Translation,6) in the main:,It is the community who should, in the main, determine whether police are to be

23、involved in resolving community conflicts. 在多数情况下,应该由公众决定是否由警察来解决社区冲突。 His friends are lawyers in the main. 他的朋友多是律师。,in general; on the whole,Translation,7) prop up:,She propped herself up on one elbow. 她支着胳膊肘靠在那里。 The government was accused of propping up declining industries. 政府被指责支持日益衰败的产业。, sup

24、port an object by leaning it against sth. help sth. that is in trouble,Translation,1) They liked to hear me “speak pieces” and sing and wanted to see me dance, and gave me generously of their small silver for doing these things, which seemed strange to me for I wanted to do them so much that needed

25、bribing to stop. (L21),They liked to hear me say something to them and sing and wanted to see me dance, and were willing to give me money more than expected for doing these things. This seemed unusual and unexpected to me as I liked very much to talk to them, and to sing and dance for them to the de

26、gree that if they were to ask me to stop doing so they would have to pay me.,5. Key and Difficult Sentences,他们喜欢听我“说几句”,听我唱歌,看我跳舞,并为此大方地给我小银币。这倒使我感到意外,因为我太愿意给他们“说上几句”,为他们唱歌跳舞,得给我钱才能使我停下来。,2) They disapproved of any joyful tendencies in me, but I was their Zora nevertheless. (L27),They didnt like me

27、to reveal any of my inner desire to show happiness or pleasure, but I was still one of them.,对我表现出的任何一点欢乐的苗头,他们都不赞同,但是我仍然是他们呢的佐拉。,3) In my heart as well as in the mirror, I became a permanent brown - like the best shoe polish, guaranteed not to rub nor run. (L33),The writer is saying that her color

28、is fixed and will not come off on anything adjacent, as the best brown shoe polish might do. What she intends to say is that she is now a person mature enough to stand between the white and the black.,不仅在镜中,也在内心深处,我变成了永远不黑不白的棕色人 - 就像那最好的鞋油,不会被抹掉,也永不褪色。,4) The terrible war that made me an American in

29、stead of a slave said “On the line!”. The period following the Civil War said “Get set!”; and the generation before me said “Go!”. Like a foot race, I am off to a flying start and I must not halt in the middle to look behind and weep. (L37),These lines summarize the history of the black people in wh

30、ich they struggled for freedom and enjoyed the freedom. The author intends to express the feeling that she is proud of her career success and should not pause to worry over forefathers fate in the past.,off adv. 出发;起跑 e.g. I must be off soon. 我马上就得走了。,5) I do not always feel colored. Even now I ofte

31、n achieve the unconscious Zora of that small village, Eatonville. (L46),我没有老是感到自己是有色人种。甚至现在我感觉自己还是伊顿维尔小镇上懵然无知的佐拉。,I am not always aware of the fact that I am black. Sometimes I even feel that I am still the nave little girl of the small village, Eatonville, not having any fear or worry.,6) Pour out

32、the contents, and there is discovered a pile of small things both valuable and worthless. (L52),This is an inverted sentence. If you pour out the contents, a pile of small things both valuable and worthless are discovered.,Why these objeces are mentioned?,With many objects listed as examples, the wr

33、iter symbolically gives an account of their history and life experience, both nice and sad, like their dreams, their struggles, their pride, their sorrows and sufferings, and their ambitions.,7) On the ground before you is the pile it held - so much like the piles in other bags, could they emptied,

34、that all might be combined and mixed in a single heap and the bags refilled without altering the content of any greatly. (L56),前面的地上是袋中所装的那堆东西,它与其他袋子中所倒出的一堆堆东西几乎一模一样,如果把它们混成一大堆,再重新装回各自的袋中,也不会有多大的不同。,could they be emptied, This is an inverted sentence with the omission of “if”, equal to “if they coul

35、d be emptied”.,8) Perhaps that is how the Great Stuffer of Bags filled them in the first place - who knows? (L59),Here the Great Stuffer of Bags probably refers to God, and many unexplainable things can be attributed to God. Why not accept it as it is? Everyone is equal.,Maybe at the very beginning

36、the creator of nature loves the world to be the way it is.,Zoras hometown had an/a _ Negro population and non-blacks were only ever seen passing _ by the natives. The inhabitants _ the Southerners ride through while continuing to casually _ sugar cane. Northerners, however, drove automobiles and _ d

37、ifferent to Negro eyes. Most of the native blacks peered out of the window _ them _ only the bravest _ courageous enough to stand outside and watch the strange tourists go _.,1.Summary,B. entirely,D. through,A. watched,D. chew,C. appeared,A. at,B. while,B. were,C. past,An _ girl named Zora enjoyed t

38、alking with the Northerners _, when she _ at them, often stopped. She would happily chat _ the strangers, while _ them part of the way _ the road, _ a family member appeared out of the house _ which point the chat would be abruptly discontinued. _ her at that time white people and black were _ unali

39、ke to the _ that whites did not live in her town.,D. unusual,A. who,C. waved,A. with,B. accompanying,D. down,C. unless,B. at,A. To,C. only,D. extent,2. Translation,读写教程 IV: Ex. X, p. 208,1. 直到昨天,我们还不知道战争是否会爆发。,up to yesterday,have no idea,break out,Up to yesterday, we had no idea whether the war wou

40、ld break out or not.,Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am a descendent of slaves, but it fails to register depression with me.,2. 身边总有人不断使我想到自己是个奴隶的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。,fail to register depression with me,at ones elbow,remind me that,3. 我不想给你们讲那个故事,我只是顺便说起的。,mention,I do not want to tell yo

41、u that story; I have just mentioned that in passing.,in passing,4. 比起你的计划,我更喜欢他的计划,因为我觉得他的计划更实际。,in that,I prefer his plan to yours in that I think it is more practical.,I prefer his plan to yours,5. 她脸上流露的不同意的神情是那么真实,连我都差点信以为真。,The disapproval registered on her face was so real that even I would ha

42、ve thought it genuine.,think it genuine,the disapproval registered on her face,6. 他们与那家公司中断生意来往,因为公司上一个财政年度损失惨重, 已经破产了。,They broke off the business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last financial year and went bankrupt.,break off the business relations,suffer huge losses

43、,go bankrupt,7. 也许那就是当初为进步而付出的代价,谁知道呢?,Perhaps this was the price that has to be paid for the progress in the first place who knows?,in the first place,the price that has to be paid for the progress,8. 她准备行李时, 行李包里的物品被装进拿出好几次。,When she was preparing her luggage, the bag was emptied and refilled seve

44、ral times.,prepare ones luggage,be emptied and refilled several times,Discussion,In-Class,After-Class,I Have a Dream,Recite Martin Luther Kings speech “I Have a Dream” and get ready for a reciting contest.,Translate the following into English. 1)占据国内舞台的中心 2)为所付的代价 3)使某人沮丧 4)顺便 5)飞速起跑 6)或多或少 7)因为,在于

45、8)正好赶上做某事 9)从中获得乐趣,more or less,1. Expressions,hold the center of the national stage,pay the price for,in passing,register depression,in that,be in time to do sth.,be off to a flying start,get the pleasure out of,1. No one imagined that the apparently _ businessman was really a criminal . A. respect

46、ive B. respectable C. respectful D. realistic 2. Depression is often caused by the _ effects of stress and overwork. A. total B. increased C. terrific D. cumulative,2. Choose the best one:,B. respectable,D. cumulative,3. All things are interrelated and _ with each other. A. interact B. react C. inte

47、rpret D. intervene 4. He _ the old lady into signing the paper. A. frightened B. froze C. brightened D. made,A. interact,A. frightened,5. Cultural _ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another. A. translation B. transition C. transmission D. transaction 6. Be

48、ef_ tastes very perfect. A. extract B. extraction C. extractor D. extra,B. transition,A. extract,7. You _ her in her office last Friday; Shes been out of town for two weeks. A. neednt have seen B. might have seen C. must have seen D. cant have seen 8. They will surrender to the enemy _. A. in no way B. in a way C. in the way D. on the way,D. cant have seen,A. in no way,9. Cancer is second only _heart disease as a cause of death. A. of B.to C.with D. from 10. She


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