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1、新课标PEP小学英语毕业复习部分资料基本用语: 1.What is your name?- My name is Amy. 回答人名2.How old are you?- I am 14. 回答年龄、数字3.How are you?-l am fine,thank you. 问候-谢谢4.Who are you?-l am zhangpeng. 谁?-回答名字.5.Who is he?-He is Zhang peng.他是谁?6.Where are you from? I am from China. 四年级Unit1.学校 Is this a ruler?-Yes,it is.No it

2、is not. Where is the light?-It is on the desk.方位 What can you see?-I can see two apples.能看见Unit2.时间 What time is it?-It is two oclock.时间 It is time for English class.用for介词 +名词 It is time to go to school.用to介词+动词Unit3.颜色 What colour is it?-Its blue.颜色 Is this your shirt?-Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Unit4.天

3、气 Whats the weather like?-Its sunny.天气 Is it cold?-Yes,it is.No.it isnt.Unit5.价格1.How much is it?-Its ten yuan.价格,回答几元2.How much are they?-They are ten yuan.复数Unit6.数量 How many ducks are there?多少,数量-There are 20.回答数字 Are they dogs?是什么吗?-Yes,they are.No,they are not.五年级Unit1.长相 Who is your English te

4、acher?-Mr li.回答人 What is he like?-He is tall and strong.长相形容词 Is heshe strict?-Yes ,he she is. No,he she is not.疑问分男女Unit2.星期 What day is it today?-It is Monday.回答星期几 What do you have on Mondays?有什么课We have English and Chinese.回答课程 What do you do on Sundays?on the weekend?干什么I often watch TV.回答事情Uni

5、t3.喜爱.吃.回答食物1. What would you like?-I would like fish and rice.喜欢吃2.What do you have for lunch?-I have tomato.吃什么?3.What is your favourite food?fruit?season?I like fish.fish.apples.fall.最喜爱4.Do you like potatoes?-Yes,I do.No I dont.Unit4.能干什么 What can you do?-I can cook the meals.can的后面加动词原形 Can you

6、 cook the meals?Yes,I can.No,I can not.疑问句疑问词要提前,动词用原形小练习:1.I can_.2.Can you _浇花?Unit5.新房间there +isare 句型 There is a closet.单数用isaan There are two end tables.复数用aretwo以上的数字Unit6.在公园isare+there疑问句型单数is复数are,疑问时候要提前 单数:There is a river in the park.问句:Is there a river in the park?-Yes,there is.No there

7、 isnt.Is there a tree?-Yes,there is.No,there is not.2.复数:There are two lakes.Are there any trees?-Yes,there are.No,there are not.are there two lakes?-Yes,there are,No there arent.训练:1. There is a_over there.2. There is an_on the table.3. Is there a_over there?4. There are two_in the park.5. There ar

8、e ten_.6. There are many_near the river.7. Are there any_near the river?小结: 单数is, 复数are, 一个以上是复数五年级Unit1.我的一天 When do you get up? go to school?-I usually get up at 6:00.at 6:00.什么时候.回答时间 What do you do on the weekend?干什么.I often go shopping.购物Unit2.My favourite season最喜爱的季节 Which season do you like

9、best?-I like fall best.最喜爱Whats your favourite season?-fall.最喜爱 Why do you like fall?为什么?-Because I can eat apples.因为Unit3.My birthday生日1. When is your birthday?什么时候-My birthday is in may.Its may 6th.2. What is the date?日期提问-It is may 3th.Unit4.人正在干什么be doing句型 What are you dong?-I am drawing pictur

10、es.正在干,后+ing.2.What is he doing?-He is cooking.3.What is your father doing?-He is reading a book.他正在小练习:1.I am看电视2.Mike is踢足球with zhangpeng.Unit5.动物动作,可用于人be doing句型 单数What is it dong?动物正在干什么.-Its running.回答ing的短语. 复数What are they doing?-They are swimming.小练习:1.The fish is游泳in the river.2.The pandan

11、s are爬树.Unit6.Afield trip.野营正在做什么的疑问形式1.单数:Is he taking pictures?-Yes,he is.|No,he isnt.2.复数:Are they eating bananas?-Yes,they are.|No.they are not.单数is,复数are,如果疑问要提前。小练习: The rabbit is跳跃2.Is lili画画?3.Are chenjie and amy 下棋?六年级上Unit1.怎样去学校 How do you go to school?-Usually I go to school on foot.怎样去?

12、回答交通工具 How can I get to zhongshan park?-You can go by the No.15 bus.怎样到达,回答要具体Unit2.Where is 方位 Where is the cinema,please?-Its next to the hospital.在哪?回答方位地点 Is it far?-No,its not far.Unit3.一般将来时be going to do后+v原形,be的形式有am,is,are。 What are you going to do on the weekend?-I am going to read a book.

13、打算干什么?回答后加动词原形 Where are you going?-I am going to the bookstore. 打算去哪里?回答地点 When are you going?-I am going at 3 oclock. 打算什么时候去?回答时间小练习:1.I am going to 读书this night.2.I 打扫房间this weekend.3.He踢足球this weekend.Unit4. My pen pal笔友 What is your hobby?-I like collecting stamps.喜欢like后面加ving形式。 What is his

14、hobby?-He likes diving.第三人称单数likes 第三人称单数正常语序加s或者es. 例子:She teaches English.疑问句式does提前,v用原形Does she teach English?-Yes,she does.|No,she doesnt.分清男女。小练习:1.I like(游泳)in the river.第一人称2.He likes(制作风筝).喜欢,爱好,第三人称Unit5.What does she do?职业1.What does your mother do?-She is a tv reporter.回答职业2.Where does s

15、he work?-She works in a hospital.在哪工作,回答注意第三人称,动词变化:works3.How does she go to work?-She goes to work by bus.怎样去上班,回答注意第三人称动词变化:goes小练习:第一人称:1.I (去上学)by bike.第三人称:1.She (去上学)by bike. 平时干的事。.2.My father(看电视)at night.平时干的事。.3.she ususlly go to school on foot?平时干的事,疑问句4.Does he(读书)at night?疑问句用does,后加v原

16、形。.Unit6.The story of the rain雨。自然界中的事物,用第三人称1.Where does the rain come from?-It comes from the clouds.第三人称单数提问用does,回答中v加或者es。六年级下Unit1.How tall are you?外貌特征+比较级加r,er或者变y为i再加er1.How tall are you?-I am 165 cm tall.多高?回答数字加单位2.比较级:I am taller than you.3. How heavy are you?-I am 48kg.多重?回答数字加单位4.比较级:I

17、 am heavier than you.5.比较级后面有单词“than”。小练习:1.I am(高)than you.2.He is 2ky(重)than me.Unit2.Whats the matter?询问身体状况1.How do you feel?-I feel sick.整体感觉怎么样2.What is the matter?-I have a fever.|My throat is sore.my nose hurts.回答具体Unit3.Last weekend.上个周末,过去式1.What did you do last weekend?-I played football.

18、last表过去,回答用过去式,动词后面加d、ed、变身或者变y为i再加ed2.Where did you go on your holiday?假期去哪里了?已经过去式了.I went to xinjiang.回答v用过去式went3.How did you go there?-I went by train.4.过去式疑问句did要提前,动词用原形:Did you raed books?-Yes,I did.|No,I didnt.小练习:1.I 读书yesterday.找准时间点-昨天2.He踢足球last Monday.上一个3.She去公园last weekend.4.Did she洗

19、衣服?疑问句v用原形。语法综合练习:用v的正确形式填空,注意:be 的形式有am,is,are。过去式不用be,不分人称。 He(play)football on the weekend.在周末是一般现在时,平时干的事第三人称 I (play)football on the weekend.第一人称 He(play)football yesterday.昨天标志,过去了第三人称 I (play)football yesterday.第一人称 He(play)football next Sunday.next是下一个,将来时态,第三人称 I(play)football next Sunday.第

20、一人称 He(play)football now.now是此时此刻,第三人称8. I(play)football now.第一人称小结:1.是是yes, 不是no, no的后面加not.单数is, 复数are, 一个以上是复数.男是he, 女是she, 回答问题分男女.2.频率副词要会用,一周七天来说明.1天2天sometimes,3-4天用often.5-6天usually,频率最高always.3.动词形式有多种,疑问句中用原形。一般将来be going to,to的后面用原形。一般过去没有be,主语后面加d、ed。第三人称若单数,动词加上s、es。若是正在进行式,动词加上ing。4.语法

21、题目有多种,找准标志就容易。 一般过去last,yesterday是昨天。一般将来next,一般现在usually,正在进行be doing now。5.英语试卷做题技巧:一听力:听前争分夺秒看,在心中发音,做到心中有数,一选即对。二笔试:先易后难不能空,注意大小写,男女单复数。三阅读:先看短文后做题,答案就在文中找,变换人称最重要。四作文:先看要求后草稿,书写至少5句话,题目、大写、标点很重要,文章要靠中间写。注意书写!不勾画!分类归纳:一:名词的单复数;1. 后加s:apple-apples book-books house-houses tree-trees2. 后加es:tomatot

22、omatoes potatopotatoes boxboxes peach-peaches3. 原形:sheep-sheep fishfish rice-rice milkmilk waterwater二:形容词的比较级,加r,er,y-i加er1. 有e加r:nice-nicer wide-wider2. 直加er:tall-taller old-older long-longer strong-stronger youngyounger shortshorter3. 双写加er:thinthinner bigbigger 4. 变身y-i加er:heavyheavier 三:动词的ing形

23、式,现在进行时do-doing1. 直接加ing:cookcooking readreading teachteaching swingswinging do-doing2. 去掉e加ing:write-writing take-taking have-having dive-diving ride-riding3. 双写加ing:swimswimming runrunning 四:动词的第三人称单数形式,dodoes1. 直接加s:read-reads draw-draws like-likes write-writes make-makes live-lives come-comes dr

24、ive- drives2. 加es:go-goes do-does teach-teaches watch-watches3. 变y-i加es:study- studies 五:动词的过去式,dodid1. 有e加d:makemaked writewrited dancd-danced2 .直接加ed:visitvisted learnlearned watch-watched playliayde cook-cooked 3. 变y-i加ed:studystudied4. 变身:do-did go-went have-had sing-sang buy-bought swimswam5. 原

25、形:readread 六:写出下列单词的反义词:tallshort tallertaller old-young new older-younger boygirl yes-no big-small bigger-smaller long-shoet longer-shorter 七:完全缩写形式arenot=arent is not=isnt do not=dont did not=didnt does not=doesnt can not=cant was not=wasnt I will=Ill I am=Im I would=Id Let us=Lets they are=theyre

26、 what is=whats she is=shes it is=its he is=hes were not=werent mister=Mr centimeter=cm kg 八:一个单词的多种形式:原形 第三人称单数 ing进行时 过去式do does doing did go goes going wentwatch watches watching watchedwrite writes writing writedswim swims swimming swampread reads reading readplay plays playing played英语作文示范:靠中间写,

27、句数要够,书写规范,题目。1. 请你以“My Friend”或“My Pen Pal”为题,介绍一下你的朋友,基本信息包括:姓名,年龄,身高,体重,长相,爱好,住哪,平时做的事,怎样去上学等。(不少于5句话)。注:句子不少于5句,第三人称,书写规范。 My FriendMy Friend is Chen Jie.She is 14.She is 160 tall.She is tall and thin.She is 45kg.She likes making kites.She lives in china.She watches TV at night.She goes to school

28、 by bike.We are good friends.2.你打算这个周末在家里举行一个“party”,你能介绍一下去你家的路线,好让你的朋友尽快找到你吗?(不少于5句话)。注:条例清晰,不少于5句话,书写规范。Start from your school.Take the NO.5 bus.Get off at the cinema.Turn left at the cinema.Go straight for 3 minutes.My home is near the bookstore.3.在家里你能帮父母干些什么家务呢?赶紧介绍一下吧。(不少于5句话)。 注:I can句型,短语书写

29、正确,注意“the”和单复数。不少于5句话。I can cook the meals.I can wash the clothes.I can clean the bedroom.I can set the table.I can water the flowers.I can make the bed.I am helpful at home. 4.你能介绍一下你的家人都是什么职业,在哪工作,怎么去上班吗?(不少于5句话)。注:注意第一第三人称,不少于5句话,书写规范 My FamilyMy mother is a teacher.She works in a school.She goes

30、 to work by bike.My father is an engineer.He goes to work by bus.My sister is a doctor.She works in a hospital.She goes to work by subway.I am a student.I go to school on foot. 5.你能给大家比较一下你家人的外貌特征吗?不少于5句话注:外貌特征,长相比较,可以用比较级。My FamilyMy father is taller than my mother.My father is older than my mother

31、.My mother is younger than my father.My sister is shorter than my brother.I am shorter than my brother.But I am taller than my sister.5. 请你给大家介绍一下你家人的爱好好吗?注意人称变化. 不少于5句话。 注:注意第一like,第三人称likes的变化。Like后面加ing.I like reading books.My father likes reading newspapers.My mother likes singsing.My little sis

32、ter likes watching TV.My brother likes swimming.My little brother likes flying kites.6. 你能介绍一下,上一个(假期)周末你都做什么了吗?可以以“Last Weekend”为题,不少于5句话。注:过去式,第一人称,题目。 Last WeekendOn Saturday morning,I claned my bedroom.In the afternoon,I went to a park.At night,I watched TV.On Sunday Imorning,I read books.In the

33、 afternoon,I washed my clothes.At night ,I went to the cinema.7. 请根据提示写一下你的家人上个周末都做什么了。不少于5句话。注:根据提示来,过去式,一、三人称。妈妈洗衣服 爸爸去公园 哥哥踢足球 妹妹看电视 我读书 Last WeekendMy mother washed the clothes.My father went to a park.My brother played football.My sister watched TV.I read English books.8. 请根据提示写一下你的家人此时此刻正在做什么,

34、不少于5句话。注:现在进行时,加ing,有be的am,is,are形式。妈妈洗衣服 爸爸读报纸 哥哥踢足球 妹妹看电视 我读书My mother is washing the clothes.My father is reading newspapers.My brother is playing football.My sister is watching TV.I am reading English books.9. 请根据提示写一下你的家人下个周末都打算干什么,不少于5句话。注:一般将来时,be going to +v原形。Be 有am,is,are。妈妈洗衣服 爸爸读报纸 哥哥踢足球 妹妹看电视 我放风筝 Next WeekendMy mother is going to wash the clothes.My father is going to read newspapers.My brother is going to play football.My sister is going to watch TV.I am going to fly kites.


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