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1、何培松 益瑞石集团亚太区EHS经理 2008年6月21日,工作场所的安全隐患与风险分析,Objectives 目标,Purpose of doing hazard and risk analysis. 理解进行危险源和风险分析的目的 How to evaluate an operations Workplace Hazards and Risk. 掌握如何评估作业场所的危险源和风险 Who should be involved in your analysis. 组建危险和风险分析团队 What to do with the results. 利用分析结果进行持续改进,Why Really?

2、意义,It provides a systematic way to analyze the risk in operations in a methodical, proven way. 提供系统可靠的方法分析作业过程中的风险 Risk is provided to management in a prioritized manner, the higher the number of risk the riskier the task or job will be. 将风险按优先级顺序排列呈送给管理层,风险等级评分越高,任务或作业的风险就越高,Why Really? 意义,The proc

3、ess provides to management a picture of the real risk of injury, not what the “gut” tells you it is, or what our employee thinks it is. 这一过程给管理层提供明晰的伤害风险,而不是就事论事的经验或我们员工的主观想像 It helps you identify the elephants 它可以帮助我们识别风险造成的影响,Why do Hazard / Risk analysis? 必要性,Potentially 潜在的,Catastrophic 灾难性的,Doe

4、s the activity have a potential to harm those performing and those near the activity? 活动是否存在对从事活动的人员本身或活动附近人员造成伤害的可能?,The element(s) of an activity that has a potential to harm is considered its hazard(s). 可能造成伤害的活动的要素被视作危险。,I.e.例如: Activity - Spray Painting 活动喷漆 Hazards Chemical Exposure (inhalatio

5、n), Chemical Exposure (skin), Chemical Exposure (eyes), Noise, Fire/ Explosion 危险化学品吸入、皮肤接触化学品、眼睛接触化学品、噪声、火灾/爆炸,Definitions 定义,Definitions 定义,Hazards have 危险具有: RISK possibility of loss or injury. 风险造成损失或伤害的可能性 Risk have 风险要素: Severity and probability 严重性和可能性(概率),Definitions 定义,Severity 严重性: If inju

6、ry or loss occurs how bad will it be? 如果发生损失或者伤害的情况,情况有多糟糕? Probability 可能性(概率): The potential frequency of loss or injury occurring, increases with exposure to hazard 损失或伤害发生的潜在频率,Hazard Examples 危险举例:,Chemical Exposure (Inhalation, Skin, Hands, Eyes) Harmful Dust Noise Exposure Flying Debris / Obj

7、ects Protruding Objects Extreme Temperatures Point of Operation (I.e crush, nip) Fall, Trip, Slip Strain / Overexertion Electrical Shock Fire / Explosion Light Radiation Falling Objects Sharp Objects Biological,Definitions 定义,化学品接触(吸入、皮肤、手、眼睛) 有害粉尘 噪声曝露 飞溅的碎片或物体 突出的物体 高低温 高空坠落 绊倒/滑倒 紧张,劳累 电击 火灾/爆炸 放

8、射线 坠物砸伤 接触尖锐物体 生物危险,Hazard Examples 危险举例:,Electrical Shock 电击,Chemical Exposure Eyes 眼睛接触化学品,Flying Debris/ Objects 飞溅的碎片或物体,Engulfment 开挖塌方,Fall From 高空坠落,Fall From 高空坠落,Trip/Slip 绊倒/滑倒,Fire/Explosion 火灾/爆炸,Struck by Falling Objects 坠物砸伤,Contact With Moving Objects 运动物体接触,Other Hazards 其它危险,Other H

9、azards 其它危险,Identify discrete Activities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS),Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Kee

10、p data up-to-date and periodically review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plant operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refine Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,Identifying Activities and Who Should be I

11、nvolved 识别相关活动和参与的人员,Before you can determine your sites hazards you must know what activities are being conducted at your site. 在你判断场地危险之前,你必须知道在你场地正从事何种活动。,Start with a site layout. 从场地平面图开始 Divide the site into operational / functional areas. 将场地划分为不同的操作/功能区域。,ACME Site Layout ACME场地平面布置,Identify

12、 discrete Activities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS),Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Keep data up-to-date an

13、d periodically review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plant operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refine Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,Identifying Activities and Who Should be Involved 识别相关活动和参与的人员

14、,Recruit individuals knowledgeable of areas. 招纳熟谙区域的人员 Manager / Supervisors 经理/主管 EH&S EHS人员 Employees 职员 Brainstorm to determine area activities. 运用“头脑风暴”来辨别区域活动 Consider legacy issues as well as current operational issues (I.e. previous injuries) 考虑遗留问题,业考虑当前操作中的问题(如以前的工伤事故),Identify discrete Act

15、ivities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS),Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Keep data up-to-date and periodicall

16、y review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plant operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refine Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,ACME Plant Activity ACME工厂活动,Hazard Identification Sheet 危险辨识表,Identify dis

17、crete Activities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS),Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Keep data up-to-date and pe

18、riodically review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plant operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refine Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,Prioritizing Hazards / Risk 对危险/风险进行排序,A process should be used to

19、 determine how significant the RISK a hazard can have on workers. 用于判断某一危险对工作人员造成风险程度的过程,Determine Risk of Hazards 判断危险的风险,Rating Tool to Facilitate the Process 帮助判断的等级评定工具,Hazard Risk Tool 危险风险分析工具,Ranking Procedure/评级程序,Review each Hazard and score each hazard individually chosen by team. 审阅每一个危险因

20、素,由组建的团队成员逐个评分。 Transfer the average score on Severity and Probability to the Hazard Risk Tool worksheet. 将严重性和可能性的平均分输入到风险分析工具表单。,Identify discrete Activities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS),Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断

21、每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Keep data up-to-date and periodically review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plant operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refi

22、ne Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,Set Objectives 设立目标,Set Improvement Objectives to Lower Risk 设立改善目标来降低风险 List all of your Significant Hazards/ Risk. (red or yellow ratings) 列出所有重要的危险/风险。(红色或黄色等级) Evaluate Significant hazards (red or yellow ratings) to det

23、ermine if changes can be made to process to reduce the risk so that they are no longer Significant. 评估重要危险(红色或黄色等级),来判断如果是否可以通过工艺过程改变来降低风险,使其不再成为重要危险。,Set Objectives 设立目标,Use best possible/ most feasible control 采取尽可能完善和可行的控制措施 Get employee participation in developing operational controls. 让员工参与提出操作

24、控制措施,What to do with Hazards that have been determined to have a Significant Risk? Focus on Red or yellow ratings 对那些判断有重要风险的危险该采取什么措施?集中精力于那些红色或黄色等级的危险,Elimination/Substitution- removing or reducing the hazard 消除/替代 移除或者降低危险 Engineering Controls workstation design, machine guards, safety controls,

25、isolation of hazardous areas, monitoring devices, etc. 工程控制 工作站设计、机械防护、安全控制、危险区域隔离、监测设施等 Administrative Controls - procedures, assessments, inspection, records to monitor and ensure safe practices and environments are maintained. 管理控制程序、评价、检查、用显示器记录、确保维持安全的操作规范和环境 Training Controls - initial new hir

26、e safety orientation, job specific safety training and periodic refresher training. 培训控制进行新进员工的安全教育、具体作业安全配许和定期强化培训 Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护装备,Hierarchy of Operational Controls 操作控制的层次,优先考虑,次要考虑,Case Study - 案例讨论,Identify discrete Activities, Products, and Services (APS) 识别不同的活动、产品与服务(APS)

27、,Identify Hazards for each APS 辨识每个APS的危险,Determine Safety Hazards and Risks for each APS 判断每个APS的危险和风险,Determine Hazard Significance 判断危险的重要性,Develop Objectives and Targets for Significant Risks 对重要风险提出目标指标,Keep data up-to-date and periodically review. 数据及时进行更新并定期审核,Starting Point 起点,Segregate plan

28、t operations into discrete operational/functional areas 将工厂的操作划分成不同的独立操作/功能区域,Establish/Refine Controls, as necessary 如果需要,建立/健全控制措施,Hazard/Risk Analysis Flow 危险/风险分析流程,Maintain and Review 保持和评审,Installation and/or modification of processes or equipment 工艺过程或设备安装或改造 Removal of processes or equipment 工艺或设备的移除 Hazards missed on previous assessments 以前评估遗漏的危险 When Employee identify concerns 员工辨识潜在问题的时机 Schedule Periodic Management Review (at least annually) 定期管理评审的时间安排(至少一年一次),


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