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1、2015英语中考考试说明,I考试性质 学业评价、水平考试 改进与激励,甄别和选拔性,课程标准五级要求 初中英语教材的内容 英语教学的实际,II考试的特点、要求和内容,遵循课标,注重导向;英语课程标准规定,终结性评价(水平测试)是检测学生综合语言运用能力发展程度的重要途径。测试应包括口试、听力考试和笔试等形式,全面考查学生综合语言运用能力。听力测试在结业考试中所占比例应不少于20%。笔试应避免单纯语音知识题和单纯语法知识题;增加具有语境的应用型试题;适当减少客观题、增加主观题。所以去掉单选题,增加语法填空 。,立足双基,突出交际;注重在三个方面考查考生的英语交际能力。交际能力的第一个方面是语言能

2、力,即语言知识结构体系的操作能力。交际能力的第二个方面是语篇能力,即语言知识结构在篇章中的运用。 交际能力的第三个方面是语用能力,即语言知识结构体系在情境中得体的应用。 强调语境,注重能力;选用真实、地道的英语语言素材,创设较为真实的语言情境,突出试题的语境化。在考查语言基础知识的同时,着重考查考生在具体的语境中运用语言的能力。,贴近生活,重视文化 ; 体裁丰富、题材广泛,选材多元,贴近学生的生活实际。内容涵盖了家庭、校园、社会等生活的方方面面,体现了跨学科的渗透,引导学生关注生活、关注社会,关注身边发生的事。渗透跨文化交际意识,既考查学生在真实语言环境下运用语言知识的能力,又使他们受到文化意

3、识的熏陶,有利于提高他们学习英语的兴趣和跨文化交际的能力。试卷结构合理、题型选用恰当,难度分布适当。 知识的覆盖面较广,基本技能的考查全面,考查学生运用知识分析和解决实际问题的能力。立足双基,注重测试基础知识和基本技能,避免偏题、难题、怪题。,III考试形式、试卷结构和各题分值,2题型:试卷包括听力选择(15分)、听力填空(10分)、完形填空(10分)、语法填空(10分)、阅读理解(30分)、单词拼写(5分)、翻译(10分)、短文改错(10分)、阅读理解七选五(10分)、书面表达(10分)等题型。 3试题难易比例:试卷包括容易题、中等题和难题,以中等题为主。 4选择题(65分)与非选择题(55

4、分),IV题型示例,第一部分:听力(听力选择题,共3节,115小题,每小题1分,满分15分;听力填空题共l节,4145小题,每小题2分,满分10分。) 第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 2.能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点; 1. Whats Jims telephone number? A. 2877928. B. 2787928. C. 6787982.,第二节: 听下面一段对话,回答第6至10五个小题。现在你有2

5、0秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。该对话读两遍。 4.能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系; 10. Why wont people take vacations on the earth? A. Therell be too many animals. B. Therell be too many plants. C. Therell be too many people.,第三节 听下面一段短文,回答第11至15五个小题。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题,该短文读两遍。 1.能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; 14. Which museum do they decide to

6、go? A. Computer. B. Science. C. History. (请同学们翻到第卷第四部分第一节,继续做听力填空题。),第四部分:写作(共七节) 第一节 听力填空题(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分。) 听下面一段短文,根据所听内容完成下面的表格(每空填一词)。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。把答案写在表格右面4145题空白处。,6.能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。 but its usually convenient to take the underground train 41 most places.,第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,第一节1625小题,每小题1

7、分,满分10分;第二节语法填空,4655小题,每小题1分,满分10分。 满分共20分) 第一节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1625各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。,(1)语言知识在完型填空中的命题思路 词汇 理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义。(五级) I voted for Maggie,because she is very _. She always shares things with others. A. practical B. active C. generous D. energetic,学会使用1,50

8、0-1,600个单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配。(五级) My bedroom is in a mess and Ill _ my things at once. A. put on B. put away C. put out D. put up,运用词汇描述事物、行为和特征,说明概念等。(五级) This schoolbag is not expensive. And the price of it is the _ of the three. A. lowest B. biggest C. highest D. Smallest,第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,第一节,共15小题,

9、每小题2分,满分30分。第二节,共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分。满分共40 分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。,能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生 词的含义。(五级) In the second paragraph, the underlined word “playwright” means “a person who _”. A. writes plays B. performs in plays C. watches plays D. works in a theatre,能找出文章中的主题。(五级) What i

10、s the article mainly about? A. How willpower and muscles are similar and how they can be trained. B. How willpower affects peoples lives and how it is similar to muscles. C. How willpower is important to success and how we can make it stronger. D. How willpower is connected with success and how they

11、 affect each other.,能利用词典等工具书进行阅读。(五级) What do the underlined words “spring” probably mean in the passage according to the given dictionary entries?Spring 1 U,C the season between winter and summer when plants begin to grow 春天;春季 2 U the ability of a spring to return to its original position 弹性;弹力 3

12、 C a place where water comes naturally to the surface from under the ground 泉 4 U a cheerful, lively quality 活力,能理解简易读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为。(四级) Which of the following is the correct order for Faith to learn to walk around like a person? jump to move forward train in the snow feel the movement on a surfboa

13、rd balance on his legs use peanut butter on a spoon as a reward A. B. C. D. , 推理判断的能力 One of the people behind the project is Peter Thiel So far, hes donated500,000 to the project. What can we infer from the passage? A. Fiedman is planning to move to a new country. B. Fiedman is worried about the sa

14、fety of easteads. C. Fiedman has got some supporters for his project. D. Fiedman has already won the Poseidon Award.,第三节 阅读理解第七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入短文后5660小题空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 56 . By helping them develop classic skills that

15、will serve them well no matter what the future holds.,A. Encourage kids to cook with you. B. And we cant forget science education. C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways. D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that dont yet exist? E. Gardening is another great acti

16、vity for helping kids develop this skill. F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories. G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.,了解 “ 七选五的特点、掌握解这类题的技巧。,主要考察学生的英语逻辑思维能力,也就是对上下文之间,层次之间逻辑关系的判断能力。,试题模式:给出一篇缺少5个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容

17、,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。,选项特点: 主旨概括句(文章整体内容);过渡性句子(文章结构);注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义) 位置 标题、小标题、段首、段中、段末,快速阅读全文要点词句,了解大意 抓住关键词,边读边做题,先易后难 重点阅读各个问题附近的句子,圈定线索词。 从选项中寻找相关的特征词,以确定答案。 做题时可以采用代入排除法,先易后难。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应基本清楚了。,重新阅读全文,查漏补缺,此时可将选出的答案代入原文,利用排除法。重点做刚才没做出的题或不确定的题,同时检查核对已选出的答案,看文章从内容上是否语义连贯合理,语篇结构上是否通顺连贯、具有

18、一致性、合乎逻辑。,技巧一:词汇复现法(强调词) 复现是保证文章前后衔接而经常使用的一种写作手段,即作者在文章上下文不同的位置对同一个概念进行重复描述,从而使得同样的意思在文章中不同的地方重复出现。复现的形式主要指主要是指 同词(同源词)复现、同(近)义词复现、反义词复现等。,技巧二:逻辑关系线索法 并列与递进关:and, also, further, moreover, whats more, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, firstly, secondly, thirdly等; 因果关系:so, therefore, thus, hence

19、, accordingly, consequently, as a result等;,转折与让步关系:however, nevertheless, though, yet, in spite of, on the contrary, otherwise, while, rather than, even if, despite, fortunately等。,技巧三:词汇同现法(同意却表达结构不同词汇同现是指属于同一 词汇搭配范畴或者某一领域的词汇在文章中同时出现,达到语义衔接的目的。你可以在选项中找到与此词汇最接近的词,从而达到快而准。一般来说,上下文中词汇的范畴越小,上下文的衔接关系越紧密。

20、,第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分。 ) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,把答案写在短文后4655小题空白处。,体现课标五级目标所涉及的话题,借此考查考生能否在所设语境中正确运用基础词汇、句型结构、语法知识,动词填空要求考生在体现时间、动作执行者、习惯用法等背景的语境中正确使用时态、语态或非谓语动词。,1、阅读/理解语篇的能力; 2、分析句子结构的能力; 3、熟练运用语法的能力。,10 有提示词 动词 时态,语态主谓一致 非谓语动词:(动词不定式做宾语、宾语补足语、目的状语) 名词:单复数 形容词/副词:比较级、最高级 词性转换

21、,无提示词 连词(并列句):and, but, or 引导词(从句):who, that, what 代词:they, him, our, themselves 介词:in, on, to, for 冠词: a/an, the 连接性副词:however, therefore 考点1谓语动词 :先确定空格处是句子的谓语部分,需填的词则是谓语动词。考虑动词的时态,语态时要瞻前顾后。,例1. In 1969,the pollution was terrible along theCuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio. It _(be)unimaginable that it

22、 could ever be cleaned up. 考点2 非谓语动词:若给出的提示词是动词,排除空格处是谓语动词的可能之后,就要选用动词的非谓语形式。若是非谓语动词就要确定用 doing形式,done形式,还是 to do 形式。有时要根据词语固定搭配,或固定句型来解题。,例1. It took years of work_ (reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water.,考点3 :名词单复数的变形 例1. for most of us the_(change) are gradual and require a lot of

23、 effort and work, . 考点4 :形容词,副词的比较级和最高级。 例1. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is_(clean) than ever. (,考点5 :词性转换 例1. The river was so polluted that it _(actual)caught fire and burned. 例2. Just be (patience).,考点6 :连词(并列,选择,转折让步关系 等) 例1. But the river wasnt changed in a f

24、ew days _even a few months. 考点7 :引导词(定从,名从等) 例1. Maybe you leave a habit _ is driving your family crazy.,考点8 代词 人称代词I, you, he, us, him, them 物主代词your, my, yours, mine 反身代词myself, ourselves 不定代词body,one,thing,例2. He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like_?“ 考点9 :介词

25、 例2. I didnt want to be laughed at for talking to him, but I didnt like leaving him_ his own ,either.,考点10:冠词(a, an, the) 例1. When you meet _ new word, look it up in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book. 例2. But my mood(心情) quickly changed when I saw _ first question.,考点11: 副词 h

26、owever, therefore(因此), instead, also, still, too, either, besides, otherwise(否则) 例1. Ive never been to China and _ I dont know much about it.,不要花大量的时间去钻难题、偏题和怪题,而要牢牢掌握最常用的语法要点。 对于动词,要掌握常用的时态、语态和非谓语动词的用法。 对于句子,要能够分析其结构,懂得在什么时候该用什么词性。 对于单词,不仅要背诵其意义和拼写,还要掌握基本的词形变换。,了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能。(五级) We must do

27、everything we can _ ( make) our earth cleaner and safer.,在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能。(五级) The room _ (clean)every day. You can live in now.,语法:比较人、物体、及事物等。(五级) 功能:比较同级比较 He speaks French well but of course not as _(clear) as a person born in France.,语法:比较人、物体、及事物等。 (五级) 功能:比较差别比较 Bob often says that swimmi

28、ng is _ interesting than hiking in reducing weight, but he always spends more time on swimming.,语法:比较人、物体、及事物等。(五级) 功能:比较相似和差别 The traffic is moving so slowly.We are running late! Lets take a _ (difference)route.,单词拼写题普遍设计了揭示词汇语义和词性的语境,考生必须首先联系语境正确理解句意,然后确定需填词汇的意思及其词性,写出其正确形式。 64.Ronaldo 踢 soccer fo

29、r his national team when he was seventeen. 64. _,短文改错,1. 谓语动词的错误 谓语动词的错误 常见动词错误类型有: 一般现在时与一般过去时错用; and 前后动词时态不一致; 主谓不一致; 缺少动词,特别是be动词; 第三人称单数形式错用; 主动语态和被动语态错用。 1)They did not want me to do any work at home; theywant me to devote all my time to my studies.(did 改为do 属于 ) 2)As we climbed the mountain,

30、we fed monkeys, visitingtemples and told stories. (visiting 改为 visited错误类型属于) 3) There will an important game next month.(will后加be错误类型属于) 4)One evening she told me that something happenedwhen her parents was out.( 主谓不一致),2. 名词的常见错误 单复数名词错用;注意区分名词是可数还是不可数;或根据名词前的修饰语或谓语动词的单复数来判断。 Ill get good marks in

31、 all my subject.(subject改为subjects) Their word were a great encouragement to me.(word 改为words) Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well.(knowledges改为knowledge),连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and/ or/but等 (一般考查从句关系 who/whom/whose/what/which/how/why/when/where/if/whether ) I have a good friend whos name i

32、s Liu Mei. (错用了who的所有格形式改为whose) I teach them, play with them, but watch them growing up.(此处应该是并列的关系而非转折,but改为 and),4. 冠词错误,误用a和an(根据单词的因素来判定);误用a 和the(固定搭配,各自单独使用的地方) 多余的冠词或则少冠词。 We may be one family and live under a same roof. (a 改为the same 是固定搭配) As everyone knows, its famous mountain with all ki

33、nds of plants.(mountain是可数名词需用冠词,所以加 a ) I hope you have pleasant journey.,6. 代词错误 1)代词的主格和宾格(I / me; He/him; She/ her;We/ us ;They/ them ) 2)反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves) 3)代词的单数和复数 4)多余的代词和少代词 Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself on paper as I was learning to expres

34、s me in simple English. (express oneself, me 改为myself ) One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. (it) Whats more , you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care ofhim.,7. 非谓语动词的常见错误 1)不定式,动名词作主语,宾语。 2)and 连接的不定式或动名词前后一致(尤其距离较远时), 3)介词后用动名词ving形式作宾语。 4)某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。 So

35、on I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was. (enjoy 后需接动名词 talk-talking) But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports.(作主语改为 going ) Children may not develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoythemselves. I particularly enjoyed driving through the country

36、side with you and saw the changing colors of the leaves on the trees.,8. 介词错误 1)词组中的介词误用,2)介词意思理解偏差,3)介词的多用或少用 There are too many people among my family. (among 改为 in my family 为固定搭配) I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (去掉 at ),5. 形容词和副词错误 1) 系动词后用形容词(be/am/i

37、s/are/was/were/become/go/感官性动词 smell /feel) 2) 词性的误用 形容词修饰名词 修饰 实义动词,形容词和副词,过去分词用副词 Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. (time是名词所以要用形容词wonderful修饰) My pronunciation was terribly.,9. 习惯用法要记住 主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考常考点,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。 例如:It was very kind for them to meet me at the

38、railwaystation and of We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ourselves. of,10. 逻辑错误须关注 与句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误。如称谓上的张冠李戴,人名、地名、时间、方位等方面的错误,常是这类错误的考查对象。例如: The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. their First, let me tell you something more about myself. 去掉more 除了上述错误类型外,常考的

39、错误形式还有:连词but, and, or和so的用法错误(可以归类为逻辑错误),以及冠词的用法错误等。例如: She was smiling but nodding at me. and It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. or We may be one family and live under a same roof. the,11. 短文改错解题思路和检查原则 1)句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词;(句子结构与句子成分) 2)谓语动词的时态、语态; 3)非谓语动词的用法; 4)名词的

40、单、复数,格的使用是否正确; 5)定冠词和不定冠词是否正确; 6)代词的格和性的使用是否有误; 7)定语从句中关系代词、副词是否准确无误; 8)并列句中的并列连词、主从复合句中的从属连词用的是否得当。,假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 1 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,写 能独立起草短文。 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 能简单描述人物或事件。 能根据图示或表格写出简单的段落。,


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