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1、Unit Unit 2 2 TravellingTravelling 知识与能力: 1. To help the students talk about their own experience . 2. To teach and help the students how to sort and organize their ideas before writing . 3. To describe one of their own trips in English, especially place , experience , feeling and so on . 1.to write

2、 an article by 教 过程与方法: themselves. 学 To describe and explain places, experiences and feelings 2. To describe 重 教学目标 and explain 点 情感态度与价值观: places, 难 To discuss ideas for an article with a partner. experiences and 点 feelings 教 学 活 动 内 容 活 动 组 织 过 程 改 笔 1 Step Step 1 1 PresentationPresentation Show

3、students some pictures and new words. Step Step 2 2 Warming upWarming up To learn some Check out the Show some pictures about Hong Kong and introduce new words. homework and preview. Disneyland is a famous theme park and it has four different parksMain Street USA, Tomorrow Land, Fantasyland and Adve

4、nture land. In Ocean Park Look at some we can see the dolphin show and the bird show. Every year many tourists go there to have pictures about Hong a good time especially(特别)the children. Kong and Step Step 3 3 Task Task 1 1 introduce. 1. How does Kitty write her article? Step 1(part A): Talk about

5、some pictures and Step 2(part B): introduce them. Step 3(part C): 2 Look at Kittys fact file Part A in page 32carefully and try to remember more information about Kittys trip to Hong Kong. 2 To learn how Main Points Details to write. When The winter holiday - where Hong Kong To get the Ss to analyze

6、 Who - Kittys article. What visiting places of Disneyland interest Ocean park- Other activities Eating How Step Step 4 4 PresentationPresentation Useful expressions It took us to fly to The next day, we went to I loved watching the interesting 3 was exciting/beautiful/fantastic Master the On the thi

7、rd day, we visited useful expressions We went toon the fifth day to write an was the best part of the day article. We enjoyed this trip very much Step Step 5 5 Task Task 2 2 To learn to 1. Analysis (分析) kittys article. We can group this article into 3 parts: write an part 1: para( )para( ) It is mai

8、nly about article with useful part 2: para( )para( ) It is mainly about expressions. part 3: para( )para( ) It is mainly about 2. During Kittys article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词) to Discuss in describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can? groups. 3. Co

9、mplete Kittys article in Part B, page 33 as quickly as you can. Step Step 6 6 ConclusionConclusion 1. We can divide Kittys article into 3 parts part 1: para( )para( ) It is mainly about _ Pay attention 4 to writing part 2: para( )para( ) It is mainly about steps. _ part 3: para( )para( ) It is mainl

10、y about_ 2. Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词)to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can? Step Step 7 7 Useful sentencesUseful sentences 1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. 我和父母一大早就前往机场。 leave for 动身去 e.g. The plane leaves for Ho

11、ng Kong at 10:30. 飞机于 10:30 起飞前往香港。 2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. Master the language 我们花了 3 个半小时飞到香港。 points and “3”个半小时 还可以表达成 three hours and a half make some sentences “”一个半小时 的两种表达方式 one and a half hours with them. one hour and a half 5 Step Step 8 8 WritingWri

12、ting Watch the video and model(模仿) Kittys fact file to write about the to The New Fourth Army Memorial to organize your ideas. Step Step 9 9 Ask and thinkAsk and think When we are travelling, what should we usually notice Step 10 HomeworkStep 10 Homework 1. If you went to Beijing for a holiday last

13、summer, try to write an article about this trip. 2. What should we do and what should not we do while we are travelling? Please give more details. You can discuss and look for the information on the internet or from the newspapers and magazines. 6 课 堂 达 标 7 8 下 Unit 2 Travelling Task 1. part 1: para

14、( )para( ) It is mainly about _ part 2: para( )para( ) It is mainly about_ part 3: para( )para( ) It is mainly about_ 2. 1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. 我和父母一大早就前往机场。 板 书 设 计 leave for 动身去 e.g. The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30. 飞机于 10:30 起飞前往香港。 2. It took us ab

15、out three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. 我们花了 3 个半小时飞到香港。 “3”个半小时 还可以表达成 three hours and a half “”一个半小时 的两种表达方式 one and a half hours one hour and a half 8 (上节课存在问题的解决情况、本课教学经验或问题描述、存在问题的原因分析、提出改进措施) This period deals with the way of writing about the trip. Students are mainly trained how to write the article 教 about the holiday activities and experiences. 后 反 思 9


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