高考英语Unit 5 period 3 (24).doc

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1、Unit 3 period 4基础知识A单词拼写1In my _(判断),the plan is unlikely to succeed.2The weather during our holiday was _(完美的)3The police have issued a _(声明) urging the public to cooperate in this inquiry.4If one of your friends or families has SARS,you could become _(感染)5Weve been working hard to overcome _(偏见) a

2、gainst people with HIV.6He forced an _(尴尬的) smile.7. After the earthquake, people found no _(幸存者)8. All the _ (女性的) workers in this factory got a present on March 8th. 【答案】1.judgement2.perfect3.statement4.infected 5.prejudice6.embarrassed7.survivors8.femaleB完成句子1Keep your fears to yourself but _ (和他

3、人分享勇气). 2To our surprise, Paul fell asleep _ (在做作业的时候)3It was _ (只有当我到家后) that I realized I had lost my keys.4Dont worry. The guests _ (很有可能到达) late this night.5If you go out without a raincoat, you will _ (冒被淋湿的危险), because it may rain.6All the schools_(轮流举办运动会)every year.7I think the door is locke

4、d,but youd better go and_(确保)8He_(伸出手)for a piece of cake.9People with fair skins are more_(有危险)skin cancer.10We should _(养成的好习惯)using our time wisely.【答案】1.share your courage with others2.while doing his homework3.only when I got home4.are likely to arrive5.risk getting wet6.take turns to hold the

5、sports meeting7.make sure8.reached out9.at risk of10.get into the good habit of C单句改错1He always did well at school in spite of have to do parttime jobs every now and then._2He jumped into the river to save the little girl at the risk losing his own life._3He could face a charge of illegal importing

6、weapons._4She refused to make statement to the police._5It was in 1998 when he was praised by his headmaster._【答案】1.have改为having2.在losing前加of3.illegal改为illegally4.statement改为statements或在statement前加a5.when改为that阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AJames knew the decision was not going to be an easy

7、one to make as he sat on the hill near the small town that he lived in.There was no one he could turn to for advice.His only sister lived away and he hardly ever saw her and, when his sister came over, they always ended up in an argument.It had been a hot day and Jamess clothes seemed to stick to hi

8、s body.He had felt terrible for weeks and he was just tired of feeling sick.He had started vomiting(呕吐)after he would eat anything and he knew that something would have to be done.After going to the doctor, he was told to come back in a few days.The next three days had gone by slowly and it was time

9、 for his visit to the doctor.He had been shown into the doctors office and James knew it was bad news.The end result was he had stomach cancer.James sat on the hill looking down at the town and wonder what he would do.Taking out his phone, he dialed his sisters number and told her the bad news.She s

10、tarted to cry and said, “If anything happens to you, I will be alone in this world.”Marie, his sister said, “You are moving up here and you will live with me until you get back on your feet, so go home, pack up and I will be there to get you in two days.”He smiled and said, “It sounds wonderful, but

11、 I still havent decided if I am going to have the surgery or not.” Hearing this, she softly whispered, “Of course you are having the surgery.I will pick you up in two days.I love you.”James knew the final word was still up to him and he would think about it because this was a decision that wouldnt c

12、ome easy to him.1From the very beginning, we know that James _.Aused to sit on the hill when in troubleBlived alone and seldom met othersCdidnt get along well with MarieDnever made a decision by himself2James decided to go to his doctor when _.Ahe felt it had been too hot for himBhe vomited anything

13、 he ateChe felt sick for several weeksDhe got a call from his sister3The underlined word “it” in the sixth paragraph refers to _.AJames having the surgeryBPacking up within two daysCMarie coming to meet himDJames moving to live with Marie4What is the message expressed in the passage?AHealth is not v

14、alued till sickness comes.BBlood is thicker than water.CEach day brings its own bread.DGood health is above wealth.【答案】14CBDBBSoda (苏打汽水), while sweet and inexpensive, may not be worth drinking.Sugary drinks can have many bad health effects, including a 26% greater risk of diabetes (糖尿病) for regular

15、 soda drinkers.And men drinking one can of sugary drinks per day have a 20% higher risk of having or dying from a heart attack than those who rarely drink them.The health effects of drinking soda also affect preschool children, heightening their chances of becoming obese at a very young age.Accordin

16、g to Harvard School of Public Health, one in three children in America are obese or overweight, and childhood obesity has tripled (增至三倍) in the last 30 years.Should government get people to reduce their drinking of soda and sugary drinks due to health effects?People in San Francisco were given the o

17、pportunity to voice their opinion on Proposition E, which suggested a soda tax (税)The tax, which needed to pass with a twothirds majority, would have provided money for health and physical education programs, and the hope was that it would also discourage citizens from buying unhealthy drinks.Althou

18、gh San Franciscos Proposition E failed to be passed, Berkeley citizens succeeded in passing the nations first ever sugary drink tax on their similar Measure D.People who were for the tax hoped that the price of sugary drinks would discourage people from buying them.Mexico recently introduced a tax o

19、n drinks, which, though not well received by the public, was successful in reducing the amount of soda bought.After the tax was put into effect, Mexicos biggest soda production companys sales dropped by 6.4%.People who were against the tax were concerned about their right to buy whatever drinks they

20、 wanted, without any additional taxes.Those who also disagreed were the market, the bar, and soda industries, which would possibly lose money from reduced sales of these drinks because of the added cost.And although the Proposition E tax money was supposed to go to cityoperated programs, some citize

21、ns were doubtful about how well this plan would have been carried out.5Harvard School of Public Health found that in America _.Asoda drinkers doubled in recent 30 yearsB26% of children are suffering from diabetesCthe number of obese children has increased greatlyDyoung soda drinkers often suffer fro

22、m heart attacks6What do we know about Proposition E?ASan Francisco citizens accepted it.BIt was passed successfully in Berkeley.CIt aimed to reduce the sales of sugary drinks.DIt was meant to raise money for poor children.7According to the text, the tax in Mexico _.Ahelped prevent people buying suga

23、ry drinksBgreatly reduced the production of soda drinksCreceived a warm welcome from the local citizensDforced many soda production companies to close down8Those who were against the tax worried that it might _.Anot be carried out smoothlyBaffect their rights and interestsCfail to achieve the expected goalDdo no good to society or the economy【答案】58CCAB


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