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1、BALBOA PARK STATION AREA PLAN San Francisco Planning Department,CONTEXT AND STUDY AREAS,Pedestrian Access,Rail Car Storage,Interstate 280,Geneva Office Building,Bart Station,EXISTING CONDITIONS Station Area,Phelan Loop,PUC access easement,City College from Reservoir,EXISTING CONDITIONS Phelan Loop/

2、Reservoir,Existing Open Space,Opportunity Sites,Existing Street Grid,INITIAL DESIGN ANALYSIS,OPPORTUNITY & CONSTRAINTS Plan Area,URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Plan Area,Extended Street Grid,Potential Block Pattern,Potential Open Space,FULL ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN,URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Station Area,EXISTING COND

3、ITIONS - A Fragmented Grid,RE-CONNECTING - The Public Realm,URBAN FORM - The Buildings,STATION AREA CONCEPT Illustration of Mixed Use Housing and Transit Station,Geneva Transit Plaza,The Upper Yard,One Vision for the Muni/ Bart Station,URBAN DESIGN SKETCHES Station Area,EXISTING CONDITIONS - Broken

4、Streetwall,RE-CONNECTING - Establishing a Pattern,URBAN FORM - Creating Street Walls,URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Phelan Loop/Reservoir,STATION AREA CONCEPT Illustration of Mixed Use Housing and Open Space at the Phelan Loop,STATION AREA CONCEPT Illustration of Mixed Use Housing and Open Space at the Phel

5、an Loop,Street Section Ocean Ave - Residential over Shops,Street Section Phelan Ave & Reservoir,URBAN DESIGN STUDY SKETCHES Phelan Loop / Reservoir,Buildings Phelan Commons,In some instances, new buildings may be developed on larger, isolated parcels, such as the Phelan Loop. These buildings should

6、be sensitively designed to respect the character of the Ocean Avenue commercial corridor - they should be: Built up to the sidewalk Have active ground floor uses Have articulated facades that reduce apparent mass Incorporate design elements found in the area,INTEGRATING NEW BUILDINGS Design Guidelin

7、es,PHELAN LOOP - Kragen Site Analysis,PHELAN LOOP - Phelan Loop Site Analysis,PHELAN LOOP - Phelan Loop Concept Analysis,STATION AREA Upper Yard Analysis,Goals: Preserve and enhance the human-scaled, pedestrian character of buildings and land uses along Ocean Avenue Establish design guidelines that

8、will ensure new buildings respect and compliment the scale and character of buildings found in the area Improve the urban design and streetscape quality of the Plan area in ways that are compatible with existing and projected land uses Reinforce the image of Ocean Avenue as the “heart” of the area,

9、and as a vital part of the community,OCEAN AVENUE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR - Design Guidelines,OCEAN AVENUE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR - Building Facade & Streetscape Improvements,OCEAN AVENUE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR - Building Facade & Streetscape Improvements,URBAN PLANNING STUDIO San Francisco,MILPITAS MIDTOWN S

10、pecific Plan,Illustrative Plan,Station Green & Housing Concept,Proposed Street Section,CITY OF REDWOOD CITY Downtown Area Plan,Plan Area Land Use & Opportunity Sites,Illustrative Plan of Housing Concept,Illustration of Housing Concept,City of Redwood City Downtown Area Plan Overview,Residential Emph

11、asis Alternative,Proposed Streets,Plan Area,Focus on Transit. Create two new neighborhoods around transit stations.,Importance of Public Realm. The open space network compliments the street grid and provides connections throughout Corridor Area.,Urban Design Concepts,Highest intensities closest to s

12、tation,Mixed-use can be horizontal or vertical,Comfortable sidewalks,Infill streets to frame widest streets with tallest buildings,Urban Design Concepts,Street trees and on-street parking create comfortable boundary between sidewalk from street,VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY Transit Oriented Site Design,Capital LRT Station - Green Court Alternative,Blossom Hill LRT - High Density Alternative,Curtner LRT - High Density Alternative,


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