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1、Chinese Opera,-Dream,Introduction of Chinese Opera,History,Chinese opera is evoluted from ancient song and dance. In 800 BC, there emerged “You“, who were fostered by the rich for their own entertainment, usually males, expert in singing, dancing and impersonations, turned into the earliest actors o

2、f Chinese opera. In the Tang Dynasty, there emerged “Canjun opera,“ featured by its humor. The main purpose was to satirize and reprimand through amusing gestures and dialogues.,戏曲的形成相当漫长,到了宋元之际才得成型。成熟的戏曲要从元杂剧算起,经历明、清的不断发展成熟而进入现代,历一千百多年繁盛不败。比较有影响力的剧种:唐参军戏,元代杂剧,明清传奇,清代地方戏中的京剧等。,During Ming and Qing d

3、ynasties, various dramatic art appeared, “Chuanqi“ (romance) replaced “Zaju“ as a new and prevailing mode of drama. “Chuanqi“, literally means “strange and odd stories“, it is always complicated and elusive yet moving, telling stories that happening among human beings, ghosts and gods, usually elega

4、nt versed and of greater scale. The performances became more skillful and were usually performed in Kunqu opera. Beijing opera assumed its present form in the mid-19th century and was extremely popular in the latter part of the Qing Dynasty (16441911).,Variaties,From Han Dynasty to the 20 Century ,t

5、here existed many kinds of operas. According to statistics,currently Chinese operas continue to exist in 368 different forms.We can divided them based on the periods when they emerged an the areas where they appeard.,Northern Beijing opera 京剧 YuJu opera 豫剧 QuJu opera 曲剧 YueDiao opera 越调 Errenzhuan/B

6、angzixi/Benbeng opera 二人转 (Northeast China) Hebei bangzi 河北梆子 (Hebei) Jiju 吉剧 (Jilin) Lju 吕剧 (Shandong) Pingju 评剧 (Hebei) Puju 蒲剧 (Shanxi) Qinqiang/Qin dynasty opera 秦腔 (Shaanxi) Shandong bangzi (Shandong) Shanxi bangzi (Shanxi),Southern,Ballad-sing Cantonese opera (Guangdong)粤剧 Chaozhouopera Ganju(

7、Jiangxi)赣剧 Gaojia opera (Quanzhou) Huaguxi (Hubei/Hunan) Huju (Shanghai)沪剧 Kunqu昆曲 Liyuan opera梨园戏 Min opera (Fuzhou) Nanxi (Wenzhou),Huangmei opera(AnHui)黄梅戏 Ouju (Wenzhou)瓯剧 Puppet opera木偶戏 Puxian opera (Putian)莆仙戏 Shaoxing opera(Zhejiang) Suzhou opera (Suzhou) Taizhou luantan (Taizhou) Taiwanese

8、opera台湾戏剧 Wuju (Jinhua) Yongju (Ningbo) Zhuji luantan (Zhuji),Peking opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was e

9、xtremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. Major performance troupes are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north, and Shanghai in the south. The art form is also preserved in Taiwan, where it is known as Guoju . It has also spr

10、ead to other countries such as the United States and Japan.,京剧 Peking Opera,The Role of Opera,Sheng,Dan,Jing,Chou,A List of Operas,*梅派(花衫) 霸王别姬、贵妃醉酒、洛神、穆桂英挂帅,*程派(青衣) 荒山泪、六月雪、亡蜀鉴、马昭仪,*尚派(刀马旦) 双阳公主、三娘教子、祭塔,四大名旦,Performer,梅兰芳、程砚秋、尚小云、荀慧生,四大须生,二十世纪二十年代四大须生:余叔岩、高庆奎、言菊朋、马连良 二十世纪三十年代四大须生:余叔岩、言菊朋、马连良、谭富英 二十

11、世纪四十年代四大须生:马连良、谭富英、杨宝森、奚啸伯,梅兰芳,程砚秋,尚小云,荀慧生,黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera,一、黄梅戏的简介( the Introduction of Huangmei opera ),二、唱腔伴奏 语 言 伴 奏,三、优秀剧目,黄梅戏,中国汉族地方戏曲,旧称黄梅调或采茶戏,与京剧、越剧、评剧 、豫剧并称中国五大剧种。它发源于湖北、安徽、江西三省交界处黄梅多云山,与鄂东和赣东北的采茶戏同出一源,其最初形式是湖北黄梅一带的采茶歌。黄梅戏用安庆语言念唱,唱腔淳朴流畅,以明快抒情见长,具有丰富的表现力;黄梅戏的表演质朴细致,以真实活泼著称。 黄梅戏来自于民间,雅俗共赏

12、、怡情悦性,她以浓郁的生活气息和清新的乡土风味感染观众。,黄梅戏简介,三、伴 奏 黄梅戏最初只有打击乐器伴奏,即所谓“三打七唱”。抗日战争时期,曾尝试用京胡托腔;后又试用二胡伴奏,但都未能推广。,一、唱腔 黄梅戏唱腔有三种形式:主腔、花腔、三腔(“彩腔”、“仙腔”、“阴司腔”三种腔体的统称)。,二、语言 黄梅戏语言以安庆地方语言为基础,属北方方言语系的江淮方言。其特点为-唱词结构在整本戏多为七字句和十字句式。七字句大多是二、二、三结构,十字句大多是三、三、四结构。,黄梅戏的优秀剧目有天仙配、牛郎织女、槐荫记、女驸马、孟丽君、夫妻观灯、打猪草、柳树井、蓝桥会、路遇、王小六打豆腐、小辞店、玉堂春西

13、楼会、纺棉花、秋千架等等。,优秀剧目,Shaoxing Opera ( Yue Opera ),Yue Opera, originated in the area of Sheng County in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in the early period of the century, is a rapidly developed local opera with a short history in China. It was named “Yue Opera“ because it has its origin in part of Yue Sta

14、te in the Spring and Autumn Period dating back about 2,000 years ago. By now, many years development has made it a most important opera style next to Beijing Opera in China .The voices of Yue Opera are soft and beautiful, and easy to learn. Different voices from various schools were developed which

15、led to the emergence of large numbers of fans devoted to each school.,The famous and heart-rending Chinese violin concerto Butterflys Love drew its musical materials from Yue Opera. The film of Yue Opera from the same play won an award at an international film festival in the music category. The mal

16、e role in a Yue Opera play is always played by women and the characters appear exceptionally charming, natural and unrestrained.,Now Yue Opera as a folk opera style has its origins in Hangzhou. Yue Opera lovers would meet regularly and sing. If you come to Hangzhou and stroll along the lakeside in the early morning, you will certainly hear opera lovers heartily singing Yue Opera.,The end,Thank you!,


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