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1、2019/5/25,1,中国诗词中英文赏析,2019/5/25,2,春晓,This morn of spring in bed Im lying Not to awake till birds are crying After one night of wind and showers How many are the fallen flowers!,SPRING MORNING,2019/5/25,3,登鹤雀楼,The sun along the mountain bows The Yellow River seawards flows You will enjoy a grander si

2、ght By climbing to a greater height,ON THE STORK TOWER,2019/5/25,4,江雪,From hill to no bird in flight From path to path no man in sight A straw-cloakd man in a boat,lo! Fishing on river clad in snow,FISHING IN SNOW,2019/5/25,5,Before my bed a pool of light Can it be hoarfrost on the ground? Looking u

3、p, I find the moon bright Bowing,in homesickness Im drowned,THOUGHTS ON A STILL NIGHT,静夜思,2019/5/25,6,塞下曲,His arrow tufted with hawks feather His pennon shaped like swallows tail He gives an order out,together A thousand battalions shout:”Hail!,On a dark night grass shivers at winds howl The general

4、 takes it for a tigers growl He shoots and looks for his arrow next morn Only to find a rock pierced mid the thorn,BORDER SONGS,2019/5/25,7,赠汪伦,I,Li Bai, sit aboard a ship about to go When suddenly on shore your farewell songs oerflow However deep the Lake of Peach Blossoms may be Its not so deep,O

5、Wang Lun, as your love for me,TO WANG LUN,2019/5/25,8,精 彩 单 句,2019/5/25,9,担心迷路?有了我们的马路宝典,你就可以随心所欲指哪儿去哪儿,真是实用之至。,。,问 路,2019/5/25,10,刚下火车要去希尔顿饭店找个朋友,迎面走来一小伙子,你问他:您能告诉我怎么去希尔顿饭店?,Could you please tell me the way to Hilton Hotel?,2019/5/25,11,小伙子热情地讲了一大堆,左拐右拐地,把你都弄糊涂了。 干脆乘公车去吧。于是问:我可以乘车去吗?,Can I take a b

6、us there?,2019/5/25,12,小伙子说:当然可以了,拐弯就可以乘到车了。于是你想知道:要多长时间呢?,How long does it take to get to the Hotel?,2019/5/25,13,小伙子说只有五分钟的路程。原来这么近,不如步行去吧!我想步行去那儿行吗?,Can I go there on foot?,2019/5/25,14,小伙子说可能会很累。拐了弯找到了车站你匆匆看了站牌上了车问售票员:这车到希尔顿饭店吗?,Does this bus go to Hilton Hotel?,2019/5/25,15,售票员点头称是,于是你上了车。先买票吧。

7、一张去希尔顿的票。多少钱?,One ticket to Hilton Hotel. How much is the fare?,2019/5/25,16,你买了票,想问问该在哪站下:您能告诉我在哪站下车吗?到站了,你下了车,看到希尔顿饭店赫然眼前。,Could you tell me which stop to get off at?,2019/5/25,17,公司前台问你有何贵干,你清楚地告诉他:我是来面谈的。,Im scheduled for an interview.Ive come for an interview.,应 聘,2019/5/25,18,招聘者问你所学的专业,你答到:我大

8、学刚毕业。在大学我主修工商管理。,Im just finishing college, with a major in business administration.,2019/5/25,19,对方简单介绍了他们的公司和工作情况,问你感觉如何,你可以说:我相信,我也喜欢在这里工作的。,Im sure Ill enjoy working here.,2019/5/25,20,对方说他们不喜欢没有责任心的人,你可以向他保证:我相信我可以克尽职守。,Im sure I could do my job satisfactorily.,2019/5/25,21,对方提到你可以在这里学到很多东西,但薪水

9、可能不是很高,你可以说:获取经验比高薪更重要,至少对我来说是这样。,To get experience is much more important than to be well paid, as far as I am concerned.,2019/5/25,22,然后再借用别人的一句话,强调“经验“的重要性:经验没有代用品。,Theres no substitute for experience.,2019/5/25,23,面试最后,要问一下:我什么时候才能知道是否被录用呢?,When can I know whether I am accepted or not.,2019/5/25

10、,24,最后,别忘了礼貌地说上一句:能跟你谈话真好。,Its been nice talking to you.,2019/5/25,25,Unit 21. What are you doing?,Lesson 1,2019/5/25,26,.Duty report,1.Whos on duty today?,2.Is everyone here today?,3.What day is it today?,2019/5/25,27,.Spelling and pronunciation,tree trousers train,/tr/,tr,dr,/dr/,drink hundred,ts/

11、tes,/ts/,its cats kites,ds/des,/dz/,birds friends,2019/5/25,28,.Talk about the pictures,The woman is skiing.,Is the woman skiing?,Yes,she is.,What is the woman doing?,2019/5/25,29,They are singing.,Are they singing?,Yes,they are.,What are they doing?,2019/5/25,30,.Stree and intonation,What is she do

12、ing? Shes mending her bike. What are you doing? Im cleaning the window. Is he singing a song? Yes,he is./ No,he isnt. Are they playing football? Yes,they are./ No,they arent.,2019/5/25,31,.Grammer,Using the Present Continuous Tense(使用现在进行时),1。现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作).,2。谓语结构:be(am,is,are)+doing,否定

13、式:be(am,is,are)+not+doing 疑问式:Be(Am,Is,Are)+主+doing,2019/5/25,32,.动词-ing形式的构成,2019/5/25,33,.Add ing to the following verbs,look drink have catch draw,think work give fly clean,looking,drinking,having,catching,drawing,thinking,working,giving,flying,cleaning,2019/5/25,34,.Corret the sentences,1.I clea

14、ning the house now.,2.He is listen to me.,3.He is writeing.,4.They are runing.,I am cleaning the house now.,He is listening to me.,He is writing.,They are running.,2019/5/25,35,.Ask and answer,Whats he/she doing?,1.,2.,3.,4.,2019/5/25,36,What are they doing?,1.,4.,3.,2.,2019/5/25,37,.Read and act,I.New word,wear v. 穿着,2019/5/25,38,II. wear and put on,wear 强调状态 He is wearing a coat.,put on 强调动作 He is putting on a coat.,2019/5/25,39,III.Questions,1.What is she wearing?,Lucy,Lily,2019/5/25,40,制作人:柏杨 2004/03/20,


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