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1、26/05/2019,上海浦东威立雅自来水有限公司Shanghai Pudong Veolia Water Corporation Limited,2010年5月19日,26/05/2019,2,演示内容Contents of the presentation,公司简介 General presentation of the company 2002-2009年间改进 2002 2009: Improvements,26/05/2019,合同概况Contract 关键数据Key Facts,1,公司简介 General presentation of the company,26/05/201

2、9,4,合同概况Contract,股权比例(50:50) Partner (50% vs. 50%),关键数据Key events: 中国首次引进外国企业负责制水、输配及服务 First time in China invited foreign investor in charge of water production, distribution and customer service 企业性质从国有企业改为中法合资企业 Legal status from State Owned Enterprises to Sino French Joint Venture 上海唯一一家股权比例为50

3、/50合资企业 50:50 Joint Venture, only 1 in Shanghai,上海水务资产经营发展公司 Shanghai Water Assets Operation and Development Co., Ltd,26/05/2019,5,合同概况Contract,服务区域:672 km2 Service Area: 672 km2 5家自来水厂9个泵站 5 Water Treatment Plants, 9 Pumping Stations 管网长度: 3,793 km (diameter 75mm1,800 mm) Network: 3,793 km(管径75mm1,

4、800 mm) 服务人口:4百万 Population served: 4 million 水表数量达1,067,000块 1,067,000 water meters 4 个营业中心 4 Agencies 员工总数达1225 1,225 employees 平均日处理能力达145立方米/天 Average daily capacity:1.45 million m3/day,26/05/2019,生产 Production 水质 Water quality 管网管理、无收益水(NRW)、控制中心 Network management, NRW, Control Center 客户服务 Cus

5、tomer Service 人力资源、健康与安全及培训 HR, H&S and Training 技术创新与首创 Innovation and initiatives,2,2002 2009年间改进 2002 2009: Improvements,26/05/2019,7,2002-2009: 增长与改进Growth and Improvements,26/05/2019,8,生产Production,5家自来水厂总处理能力达145万立方米/天: 5 water plants with daily capacity of 1.45 Mm3/d: 临江水厂Linjiang WP: 600,000

6、 m3/d 凌桥水厂Lingqiao WP: 400,000 m3/d 杨思水厂Yangsi WP: 250,000 m3/d 居家桥水厂Jujiaqiao WP: 100,000 m3/d 陆家嘴水厂Lujiazhui WP: 100,000 m3/d 2002-2009年间处理能力上升了25%。 25% of additional production capacity from 2002 to 2009,26/05/2019,9,生产Production,临江水厂扩建工程:采用 ACTIFLO 加 TGV滤池紧凑设计增加20万立方米/天处理能力 Linjiang WTP extensio

7、n : 200,000 m3/d of additional capacity with compact technology ACTIFLO and TGV filters 凌桥水厂进水口:进水口延长360米,确保了取水量并优化了水质。进水泵站改造 Linqiao WTP intake : Extension of the water intake by about 360m. Guaranteed water quantity and improved water quality. Reconstruction of intake pump station 居家桥水厂更新改造:水质控制、加

8、药系统、加氯系统、自动化控制、电力系统、水泵 Jujiaqiao Renewal : Water quality control, dosing system, chlorination system, automation and control, power system, pumps 锰处理:凌桥水厂、居家桥水厂、杨思水厂、陆家嘴水厂(临江水厂实施中)Mn Treatment : Linqiao WTP, Jujiaqiao WTP, Yangsi WTP, Lujiazui WTP (Linjiang WTP in progress),26/05/2019,10,水质Water Qua

9、lity,2002-2006年间全面满足国标GB5749-1985要求 Comprehensive compliance with GB5749-1985 regulation during 2002 2006 period 为新国标GB5749-2006实施准备中In preparation for compliance with new GB5749-2006 regulation 平均浊度改善Improved average turbidity 出厂水浊度从2002年0.20NTU下降到2009年0.10NTU Water Plant - 0.20 NTU in 2002 to 0.10

10、 NTU in 2009 管网水浊度从2002年0.41NTU下降到 2009年的0.26NTU Network - 0.41 NTU in 2002 to 0.26 NTU in 2009 锰达标率从2002年61%上升至2009年 97.83%。Manganese compliance Improved from 61% in 2002 to 97.83% in 2009 改善水厂水质在线监测 Improved online control in water plants,26/05/2019,11,水质Water Quality,创建一流化验室,能开展新国标GB5749-2006 全指标

11、分析Creation of a first-class Central Laboratory capable of analyzing all parameters of GB5749-2006 regulation 自2005年起制定自控计划调查水质情况。Self-control plan to survey water quality since 2005 2009年采集水样数达4500个;检测结果达9万份。2009: 4,500 samples taken; 90,000 test results per year 共设有100个管网水采样点及25个水质在线监测点100 sampling

12、 points and 25 online water quality points in the network 跟踪涉及水质问题客户来电,有关水质投诉比例大幅度下降低至0.47%。Follow-up of customers calls concerning water quality. Sharp reduction of complains to less than 0.47% of the total,26/05/2019,12,管网管理Network Management,管网大规模扩展Significant expansion of the network 从2002年1975k

13、m增加至2009年的3793km。1,975 km in 2002 to 3,793 km in 2009 管理软件开发Development of management tools 降低无收益水量Reduction of Non-Revenue Water 2006年10月整合浦江镇业务Integration of Pujiang Town in October 2006 2008年4月整合浦东新区业务Integration of Pudong New District in April 2008 管网长度增加92%。+ 92% network length,26/05/2019,13,26

14、/05/2019,13,管网管理Network Management,建立水力模型,用于管网诊断、规划及设计;建立水质模型Implementation of Hydraulic Model of the Network for diagnostic, planning and design; development of water quality model,26/05/2019,14,26/05/2019,14,管网管理Network Management,建立地理信息系统(GIS),作为地下资产及事件数据库,为施工作业提供支援: Implementation of Geographic

15、Information System (GIS) as database of underground assets, events and support for operations: 管线、阀门、消防栓、水表、压力点、流量计、水质采样点、渗漏点修复、停水管理、客户投诉等Pipes, valves, fire hydrants, all meters, pressure points, flow meters, water quality sampling points, leakage reparation, water cut-offs, customer complaints,26/

16、05/2019,15,26/05/2019,15,管网管理Network Management,分区管理:安装了430个电磁流量计,将管网分成34个水力区域。Zoning project, creation 34 hydraulic zones through the installation of 430 electromagnetic flow-meters,26/05/2019,16,26/05/2019,16,管网管理Network Management,管网改造新方法- MOSARE(管网分析统计模块) Implementation of new pipe network renew

17、al method - MOSARE,2007年起用的新维修工单New reparation sheet in 2007,26/05/2019,17,26/05/2019,17,管网管理Network Management,GPS技术应用Implementation of accurate GPS technology,便携GPS Portable GPS,实时动态定位RTK,26/05/2019,18,26/05/2019,18,无收益水Non-Revenue Water,管网中无收益水分布NRW distribution over the network 产生无收益水主要原因Main re

18、asons of NRW 读表管理Meter reading management 非法用水Illegal connections 消防栓管理Fire hydrant management 漏损Leakage 有效控制措施Measures effective 水表GPS定位Meter locating by GPS 向非法用户寄发律师信Lawyers letter to illegal user 员工激励机制Employee motivation policies,26/05/2019,19,26/05/2019,19,控制中心Control Center,通过SCADA系统实现水厂、泵站及4

19、30个管网网点与控制中心间连接。Water Plant, Pumping Station and 430 network points connected to Control Center via SCADA system GIS系统,水力模型 GIS, Hydraulic Model 统一调度Centralized coordination of operations 优化运行指令(响应,联系) Optimization of operation instructions (reactivity, communication) 系统于2004年12月投入使用System operating

20、 since December 2004 集成信息系统(EXPO) Integrated information system (EXPO),26/05/2019,20,26/05/2019,20,客户服务Customer Service,客户水表:由4个营业中心负责管理。营业中心同时还负责小型地下水表(约占总售水量37%)管理。Tap meter: Managed by 4 agencies, agencies also managed small underground meter. (around 37% of total consumption) 大客户水表: 指由大客户部管理管径大于

21、40mm地下水表(占总售水量50%) Big customer meter: Diameter 40mm underground meter managed by big customer department (around 50% of total consumption),26/05/2019,21,26/05/2019,21,客户服务Customer Service,不同用水性质销售情况 Water Sales in Categories,26/05/2019,22,26/05/2019,22,客户服务Customer Service,呼叫中心Call center A new cal

22、l center of 16 positions with 30 employees (7d/7 and 24h/24) opened on 31th December 2004.Customers will be allowed to manage more and more operations without coming to our agencies. 新建呼叫中心设有16个席位,共30名员工,于2004年12月31日投入使用,为客户提供每周7天,每天24小时全天候服务,让客户不必前往营业厅即可办理各类型业务。 新联系方式:短信、电子邮件、传真、信函等New means of con

23、tacts:SMS, Email, Fax, Letters 从5条模拟线路增加到60条数字线路(2条E1线, 每条支持30路电话线) More lines from 5 Analogical lines to 60 Digital lines (2E1/3trunks each) 网上缴费系统 (弹出窗口) On line access to the billing system (pop-up screen) 网上申诉On line registration of the Claims 自动向技术团队派送工单(新网络) Automatic transfer of the Service O

24、rder to the technical team(using new Network) 在营业中心设置远程呼叫中心Remotes Call Centers in the Agencies 采用新统计方法及尖端工具实现呼叫中心监控。New statistics and sophisticated tools to monitor the new Call Center,26/05/2019,23,26/05/2019,23,客户服务Customer Service,VIP 客户VIP Customers 创建大客户部Create Big Customer Unit 8047 个大客户( DN

25、 40 mm )约占总售水量50%。 8 047 Biggest Customers (DN 40 mm) represent around 50% of the total volume of our sales. 组建专门团队以新的专业软件( VIP 系统)负责大客户水表管理,We have created a special team to manage those meters using a special new Software (VIP System). 为大客户安装无线远传水表和GSM水表Radio and GSM meters for Big Customers 为保障大客

26、户水表读表质量,着手安装GPRS无线远传水表。To guarantee the quality of reading of our Big Customers, have started to implement Radio Meters with GPRS transmission. 收集GPS信息,准确定位大客户地下水表GPS Information is being collected in order to position underground meters accurately for Big Customers.,26/05/2019,24,26/05/2019,24,人力资源

27、 健康与安全 Human Resources - Health & Safety,2002年11月组织健康与安全审查,查出近200个安全风险。已实施强化行动计划。General Health and Safety audit carried out in November 2002. Near 200 safety risks detected. An intensive action plan has been implemented. 每年检查健康与安全条件及行动计划实施情况,制定修正措施Every year, review of conditions and action plan wi

28、th corrective measures. 健康与安全管理系统:临江水厂于2004年通过健康与安全国际标准认证( OSHAS18001) Health and Safety Management System: Linjiang WP was certified with the international standard for Health and Safety (OSHAS18001) in 2004. 凌桥水厂及泵站于2006年通过OSHAS18001认证In 2006: Linqiao WTP and Pump Stations OSHAS18001 Certification

29、 管网部,客服,浦茂公司于2008年通过OSHAS18001认证 In 2008: Network Department, Customer Service and Pumao Co., OSHAS18001 Certification. 2009年员工总数达1225名 1225 Employees in 2009,26/05/2019,25,26/05/2019,25,人力资源 培训Human Resources Training,启动技能本位培训项目Launching CBT 大力推广各类培训:技术、财务、健康与安全、英语、管理、IT等。Strong impulse to all trai

30、nings: technical, financial, H&S, English, management, IT 目标是受训员工比例达100%。Target of 100% of the employees being trained。 人均培训时数45-50时/年/人, 2008年总培训时数为655,441小时。45-50 hours training /year/employee. 655,441 hours of training in 2008 培训由本单位在当地组织,或由威立雅水务亚太培训中心统一安排Trainings organized locally or through VW

31、 Asia Pacific,受训员工比例 Percentage of trained employees,26/05/2019,26,26/05/2019,26,技术创新Innovation,过去四年所开展提升技术水平与技术创新举措:Several initiatives to promote technical progress and innovation have been developed in the last four years: 联合同济大学环境科学和工程学院开展活性炭过滤研究 Activated Carbon filtering study in cooperation w

32、ith the College of Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE), Tongji University 联合同济大学环境科学和工程学院开展居家桥水厂过滤效率优化研究Study on the Jujiaqiao WTP filtration in cooperation with the CESE, Tongji University 节能增效项目(进行中) Energy-saving and efficiency-raising projects (in progress) 引进新水质检测技术,如氨氮检测仪和颗粒计数仪Introdu

33、ction of new water quality measurement technology like NH3-N meter and particle counters 联合交通大学开展合作研究氨泄漏吸收技术 Research in Ammonia leakage neutralization technology, in cooperation with Jiaotong University,26/05/2019,27,26/05/2019,27,首创管理模式Management Initiatives,经董事会批准,于2006年启动管理模式包括: Initiatives launched in 2006 with the approval of Board of Directors: 环境管理系统Environmental Management System 能耗优化 Optimization of energy cost 工作岗位研究 Working positions study IT安全计划IT Safety Plan 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 危机管理计划 Crisis Management Plan,


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