Hyperion System 9 BI+ 使管理和分析更简单.ppt

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1、Hyperion System 9 BI+ 使管理和分析更简单,邵小卫 商务智能售前总监 海波龙中国区,什么是商务智能?,在90年代中期,Gartner Group提出了BI概念 商业智能 (BI)是一组应用和技术工具集,可以用来收集、存储、分析和提供数据访问来帮助企业用户作更好的业务决策。BI应用包括决策支持系统、查询和报表、在线分析处理、统计分析、预测和数据挖掘 是一个全面的概念,包括了OLAP、查询工具、报表工具。 “最终用户的信息访问和分析工具” 架构和实现都各自不相同,商业智能,关系型数据查询工具,报表工具,OLAP,数据集市/仓库工具,分析应用,数据挖掘,战略价值,BI 与 BPM

2、?,80s 90s,今天,BI架构带来了很多机遇,Data Designer/Modeler,Project Manager,Technical Architects,Data Warehouse Administrator,Business Requirements Analyst,Database Administrator,Data Acquisition (ETL) Developer,Source: Chart from Gartner Research,Hyperion,Hyperion BI机会?,数据模型设计,项目管理,技术架构,数据仓库管理,业务需求分析,数据库管理,数据获取

3、开发,Source: Chart from Gartner Research,Hyperion,全新的Hyperion系统架构,应用架构,BI平台工具,BI平台服务,Copyright 2007, Hyperion. All rights reserved.,Hyperion System 9,提高效率 减少业务风险 降低 TCO,整合财务管理应用和BI平台的 BPM System,INFORMATION MANAGEMENT,INFORMATION DELIVERY,INFORMATION PRODUCTION,Hyperion System 9: 国际化企业的管理系统,Hyperion S

4、ystem 9: 改变业务解决方案的管理系统,建立于丰富的经验,新的产品 | 新用户界面 | 统一的架构 集成各种用户充分认可的BI产品 Hyperion Intelligence Hyperion Analyzer Hyperion Reports Hyperion SQR 集成 多种BPM 产品 Hyperion Performance Scorecards Hyperion Metrics(KPI) Hyperion Essbase Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Planning,System 9整合了用户充分认可的各种Hyperi

5、on技术,“Windows on the Web” 的用户感觉,一致性 BI的所有模块 所有用户的界面 在线和离线 交互性 拖拽 下钻和穿透 旋转 过滤 效率 纯HTML方式 快捷访问,自助式报表和仪表板创建,存在的查询 和报表,点击,点,产生,业务分析,组件,模板,关系型 多维型 BPM系统,对任意数据源的透明访问,Essbase 先进的分析,先进的分析,商业规则,预测,分摊,货币转换,What-if?分析,分析大量数据,即时分析,数据挖掘,Navigation,Sparse Data Set,财务,业务,继续全面利用强大的Essbase平台,财务智慧,Delivering Broad Ca

6、pabilities,仪表板,财务报表,生产报表,指标管理,Office整合,Ad Hoc查询 和报表,记分卡,多维度分析,各种不同报表的支持,交互式报表 自助式报表 经典的管理报表 旋转、切片、钻取等交互式分析报表 企业级/业务报表 任意格式报表 核心业务报表解决方案 财务报表 强大的财务报表能力 访问Hyperion Panning,HFM,Essbase和SAP BW,Ad-hoc查询和分析,关系数据源的Ad-hoc查询 真正自助式的Ad-hoc查询 直接数据源的访问 完全图形化界面易于使用 多维分析 强大的分析功能 优秀的展现能力,高度整合Microsoft Office,对Offic

7、e 强力的输出 保持格式,高质量 Office 报表 Font, 彩色,空间,等等 可把里面的程式map到Excel的程式 可把内容输出到Word, PowerPoint, 或 Excel 支持”数据 only” 输出 Hyperion Smart View 所有的海波龙产品共同的 MS Office add-in 可跟所有的海波龙产品连接 从Excel, Word, PowerPoint, 或 Outlook 可以利用 数据 | Image | Form 跟数据来源动态的连接 共同的Point Of View 支持Office Smart Tag,可扩展的SOA架构,标准支持 SOAP, X

8、ML & WSDL J2EE & .NET 开发环境 可扩展,高性能 分布和复制组件 Services optimized for task-at-hand 64位支持 灵活的用户模型 为用户提供高交互性的瘦客户端 为开发者提供强大的开发端,工作台 - 动态HTML技术,开发客户端,Smart View Office Add-In,BI+ Core Services,Production Reporting Services,Interactive Reporting Services,Financial Reporting Services,Enterprise Metrics Servic

9、es,Analytic Services,Performance Scorecard Services,Foundation - Shared Services,Web App Server (s),BI+ Workspace Web-App,Financial Reporting Web-App,Interactive Reporting Web-App,Enterprise Metrics Web-App,Web Analysis Web-App,Analytic Services Web-App,Perf Scorecard Web-App,Shared Services Web-App

10、,MDM Services Web-App,Financial Mgmt Services Web-App,Planning Services Web-App,Financial Mgmt Services,Planning Services,MDM Services,HTTP Server,Hyperion System 9 单一架构的BPM系统,客户端,服务器,数据库,外部数据源,一致的视觉 基于浏览器 x.508支持,HTML Applets可选 Microsoft Office支持,SOA J2EE架构 Web服务支持 基于标准的创新 XML for Analysis JOLAP Ja

11、va Data Mining Interface XBRL,跨平台 Windows/UNIX Tomcat/WLS/WAS 可扩展 集群: 高可用性 负载均衡,所有主流数据库的支持 多维和关系型数据库支持,各种数据源,Hyperion System 9 单一架构的BPM系统,客户端,服务器,数据库,外部数据源,一致的视觉 基于浏览器 x.508支持,HTML Applets可选 Microsoft Office支持,SOA J2EE架构 Web服务支持 基于标准的创新 XML for Analysis JOLAP Java Data Mining Interface XBRL,跨平台 Wind

12、ows/UNIX Tomcat/WLS/WAS 可扩展 集群: 高可用性 负载均衡,所有主流数据库的支持 多维和关系型数据库支持,各种数据源,SOA 通过分布式的、可复制的服务提高效率和吞吐量,可扩展 更低的TCO,更大的硬件利用,符合标准 JDBC ODBC XMLA CWM,SAP 认证的报表和分析,SAP BW OLAP BAPI 认证 直接通过BAPI访问到SAP BW对象 Financial reporting, production reporting & ad-hoc analysis of SAP BW数据 Z爱报表和仪表板中混合SAP BW和关系型数据,和Google家族的整

13、合,Google OneBox 整合 快速的HS9 BI+ 共享库内容搜索 可以搜索查看仪表板快照 从搜索结果创建新查询,Essbase BSO,Essbase ASO,Intelligence,SQR,Metrics Builder,Reports,Analyzer,Master Data Management,Application Link Advanced,Hyperion Hub,新老产品对应表,Essbase Analytics,Enterprise Analytics,Interactive Reporting,Production Reporting,Enterprise Me

14、trics,Financial Reporting,Web Analysis,Master Data Management,Application Link Advanced,Foundation (Shared Services),Hyperion System 9 BI+,HS 9 Foundation Services,Performance Scorecard,Strategic Finance,Planning,Workforce Planning,Financial Management,Performance Scorecard,Strategic Finance,Plannin

15、g,Workforce Planning,Financial Management,Hyperion System 9 Apps+,让最终用户能够快速产生帐簿质量的财务和管理报表 内嵌的财务功能能够更加容易嵌入报表 预算和预测的报表的财务格式支持 更容易根据企业架构来创建独立的批量报表 丰富的输出支持,包括:HTML、PDF和在线查看 支持Hyperion应用, Hyperion Essbase Analytics, Hyperion Enterprise Analytics和SAP BW,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Financial Reporting,为所有的用户提供直观

16、的、强大的和图形化的在线分析 高级的分析功能,例如:排序、排列、过滤和用户定义计算 多用的展现方式,有表格、图形、动态图钉板和交通灯等 支持Hyperion应用, Hyperion Essbase Analytics, Hyperion Enterprise Analytics和SAP BW,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Web Analysis,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Interactive Reporting,对关系型数据源进行Ad-hoc查询和分析 丰富的数据展现 图形和图片 旋转透视表 交通灯 基于模板和向导创建仪表板 为移动用户提供离线能力 通过突出

17、显示显示指标,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Production Reporting,产生、管理和发布基于Web的海量的和展现质量的报表 精确的格式能力 参数化的报表 自动预警和数据处理任务 触发流程和支持闭合循环交易 和Web站点无缝整合 支持关系型数据库, 业务数据源, SAP R/3 and SAP BW,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Enterprise Metrics,Organized by subject area Enables rapid problem identification From summary metrics to root cau

18、se analysis Improve understanding of business-critical information across the entire enterprise Personalize and extend to ensure that the information received is appropriate,Hyperion System 9 BI+ Essbase Analytics,“One of the ten most influential technologies of the last decade”, Information Age mag

19、azine Sophisticated financial and business analysis Patented Multi-Dimensional database storage technology The premier platform for building Budgeting, Planning, Forecasting and Predictive applications,Essbase: The multi-dimensional database technology that put online analytical processing (OLAP) on

20、 the business intelligence map. it spurred the creation of scores of rival OLAP products - and billions of OLAP cubes. Information Age magazine August 2005,World-Class Finance for Global Organizations,Hyperion System 9 Essbase Analytics,Model your business by taking spreadsheets to the next level Ca

21、lculation engine for deriving results and creating aggregations, consolidations and complex calculations. Tight integration with Excel and “speed of thought” performance allow for a “conversation with the data” Forecasting, trend analysis, and other complex modeling, such as optimization or statisti

22、cal analysis are supported Integration with transaction and warehouse systems Open, published APIs allow for custom application development,Hyperion System 9 Enterprise Analytics,Sparse data set aggregation technology Massive scalability users, dimensionality, data Visualization of large data sets O

23、perational Analytics - Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing, Logistics, HR Inspired by Essbase, with a common development environment,“aggregate storage and sparse matrix data handling capabilities allow enterprise users to analyze across a much broader set of corporate data.” Madan Sheina, Computerwire,

24、World-Class Finance for Global Organizations,Hyperion System 9 Enterprise Analytics,Highly granular data Enormous dimensionality: millions of members within a dimension Manages tight batch windows, minimal load and calc times Allows navigation of large data sets Delivers “Speed of thought” performan

25、ce to business users Integrates with transaction and data warehouse systems,What is Hyperion DMS? A data infrastructure layer A family of products Comprised of products that are sold independently Not an SKU,Hyperion System 9 Data Management Services,What does Hyperion DMS do? It provides customers

26、with a proven set of products for managing data, financial data quality, and master data associated with their BPM deployments,The Extremes,Customer will prepare data and metadata to match Hyperion target,Technically no need for Hyperion DMS products BPMA provides single point of entry,Customer want

27、s a solution for preparing data and metadata to match Hyperion target Implies direct connectivity to ERP/CRM,Sell DIM for data and metadata movement,?,SIMPLE CASE,COMPLEX CASE,Most Common IT Change Management Solutions,变动管理缺乏过程控制,In the Hall,On the Phone,In the Mail,Pre-MDM Customer Scenario,Account

28、s Entity Channel Product Project Location,DW,Review Spreadsheet,Different people involved Inevitable manual process Error-prone No auditability No effective way to rollback changes Time and resource consuming,ETL EAI,ETL EAI,DW,Post-MDM Customer Scenario,Hyperion MDM solves the problem Implies estab

29、lishing or improving current process,集中的变动管理,Legacy GL,SAP,Custom Applications,Oracle Financials,Peoplesoft,Staging ODS,DM,ETL EAI,Query & Reporting,Hyperion Essbase,Hyperion Planning,HFM,Other Reporting Tools,Hyperion MDM Server,Business Process,DM,DW,iSetup,Tree Mover,BAPI / RFCs,Custom / ETL,Flat

30、 File,What is Hyperion Data Integration Management? A proven data integration platform Built for Hyperion System 9 Leverages Informatica PowerCenter technology,Hyperion System 9 Data Integration Management,What does Hyperion Data Integration Management do? Access, integrate, transform, and move data

31、 and metadata Between Hyperion System 9 and virtually any system, at any frequency, and any volume,新System 9 数据整合平台,Robust ETL Powered by Informatica BPM Adapters Certified ERP / CRM Adapters,财务数据质量管理,A packaged solution for finance users that includes: Guided web-based workflow user interface for d

32、eveloping standardized financial data management processes Data preparation server for collecting, mapping, verifying and moving financial data from any source system BPM Adapters for Hyperion System 9 Financial Management, Planning, Essbase Analytics and HSF to reduce the data integration costs and data mapping complexities.,传递数据和程序的透明度,


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